Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Non-Scratch Scrub Sponge, 6 Sponges Total

How to properly care for enamel. How to bring the enamel back in the pan

Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Non-Scratch Scrub Sponge, 6 Sponges Total

Under a thin layer of enamel, steel or cast iron is hidden. Cast iron pots are heavier and more expensive. However, they heat evenly, keep the heat longer and are more suitable for quenching. Steel enamel pans heat up irregularly, so it is better to cook only liquid dishes. An important nuance! High temperature steel may deform. To avoid this, choose pans with thick walls - 1.5 mm and more.

Carefully examine the pan. No chips. The handles may also be made of enameled steel and welded to the pan. And maybe steel and wood. You're not going to burn yourself, but over time, the detections will loosen.

Glass lids are useful because there is usually a hole for steam. Note, however, that over time, it may rust, just like a screw holding a handle. Maintenance of such covers should be more careful. Dry after washing. Finally, the color of the enamel. A new, bright, whitening container weakly absorbs heat. Therefore, choose dishes with a dark enamel or specially darkened bottom.

Technologies for construction and finishing works

Homemade ways to recover enamel

How to restore the enamel bath

What to do and what to do if a small piece of enamel is broken in your bathroom? Most likely, the craftsmen will not be able to do the repair work, the amount of work is very small and will take very little money from you and it will be expensive to update the bathroom completely!

At home, it is not possible to make a factory-like coating, because enamel is a burning coating that turns into a glassy substance at a temperature of 800-900 degrees. Other coatings used when updating the enamel layer represent paint with enhanced mechanical strength and water resistance. According to experts, such coatings are not durable: they are destroyed by cleaning and detergents.

Sprayed or cracked enamel bath can be restored in the following ways:

We clean the damaged surface of the sandpaper, then dry the surface by washing with gasoline. Then we adjust the BF-2 glue layer to the crack and add a little dry white. We distribute this mass evenly to the damaged area with a brush. After the layer has dried, we repeat this process. Repeat this process until the glue thickness reaches the same level as the solid enamel surface.

We prepare pasta from 1: 2 filler and epoxy resin (such a resin is sold in a hardware store or on the market). Mix the dough thoroughly and let stand for a few days to make it homogeneous. First, dry the injured area in the bath after degreasing with acetone or gasoline. Mix the putty with the hardener (complete with epoxy resin), the resulting mixture is applied to damaged areas. Align the surface with a knife. The mixture hardens completely after 6-10 days, during which the use of a bath is prohibited. The service life of such a patch is 3 to 8 years.

A heavily damaged bathroom will help renew the white nitro enamel and Super Cement glue. The mixture should be in the same proportions by weight of this mass. The bath should be degreased with acetone or gasoline before it starts to shine on the cracks. Before leveling, we rub the coating onto the surface in a thick layer.

Enamel coating restoration technology in bathrooms, sinks and dishes without special equipment

Paste for enamel surfaces: kaolin 225 g, small ground 60 g, burnt 40 g boiled powder, 30 g powder sodium silicate, 20 g powder glass, 20 g quenched lime, water 50-125 ml.

After thoroughly mixing these substances, a homogeneous mass is formed in the porcelain plate. The cracked enamel surface is cleaned, degreased and rubbed with a paste. Drying lasts 48 hours.

A paste is prepared to smooth out the deterioration points in an enamel vessel: 13 parts casein, 4 parts quicklime, 10 parts soda ash, 6 parts sodium silicate, 15 parts ground quartz, 5 parts ground glass, 50 parts kaolin.

The paste is moistened with water before use and the casein stops until it combines with alkalis. Then dilute the paste to the batter consistency, stain the rust and oil where it should be removed beforehand and allow to dry.

In the home, bathroom repair often consists of lubricating the enamel chip areas with a filler with a composition prepared from epoxy resin. The filler is titanium white powder, talc or dry enamel powder. Approximately a portion (by volume) of the fill is taken for both parts of the fill. After mixing, the resulting composition ages for about 10 days, then becomes homogeneous.

