Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Antimicrobial Sponge Set of 4, Non-Abrasive Scouring Pad w/ Fading Monogram, Antibacterial Sponge Replacement Tech. Modern Kitchen Sponges w/ Smell Resistant & Bacteria Resistant Polyurethane Foam

Washing dishes quickly with your hands without detergent

Antimicrobial Sponge Set of 4, Non-Abrasive Scouring Pad w/ Fading Monogram, Antibacterial Sponge Replacement Tech. Modern Kitchen Sponges w/ Smell Resistant & Bacteria Resistant Polyurethane Foam

After the holidays, many kitchen utensils remain, I want to wash dishes quickly and save time. There are a few secrets to solve the problem. It will help to quickly get rid of dirty plates in order to effectively deal with various contaminants in the future.
Public dining facilities have rules and health rules governing the implementation of this procedure:

rinse the crystal with a soft cloth moistened with warm water and an alcoholic solution;
enameled products should not be washed with hard sponges damaging the coating;
The cast iron boilers are washed in warm water using detergent. To avoid leaving marks, lubricate with oil and wipe with a napkin to remove residual oil;
glassware should be washed with soapy water in warm water;
The aluminum plates are cleaned with soda, after rinsing wipe with a dry towel.
Dishes are made from different ingredients. During cleaning, you need to consider the ingredients, use the right tools to wash utensils. This will allow you to perform the job quickly and accurately.

How to optimize dishwashing
You need to take two minutes to wash dishes quickly by hand and prepare for a positive result. Properly organized operation will minimize kitchen distress:
The main situation is washed immediately after dinner. Now the food dries on the plates, it is difficult to wash with a simple sponge.
If you do not have time to wash immediately, it is better to soak it in a basin or wash it with water.

Use kitchen sponges to wash, discard old cloths.
Separate plates, pans, forks and spoons. This will save time.
Clean the products, then rinse under running water.
Wash household pans and pots as a last resort using household chemicals for cleaning.
Saving on water. To wash utensils, perform the operations in the basin.

Sort by ingredients.
Stainless steel, cast iron or enamelled products soak for half an hour, wash with a sponge using household chemicals.
Do not put wet containers in the cupboard. Spread a dish towel, place the washed items on it until completely dry.
After the process, wipe the fork, knife, spoon and glass with a dry towel to avoid leaving any marks.

Use a dishwasher.
Not everyone has a dishwasher, try to optimize the washing process. Do not be afraid to try or use homemade ingrained pollution methods. If there is no liquid to wash kitchen products, folk remedies will be won.

Fast hand washing methods
Washing dishes after a meal is a simple matter. You can use the dishwasher to get rid of stubborn dirt, plaque, old oil, and you won't waste time in household chores. If not, you have to wash your hands.
Choose a detergent, prepare tools to remove dirt, so you have everything.

It is not necessary to use household chemicals for burnt plaque. Soak and wash with sponge. Immerse secrets and rules:
soak the dishes with hot water, soap or other household chemicals;
divide and separate kitchen utensils into several pots;
soak a large number in several parties;
forks, knives, spoons, crystal, glassware soak for 5-10 minutes;
pots and pans should be oxidized with hot soapy water for 20 minutes.
Water, dirt and oil containing household chemicals can be easily separated from containers. Dishes do not have to be scrubbed with a metal brush.
After immersion in water, the operations are easily carried out without force.

Depending on the material, the type of detergent is determined. For ordinary plates, use a sponge in pans. Clean each container from both sides. Then go to the forks and spoons. Wash the dishes in the sink for further processing. In the next step, rinse the washed utensils under running warm water and place them on a dry towel.

Top tools overview
Get rid of unpleasant smells, wash utensils to shine, remove the plate from coffee and other beverages in a universal way. Don't waste your time on proven methods. Different tools for washing dishes. Composition from different manufacturers. There are a number of popular methods of dealing with pollution that are better than household chemicals.

Improvisation tools
If the usual detergent does not cope, improvisation comes to the rescue to create a proven life segment improvised solution. Mustard, citric acid, ammonia, laundry soap, washing powder, soda and salt are suitable.

