Thursday, June 7, 2018

Glucosamine Product

Glucosamine and this is for many people to hear for a long time. Sometimes it is heard through the industry, especially those who love to know the health of almost everyone. But for those with Alzheimer's disease, bone pain, knee pain, knee is known as well. Because I have this substance at the heart of reducing the symptoms of these works very well .. !! Now all of you who do not know, right? I think that this message actually came from. The properties are beneficial to our body, however .. If so, today gave permission to answer better than me ^^.

Glucosamine is useful?

Glucosamine medical will provide liquidity, so the definition that "a single sugar molecules" (monosaccharide) is considered one of the natural compound by then our bodies are built to meet the ... Without examples, know then that it is a compound that is causing it, it assembling with other compounds or they are called precursor itself ...
  • * Hyaluronic acid
  • * Glycoproteins
  • * Proteoglycans
  • * Glycosaminoglycan
The above mentioned is the large molecules, and these compounds are considered vital to the body very much, because we will find these substances in the tissues of the body, and can be found most the cartilage (cartilage) are areas around our joints ... which these compounds are compounds, like Glucosamine, built ...

There will be various substances for cartilage mentioned together inside (hyaluronic acid, glycoprotein, Proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycan) substances mentioned it to qualify in the water intake better, find themselves part of the cartilage will be flexible to accommodate the move of the bone joints in several degenerative bone disease problems, joint pain, knee pain, knee cartilage not flexible because it can be dehydration, nourished her.

From medical research indicate that from experiments with volunteers who have the problem. Degenerative bone disease problems, joint pain, knee pain, knee and experimented, glucosamine 1,500 mg doses every day policy in over a period of 3 years, found that the Group of volunteers to reduce the pain of the disease down!!, and narrow the gap between it with ..... ^^.

From the data above, we conclude that !! ... glucosamine is a wizard cartilage and fluid itself. It is vital to our bodies, especially those who are tortured with knee pain on.

The next question is ... .. then supplement glucosamine. Why do we need to buy to eat well?

When the data says it already. "Our bodies produce their own" !!! Glucosamine as medical data indicate that our bodies can not exist, then it is true ... but you will notice a problem like that. Alzheimer's disease, bone pain, knee pain, knee joint is often found to adulthood - old age .. but we will not experience this issue with children and release date yet. (Not an accident that causes bones too ^^).

This is because our bodies during childhood - adolescence. The system can also work in our bodies produce this well. But when they enter middle age - old age. Our bodies tend to produce this substance out of the body, at least not enough to meet demand. (Especially those of working age, so the body works hard to overdo symptoms worse) when this substance does not produce enough to meet the body's needs, it will keep you regularly encounter problems. Alzheimer's disease, bone pain, knee pain, knee joint itself

, so the supplement glucosamine. Is offset so that the body can be active enough !! When enough problems, knee pain, knee pain was reduced itself ^^.

Degenerative bone disease is present, it can occur at any age even young teens, but are most common is aging and menopause work!!, we may imply that the Plains part of contract a degenerative bone disease is pain along the neck bones or move it there will be pain and often siangkraduk to fire when the body movement. For the method of medical treatment recommended to change the habits of life such as work, heavy work, wrong posture and supplement. Glucosamine and calcium to nourish and to avoid rigorous exercise. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Should maintain glucosamine?

Should keep the glucosamine under temperature 30 C (Celsius). Don't keep the medicine in the freezer refrigerator Keep the medicine in the container tightly closed, away from light / sun, heat and moisture, keep the medicine out of reach of children and pets, and no luggage. Successfully in the bathroom or in the car.

Glucosamine with drug interactions with other drugs, however?

Glucosamine with drug interactions with other drugs, such as

* Avoid the use of glucosamine in combination with Anisindione, Dicumarol, Warfarin, also makes it easier for bleeding followed. If you need drugs together. Your doctor will adjust the size to fit into a case.

There are some precautions to take glucosamine How?

