Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Skoy Scrub (2-Pack)

How to clean the old oil from the dishes and kitchen accessories

Skoy Scrub (2-Pack)

Cooking in the kitchen is always accompanied by oil splashes. Oil-containing vapor condenses on walls and furniture surfaces, dust is poured on it.

Over time, a thin invisible layer is now becoming very thin and unnoticeable. The question is, how to clean the kitchen from oil?

Even a fresh stain cannot be removed without the help of detergents. What kind of degreaser is effective in the kitchen?

Different tips come to your rescue. Apparently there are many ways. Nice, different, affordable.

If the pollution is not strong, you can separate your hands and leave the household chemicals. Baking soda and laundry soap will remove stains and stains. When these simple components are no longer effective, it is time to take radical measures.

Think carefully about what will remove the oils in the kitchen and what is necessary for this.

Soft rags;
Rubber gloves;
Detergents and cleaners.

Select the following cleaning options:

Household chemicals;
Available tools;
Steam cleaning.

Household chemicals

Cleaning with household chemicals is the fastest and most used method.

There is definitely a way to remove fat in the kitchen, for example:

Silith Bang,
Mr. Muscle
Sanita ...

Great variety of choice. A wide variety of manufacturers. There are also liquids that perfectly dissolve oils and clean clogged surfaces to wash ovens.

All effective, you just need to choose the appropriate option.

One of the options of how the kitchen can be degreased:

Wash the area of ​​contamination with warm water;
Apply detergent;
Wait for a while (until the plate is dissolved);
Whisk with a sponge, place a brush, a sponge with a metal sponge;
Remove residual cleaning agent from the surface;
Rinse with a damp sponge to the required purity;
Repeat if necessary.

However, you must clearly distinguish what a cleaning tool is for metal, glass, tiles and furniture. Each package is accompanied by instructions and must be strictly followed.

MDF-based facades can be washed with abrasive and chlorine-free cleaning agents, complete with plastic or film. It is better to use washing components for furniture. It is recommended to clean a small amount dissolved in water with a neutral detergent solution.

Warning! Be sure to wear gloves because strong detergents are toxic.

Treasure your hands, do not neglect safety while working with chemistry. If you have allergies or bronchial disease, it is better to avoid using aggressive agents.

NOTE! After this event, it is recommended that you ventilate the room.

Available at hand

How do you remove the oil from the kitchen or how do you remove the oil from the kitchen furniture in the easiest way? It is cleaning with soap and baking soda.

This is important! Soda should not be dissolved completely! It must remain in powder form and act as abrasive to “clean” particles and dirt.

The surface is first washed with warm, soapy water. Then add soda and rub with a sponge. When the oil runs out, simply remove the residue.

This method is suitable for washing metal surfaces and tiles. You can replace laundry soap with dishwashing detergent, which dissolves the oil. Baking soda is a water-soluble, slightly abrasive.

This is important! It cannot be used to clean kitchen furniture with glossy, enamel, polished soda! Scrape the surface.

How to remove kitchen furniture from oil - another method.

Take soda and vegetable oil in a 2: 1 ratio;
mix until creamy oats are crushed and apply to dirty areas with a sponge (you can use a brush);
rub well;
you will only need to wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

Attention! It is best to put the paper under the surface to be cleaned. Soda and oil slices will drop during the cleaning process.

You can use liquid ammonia diluted in water. 1 tablespoon. liquid ammonia 11 l. water. Pour water into the sprinkler, apply impurity. After a few minutes, rub with a sponge or brush.

It should be noted that vinegar, dry mustard, vinegar are also good, natural oil solvents. In the absence of other means, they can perfectly clean the surface.

Steam Cleaner - Reliable Assistant

Removing old oils from kitchen surfaces is perhaps the most time consuming cleaning part. When stains are still fresh and easily washed, they do not appear on the headset or on the desktop. The oil must freeze - and it can be seen very clearly already, but it is badly washable. Fortunately, it lends to various professional and public cleaning products for kitchen surfaces. How is the oil in the kitchen washed with headphone panels, tiles and counter tops?


As a rule, kitchen furniture facade panels are made of veneer, plastic or PVC film coating. These materials are resistant to moisture, scratches, impacts, shavings, temperature effects. And most importantly, they can be cleaned with traditional household chemicals, including those with abrasive properties.