The degraded area is degreased and degreased with gasoline or acetone coated with the epoxy composition. The composition is applied at the latest 20-30 minutes after mixing with a hardener at a ratio of 1:10 and smoothed with a razor blade or spatula.

Full curing of the composition takes place within 7-10 days. The nodules are then ground with a fine-grained sandpaper.

This method is suitable for both partial and full enamel baths.

Supertement glue and white nitro enamel will help you regain the enamel of the bathroom. Mix weights evenly and apply paint glue with a pad in the right place. After the bath is dried daily, reapply the solution to the surface. So repeat 4 times.

Glue 4 tubes consumption (40 g each), 160 g dyes

Restoration of a uniform shiny surface and uniform color coating on toilets, drainage tanks, bathtubs and sinks by eliminating micro-cracks on absorbent surfaces

a). The surface of the toilet bowl, sink or bathroom that you want to smooth should be washed and dried thoroughly to remove any cracks that are smooth, shiny and resulting.

b). Then degrease with solvent or acetone.

c). Then dry again for 2-3 hours.

g) was added. Collect the desired color tone enamel (preferably the nitro enamel used to paint the carriages) and apply lightly with a brush to a dry surface.

ARTIFICIAL ENAMELED. If the enamel is broken from the toilet, sink or tub, it can be restored using BF-2 glue and dry zinc white. The whitewash is mixed with glue into a thick slurry.
Enamel restoration.

The damaged area is cleaned of dirt and rust, dried with a clean cloth, washed with gasoline and dried. The prepared mixture is then applied with a three to four coat brush and allows each coat to dry for about one and a half hours.

Repair the enamel bath

The old bathroom with a perfumed enamel can return to its old clean appearance. First, the surface is well lubricated with acetone (or solvent No. 646 or 647). Then pour a little white nitrokraska in a clean bath and carefully rub. This is done several times until the pores in the enamel are filled. Excess dye is removed with a cloth moistened with a solvent. The resulting nitro-enamel layer is applied from an aerosol can.

Bathroom enamel restoration

It is possible to restore the bath enamel in this way: adhesive The superior and white nitroenamel is mixed in equal proportions by weight. The bath is degreased with gasoline and then with a cloth to rub a thick glue with paint. Leave to dry one day and apply another coat. So repeat four times. Approximate glue consumption: 4 tubes (40 g each), 160 g paint, Coating white, flat and strong enough.


Heated vinegar can clean the surface of the bath or increase in scale.

Dish, sink, bathroom and so on. Recipe tablets for cleaning and washing

Take: 1.200 g of borax, 400 g of tartaric acid, 150 g of baking powder, 1.7 g of lavender oil Add water and mix thoroughly until all the ingredients get a thick paste, then roll on the table and cut into pieces into tablets.
Craftsmen's tips: How to fix an enamel pan?

How to fix the enamel pan

With such a question, the reader turned to the editors.

Personally, I prefer stainless steel cookware. And it is easy to clean and looks good and durable on the shelves - such grandchildren remain, and after repair, you can not remember it. Truth is more expensive than enamel. However, if the reader needs repair, we will begin.

Identify immediately: rusted pans between large areas, it is better to switch to scrap metal. If a layer of internal (black) enamel has appeared, nothing needs to be done - it's a bit ugly, but the pan is still working. Don't fall for advertising of various boxes with so-called enamel! This prevents the solvents from becoming noticeable in food after painting and enamelling for a long time, not enamel, but what do we need?

However, these favorite containers, bowls or mugs (but not more than a few millimeters) to which metal is exposed or passing through a hole. It is possible to extend the service life. The road is old, well known and simple - tin plating.

All you need is to find a tin from friends, buy it or ask. Please note: it does not only contain tin and pollution. Under no circumstances should you use solder for soldering, as they all contain lead - a poison that can accumulate in our body. With the exception of silver or gold, there is no substitute for tin in the food coating.

