Friday, July 26, 2019

Arboleaf Bluetooth Body Fat Scale - Smart Scale Wireless Bathroom Weight Scale with iOS, Android APP, Unlimited Users, Auto Recognition Body Composition Analyzer for Fat, BMI, BMR, Muscle Mass, Water


Arboleaf Bluetooth Body Fat Scale - Smart Scale Wireless Bathroom Weight Scale with iOS, Android APP, Unlimited Users, Auto Recognition Body Composition Analyzer for Fat, BMI, BMR, Muscle Mass, Water

Weight: Body weight; Describes the sum of structures such as Total Body Water, Protein, Minerals and Body Fat Weight.
BMI (Body Mass Index): It is a calculation process and Reference Ranges are available for the resulting value. You can find the reference values ​​and their differences from the reference values ​​according to the age and gender in the report samples that are generated as a result of the analysis. In short, calculation is made as BMI = Weight / (Length (mt) x Length (mt)).

Fat Ratio (%) and Weight (kg): Oils are the most important source of energy required for our body. The fact that the adipose tissue, which is a normal member of our body and indispensable for human physiology, will determine the presence of a disease state. Our body needs a certain amount of fat to stay active and healthy.
Oils; supporting our joints, protecting our organs, controlling our body temperature, energy reserve (in case of starvation). For this, the amount of fat required for our body should be decided consciously. So this ratio in our body should be neither more nor less. It should be ideally sized and as necessary. In the report samples created as a result of the analysis, you can find the Reference Values ​​and Their Differences from the Reference Values ​​for Age and Gender for the Oil Ratio (%) and Weight (kg) of the analyzed person.
Fluid Ratio (%) and Weight (kg): Approximately 50 to 70% of the weight of an adult human is comprised of Body Fluid. This rate varies depending on age and gender. In newborns, body fluid, which reaches the highest level and reaches the lowest levels with age, should be monitored well in weight control programs. In the report samples created as a result of the analysis, you can find the Reference Values ​​and Differences from the Reference Values ​​for Age and Gender for the Liquid Ratio (%) and Weight (kg) of the analyzed person.
Total Body Fluid is maintained as Intracellular Fluid (ICW) and Extracellular Fluid (ECW). Particularly, the ratio of Extracellular Fluid (ECW) to Total Fluid is important, and when this ratio exceeds certain values, it can be observed that conditions which are defined as edema or roughly termed water collection occur.
Our studies show that if this ratio is in a normal course between 38 - 43%, and above 45% levels, further investigations may be requested. Edema can occur for different reasons. Stress, fatigue, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, sudden changes in weight, injuries such as crash-falling, long journeys, insomnia, high fever or diseases, etc.… can cause this formation. These formations are transient and can disappear spontaneously over time, or they can become a messenger when they are related to the disease. Therefore, it is important to follow this ratio in the patient-specialist relationship and in terms of health.
The formation of edema as a result of disease may be caused by deterioration of cell structure health. When cell health deteriorates due to aging, illness, etc., the cell membrane begins to rupture, and the fluid within the cell moves out of the cell, increasing the extracellular fluid, thereby enhancing our extracellular fluid / total fluid ratio estimates.

Muscle Weight: The muscles, along with our bones and joints, support our movement structure. It has tasks such as formation of body shape, transport of matter and production of heat. Total Muscle Amount is given in the report generated by the analysis.

Soft Lean Mass; The amount of Soft Muscle Tissue is given in the report generated by the analysis. The difference from Total Muscle Amount reflects the amount of fluid and protein in the muscle.
Skeletal Muscle Mass; Striated muscle group, around the skeleton, providing movement and voluntarily move the muscles.
About 80% of our muscles are liquid. This varies according to age, height, gender, weight, ethnic origin, etc. Fluid loss is experienced in weight control programs during dehydration periods. Therefore, in the first few months of the weight control program, this loss can be seen as a loss of muscle in your reports, but this loss should not be considered as a loss of muscle, because this loss is caused by a loss of protein in the muscle and not in the liquid structure.
Bone Mineral Weight: Bone structure consists of organic matter, liquid and mineral structure, this value can give information about the mineral mass in the bone structure.
Segmental Body Composition Analysis: (For devices that can perform segmental measurements) Right-Left Arms and Legs and Body are mentioned in a total of five regions. Body Fat Ratio (%) and Weight (kg), Lean Body Weight (kg) (Fat Free Mass, Lean Body Mass, Lean Weight, Non-Fat Mass may also be called) and Muscle Weight (kg) helps us to see regionally.
This analysis can be performed especially for regional evaluation, exercise planning and analysis of body balance structure.
Age of Metabolism: BMI, weight, fluid and fat status reference values ​​based on a special algorithmic structure is formed by evaluating the appropriate age refers to this structure.

