Friday, July 26, 2019

EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform, 440 Pound Capacity

Why do we gain weight during menstruation?

EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform, 440 Pound Capacity

We will tell you about the dark days when the scale shows at least 2-3 kilos more each month: Menstrual period! According to Mary Jane Minkin, a gynecologist at Yale Medical School, we don't know the true meaning of the PMS and the reasons behind it. Here are the real reasons behind those cheesy pounds taken before and during the menstrual period:
Estrogen hormone ceiling

During the last week of the menstrual cycle, the week before menstruation, the body begins to secrete excess estrogen and this hormone reaches its peak level. And this hormone, which suddenly increases in your body, is the secret cause behind that bloating and edema that is not understood where it comes from! But the good news is that from the moment you start to have your period, your estrogen level decreases quickly, and mood swings and edema dissolve.
Progesterone effect

Here is the reason behind the breast sensitivity and growth experienced during the 2nd week of our cycle is the increase in the amount of progesterone. In other words, this hormone, which is rapidly secreted during this period, causes the breasts to become larger and larger. This may be reflected in the scale in excess of 200 to 400 g.
Junk food crises

Let's face it, none of us die for broccoli before and during menstruation! Because the rate of iron in the blood drops during this period, which indirectly causes insulin fluctuations. As a result, unfortunately, we tend to fatty, salty and abundant sugary foods. This situation causes us to get more calories and extra edema.
Menstrual pains

Menstrual pains and cramps lower blood pressure and blood sugar, making it difficult to keep your appetite under control. Unfortunately, this situation does not hesitate to reflect on the weight as excess weight.

Exercise routines are often disrupted due to weakness, pain and variable mood before and during menstruation. You might even want to spend the entire day lying on the couch under a blanket. This causes the metabolism to slow down and increase the amount of water retained in the body.

EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale with Ultra-Wide Platform, 440 Pound Capacity