Wednesday, July 31, 2019

IF YOU CARE 100% Natural Sponge Cloths, 5 Count

How to Clean the Bottom of the Iron?

IF YOU CARE 100% Natural Sponge Cloths, 5 Count

How to Clean Six Burnt Iron?

The question of how to clean the bottom of the iron is probably the most intimate with the iron. An iron is hung every morning to make shirts or trousers more elegant and tidy. Sometimes the husband can take the clothes of a week, Saturday or Sunday, and then leave fatigue. It will be more enjoyable to make ironing with the music you open from the radio.

If you frequently iron, the bottom of the iron will wear out over time. If you clean the iron periodically, you can eliminate the stains and calcification that occur under the iron, and even the burn marks you have experienced in absent-minded times. If you think what might be under the iron, you should check your iron immediately. When you see that the steam holes in the bottom are closed and stain occurs in time, you will realize how important ironing cleaning is.

In this process we continue to make life easier with practical information, we will now give you information on how to clean your iron. After learning this information, you can make the burned and worn iron bottoms look like the first day.

1) White Vinegar

One of the answers to your question is how to clean the bottom of the white vinegar burning iron. White vinegar used to provide hygiene in the kitchen and bathroom will clean the bottom of your iron in this article. To remove burn stains and lime marks from under the iron; heat some white vinegar in a coffee pot. Put the heated vinegar under the iron with the help of a towel and start to scrub. Under the effect of hot vinegar, the bottom of the iron will be cleaned.

2) Toothpaste

You think toothpaste is only used for dental health? Toothpaste is now available as an iron cleaning agent. How to clean the bottom of the iron Toothpaste to refresh the bottom of the iron if you say, we will give you a positive answer. Because the ingredients in toothpaste are effective enough to remove stains under the iron. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the bottom of the iron and spread it thoroughly with a dishwashing sponge. Then wipe the soleplate with a warm cloth and turn on the iron and steam once or twice. After unplugging the iron, carry out the final cleaning and inspect the shine on the soleplate.

3) Salt

Due to the acidic nature of the salt, it has the property of removing stains under the iron. If you're wondering how to clean when the iron is burned, pour plenty of salt on a newspaper and let the iron run at medium temperature. Then press the iron on this salt. Wait a few seconds and clean the underside of the iron with a warm cloth. It's that simple!

4) Laundry Detergent

You can see the cleaning effect of the laundry detergent on the clothes this time for the ironing soles. We will therefore recommend that you clean the worn soleplate with detergent. Mix a spoonful of laundry detergent with a little hot water and wipe the bottom surface of the iron with this mixture. Even burned soles will be clean in a few wiping attempts.

5) Carbonate and Vinegar

Carbonate is a highly effective substance for cleaning household appliances. It can even clean the soleplate with a little vinegar. Mix some vinegar and carbonate when you want to clean the bottom of the iron. Apply this mixture with an old cloth under the iron and try to wipe the soles. In one or two wipes, stains and dirt on the soleplate of the iron will disappear. If you say how to clean the bottom of the Teflon iron, your rescuer will be carbonate and vinegar.

6) Lemon and Carbonate

If you don't know the lemon and carbonate duo, you should meet the miracle duo with this article. When lemon and carbonate come together, it leaves neither dirt nor stain. It also helps many people by showing this feature in under-iron cleaning. Obtain a slightly viscous mixture of lemon and carbonate. Then apply this mixture to the soleplate and wait for 5 minutes. After about 5 minutes, clean the mixture from the soleplate with a slightly damp cloth. Then run the iron for a few minutes and the result is with you!

7) Candle

You can think of how to bond a six-iron cleaning and wax. The wax will be quite effective in cleaning the soleplate. Prepare any wax and start operating the iron at medium temperature. Apply wax to the heated soleplate. If you have waxed the entire surface, quickly clean the soleplate with a thick towel. Then give the base a final touch with a cloth containing very little vinegar water and notice the innovation in the base!

IF YOU CARE 100% Natural Sponge Cloths, 5 Count