Basal Metabolism Rate: Kcal and Kjl are expressed in 2 different units of measurement. It is expressed as the amount of energy the body needs in a still-resting state without the inclusion of activity. BMR, RMR, BMR.

BMR / Weight: Basal Metabolism Rate is a very effective parameter to understand. To describe this score, suppose that a male and a female have metabolic rates of 2100 Kcal for Male and 1350 Kcal for Female. It appears that a man's metabolic rate is much higher than a female, but this parameter shows us the real value.
Namely; Men's 98kg and BMR 2100. BMR / Weight = 21.43 Women 49kg and BMR 1350. BMR / Weight = 27.55
Thus, the BMR score per kilogram may actually indicate that the Female Metabolic Rate is considerably higher than that of a male. This score is expected to increase as the weight is lost compared to previous personal analyzes in the weight control program.

Ideal Weight: BMI reference values ​​used to evaluate weight are given as age appropriate and intermittent values. The ideal weight is given as the verilen Ideal Weight Range arak which should be calculated by calculating the lower value and the weight corresponding to the upper value for the BMI of the person concerned. Most Ideal Weight = (lower value + upper value) / 2 calculation is given as the most ideal value.

Obesity Degree: The most ideal distance from the calculated weight is expressed in%. For example, while your Current Weight is 83,4kg, your Ideal Weight Range will be between 59.17kg - 73.96kg.
Your ideal will be given as 66,57kg. Therefore, the Obesity Degree will be 28.10%.
This value can be seen as a surplus value in case of excess weight, and as a negative value if it is missing.

Mineral Amount: In addition to our bones in our skeletal system, there is also mineral structure in hair, hair, teeth, etc. structures. The report gives you the current Mineral Quantity and Ideal Mineral Quantity Reference Values ​​in kg and%.

Protein Amount: The report gives you the current Protein Amount and Ideal Protein Quantity Reference Values ​​in kg and%.

Internal Organs Surrounding Lubrication Rating: This rating includes a numerical classification of 1 - 59 developed in parallel with scientific studies with devices. The value from 1 to 15 is considered to be the normal range, starting from 1, with the most ideal being up to 15. The values ​​above are excluded from the criteria of ideal values ​​and the higher the numerical value, the more it can be seen that the distance from the ideal values.

Body Density: The calculation method Brozek obtains from Body Density studies is used. This value roughly indicates the 1 lt = = kg of the person being analyzed. With very rough description, it can be mentioned that some people with low body density (fatty persons) do not sink easily at sea or may stay easier than sinking on water surface. Therefore, if the body density is due to the muscular body structure, this value can be considered as high or vice versa.
The report gives you the current Body Density and Reference Values.

Muscle Score: An increase in muscle score and comparisons may indicate an increase in muscle mass.

Fluid Score: The increase in fluid score and comparisons may indicate an increase in fluid mass.

Fat Score: An increase in fat score and comparisons may indicate an increase in fat mass.

BMI Score: An increase in BMI score and comparisons may indicate an increase in weight.

BMR Score: An increase in BMR score and comparisons may indicate an increase in Basal Metabolic Rate relative to weight.
Metabolic Age Score: The increase in Metabolic Age Score and comparisons may indicate an increase in weight.