Before removing old oil stains, the panel should be wiped with a sponge dipped in hot water. This is necessary to make the contaminant smoother and easier to remove from the surface. After 5-10 minutes, you can start cleaning using one of the following tools.

Mustard powder . Mustard is perfectly suited for cleaning oils and oils not only for the kitchen but also for stoves, sinks, refrigerators, pots and pans. However, it is not desirable to process only a series of wood. To remove the mustard oil, apply it to the contaminated areas and rub it with a dry cloth. Mustard residue is removed with a cloth or sponge.
Soda and laundry soap . In turn, these universal tools work better than one at a time. Soap acts as an oil solvent, soda acts as an abrasive. Spread the soap on a coarse grater, cover with water until a cloudy solution is obtained, and wipe dirty areas with it. Pour baking powder on top, rub a little and leave for 20 minutes. Clean with a sponge after washing. The method is also suitable for metal surfaces.
Soda and sunflower oil . The second component will help wash the oil better than soap. To prepare the cleaning solution, dilute the oil with 2: 1 soda. Take a consistency composition of sour cream. Apply to the oil stains with a sponge or apply better with a soft brush and wait 15 minutes. After removal of residues from the panels, wipe them with a damp cloth.
ammonia Dissolve one tablespoon of ammonia in one liter of water, pour into a spray bottle and spray on dirty surfaces. Leave the mixture briefly to dissolve the oil, open the glass, so that it does not suffer from a certain odor. Then remove the solution with a damp cloth.
Alcohol and Vinegar . Alcohol is a universal degreaser with a sterilizing effect. Mix two parts of water and one part of vinegar and alcohol. If desired, add 10 drops of essential oil for flavor. Place the mixture in a spray bottle, spray on the surface of the headset and leave for 15 minutes. The oil dissolves and can be easily removed with a damp sponge and releases a pleasant aroma in the kitchen.


Tiles in the kitchen, especially if decorative, require careful care. It cannot be cleaned with metal brushes and sponges, as it may damage the surface. For flooring, they produce special scrapers and household chemicals that allow you to maintain brightness. In the case of expensive tiles, it is better to clean with compositions for ceramic coatings. For example, Shumanit, Sanita, Mr. Muskul and others.

Tiles can be cleaned with old oil steam generator . First, heat the dirty areas with hot steam and then wipe them with a wet cloth or sponge. This method does not require the use of household chemicals.

Another effective tool for a smooth surface - melamine sponge . It acts like an eraser, adheres well to dirt and gently cleanses. It is only necessary to moisten the tile to lightly wet the oil stain, wet the sponge and scrub the contaminated areas.

How can you wash the oil in the kitchen with such a delicate surface? Suitable for non-corrosive folk remedies:

Laundry soap. Foam with sponge and walk on dirty surfaces.
Vegetable oil Apply to contaminated areas for several minutes and wash with sponge.
Mustard powder. Highly sensitive abrasive suitable for tile. Melt in a paste or use mustard, put on tile, leave for 10 minutes and then clean with a damp sponge;
Alcohol. Moisten them with oily dirt, rub and wash immediately with water.

Solid wood

The wooden surfaces of the kitchen set require the most precise handling, otherwise the color or texture will be damaged. Kitchen furniture from solid wood is cleaned with the best special tools for the maintenance of wooden surfaces. The folk remedies fit the following.

Raw potatoes . The tuber is cut in half and rubbed with half of the dirty floor, then the scar is cleaned with a wet cloth. This method is very time-consuming and only suitable for small impurities, but can be used on polished surfaces.

Pharmaceutical Talc . Wet sponge sprinkled with powder, rubbed dirty areas. The residue is cleaned with a dry cloth. The method is suitable for precision polished panels.

Cleaning is not always enjoyable, especially if the hostess is confronted with the question of how to remove oil from the kitchen. The surfaces of tables, cupboards and cookers quickly become dirty and accumulate cooking marks on themselves and it is not that easy to get rid of them. To make the task easier, you need to understand how and what to wash the oil from the kitchen furniture, so it's quick and efficient.

Modern housewives have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of products offered in stores. However, they are increasingly returning to old and proven public cleaning methods, using the effective tools available.