The action of each resource separately:
Mustard powder. Rub the dirty dishes with mustard powder and leave the container for 15-20 minutes. Wipe with a kitchen sponge and wash with warm water.
Ammonia. Ammonia even helps to cope with old, stubborn pollution. Put a few drops of alcohol on the kitchen sponge, crawl to dirty places. Wash containers with warm water.
Citric acid. Remove dishes from the sink, rub with citric acid. The container is left for 20-30 minutes, rinsed with warm water and washed with a detergent.
Laundry soap. Rub home soap with hot water, soak dirty containers in prepared container. Rinse each container with clean, warm water, then rinse thoroughly to remove debris.
Soda. The soda composition contains abrasive particles that can cope with old oil or scale. Rub the hard side of the sponge with soda. After rinsing, glasses, pots and other items in the kitchen shine.
Cooking salt Heat table salt, rub in dirty containers. After 20 minutes wash thoroughly with detergent.
Using table salt, get rid of the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator.
Using soda, it is easy to clean your microwave, oven or other utensils. You can use sand, apple extract, table vinegar and wood ash to clean the burned areas in the aluminum cooking tray.

A wide range of culinary products is available in the household chemicals shops. Difference in price, manufacturer, composition. They are available in powder, gel, tablet form. The dishwashing detergent contains sudsing surfactants (surfactants).

A large amount of foam does not guarantee a high quality cleaning of the containers.
They are all connected to additional components that make up the detergent. Salts of inorganic acids are added to the composition to aid in the removal of oil and other contaminants. Enzymes as additives allow you to remove insoluble protein contamination. Quality products are easily washed off the surface of kitchen utensils. Wash children's dishes with special products that do not contain hazardous chemicals.
Dish washing is not difficult, it is boring and monotonous. Observe the basic rules of this procedure, choose the type of material, the correct materials for cleaning. You can handle daily tasks quickly and efficiently.
Very few people know about washing dishes and washing dishes quickly. And very few people in a poll say they want to wash their kitchen utensils. Often, this process causes only negative emotions.
How to wash hand dishes? This question primarily concerns housewives who want to maintain a perfect order in the kitchen. The easiest way to solve a problem is to buy a dishwasher, but not everyone can afford it, so it's worth looking for another way out.
Particularly difficult is washing dishes from brittle materials. Therefore, the problem of washing dishes becomes urgent, although not all detergents are harmless.

And if you know exactly how to remove it, it will not take much time to wash the burnt oil.
There are many practical suggestions for quick cleaning of kitchen utensils, but are they all really helpful? Utensils that absolutely contaminate kitchen utensils create additional challenges for ourselves while washing, but this is not a reason to reject delicious and nutritious dishes.
First you should wear aprons and rubber gloves. The first is to protect the clothes, the second is to protect the hands.

Kitchen utensils are optimally washed with the following accessories:

The funds created to wash will come to the rescue. Or you must be patient and heat the water in the stove.
How to wash dishes, When it is not possible to wash the detergent with plenty of hot water?
Most housewives wash utensils in the sink. The basin should be used most often in field conditions. The proponents of the tradition of using soaps and soda think that these two tools will surpass the efficiency of all modern household chemicals. To clean dishes - no less important problem. The choice of cleaning products in the store is great, but how to choose one of them is cheap and good quality, or will there be enough soap?

You should not overdo them with detergents, because they are all harmful to the body and are very difficult to wash off the surface. To do this, you need to rinse your kitchenware many times.
The high price of the detergent is not always an indication of its high quality. Detergent may cause skin damage if washed without gloves. If swallowed with food, detergent can cause serious illness.
If the plate is a whole mountain and the main place on this mountain is to cook in oil, wash the dishes? Any hostess will wash their kitchen utensils, but it is also desirable to be satisfied with the result.

it takes a lot of time to clean the pots, especially if they are very dirty. Therefore, it is best to start with a lean “cleaner” kitchenware. These are usually cups and glasses, forks and spoons.
Performing a job of the same type allows you to automate the process so that the job is completed faster. If you first wash the fork, then the plate and the glass, you will have to rebuild it for each new operation and therefore the precious seconds will disappear. Wash all kitchen utensils without grease at one time, it is much easier than replacing it with greasy plates. In particular, plates should still be removed from food waste.
How do you clean dishes so that they are easier to wash after that? Use high-quality detergent and wash one kitchen utensil first, then the other.

AOS is antibacterial.
Eared nannies.