PHASE ANGLE (Phase Angle); It is a marker in terms of cellular health and intactness. There is a high and almost linear relationship between phase angle and cellular structure.
With a low phase angle value, the insufficiency of the cells in energy storage and the signs of structural disturbance are parallel to the permeability of the cell wall. So a low value may be a pointer to us about the deterioration of the cell structure. Since the cell wall has a high lipid structure, this reading will give us an indication of the cell lipid value.
A high phase angle value includes the assumption of a large and dense number of intact, healthy walls with cell mass.
Phase Angle values ​​are between 3 and 10 for adults and normal values ​​are accepted as 6 to 8. Although a high and severe energy storage shortage is mentioned for values ​​below 5, values ​​taken above 8 can be stated as excellent.
It was reported that age, gender and BMI played an important role in the evaluation of phase angle.
The phase angle is directly related to the cell membrane (quantity and function) affecting the reactance. It is not surprising that the phase angle value of individuals with a higher BMI value is also high, since those with higher BMI will have more cell tissue (fat and muscle).
The decrease in reactivity associated with increased age and muscle loss results in increased adipose tissue and body water reduction, and the phase angle decreases.
Higher phase angle values ​​are considered to be indicative of higher cellular membrane integrity and better cell function. The phase angle of men is higher because they have more muscle tissue. Increased muscle and fat cells in the body, that is, increased BMI value also increases the phase angle. However, this relationship is observed in individuals with a BMI of <30 kg / m2, whereas an inverse relationship is observed in obese individuals with BMI> 40 kg / m2.
At the same time, the extracellular / intracellular body water ratio and physical activity status play a role in the phase angle value. In summary, as the muscle ratio increases, the phase angle increases.

RESISTANCE ; is an evaluation value used in electrical engineering, which is the ratio of the electrical potential of a substance to current. A substance with low resistance behavior is considered more favorable than a substance with high resistance. Water is the primary and basic current carrier in the human body. Therefore, a low resistance value indicates a large and high amount of lean body mass. A higher value indicates smaller and lower amounts of lean body mass.
The resistance is helpful in calculating the body of water in the body. The low resistance indicates high electrical wave conduction in the body and consequently a higher fluid mass / structure, ie it is concluded that the fat mass is inversely low.
Briefly, an analysis interpretation can be achieved where the low resistance value in the analysis includes high amounts of oil-free mass and low amounts of oil mass. The high resistance value will be interpreted as the opposite of this judgment.

REACTANCE ; is a type of dimensioning tool for measuring the energy storage ability of the cell. Therefore, the higher reactance value tells us that the body has the ability to store energy more easily, and the lower reactance value indicates that the cell's energy storage ability will be lower. pointer.
Resistance and reactance values ​​alone do not make sense within the evaluation criteria. These evaluations and measurements are intended to determine Phase Angle. Roughly, a number of ingredients are needed to make the cookie (oil, flour, sugar, water ve) and using these ingredients, the cookie is produced as a final product. In other words, cookies are not fat or sugar, they are formed by cooking all the ingredients. Therefore, Phase Angle can be considered as a cookie. Everything else is needed to make the cookie.

Tanita Professional Body Analysis

How does Tanita Bia Technology work?
All Tanita body composition monitors utilize advanced Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology. When you stand barefoot on a Tanita monitor, the device sends a secure electrical signal from the electrodes. In segmental models, four hand electrodes will provide extra readings for each leg, arm and abdomen.
The electrical signal passes quickly through the water in the hydrated muscle tissue, but provides resistance when it reaches the adipose tissue. This resistance, known as impedance, is measured and entered into scientifically approved Tanita equations to calculate body composition measurements. Depending on the monitor, body composition measurements are given in less than 20 seconds.
People using an electronic medical implant such as a pacemaker should not use the body composition monitor. The electrical signal passing through the body may affect its operation. Pregnant women should only use the weight function, not all other functions are intended for pregnant women.
Tanita's "BIA method and methodology" is comparable to direct and indirect methods and can achieve a high degree of accuracy. Scientific studies made with Tanita are easily accessible on the internet.
E.g; You can easily access the articles published in (National Institutes of Health) in NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) in the USA or by clicking on the links below via Google Scholar. The articles that you can access here cover all (favorable or unfavorable) articles made with TANITA devices.
The Bio Electrical Impedance Method is a fast, noninvasive and inexpensive method, and we also say that the impedance is measured by the BIA Analyzer by applying low electrical current to the body. However, impedance technology has been renewed day by day and is replaced by an advanced technical analysis called Resistance-Reactance and Phase Angle with different hertz and multiple electric current waves called "multi-frequency".
Multi-frequency system with analyzers can be detailed analysis, accurate results are easier to reach and given appropriate frequencies in the cell inside and outside the cell with the determination of fluid called edema easier to reach the index.