The first and foremost rule that the kitchen should always be cleaned and bright is that it should be cleaned regularly. So, since you don't have to figure out how to wash old fats in the kitchen, it's better not to start them up, and get rid of them if they get dirty. Among the other main recommendations, the most useful ones are:

By starting cleaning, you need to understand which materials are composed of surfaces to be washed. Different detergents are suitable for different parts of the kitchen and furniture.
You should read and follow the instructions for use before using the store cleaning agent.
Compositions made from improvised cleaning products, it is better to first try a small area of ​​the kitchen surface and then wash everything.
Detergent preparations and mixtures should be washed thoroughly with clean water and then dry the surface to avoid stains.

The kitchen is the face of a housewife. We meet guests, work or study, have a full breakfast and spend a lot of time. Therefore, the cleanliness of the kitchen room is a burning issue that annoys all housewives. Unfortunately, the crazy rhythm of our lives, as in kitchen furniture, does not give you a temporary opportunity to be careful, and this should be done every day. We apply cleaning only when the oily coating becomes noticeably clear. By answering the question of how to clean the kitchen oil, two ways are worth thinking - folk and chemical. We will apply them to the kitchen set, the stove, the hood and the tile. To do this, you need to know which surface and what you can remove to avoid damaging it in the form of scratches or whitish tones.
How to clean the kitchen oil set

The closest objects to the hob surface are kitchen cabinets, so the oil stains on them are not uncommon. Usually, when cooking, the hot oil simply splashes, splashing around, leaving an unpleasant yellow patina, which becomes difficult to fully dry and secrete within a few hours. Think about what you can use to wash the oil in the kitchen cabinets without damaging the surface.

The most important rule - Do not use fibers with abrasive surfaces and cleaning products containing the same abrasive.

By selecting the "assistant" tools, it is necessary to create the type of surface on which the contamination will be removed. Kitchen furniture made of:

DSP (laminated or conventional) - has a high resistance to moisture;
DVP - subject to mechanical damage;
MDF - resistant to more damage than chipboard;
lacquered solid wood - does not increase humidity;
Multilayer wood is a highly durable material that is not afraid of moisture.

The next indication is the lacquer coating of the facades. Often, this technology is used for a beautiful aesthetic appearance, but it is more laborious compared to traditional chipboard. If you use a chemical substance, it should be noted that its composition should not contain alcohol-containing components. Bright, lacquered furniture should not be washed with a damp cloth. The cleaning process should look like this:

Duster removes dust.
Wipe a flannel piece and surface wetted in turpentine or engine oil.
After 30 minutes, dry with a soft cloth to make the furniture shine.
Another method is the application of burdock oil. This product easily dissolves even old oils.

However, due to carelessness, if it was possible to apply scratches to the furniture surface, you can get rid of them: mix red wine and motor oil in equal proportions, rubbing in a circular motion over the scratched area. It is necessary to wait until the mixture is absorbed, then wipe this area with a dry cloth.

Then consider how to wash oils from chipboard, chipboard and kitchen furniture made of MDF. Such a facade is also subject to mechanical damage. Therefore, the selection of vehicles for oil cleaning should take full responsibility. First, the product should not contain abrasives, second - cleaning is done in a kitchen where you can heal easily, to be safe for use. First, we turn to the products of the chemical industry. To do this, you can use the following tools: Mellerud, Caterdean spray, Azelit, Erazer water-based, Cosmofen and others: This is one of the safest kitchen assistants in the fight against oil deposits. Kitchen folk remedies wash kitchen oils, it can be:

A thick soap solution. Rub the brown soap bar and dilute with water to a creamy mass. Apply to the desired plane and leave to be affected for 1 hour. Then wash with warm water.
Soap and soda Very effective medicine that cures even with old oil. The duration of action depends on how old the pollution is - 1 to 3 hours. This method is not suitable for glossy surfaces.
Mustard powder should be diluted with plain water to form a thick slurry. It should be applied to dirty areas containing soft rags. After 30 minutes, remove with a cloth dipped in warm water.
Detergent, vinegar and soda. In this folk remedy, emphasis is based on the effects of soda and vinegar, and the detergent acts as the fixator of the effect. It is very important not to rub with effort and not to use coarse fibers. Even a distress like old-fashioned oil is a problem that can be easily removed.
Vegetable oil and soda. For such a composition, we combine the ingredients in equal proportions and apply them to the kitchen surface with a soft sponge. It is important to note that the movement should be from top to bottom, but not in a chaotic manner - although it may seem more laborious, it is much more efficient. But the outcome of the process will come faster and ultimately save both time and effort.
There is another way to remove oils from the kitchen set, which is suitable for all types of surfaces - this is a steam cleaner. The happy owners of this appliance have long been free of all chemicals, because this technology miracle can get rid of any contamination, whether old oil or burnt dirt in the stove. It's ridiculous to even wash the windows. In addition, the cleaning process itself takes several minutes.