It is best to clean the dishes until the food dries. It is very important to clean the kitchen utensils from the oil before spending the night in the sink, so less time will be spent in this type of work. Timely cleaning dishes will help eliminate most problems with unpopular work performance.

protein will not endure and it will be easier to wash.
Another problem of housewives - strong smells.
It is very difficult to wash dishes after components such as:


In the hostess handbooks, it is recommended to wash the tableware containing the above products with a weak vinegar solution. If the plates and cups have picture decorations, they should not be washed with soda and scouring powder. Hot water can also distort the picture. It is recommended that iron and iron pans be dried well, otherwise rust may form on their surface.

It is not difficult to clean dishes at home, the main thing is not to damage the surface and to obey the rule - to clean dishes in time.
Acid is harmful to aluminum cooking pots, so you should carefully examine the composition before using a foreign product. It is convenient to cook in enamel pans, but food is usually burned in them. It is not necessary to use soap solutions to wash enamel dishes and to clean them with metal cloths.

Another equally effective detergent is soda. How to clean dishes with this component? Crystals can scratch the surface, so not all dishes can be washed with soda.
Salt can quickly remove burnt fats. Spoons and forks are perfectly cleaned with tooth powder.
If we wash dishes without chemicals, the washing quality is not bad, because most housewives are accustomed to smelling plenty of foamy and pleasant odor, and wouldn't want to use dirty dishes for food? The answer is simple: when you buy a household dishwashing detergent, you can refuse to use chemicals safely.
The formation of limestone in the kettle can be a major problem. It is very difficult to remove this solid layer from the walls. Special tools that can be easily purchased from any specialized department of the store will help solve the problem.
If you know how to do it right, washing dishes is not a problem. It is better to wash the dishes, ask for detergent sales consultants in the departments.
Remember, with the right approach, washing dishes at home can become an easy task.

At first glance, it is clear that the dishwashing process is absolutely not difficult - even a child will handle it. In fact, it is important to choose a suitable detergent and a number should be monitored. Today I will tell you how to clean dishes properly with your own hand.

Perfect Washing Technique: 5 General Rules
If you follow the five basic rules, wash the dishes properly. Consider all the nuances in the table:


Rule 1. Remove food residue.
Before washing dishes, you must remove any remaining large food. Clean them with any suitable object.
If something sticks firmly to the surface, immerse the plate in water 5 minutes before washing.

Rule 2. Observe the order of the dishes.
Separate all soiled dishes: wash dishes, dishes and cutlery separately.

Rule 3. Clean all dishwashing surfaces.
For example, the plates need to be washed not only from the front. Foam all surfaces, then sponge onto a plate from all sides.

Rule 4. Clean large plates.
Manually washing large containers takes too long, so I suggest you finally start cleaning them.
If there is too much oil in the pan or burnt food residue, leave it for 10 minutes.

Rule 5. Effective drying.
Clean plates must be dried. There are two ways:
Allow the dishes to dry by themselves at room temperature.
Wipe each item with a dry kitchen towel (photo in the example).

Dish cleaning properties
We've figured out how to wash dishes. But you have to consider a few important nuances.

What material is the dish?
Kitchen utensils are made of various materials: glass, cast iron, aluminum, etc. They all have their own characteristics, so you need to choose the right cleaning products.
Instructions on how to wash dishes from various materials:


1.If you take into account the general rules of the dishes and the material made, you will quickly and efficiently clean the dirty plates to shine. Further recommendations are provided in the video in this article. Do you have your own secrets, how and what to do the dishes? I invite you to discuss the comments.
A plate of dishwashes accumulates, removing oil and dirt seems to be a real success. Try to simplify your task with a soap sponge rule: wash dishes until the sponge foams. When the team is finished, take a break and do something else. The secret is that the procedure, which is divided into several small steps, is much easier to achieve psychologically.

2. Get beautiful dishwashers
Washing dishes is not the most inspiring job. However, with an old, ugly sponge, you want even less to work in an unattractive environment with an unpleasant chemical odor.
Simply surround yourself with beautiful accessories: soap with your favorite scent, original dispenser or nice brushes - and the possibility of washing dishes will no longer look too scary.

3. And take a pair of rubber gloves.
Stop building Cinderella. Wear rubber gloves that keep your hands dry and protect them from the harmful effects of chemicals and possible damage when washing dishes. You can afford this luxury.

