Friday, July 26, 2019

Beautural Precision Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Lighted Display, Step-On Technology, 400 lb

When to Weigh, How to Weigh Correctly

Beautural Precision Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Lighted Display, Step-On Technology, 400 lb

How is weighing done correctly?

How will I know if my fat tissue is reduced or muscle mass is increased? We will be weighed regularly, preferably daily on an empty stomach and naked. We will not make a final decision from these discussions immediately, we will continue to do the right things patiently, considering the factors mentioned above. If we cannot catch a serious development trend periodically, we will review and update our actions. We'il be patient.
Weighing Mathematics

I think mathematically I will explain the issue of “patience iyi better. Exercise physiologists say that to burn 1 kilogram of fat, we need a calorie deficit of around 7,000 calories. In the same way, gaining muscle mass will take place in the same amount of calories. But although I don't want to tell at length here, as we have mentioned in other publications, we need + 300-500 calories from our daily need to develop muscle; We will need to create -300-500 calorie difference for fat burning ( You can calculate your daily calorie needs here). In this way, we can gain or lose 1 kilogram in 2 weeks with 500 calories per day. This is a good scenario when everything is considered productive, and most people don't even get it. Don't forget to check out our guide to learn more about athlete nutrition!

A person who develops 2 kilograms of muscle every month should have reached its maximum potential in a year, right? But the account at home does not always match the bazaar. The need to get calories is difficult, if you have calories at the same time it is difficult to spend your training efficiently. +7000 calories does not always make 1 kilogram muscle mass because it is necessary to spend extra calories in order to build muscle mass.

Weighing Can Be Affected From Glycogen Storage

The second factor that would cause our weight to fluctuate was glycogen stores. Glycogen carbohydrates in our body is the state of storage. Some of it is found in our liver and a larger part is found in our muscles. In addition, carbohydrates accumulate in the stores while they like to collect water. We spend these warehouses in our activities during the day. Especially those who use Intermittent Fasting are well aware of this, when you are starving or reducing your carbohydrate intake, your stores will decrease. Then your appetite will increase and your carbohydrates will be filled with water after a meal.

Because of these factors, even if your caloric intake and activity remain the same, it is normal for the scale to weigh 1-3 kilos per day. Imagine that after a hunger, you eat a lot of carbohydrate, salty food, and that's why these sudden weight gain comes out. Likewise, the only dexterity of diets that give 8 kilos a week is to empty these tanks. Or none of them know better than Heavyweight.

Weighing Can Be Affected By Water Mass

Let's first look at the body of water. 60% of our body weight is liquid weight. The two major factors that will affect this weight are our intake of water and salt. The less water we take, the more water our body stores. Dehydration will adversely affect the functions of our body and will cause the body to persistently retain water. For this, we need to be careful about our water intake if we do not want to be healthy as well as weighing results to disrupt our psychology. The salt factor also plays a major role in the body's water body. There's more than 2 grams of sodium in a teaspoon of salt, and that's enough for our daily sodium needs. So it's quite possible that we get too much sodium. Especially if we eat plenty of salty, processed foods, this is bad for our health, as well as may cause heavy weight.

Guide to Weigh Like a Champion

champion weigh You may have heard that the scale is not the best indicator of development. But if we're developing, it should also show itself on the scale, right? If we 're burning fat, we've got to get out. Or if we're developing muscle and our weight doesn't increase, do we really develop muscle or is it just us? Or is the scale wrong again ... If you have not succeeded in fooling yourself with your stories about the scale is broken, let's see what can happen behind this.

I must state in advance that within 2 days your muscle mass does not increase or decrease significantly. Likewise, your fat tissue does not change too quickly. These fluctuations are probably due to the water that the body carries and the glycogen stores in our muscles. This does not mean that we are moving forward or moving away from our purpose.

Beautural Precision Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Lighted Display, Step-On Technology, 400 lb