Friday, July 26, 2019

INEVIFIT Bathroom Scale, Highly Accurate Digital Bathroom Body Scale, Measures Weight for Multiple Users. Includes a 5-Year Warranty

How I Lose 10 Pounds in 40 Days

INEVIFIT Bathroom Scale, Highly Accurate Digital Bathroom Body Scale, Measures Weight for Multiple Users. Includes a 5-Year Warranty

My last 10 years have passed on the borderline of obesity from time to time due to health problems. I realized that it was time to stop this situation when my weight was 9 years and 2 kilos of weight went up to three digits in the last year and my health problems started.
I had occasional dietary trials during this 10-year period, but unfortunately I couldn't stay faithful and broke the diet every time. The only reason I couldn't stand hunger. In fact, my biggest problem was that my insulin resistance was within limits and this made my job even more difficult. The problem was almost the same in almost all the diets I applied, I can't stand hunger.
I had to stay completely away from Sugar to reduce my insulin resistance. Although it is a bit difficult to prepare myself psychologically for someone who is very attached to Şeker, I can say that That Sugar film gave me the greatest support and belief in this process. I strongly advise you to watch. When you find out how unnecessary and empty food sugar is, you will qualify me.
Let me begin by telling you how I lost 10 kilos in 40 days in a healthy way.

My Diet

The diet I applied in this process was Canan Karatay's famous diet. I can say that it is the healthiest diet I'm comfortable with. In fact, it would be wrong to say diet because Mr. Karatay recommends eating without any restriction until all foods are healthy.

With the recommendations of Canan Karatay within the framework of certain rules, you will feel so healthy and fit that you will want to apply this diet throughout your life.

As a result, by applying this form of nutrition I reduced from 104 to 94 pounds. My height is 1.83 and my goal is to go down to 80-78 pounds.

Important Rules in Karatay Diet;
Nothing should be eaten every day after 19.00-20.00, including fruit; drink plenty of water, fresh lemon added as possible and 30-40 minutes walk before going to bed if possible.

(Foods with high glycemic index)
All kinds of cereal flour and foods made of them (All types of bread) - Roasted dried fruits
All kinds of sugar, all kinds of sugary food, all kinds of sweeteners and diabetic products
Rice, potatoes, baked carrots
Watermelon, melon, grapes, fig, banana
Chicken sold in the market, eggs and all kinds of fabricated products sold in the market, sausage, salami, sausage
All kinds of soft drinks (including diet - light products), fruit yogurt, Nescafe, all kinds of alcoholic beverages
Sunflower oil, corn oil, margarine
Ground cereals
After 19:00 - 20:00, eat something or snack.
To be hungry from the table, to eat in small and frequent intervals, snacks

(Foods with low glycemic index)
Walnuts, unroasted hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts
Dried fruits with low glycemic index, such as sunflower apricot (3-5 pcs), prunes etc.
Bulgur, uncooked carrots
Apple, pear, quince, orange, mandarin, peach, strawberry, plum, cherry etc. (1 serving per day)
Free-range chicken, all kinds of natural products and eggs and bacon
Mineral water, buttermilk, yogurt, plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day), herbal tea, Turkish coffee, filter coffee
Butter, olive oil, hazelnut oil,
Meat, fish, vegetables, salads, pulses,
After 19:00 - 20:00 to eat nothing and consume only healthy drinks. (water, coffee, tea, herbal teas, buttermilk, soda)
Eat until saturated, but spend 4.5 to 5 hours between meals, preferably 2 meals (2.5 or 3 meals)
Walking outdoors for at least half an hour a day