We fill the steam cleaner with plain water or the addition of vinegar to get rid of dust mites, and steer the steam down the top of the kitchen furniture, staying a little longer in the more polluted places. After steam treatment, only dry the headphones. We do this with a polish for a brilliant effect and less dust build-up.

You can't get over the attention and the stove he's always been trying to disrupt. We cook, fry, casserole, and various deposits are formed during this process - water escapes from the pan, oil is sprayed on the entire cooking surface, and so on. Since the stove remains hot, it is not always possible to fix it all. Although cleaning experts recommend to “sweep sıcak hot marks, you do not need to make any special efforts, just wipe them with a damp cloth and cleaning will continue. However, if you cannot remove it in time, you should use these methods to clean the stove:

Unicum GOLD PROFESSIONAL is a professional tool. Coping with business almost instantly. To do this, we must apply grease to the required cleaning plane and wait 15-20 seconds. Then wipe with a damp cloth. Especially for resistant oil, scale or soot types, the time should be increased to 1 minute. This oil remover is suitable for cleaning ovens, stoves, pots and pans. All kinds of kitchen furniture can be processed using Unicum.
We process the stove with 9% vinegar. To do this, moisten the sponge easily and carefully rinse the entire cooking surface, including the glass kitchen apron. After that, sprinkle with soda water and apply into it, special attention is paid to the burners where burned dirt accumulates most frequently. After performing this procedure, wash the residue of the mixture with a wet towel.
Mustard powder is also suitable for fighting oil in the furnace. To do this sprinkle a damp cooking surface. Visually, it will be possible to observe the process of forming mustard balls that absorb the oils into their compositions. They are then easy to wipe off with a dry cloth after they are wet.

It is not possible to keep attention on the regulators of the plate. Well, if this is a removable option, it will take a little longer. It is very convenient to wash with an old toothbrush. No washing or cleaning means. To do this, handle yourself with a brush, soak in the cleaning solution, pull the regulator towards you, clean it from the bottom, then go to the handle and the ring around it. After manipulations, the vehicle remains must be removed with a damp cloth.
The whole kitchen plumbing is wiped with vinegar. The same car can get rid of oil in the sink.

Soft corners made of leather or leather, which are not uncommon in the kitchen. On such a smooth surface, traces of oil are very easily formed by both hands and the nearby stove. Removing such unpleasant pollution will help a special drug based on gasoline Leder Reinigungsbenzine. Of course, it has an unpleasant odor of flammable material, but the result exceeds all expectations. You can buy such a tool at a store that sells products for the care of leather goods. The procedure is recommended in a well-ventilated area.

The kitchen hood is the largest fat battery in the entire kitchen. In principle, this is the direct purpose. When choosing this kitchen equipment, you must pay attention to its size. It should be compared with the dimensions of the plate. The size of the hood must be 1/3 larger than the cooking surface.

Let's look at the methods of cleaning the hood itself. For this, it must be removed. Initially, we removed the metal body and removed the cleaning filter. Think about how to remove the filter kitchen door from the oil. There are many chemicals in the oil trap that can handle dirt within 15 minutes. For example, Amway LOC or Sodosan Responsive. Both products are organic based. The working principle is the same: Apply the product to the filter with a brush and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse under running water. Such an easy way is also suitable for cleaning the elements of the hood.

Based on popular methods, we continue:

We buy plates of this size to fit into an oil trap. Pour water there and boil.
Fall asleep with 100 g of soda and lower the filter, remove within 3-5 minutes. It is not possible to find plates of large size, such as a rectangular filter, so the procedure is first performed in one half, then in the same boiling water, the filter must be rotated to clean the second side. To avoid troublesome activities such as getting rid of oil deposits, it is worth taking care to prevent. To do this, you have to wipe the kitchen surface and cooking plate of both headsets daily.

