Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scrub Daddy - Scratch Free Color Sponge with Flex Texture (3 Pack)

How to remove the scale from the pan at home

Scrub Daddy - Scratch Free Color Sponge with Flex Texture (3 Pack)

Water is not very good quality now. And over time, using it, the formation of a dirty color on the utensils is seen. This is the beginning of scaling.

If the dishes are not cleaned, the scaling will turn into solid deposits. This will be much more difficult to deal with. And even then, you'il have to resort to chemistry. This is not entirely good for health.

In addition, the scale itself is harmful to the body. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, with food, the blood splits and pierces. After a blood vessel has occluded. The formation of kidney stones is not excluded.

Descaling Methods

Before you start cleaning the walls of the dishes, you should know that enamel and aluminum containers are cleaned differently.

The first enemy of the formation of salt deposits in food is an acidic environment. How to remove the scale in an enamel pot:

Use of citric acid - fill dirty dishes with water. Then pour 1 liter of liquid into citric acid at the rate of two teaspoons. Put on fire and boil water. Boil for a few minutes and turn off the heat. Do not drain the water immediately, leave it for one hour. Then repeat the procedure.
Clean the scum with vinegar (use only vinegar extract). Pour clean water into the dishes. The scale should be sufficient to cover the level of education. After adding 9% vinegar (1 liter of water - one extract of half a glass). Bring the solution to a boil and set the dishes aside. If the scale is not removed immediately, boil the water again for 30 minutes. When acetic acid is used, the room should be ventilated to prevent damage to the person's airway.
Helps overcome pickled cucumber or diluted tomato juice. They also have acid. Only such a tool should not be welded. Pickles should be poured into contaminated dishes and kept for 24 hours.

After these routes, the pot should be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Descaling with alkaline products
Baking soda is economical and a good helper. Put soda in a pot (100 grams per 1 liter of liquid), you need to gently rub the walls. The scale will move slightly and the dishes will be cleaned more efficiently. Then pour water into the container to be cleaned and set on fire. As the water boils, fasten the burner, boil for 1.5-2 hours depending on the quantity of scale.

After boiling, drain the dirty water and rinse the pans thoroughly under water.

Soda ash is mixed with coffee bean in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply this mixture on a thick cloth or cotton pad and wipe the inside of the container. You don't need to use it for cleaning, dishwashing sponge. All content will leak into the pores and the desired effect will be difficult to achieve.

Hand-free pot

If the house has picked potatoes or apple peels, you don't have to rush to throw them away. Oddly, but also have acid. He's gonna help deal with a scumbag. Even our great grandmothers cleaned the pans like this. Clean thoroughly from dirt and place in a pan on top. Pour them water and put them on fire. When the liquid is boiled, boil for half an hour. If the pan is very dirty, repeat the procedure.
Thoroughly flush all contaminated soda drinks. Sprite, Cola and Fanta are particularly effective. They contain phosphoric and citric acids. After removing the pre-gases are poured into a pot. Then bring to a boil at a high temperature. While boiling, set aside the food and leave the liquid within half a day. During this time the scale will begin.
Plates obtained from low quality water and stains can be removed with a bleach for "Whiteness" fabrics. Put it in a 3-liter water container. water, 100 g. bleach. Leave for 12 hours. All old stains and filth will be removed quickly. Then wash the pan thoroughly and boil the clean water in it so that there is no trace of chlorine.
In a 3-liter pot with water, add 250 grams. glycerol and half a glass of sugar. Boil for 10-15 minutes.

How to remove dirt in an aluminum pan

Aluminum is a very delicate material. Therefore, experts do not recommend the use of metal brushes during cleaning. Sand and soda are also not suitable for the removal of any contaminants.

Acidic environment and alkaline cleaning products are oxidized. They also leave stains on the surface of the plates. Aluminum cookware loses its original glow.

Dishwashers are also contraindicated. After that, aluminum plates lose their aesthetic appearance.

How to remove dirt in an aluminum pan:

The most proven and effective method is to boil utensils in soda ash and silicate glue solution. Pour water into a saucepan, add ingredients, boil at very low temperature for 1 hour. After cleaning, wash the dishes under running water.
If the pan is not too oxidized, you can remove the scale with serum or kefir. After pouring them over a dirt level and standing for 10 hours.
Good scum cleans onions. You must pre-clean the shell, otherwise it will stain the dishes. Then cut the onions into four pieces, put in a pan with water and boil for one hour.
Handles tooth dust, dirt and soot well. You should mix the powder with a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent. Then apply this oatmeal to the walls of the dishes and leave for one day.

In order not to remove old salt raids, you should clean the pans regularly. Only soft, purified water is recommended for cooking. Folk remedies will not help and the filth is very old. In this case, you can not do without buying chemicals for domestic use.

Scrub Daddy - Scratch Free Color Sponge with Flex Texture (3 Pack)