An exemplary day in the Karatay Diet;
Breakfast (08.00-09.00)
Two eggs (boiled in water, prepared from soft or apricot consistency.
8-10 salted green or black olives
Feta cheese in a palms up
4-5 pieces of dried apricots
Unsweetened herbal tea, water or fruit tea
One cup of walnut (can be eaten with white cheese instead of bread. Walnuts should be freshly broken if possible.)
Lunch (13.00-14.00)
Beef cold as a palm
Plenty of salad and beans with olive oil
Salad should be prepared with sliced ​​or grated radish and carrot or seasonal salad, natural vinegar, lemon, small amount of crystal rock salt and extra virgin olive oil.
Unsalted buttermilk in a cup
Unsweetened herbal tea or water as desired
Snacks (not required) (15.00)
Half a cup of walnut
Any tea you like without sugar or fresh lemon water
Dinner (18.00-19.00)
Fish, green onions, arugula and radish (Salad should be prepared in abundance, natural vinegar, lemon, small amount of crystal rock salt and extra virgin olive oil should be prepared by adding flax seeds.)

In my diet as follows;
Breakfast (08:30 to 09:30)
2 pieces of boiled Egg or Cheese Omelette
70 gr Ezine Cheese
8-10 olives
30 gr Walnut or Raw Almond (always keeps it full saturation every morning.)
4-5 pieces of Diraz Tomato
1 teaspoon of honey (1 per week)
1 piece Cucumber
Sugar Free Green Tea
If you want parsley, arugula etc greens
This is the same as the breakfast menu fix.
Lunch (12: 00-13: 00)
1 Plate of Seasonal Salad or legumes.
1 Bowl of Yogurt (made at home if possible)
Since I am not very hungry at noon, I am fed in this way and prevent me from being hungry even more in the evening. Sometimes it happens when I never eat.
Dinner (18: 00-19: 00)
Be sure to bake fish once a week (usually salmon 300-350 g)
Sauteed chicken with mushroom (with olive oil)
Bulgur pilaf with 1 grilled chicken per week
3 days a week Juicy meals from legumes and vegetables; Peas, green-red lentils, cauliflower, green beans, varieties, broccoli salad with yoghurt, Bulgur pilaf.
I rewarded myself once a week with Lahmacun (Max. 2), Kebab, Kokorec, Doner.
The calorie value of this daily diet is approximately 2000 calories.

The subjects I have been paying attention to during the diet and I think the most important points;
I drank 3 liters of water every day. It is very important because it supports the immune system, it eliminates the excess edema in your body and helps to burn fat.
I certainly didn't eat anything after 19:00. I just had Green Tea.
I always took care to eat at the same time.
White flour, which includes white bread, pastry, I have not eaten anything, I still do not eat and I am not thinking about eating throughout my life.
I certainly don't consume sugar. I have the same idea as in white flour.
I use salt or rock or sea salt.
And I am walking 1-1.5 hours a day, which is close to 10 km.
Importance of Sleep Quality

Once you've done all this, it's wrong not to mention another important issue, sleep. Because 1 in 3 of the calories you burn will be burned while sleeping. The calories burned by the body in an 8 hour sleep quality are around 700-800 calories compared to my height and weight.
Weighing Topic

If you are motivated quickly, you can be depressed quickly and you have a sensitive structure, you should definitely do weighing once a month. If you do not have such a problem, you should be weighed every 10 days to see the correct diet.
In this regard is very important for the continuity of the diet. Weighing every 2-3 days will lead to a lack of motivation and will lead you to give up your diet.

The most important issue !
Although Mr. Karatay doesn't count how many calories, I did the calorie calculation by weighing the ones I ate with a precision scale. Perhaps this is the most important issue in all diets.
If you want to lose weight in the long term, if you want to do it with a healthy diet you have to do the calorie account. You can lose weight in the long term by trimming 15% of your daily calorie need. You can increase this value, but it will not be a healthy method.
IMPORTANT NOTE: With this diet I have been able to lose 10 pounds in this time. There is no such thing as you will lose 10 pounds by applying them. As each body is different, the results may vary by structure. My advice is to go to the doctor first and learn your values. This article is intended to give an idea about the subject.
Thank you for reading the article, I hope it will be useful.

INEVIFIT Bathroom Scale, Highly Accurate Digital Bathroom Body Scale, Measures Weight for Multiple Users. Includes a 5-Year Warranty