Many folk remedies can handle oil stains and dirt on headphones, tables, chairs, cabinets, countertops, and other kitchen furniture better than industrial chemicals. These cleaning products, which can be prepared at home, not only wash oils from kitchen appliances, they also save time and money.

If you compare household chemicals sold in stores with folk remedies, the latter is safer for people and can be very helpful in combating dirt in the kitchen.

Before removing oils from the surfaces of kitchen furniture, you must select the appropriate equipment for cleaning. You should choose a softer instrument - sponge, soft cloth, microfiber, cloth, flannel. Any of the materials will be able to wash the oils in the kitchen furniture perfectly. Do not use metal brushes: using such tools may cause scratches and other damage to the furniture.

Damaged furniture becomes dirty much faster: scratches become clogged with oil, flowering and dirt.

Rubber gloves should be used for hand and nail safety for cleaning the kitchen.

Before the furniture is completely soiled, you should check the quality of the product on the headset in a small, inconspicuous area. Such a measure will protect the furniture against damage.

Various cleaning products

You can use the various tools available in each kitchen. Choose a special tool that includes the type of stain you want to clean and the type of furniture.

Soda in the fight against stain

A simple way to clean furniture is to use baking soda. It can wash glass surfaces: dishes, tips on headphones. Cleans plastic parts in the kitchen (refrigerator doors, household appliances). The soiling zone must be wetted and wiped with soda. Rinse the residue with a damp cloth.

Soda can clean the soft seats in the kitchen.

You must first moisten the seat with water. Then pour plenty of greasy stains with soda and start scrubbing. Soda is left in the furniture for 15-20 minutes after leaving. Then collect the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain remains, you can try to dilute one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of vinegar in 250 ml of water. The instrument is applied to microfiber stains. Wipe the seat with a clean, damp sponge.

Laundry soap and soda

Both soap and soda are effective in combating oil on furniture surfaces. Both components and separately can cope with pollution, but they allow them to achieve the desired result together.

To prepare the detergent from soap, it is necessary to apply it on a coarse grater in a deep bowl. Add warm water to the soap dispensers. The solution should be cloudy. The resulting product should be applied to dirty areas with sponge. Although the solution does not dry, a small amount of baking soda and treated problem areas should be applied. The consistency is washed twenty minutes after application.

Soda in this solution is an abrasive to help wash the contaminated areas thoroughly.

Soda soap solution is perfect for metal and plastic surfaces. It should not be applied to glossy and varnish coatings, as scratches may occur after cleaning.

It is important to remember that the soap should have a dark brown color. If the soap is bleached and has a smell, it cannot cope with the pollution in the kitchen.

Vinegar Furniture Cleaning

It fights well with oil vinegar, you can use apple cider vinegar. In addition to furniture, countertops and tiles in the kitchen, you can make descaling and descaling from metal and ceramic products and get rid of lime in teapots.

Add a little water to the vinegar. Apply the resulting solution with a cloth to grease stains and wait until the grease comes off the surface. Then wipe the headset with a damp, soft cloth.

Baking soda for oil stains

Quickly set kitchen baking soda will help.

It is necessary to prepare a slurry of baking soda and water. Tools are applied on a dirty surface and waited for half an hour. Then washed with water.

Alcohol against oil plate

Oil stains show excellent alcohol or vodka. The tool washes well modular furniture and ordinary headphones with a glossy finish. Before processing furniture, you must open the window in the kitchen.

To make a remedy, you must dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in one liter of water. You can use it to clean the sponge, cloth and spray bottle. With the help of improvisation, you can process the kitchen furniture and leave it to be cleaned for half an hour. Remove the solution may be a normal damp cloth.

Very suitable for fighting pollution and vodka. In this case, you can easily moisten the sponge with vodka, wipe the oily surface and then rinse with water.

Disinfection and cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

Excellent tool that not only fights against oil and dirt but also disinfects furniture from bacteria and germs.

To prepare the solution, stir table vinegar, alcohol and vodka in a 2: 1: 1 ratio. You can add a third portion of a teaspoon of any essential oil to the mixture.