Today, there are dozens of devices with different brands that use BIA technology and measure body composition. However, the TANITA brand stands out with its new technology (Resistance, Reactance and Phase Angle) and a wide reference network spread around the world.
Turkey made thousands of sales to the general, when observed in a number of analyzes made by Tanita alone for obesity "reference values" will become.
We know that indirect measurement methods can be achieved by using a parameter or parameters. These methods are scientifically valid as long as they are supported by clinical studies.
You will not get the same result when the Sex and Age Change in TANITA BIA Analysis!
BIA analysis uses impedance in old technologies and Resistance, Reactance and Phase Angle values ​​in new technological devices. These terms are the terms used in electrical science, which are "raw data", while analyzers perform body analysis in the light of these data, "develop devices", and scientific methods they have developed to compute ways to "achieve the right result" equations.
The values ​​that can be measured on BIA analyzers are only these values, Body Composition is derived from these values ​​by equations. The difference in quality between the devices appears to be the quality of these equations developed by scientific studies as well as their physical stability, as you can see from the links of the above scientific studies and there is a "Scientific structure" behind the TANITA brand.
These equations and all the studies to establish these equations show the real value of the devices.
Q: Are two people of the same height, same age, same sex and weight the same fat percentage?

The image may be misleading;
Figures A and B have the same weight. C appears to be bulky and more oily. However, when the fat ratios of all three were measured, it was seen that B and C had normal fat ratios and A had very high fat values.

Losing weight can also increase fat content;
A and B 's fat ratio before diet, weight and height is equal. Even though equal weight loss is seen over time, B' s fat content of exercise with diet is lower than the value.
Q: Can a woman and a man of the same height, age and weight have the same fat percentage?

Body Composition Models:
There are two models of body composition (Brozek, Grande, Anderson and Keys 1963; Siri 1961):
Fat and Lean Mass.
Lean Mass; waste chemicals include water, muscle (protein) and bone (mineral) tissue.

Body Density:
Researchers have determined that lean mass density varies with age, gender, ethnicity, obesity level and physical activity level (Baumgartner, Heymsfield, Lichtman; Wang and Pierson 1991; Williams et al. 1993).
For example; The average lean mass density of black males and females is higher than 1.10g / cc / standard value due to high mineral and protein capacity (~ 1.106g / cc - ~ 7.3% Lean Mass) (Cote and Adams 1993; Ortiz et all 1992; Wagner and Heyward 2001)
Black people in terms of these differences in lean mass density of fat values ​​are examined when the body fat is low .
In another example, it was found that % Fat was low in football players whose body density was calculated as 1.10 g / cc (Adams, Mottola, Bagnal, Mc Fadden 1982).
Likewise, the Lean Mass density in children is low due to high water content (76%) and low mineral content (5.2% Fat Free Mass) (1.084g / cc = FFB density) (Lohman, Boileau and Slaughter 1984).
In addition, the average lean mass density in elderly men and women was 1.096g / cc due to low mineral values ​​(6.2% lean mass) (Heymsfield et al. 1989).
Therefore, body fat is high in the elderly and children .
In this case, the results are always the same, age and gender independent analysis of the validity of the validity, until this time, the BIA method and related to the scientific studies and the LITERATI CAN BE ISSUED!

Arboleaf Bluetooth Body Fat Scale - Smart Scale Wireless Bathroom Weight Scale with iOS, Android APP, Unlimited Users, Auto Recognition Body Composition Analyzer for Fat, BMI, BMR, Muscle Mass, Water