4. Save the detergent
Instead of spraying the tool directly on a sponge, try to dissolve a small amount in a bowl with water and moisten the sponge. This will significantly reduce detergent consumption.
In addition, dishes not related to raw meat, eggs or butter do not need to be washed with soap. Usually only rinsing is sufficient.

5. Use lifeguards to remove complex dirt.
Burnt food at the bottom of the pan or frying pan is a bad dream for any dishwasher. Here are some tips to help you remove impurities easier and faster.
Place empty soiled dishes on the stove and select the maximum temperature. After a while, drip water into the container. If it feels a drop and evaporates instantly, pour a glass of water at room temperature. As soon as the steam is dispersed, rub the pollution in a leisurely manner with a wooden spatula.
Fill the dishes with water, add detergent and boil for 10-20 minutes. After half an hour, when everything is cold, proceed to clean the dirty surface.
Use recommendations.

6. Do not throw trash into the sink.
When a dirty dish in the sink turned into dishwashing mountain, we all encountered the situation. Of course, washing everything at once doesn't always work, so you can use the following technique.
When you have a first and deep enough force for cleaning (eg a pot or a large bowl), fill it with hot water and detergent, place it next to the sink (not inside!) And put other dirty dishes in it.
So, first, keep the sink empty, and second, prepare dishes for quick cleaning. If it gets wet in hot water, it washes faster, then less encouraged to quit, and it is unlikely that the kitchen will turn into Augean stables.

7. Do not wash everything in the dishwasher.
Even if you are the happy owner of a dishwasher, you cannot avoid washing dishes in the traditional way. At least, if you do not want to damage kitchenware and expensive equipment.

List of things that should not be sent to the dishwasher:
Products made of cast iron. They require more thorough care.
Good knives. Sharpen when you wash in the car, not with your hands.
Crystal. It may crack or scratch.
Wooden products can be deformed.
Non-stick coated cooking utensils. Everything varies by brand: some models are dishwasher safe, others not. If you're not sure, it's better to use your old hands. Otherwise, your pans risk losing professional suitability.
Copper dishes. Color may vary.
Plastic. The exceptions are products made of hard plastic, which the manufacturer specifies that they can be washed in the car.
Gilt dishes. The machine may degrade the noble coating.
Labeled dishes. Under the influence of high temperatures, they can become contaminated and clog the dishwasher.

8. Release the dryer and dishwasher in time.
If you need additional work, wash the dirty dishes less: remove the previous assembly and place it. Therefore, before dinner, make sure that there is enough space in the dryer and that the dishwasher is empty.

9. Listen to something nice or fun.
Instead of suffering in the sink, turn on your favorite music, radio or comic podcast mentally to make your next week's to-do list. Time goes by.

10. Meditate
We don't have time to stay. So breathe, relax, and let me think about nothing. Even with dirty dishes. Just wash, wash ...
Do you use any lifeguard to wash dishes? Talk about them in the comments.
Washing dishes - a routine that very few people enjoy, but often inevitable. You have to wash the dishes several times a day: a dish or set, a cup after tea and an oil pan after frying the meat.
If you don't have a dishwasher, you won't even be able to pick up the guests - this is because the amount of dirty dishes increases after their visit.
After dinner, washing is difficult, especially after an active day, and all desires remain only one thing: to rest. This housework doesn't spoil the air much if you learn to wash the dishes quickly. In just a few days you need to remind yourself of new suggestions and soon it will become a habit to do it correctly.
The dishwasher makes life easier, but it is not a panacea. The first and most important rule: do not accumulate dishes during the day. With such an approach to washing time, an amount too large to be immediately overcome will be collected. In addition, the soiled dish on one side of the sink, pots on the other, pots and casseroles in it will disrupt the air every visit to the kitchen. And that doesn't mean that food stays dry and how long it stays, it's harder to take them out later.
It is better to wash dishes as they accumulate. Moreover, it is easy to handle small volumes even when the water is heated for tea or when the soup boils.
All family members should now be accustomed to throwing food off the plates in the trash bin and putting dirty dishes in one place - you don't have to walk around the house to find the missing glass or spoon. Yes, the amount of work will appear immediately when you want to breathe with relief, with almost no unpleasant surprises, but suddenly your eyes on the other end of your kitchen will fall on a forgotten container.
Note: You should not place the plates in a single stack after a meal: in this case the bottom of each one will be dirty, greasy and the bottom plate will be dirty and much more difficult to wash.
Some home care professionals recommend that you buy two sponges, one for lightly soiled dishes and one for greasy dishes. To make it more comfortable, you should choose a sponge of different size or color.

