Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scotch-Brite Dobie All-Purpose Cleaning Pads, 24 Pads Total

How to Clean the Burning Pot Easily?

Scotch-Brite Dobie All-Purpose Cleaning Pads, 24 Pads Total

Minor kitchen accidents can happen all the time, "Oh, it doesn't happen to me." not saying, "Does the pot burn?" Let's say from the beginning.

A small moment of thought comes to mind, you can go to the bottom of the saucepan to shorten, or for example, you can not calculate the time correctly, you can cause the saucepan to stay on the stove for a long time ... This is the kitchen, everything is possible.

That is why if a cooker burns, we must learn how to behave, and most importantly, how to clean the burned cooker.

At home, you can clean your burning pot with a few simple ingredients without making any harm, and perhaps save it from being thrown away.

Let's take the carbonate like this:

Carbonate, one of our biggest cleaning aids, is at work again! If you have a pot that holds the bottom and burns, remove it immediately from the stove and clean it with the help of a wooden spoon while it is still hot. Allow to cool for 1-2 hours after scraping with a spoon as much as possible without damaging the pot.

When the pots come to room temperature, put about 1-2 tea cups of carbonate until they cover the base. (You can increase or decrease this amount according to the size of your pot.) Then add 3-4 cups of water at room temperature and take the pot back to the stove and let it boil. As the water is boiling, the remaining dirt and stains sticking to the bottom of the pan will gradually soften.

At this stage, if you wish to scrub with a heat-resistant and soft-tipped cleaning brush, you can remove the softened dirt from the bottom of the pan. Then drain the contaminated carbonated water from the pot and allow the pot to reach room temperature again for about 1 hour.

If there are still stains, clean the remaining stains by gently rubbing with a clean dish sponge where you have poured a tablespoon of carbonate over it, taking care not to scratch the pot. That's it!

For more stubborn stains, vinegar is also work: the method of getting rid of stubborn stains on the bottom of the burning pot

If you think that the carbonate method will not work well enough, or if you still have some stains, you can get support from the vinegar. At this stage you can use any type of vinegar, but the most important help in cleaning vinegar is white vinegar. You can easily find white vinegar in the relevant department stores of major markets.

If the nits are ready, let's go to the second method that will answer the question of how to clean the burning pots. Use a wooden spoon to remove any remaining food from the bottom of the pot holding the bottom. Then place a large amount of vinegar over the unstained stained areas to cover the entire base of the pan (if there are persistent stains on the edges). As much as you put vinegar on it, add this at room temperature. Finally add about 1 tablespoon of carbonate to this vinegar-water mixture and mix.

Take the pot to the stove and start boiling. Boil for about 15-20 minutes. Remove any dirt that will begin to soften during this boiling period, either with a wooden spoon or by gently rubbing with a heat-resistant, very hard cleaning brush. Thus, the bottom of your saucepan will not fill with scratches, stains will be easily removed.

After this, put the pan aside and allow it to cool. Drain the dirty vinegar water and complete the final cleaning-rinsing process with a dishwashing sponge.

What about the exterior: How to remove stains on the outside of the burning pot?

We saved the bottom of the saucepan from the remains of food, stains that became more stubborn because it burned, but stains can occur on the outside of a burning saucepan, and this should not be forgotten.

To get rid of the stubborn stains on these black and brown shades outside the burning pot, you can use the following procedure: Allow the pot to cool. Sprinkle carbonate over the stains on the outside of the pan that cools to room temperature. In the same way, put 1 tablespoon of carbonate on the clean dish sponge. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon on the carbonated sponge. Immediately rub the sponge stained areas, which will begin to foam immediately, making sure that the stains are removed.

If a large part of the stains are still stained on the outside of your saucepan that will come out with this method, place hot water in a larger saucepan or pot than the stained pot, add 3-4 tablespoons of carbonate on it and place the stained parts of the stained pot in such a way that it is in this mixture. Soak it for at least 3-4 hours and then remove any soft spots with a clean sponge. Enjoy your brilliant pot again!

Scotch-Brite Dobie All-Purpose Cleaning Pads, 24 Pads Total