Friday, July 26, 2019

Weight Scale, SmarTake Precision Digital Body Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology, 6mm Tempered Glass Easy Read Backlit LCD Display, 400 Pounds, Black

How to lose 22 pounds in 2 months?

Weight Scale, SmarTake Precision Digital Body Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology, 6mm Tempered Glass Easy Read Backlit LCD Display, 400 Pounds, Black

It is never too late to make a positive change and to have the body you always wanted. Losing 22 pounds in two months can be extremely dangerous, but that doesn't mean you won't achieve your weight loss goal in just a few months. This article will teach you how to safely lose weight by changing your lifestyle and most importantly your attitude towards your body and food. Read on to find out how.

Section 1
Slimming On Your Own

Swear to make changes. Forget about nutrition and exercise; The hardest part of losing weight is actually deciding to do it. You probably said you were going to lose weight in the past, but you never did; because you weren't serious about it. To swear to make a change is to be willing to give up what you want (ie unhealthy food) right now for the sake of something much better (that body you've always wanted). When he honestly promises to make changes, the weight issue will be solved by itself.

Weighed. If you don't know how much you weigh, go on the scale and find out. It is important that you know how much weight you have at the beginning of the road to keep track of your progress.
Use the digital scale for the most accurate results.
Before eating something in the morning, it is best to be weighed with light clothes or naked.
You may also find it helpful to measure how many centimeters you have thinner, especially if you plan to build muscle (remember that the muscle is heavier than fat). Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your arms, legs, chest, waist and / or hips. It is up to you where you will measure; it depends on the weight loss target and problem areas you set.

Reduce the amount of calories you take. Nutrition is the most important factor when it comes to losing weight. The less you eat, the more weight you lose; it's that simple. But it's important that you eat enough to cover your body's needs. If you eat too little, you will have a hunger crisis, eat as if you are dazzling and finally return to your old habits.
According to many medical experts, an adult person, regardless of his current weight, gets weaker if he takes about 1,200 calories a day. You can find your magic number with a little bit of trial and error, so make sure you make sure you're sure how much you eat in relation to the number on the scale so you can make the necessary adjustments.
Start tracking the calories of everything you eat, including things you don't normally consider, such as salad dressings, cooking sauces, cooking oils and drinks. Read the nutritional table of everything you buy and measure the portions. You can also use Internet resources such as Dietetics and Yazio to find the calories of vegetables, fruits, meats and other foods that have not been given nutritional value.

Work out 4-5 days a week. Cardiovascular exercises that speed up your heartbeat can help you burn calories and temporarily accelerate your metabolism within a few hours of exercise, so you lose weight faster. [1] But keep in mind that exercise alone does not help you lose weight. [2] You need to change your eating habits to lose weight.
Aerobic exercises such as lightweight jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing and kickboxing are great for burning calories and improving your overall health. If you've just started exercising, take it slow and slowly familiarize yourself with a regular exercise routine. It is very important to find an exercise you really like, so you can really do it every day.
Aim for an aerobic exercise at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If you don't have time to exercise every day, find ways to bring more movement into your daily routine by making simple changes, such as climbing stairs instead of riding the elevator.
Building muscle with resistance exercises can also help you lose weight. As your muscle mass increases, your body burns even more calories while relaxing. [3] But remember, the muscle is heavier than fat, so it's best to stay away from resistance exercises as much as you lose some weight.

Drink eight glasses of water a day. Taking enough fluids has been proven to be important in maintaining overall health as well as helping in weight loss. [4] This is probably because it keeps your stomach full between meals and prevents you from thinking without snacking.
Drinking water before a meal has been shown to help reduce weight by reducing the amount of calories taken at a meal. [5] Try to drink one or two glasses of water 20 minutes before each meal to get more saturated.
If you don't like the tad taste ade of plain water (although not the taste of water), add lemon or lime juice, fruit or mint leaves to add a little aroma.

Keep a nutrition diary. Studies have shown that those who follow by eating, lose more weight and maintain their weight than those who do not. [6] Because writing what you eat makes you feel more responsible for the decisions you make and helps you to notice the patterns in your diet, so you can decide what works and what doesn't.
Don't forget to write the calories in everything you consume. This includes calories in beverages, oils, sauces, spices and garnishes.