Rubber gloves - This is one of the most important features of dishwashing for some housewives. Indeed, they perfectly protect the skin of the hands from exposure to water, which can dry it and cause premature aging of the skin. However, this feature is not suitable for everyone: some are accustomed to washing dishes with their bare hands and by touch it determines how well the oil is removed from the glass, porcelain or ceramic surface.

Action Procedure
To learn how to wash dishes quickly, as we have said, they should be washed immediately when they become dirty. If this is not possible, dirty dishes should be removed from waste and filled with warm water, preferably if a small amount of detergent has been added. This can be done in a large basin or directly in the kitchen sink after the drain is closed.
If you need to know how to wash dishes, if there is no hot water, the answer is simple: heat the water in the kettle, wash the dishes, then foam, because you can wash the greasy dishes very hard with cold water. And wash already cold running.

Step-by-step instructions and recommendations for washing dishes
You should not wash dishes "incompatible" - it is better to categorize and wash according to the degree of pollution. It usually looks like this:
Glasses and glasses are washed in the first place, because they are rarely very dirty - in most cases, they only need to be treated with sponge and hot water - when you can wash dishes without detergent.
Product cutting boards. If they are cutting raw fruits, vegetables, bread, rinsing is sufficient. Cheese, meat, fish, fried or cooked vegetables - you have to wash.
Cutlery - spoon, fork, knife, spatula. These are small pieces that allow the sink to be released to maneuver more general dishes. You will need to wash here.
The plates. To wash them, you usually have to make some effort.
Containers, bowls, casseroles, pans, trays, other containers. Dirty dishes and the most laborious phase. There is sometimes a need for additional "artillery" - detergents that create a more aggressive effect.
If there is really a lot of dishes, you can wash them in batches, according to the above or using the “sponge principle” - if a soapy sponge is enough, then take a break and wash the next soapy sponge.

Home remedies for quick dishwashing
Store detergents are effective and not too thick, liquid and thick, foaming and practically foam-free. However, each of these means can create doubts about the naturalness of the composition. Since food is then used to prepare and contain food that enters our stomach, some people prefer to use only familiar methods to wash it.

What could it be:
salt - perfectly helpful when slag needs to be cleaned from the bottom of the pan. Half a glass of salt is poured onto the dishes, spread in a homogeneous layer and after a few hours the product is easily washed off the plate. It is better to wash the cast iron dishes immediately from the outside, using salt as a scouring powder - the cast iron gives heat for a long time because the pan gets hot for a while after being removed from the heat and is easier to clean. This method should not be used for cleaning glassware and products with an easily scratched surface, as salt is corrosive;
soda and vinegar - the perfect combination if you need to clean aluminum dishes at home. Soda removes dirt and reacts with vinegar and penetrates deeper into the bowl - the effectiveness of this cleaning increases. Unlike other methods, the combination of soda and vinegar does not harm aluminum and does not cause metal turbidity. However, such a mixture cannot be used in non-stick coated products;
soda ash - diluted with water at the rate of 1 tbsp: 1 liter of water. l. soda;
mustard powder - cleans good dishes from oil and other contaminants, but when used on glass and other “sensitive” substances, mustard must be diluted with water in a liquid slurry to prevent scratching the surface. It can be mixed with vinegar such as soda, this combination can be used for cleaning non-stick or teflon coatings;
citric acid - perfectly removes impurities from water heaters and pans;
activated charcoal is particularly effective in burnt milk. Several charcoal tablets are crushed, poured into plates and poured with a small amount of water. After 15-30 minutes, soots in the milk (both yellowing and more stained blackness) easily move away from the surface of the food;
laundry soap - normal lumpy soap with a fatty acid content of 65% or 72%. If you rub on a fine grater and dilute slightly with water until it becomes paste, it is more convenient to use;
ash - literally a walking option. It perfectly cleanses ash, soot and other pollutants, because such a vehicle is actively used for washing dishes on camping trips, picnics, mostly grass. This method is also suitable for private homes, home owners.

Antimicrobial Sponge Set of 4, Non-Abrasive Scouring Pad w/ Fading Monogram, Antibacterial Sponge Replacement Tech. Modern Kitchen Sponges w/ Smell Resistant & Bacteria Resistant Polyurethane Foam