It will take more "storms" (in powder form), now you can buy anywhere and easily in small bags.

The main tool used for repair - burner on a gas container. Of course, you can use a strong soldering iron, but in my experience, I know that they should still be able to work during the tinning process.

First, you must remove all bare metal stains from the cake. Special attention should be paid to the edges - cleaning the enamel surface is better than leaving no rust.

The second step is degreasing. Pour soda ash on a clean cloth and drip water to lightly moisten the entire powder layer. And with this dust, wipe the location of the future tinning and the surrounding area several times. Under no circumstances should you try to control the quality of the stripping and degreasing with your fingers, as tin cannot be removed. In general, all procedures - from degreasing and peeling off under running water - to washing - should be performed on rubber “surgical” gloves. And you will benefit twice as much: a caustic substance will not fall into your hands and the repair site will be clean and ready to be completely tinned.

Now you can fix it. Pour borax powder with a thin layer on the prepared surface. Then, heat the repair zone in circles starting from the peripherals (at the edges) and toward the center. Caution: When the storm begins to melt and smoke emerges, this means that the ground is warming to the correct temperature. Take a can of tin with tweezers and put the tin into place. Continue heating until the tin does not spread throughout the plane. Examine the study carefully, you can even use a magnifying glass to identify non-zaludilis areas. In such a case, repeat all operations first - and you will succeed.

In addition to polished furniture, mirrors, lampshades, window glass are easily electrified, attracting dust. To avoid this, wipe the surface with a shampoo composition containing any antistatic agent and water, taken in a 4: 1: 8 ratio (by volume).

In the repair and construction of furniture, wood should generally be given one or another color (usually with the help of stains), after which the painted surface is varnished.

Before painting, the surface is polished with fine-grained sandpaper and the wood dust is cleaned with a brush. The cross-cut saw is slightly moistened before painting. The stain is applied with a brush without a metal ring. If necessary, the treatment of the stain is repeated with the surface wet.

The dried, painted surface is covered with lacquer or varnish, which is applied with a brush or roller linen cloth wrapped with sheep wool or foam rubber.

When the coating dries, the surface is re-polished with fine-grained sandpaper and varnished two or three times.

Heat the last one on a plate with hot water (be sure to remove the plate from the heat), covering the surface in a flat, thin layer.


If the enamel pan is worn, it is not difficult to repair. The hole can be easily soldered with the tin, but it is necessary to use a certain amount of space through the enamel hole to clean it thoroughly.

sanding paper with late edges, any solvent (acetone, turpentine, solvent 646 or 649, etc.) and degrease with solder. But! The main drawback of this method is the need for enamel splitting around the hole and the impossibility of completing it, which is 100% tinning of the metal surface around the hole. Likewise, the uncoated edge remains where the metal will continue to corrode further.

Without less loss and soldering iron (the latter is not always in hand and everyone knows how to use it, tin, rosin, ammonia, etched hydrochloric acid are not always at hand), so to say, repairable, dry, riveting hole with the appropriate diameter aluminum wire.

If this is done slowly and carefully, the rivet head may be formed such that it closes around the bent hole from the enamel surface. In this way, non-enamel containers do not even make repairs.

Many housewives have a problem: how and how to clean aluminum containers?

First, let's say that aluminum is covered with a very strong Al2O3 oxide film. this protects the metal from further oxidation. But likewise, it is better to use aluminum pans only for the preparation of non-sour and salt-free foods (potatoes, various cereals, pastas). If you have cooked sour or lonely food in an aluminum pan that is forbidden to cook, then pour it into enamel, glass or earthenware containers. By doing so, you recover the film that begins to disintegrate (the film is then restored under the influence of atmospheric oxygen and water). For the same reason .

Scotch-Brite Scrub Dots Non-Scratch Scrub Sponge, 6 Sponges Total