Friday, July 26, 2019

EatSmart Precision CalPal Digtal Bathroom Scale with BMI and Calorie Intake, 440 Pound Capacity

22 recommendations for weight loss in a short time and weight control

EatSmart Precision CalPal Digtal Bathroom Scale with BMI and Calorie Intake, 440 Pound Capacity

Maintaining weight with weight control is just as important as losing weight. After the slimming process is completed, we present a comprehensive file to our readers about what needs to be done in order not to get back your weight suddenly. In this comprehensive article prepared in line with the information provided by the Diet Specialists, you will find the basic methods of losing weight and the necessary steps to avoid losing weight again.
Able to lose weight with balanced nutrition possible

There are two steps to lose weight and control weight. First; healthy eating, the latter; regular physical activity. One of the habits you gain during the slimming process should be regular physical activity. Regular physical activity will increase your muscle mass and speed up your metabolism. While trying to keep the energy equal to the energy consumed by the body while maintaining weight, small loopholes in our diet may create weight problems. Physical activity will help us ignore this situation.

The proper physical activity will shape your body and give you a fit look. It will also protect you from metabolic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure. At this stage, the point to be considered is the continuity of sports. 45 minutes, 1 hour of physical activity every day without overloading the body will be your biggest supporter in keeping your ideal weight.

1- Determine the weight you want to reach

Many people who want to lose weight often start a diet but after a while for many different reasons can not stick to the diet program. Thanks to a well-planned diet program that will not force the person in their daily life, the nutritional habits can be changed and successful results can be achieved. Diet beginners, "I wonder if I can lose weight, can I maintain this weight?" They should not tire themselves with questions that will affect motivation, should set out with realistic goals. In order to achieve the ideal weight in a healthy way, you should seek expert help.

2- Get expert help and consciously eat

In the summer, heavy meals should be avoided, especially frying, considering the effect of heat. Instead of boiled, grill should be preferred. Instead of dough desserts, lighter milk desserts or ice cream should be consumed. Fruit should not be consumed with the idea that it does not mind weight. Because the fruit is fructose, which is fruit sugar. Instead of sugary drinks such as fruit juice, acidic beverages, less calorie buttermilk should be consumed. In addition, drink plenty of water. Salads should be consumed at every meal.

3- Consume plenty of fluids to prevent fatigue during diet

In the summer, the body's fluid needs are also increasing. Health problems such as fainting, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, low pulse, circulatory disorders can be seen as a result of the discharge of minerals such as sodium and potassium in the body with the effect of heat in summer. Especially in order to meet increased fluid loss with sweating 2.5-3 liters per day. drink water. Lose weight, to maintain weight and to prevent excess nutrient intake should be consumed plenty of fluids.
4- Do not weigh every day

It is wrong to be weighed frequently for the purpose of weight tracking. Weight change with a healthy diet is 4-6 kilos per month. Accordingly, 1-1.5 weight loss per week is normal. Expecting more can be disappointing. Appropriate weighing frequency should be on an empty stomach once a week and in the morning. Weighing several times at different times during the day will cause demoralization and reduced motivation.

5- Reward yourself

If you start to lose weight after starting a diet program, people can reward themselves for the given weight, but this reward should not be disrupting the diet. As a reward to them; they can buy an outfit they like, change their hairstyle or go somewhere they want to see for a long time. In this way, motivation can be increased.
6- Think positive

It is important to rejoice for every weight given in order to keep the motivation high during the diet. Regardless of the amount of weight given, dieters should appreciate their success. People who start a diet should not feel excluded, thinking that they are in a program where there are bans while eating everything they want.