The resulting mixture should be used to remove dirt with a spray. The solution should remain in contaminated areas for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash the solution with a cloth or sponge. It emits the aroma of essential oil after applying such a mixture from furniture.

Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant odor

Perfectly handle the task of cleaning furniture essential oils with other components.

You will need essential spruce or eucalyptus oil to get rid of the unpleasant odor and to effectively treat wooden surfaces. It should be in a water container, add a few drops of oil, and then wipe the wooden surface clean with a sponge.

You can mix orange and eucalyptus oil with vinegar and vodka. You should get half a glass of vodka, half a glass of vinegar, half a teaspoon of orange oil and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the solution well and pour into the spray bottle. That means put greasy stains for 20 minutes. After washing with a damp cloth.

Such a recipe helps to calcify not only on wooden surfaces but also on metal surfaces and contaminates plastic and ceramic parts.

Lemon as a detergent

Effectively and safely combat fatty lemon slice. In addition to headphones and other surfaces, you can clean the lemon plates and remove limescale and descaling agents.

For fruit juice to flow from the surface, furniture must be wiped with lemon. After ten minutes, the headset can be washed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel.
Citric acid from all types of contamination

A citric acid solution - the perfect solution for furniture impurities. The preparation of the solution requires one liter of water, 15 grams of citric acid and some detergent. Liquid should be applied to problem areas and then wipe with a damp cloth.

It can be used to clean lime deposits on acid metal and ceramic surfaces.
Vegetable oil and soda for all types of earphones

If you use a product made of vegetable oil and soda, the furniture will be clean.

The tool is perfect for washing wooden surfaces, sets and furniture from MDF and solid wood, cutlery, tables, chairs, shelves, doors, frames and dishes.

The holder should be cooked in a consistency similar to sour cream. To do this, take vegetable oil and soda in a 2: 1 ratio. Apply to oily stains and treat with a soft brush. Leave the shiny surface for half an hour. Then remove some oil. You may need to reprocess the headset, for the first time an oily surface may not come off the surface.

By applying a brush and oil brush to clean the kitchen, you can achieve brilliant cleaning and protect furniture from high humidity in the kitchen or dry at high temperatures.

This mixture should be applied every two weeks.

Clay and vinegar mix

The stains in the kitchen completely clean the tool made of clay and vinegar. The tool is suitable for wood and solid wood, floors, walls, tile surfaces and containers.

To get a mass for cleaning, you need to add a little vinegar to the bushel. The tool is applied to the sponge and wipes the surface of the headset. After the process, wash the surface with water.

The clay in the detergent acts as an abrasive. You should choose stone-free clay as they can destroy furniture during cleaning.
Mustard powder for kitchen furniture

The product is suitable for cleaning surfaces without contamination.

Mustard oil dissolves well, so dirt and oil after washing will remain on the napkin.

Moisten with water and sprinkle mustard powder to clean the dirt and oil surface. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth. When the mustard powder is completely removed, a damp cloth or sponge helps.

Mustard protective sets, stoves, sinks, refrigerators and kitchen sets can be cleaned. Do not use dust for wood surfaces and MDF sets.

Salt against stains

Salt is great for cleaning wood surfaces. Effectively removes oily deposits, prevents germs and bacteria from spreading.

To clean it, it must be wiped with salt and grease containing dirt and oil.

Once a week, you can use salt solution to treat facades and worktops.

Dishwashing Detergent

Ordinary dishwashing detergent can also be used to clean tiles in the kitchen, household appliances, kitchen sets and other furniture. It is sufficient to dilute part of the product with water and take a foam. Treat all dirty surfaces with it. It is recommended to wipe hard stains and old oil with the abrasive side of the sponge.

This tool can be used after each cooking.

There are many cleaning products for kitchenware, furniture, dishes, cutlery, various surfaces, floors and walls. They all contain chemicals that can do great harm to the human body. Many people are exposed to allergic reactions, having difficulty breathing during the use of such funds. Therefore, the advice comes from mothers and grandmothers who use folk remedies to combat oily raids on various kitchen surfaces. In addition to these tools, they also clean production tools. It is necessary to take safety precautions when working with one or another cleaner in the kitchen. Gloves should be worn, the kitchen should be ventilated during and after cleaning, and children and animals should not be allowed to come into contact with substances.

Skoy Scrub (2-Pack)