Cook at home. Even with good intentions, it can quickly ruin your eating out. Cooking at home makes it easier for you to make healthy choices and control portions. Plus, you can save a lot of money by eating at home!
When you eat outside, you can save calories by asking to bring the sauces in a separate container, not inside the dish.
When cooking at home, use a cooking spray instead of olive oil or butter. If you use olive oil for cooking, be sure to measure the amount you use because one tablespoon of olive oil contains more than 100 calories. [7]
Prepare a healthy lunch, take it with you and take it to work or school; to eat full of healthy snacks such as carrots, celery and apples.

Give yourself a free day. No matter how determined you are about dieting, it's inevitable to have a loophole once in a while. For most people, social events, such as birthday parties or picnics, make healthy eating difficult; Remind yourself that it is normal to pamper yourself once in a while. Giving up your social life for diet will make you unhappy and give up before you reach your goals.

Section 2
Other Options

You might want to consider weight loss surgery. If you are clinically obese and have serious medical problems related to overweight, you can consider obesity surgery. There are several different types of obesity surgery, but in most methods either the size of the stomach is reduced or the length of the small intestine is shortened, [8] so patients have to eat less.
The BMI of the candidates for weight loss surgery is 40 or more, they are overweight for many years and have never lost weight permanently through diet and exercise.
If you think you're a good candidate for weight loss surgery, talk to your doctor. Remember, like all surgeries, there are risks. Evaluate the pros and cons before deciding to have surgery.

Join a weight loss program. If you have the will to lose weight naturally, but you need some guidance, joining a weight loss program may be the best option for you. Some programs take on much of the work by preparing low-calorie food for you all week long. Others teach how to make their own healthy food choices using a "scoring system" based on calorie intake.
Weight loss programs help you to feel responsible for your choices and connect with dietitians and other dieters.

Section 3
Tips and Tips

Drink tea or coffee without sugar between meals. Caffeine in tea and coffee can help curb your appetite. If you're in trouble with night snacks, drink herbal tea to keep your mouth empty and distract your mind.

Get enough sleep. Insomnia not only hinders your ability to think and function fully, it also increases your appetite and slows down your metabolism. [9] Aim to sleep at least 7 hours per night.
Reschedule the program if necessary. If you need to wake up too early for school or work, slowly reciprocate to make up for it.

Fight stress. Some stress is inevitable, but excessive stress causes the secretion of cortisol, which is responsible for the storage of fat, especially in the middle part of the body. [10] Stress may also be the underlying cause of overeating, because for most people food has a calming effect. Remember that Yemen only temporarily alleviates stress and anxiety, but does not actually solve any of its problems.
One way to help reduce the stress you experience every day is to learn to use your time better. Avoid shaking your work and leaving it to the last minute and keep your eye on the clock all day long so you don't rush to get where you need to be.
Cleaning your environment can also have a huge impact on stress and tension. Take time to clean your environment every day; this is your bedroom, your kitchen, your car, etc. can.
Start meditation, yoga or other relaxation exercises every day to help you stay comfortable with your feet on the ground.

Find something to replace the food. When you diet, you don't have to feel constantly miserable and deprived of everything. If food is the main source of joy and comfort for you, then it is important to find something you love more or just as much as food to maintain your sense of satisfaction. This could be spending time with friends, starting a hobby, going shopping, playing an instrument or doing sports, even watching movies or relaxing in the bathtub.

Weighing every day. Weighing is a great way to keep track of your long-term weight loss, but being weighed every day will make you crazy. Remember that everyone has a few pounds a day for a variety of reasons, and most of them can be attributed to weight from water. Weigh no more than twice a week.


The best way to lose weight and maintain it is by gradually adopting a realistic and healthy lifestyle that you can sustain in the years to come.
The more you are overweight, the faster you will lose weight.
Never doubt yourself, because it leads you back to your bad habits.
Motivation and exercise.
Drop sugar and cereals. Whole grains are said to be good when restrained. But, there are carbohydrates in bread, and carbohydrates make them fat.


It may be tempting to eat as little as possible to lose weight fast, but this can be extremely dangerous. Make sure you get enough calories to meet your body's needs. Never take less than 1,000 calories for a long time.
Before starting a new diet or exercise scheme, consult your doctor, especially if you have an existing medical problem.

Weight Scale, SmarTake Precision Digital Body Bathroom Scale with Step-On Technology, 6mm Tempered Glass Easy Read Backlit LCD Display, 400 Pounds, Black