7. Inquire if you are hungry

Most people feel hungry when they are bored, unhappy, angry or happy. In such cases, the feeling of hunger should be questioned again. People who think that they should eat something in case of hunger due to the intensity of emotion should prefer raw vegetables that are not caloric and suitable for the season.
8. Write down what you eat at meals

It is an effective method for dieters to control themselves by taking notes of what they eat. Thanks to the notes, while checking the number of meals and whether the correct food groups are included in the meals; if they make mistakes, they can also see them. Another advantage of taking notes is that if no weight is given at the end of a week or if very little weight is lost even if the diet program is followed and the note is kept, the consumption creates the chance of finding the mistake made by examining with the dietician.
9- Eat dried fruit instead of junk food

High-calorie snacks such as chocolates, wafers and biscuits stored in the home and work drawers may cause a disruption of the diet program. Instead, it will be more beneficial to have healthy and suitable snacks such as dried fruit, chickpeas, breadcrumbs in the workplace drawers.
10- Increase your physical activity

In addition to healthy eating, physical activities will accelerate weight loss. A brisk walk at least one hour a day will make the person feel healthy and lose weight.

11- Sitting in the right place

According to the researches, it is revealed that the discounts given by the restaurants at certain hour intervals lead people to eat more. If you want to avoid this situation, you should sit at the edge of the table. In the middle of the table are bread, chips and other dinner plates. These are the things that make you gain the most weight aslında You can stay away from this danger by sitting on the edge of the table.
12- To be a member of web sites related to health life

Dietitian Emre emphasizes that receiving regular mail from life internet portals has a significant effect on regulating nutritional habits. According to the studies, people who read weekly healthy life news started to consume more fresh products, eat less trans fat and do more sports after 16 weeks.
13- Turning off the lights

Geçirmek Spending sleep in a darker environment can make a person lighter, Em says Emre Uzun. According to research, sleeping or resting in the dark, bright light or sleeping in front of the TV screen and sleep according to the person's desire to eat shows a negative change. Studies have shown that quality sleep causes less calorie intake than inefficient sleep.
14- Giving up guilt

Dietitian Emre Uzun suggests that you stop blaming yourself after an unhealthy and multi-calorie meal. Dietary practitioners are willing to eat a lot with the effect of social pressure and personal stress. For this reason, the guilt begins to eat after eating. In fact, the next step is to take the necessary steps for a healthy diet.

15- Watch less TV

An individual spends an average of 5 hours a day watching television. Studies have shown that individuals who spend 50 percent less free time watching television burn more than 119 calories per day on average. Dietitian Emre Uzun, rather than spending time at the beginning of the television in the gym, individuals going to be better in terms of physical as well as mentally states that better.
16- The right snack

Meals increase metabolic rate. Dietitian Emre Uzun, 'all the raw food to be broken down and digestion requires more energy than processed foods,' he says. Eating those nutrients has a more positive effect on calorie burning. Healthy snacks can also be consumed with simple exchanges. Whole-body fat instead of normal grissini, apple juice instead of ready-made juice, over time, a reduction in all body fat can be achieved.
17- Food on tiny plates

Dietician Emre Uzun, eating small meals in small plates compared to large plates will create a habit of eating less, he says. In a scientific study with buffet ice creams in Europe, nutrition professors and graduate students were given bowls of 17 or 34 ounces (1 ounce = 28.35 grams) and 2 or 3 ounce spoons. It appears that people who buy large bowls consume 31% more ice cream than small ones. Here, both large spoons and large bowls of ice cream served by 57% more than the small ones who are found to serve.
18- Adding spices

According to the researchers, when half a teaspoon of hot pepper is added into 1 bowl of soup, it is seen that 60 kcal less food is eaten at the next meal. Dietitian Emre Uzun, increases the metabolic rate of hot pepper for this reason, says that faster calorie burning.
19- To save the bread to the end

Restricting fat after not limiting carbohydrates does not provide such effective results in weight loss. According to a study conducted in 2011, 100 obese people entered the diet protein intake 20 percent, carbohydrate intake 50 percent and fat intake was 30 percent. Group 1 ate starch-containing food throughout the day. Group 2 only consumed this food for dinner. After 6 months, group 2 was reported to feel full all day long and to lose more weight, body fat and abdominal fat.
20- Sweating

Dietitian Emre Long is difficult to lose weight without exercising, while reducing calorie intake is not possible to lose weight underlines too. In addition to the benefits for cardiovascular and mental health, after losing a few pounds, exercise to maintain weight loss is a good savior. Because when the muscles start to work, they keep the same function by burning calories.
21- Sleeping in the cold room

Sleeping in the cold bedroom affects both sleep and metabolism in a positive way. Ak Sleeping in a cold room is a good way to gain strength and strength when trying to warm your body.
22- To control allergy drugs

Medications taken for allergy control can cause weight gain. According to research, people taking antihistamines are 4.5 kg heavier than people who do not use drugs. Therefore, users of antihistamines can achieve a healthier life by adjusting their diet or exercise to balance their weight.
Here is the ABC of weight maintenance and / or healthy eating;

Weigh in the same clothes every two weeks.
Keep your daily energy consumption and control under control.
Feed less often. Make 3 main 2 or 3 snacks. Never skip meals.
Do not skip the breakfast meal that starts metabolism at the beginning of the day.
Prefer low-energy but satisfying and nutritious foods.
Consume foods with low fiber and low glycemic index.
Consume complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates. Like consuming rye or whole wheat bread instead of white bread.
Reduce your serving sizes. For this, you can start by reducing the plates. Feed your eyes first, then your stomach.
Reduce the amount of fat you consume. Cook your vegetable dishes with low fat and meat dishes with your own fat.
Use cooking techniques such as grilling, boiling, steaming, baking or oil-free pan.
Although it varies from person to person, consume an average of 2, 2.5 liters of water per day. Water will keep your metabolism awake and purify your body from toxic elements.
Always be active.
Walk to places within walking distance.
Prefer the ladder instead of the elevator.
Park your vehicle in the most remote locations at work or in shopping malls.
And, of course, be careful when shopping for food. Never go shopping on an empty stomach.
Before you go shopping, make yourself a shopping list and never buy anything off the list that you shouldn't eat.
Be sure to read the label information and nutrient content of the products you buy.
Sleep with good quality sleep. Because the sleep of the body does not allow your body to rest, your metabolism will work slowly during the day and your weight will be difficult to maintain.
Never leave your habits gained during the slimming process.

In order not to get back your weight;

Weight loss should not be your only goal in this process. It is important to examine your eating habits and lifestyle in detail, to make step-by-step changes, and to maintain behavioral changes after reaching your ideal weight. In order to maintain your weight, your diet should be a diet program that includes various food groups and does not make you hungry. If you prefer uniform nutrition programs and very low-energy diets while you are slimming, it will be an inevitable result that you prepare yourself for the end of weight gain at the same speed after rapid weight loss.

Because it is not possible to feed on a single type of food for life except for the health problems it causes. Additionally, low-calorie diets will slow down your metabolic rate and result in rapid weight gain when you move into a weight-saving period. The essential energy in weight control is to balance the energy consumed.
Is weight control personal?

Just as diet programs are personal, such as fingerprints, protection programs should be personal. Because each individual has a different basal metabolic rate according to age, height, gender, oxygen carbon dioxide saturation. And again, the physical activity status of each individual is different. Therefore, the amount of energy consumed by each individual is different. Depending on the energy consumed, the energy received will vary from person to person. Apart from the general principles of healthy nutrition, weight loss and weight loss programs should be personal.
What are the foods that provide weight control?

Unfortunately, there is no miracle nutrient that helps to lose weight or help us maintain weight. If you regulate your nutritional habits instead of looking for short ways, short-term benefits and miracle foods, you can provide long-term weight protection. The small magical touches to your habits will do wonders for the long-term elimination of your weight problems.

EatSmart Precision CalPal Digtal Bathroom Scale with BMI and Calorie Intake, 440 Pound Capacity