There are some precautions to take glucosamine, such as

  • * Do not use this drug to people who
  • * do not resize self
  • * Do not use the drug with pregnant women / pregnancy. And women during lactation
  • * any other medication in combination with glucosamine. Always consult your doctor before The fight to prevent drug (drug interactions)
  • * taking this drug, the doctor orders
  • * If you experience symptoms such as allergic skin rash, swelling, tightness, shortness of breath, skin peeling face - mouth - neck swelling. The allergy drug Stop using this medication immediately Then quickly bring the patient to hospital / emergency
  • * doctor / hospital to be examined the function of bone, according to doctors appointments every time
  • * Do not share medications with others using
  • * Do not use expired medicine
  • * Do not store. expired drugs

***** Everyone must be aware of safe use. "Drug" includes Drugs of all kinds (including glucosamine, too), traditional medicines, nutritional supplements, dietary supplements, and herbs of all kinds. Because the drug is both to you and to blame. So when the drug is used at all times. Must comply with the basic use of drugs of all kinds (Read more in the article practices based on the use of drugs of any kind) including a pharmacist should be consulted prior to the regular pharmacy to buy medicine for their customers.

Glucosamine adverse effect how?

Glucosamine can cause adverse drug reactions (side effects / side effects) organ systems of the body, such as:

  • * affects the digestive system: such as nausea and vomiting. Burns chest pain, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, loss of appetite
  • * affects the nervous system: such as drowsiness or insomnia, headache
  • * affecting the respiratory system: for example, can cause the symptoms of asthma
  • * effect on the metabolism of energy. body: for example, high blood cholesterol increases. High blood sugar
  • * Skin: rash, such as sunlight-friendly nail strengthening
  • * The case received glucosamine overdose symptoms are diarrhea, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The doctors will treat patients with symptomatic / supportive symptomatic treatment.

If you forgot to take glucosamine should I do?

If you forgot to take glucosamine. It can be eaten immediately recalled. If coincided with the drug in the next meal. No need to increase the dose to 2 times the dose to normal size.

When prescribing doctor / nurse and pharmacist what?

When prescribing all types of glucosamine. Patients should inform physicians / nurses and pharmacists as follows:

  • * a history of drug allergy of any kind, such as drug / drug use and more nausea, rash, shortness of breath or tightening / shortness of breath / breathing difficulty
  • * various diseases. As well as having a drug / drug use is. Because glucosamine may worsen the symptoms of those diseases. Or potential drug interactions with other medications, eating / active before
  • * If a lady is in a state that should inform pregnant or are breastfeeding. Many medicines, because they can pass through the placenta or breast milk. And to the baby and cause side effects.

Glucosamine are eating, how?

Glucosamine measures such as eating

  • * Adults aged 18 years and over: 1.5 g administered once per day. The median time to eat Should be taken before meals for at least 15 minutes
  • * People under 18 years: No clinical data specific to drug side effects and safe use of this drug in this age. The use of this medicine in this age. It is in the discretion of the doctor's case

the drug sachets soluble drugs, one bag per 1 cup water, and eat 1 day
in capsules for oral dose to 500 mg 3 times a day - morning, lunch -. cold
May be administered for at least 6-8 weeks, the pain will gradually ease up.

***** Note: The size and duration of drug use described in this article. Is just one Do not replace a doctor's prescription. The use of appropriate medications Should consult their doctor or pharmacist first.

Glucosamine forms of distribution, however?

Glucosamine is a form of distribution, such as

  • * water soluble drug with a drug Glucosamine sulfate 1,500 mg / Case
  • * oral capsule containing the drug Glucosamine sulfate 250 and 500 mg / capsule.

Glucosamine has a mechanism of action, however?

Hard glucosamine can be used as precursors for the synthesis and compounds to be named. Glycosaminoglycan This is a key component of cartilage structure. For this reason, the body of people who have been hard glucosamine can produce cartilage to replace the cartilage with a damaged condition. When the cartilage back to the same well. It acts like a cushion to support and protect the bones at the joints that are stiff due to friction. As a result, reduce erosion of the bone and cause of the properties.

Cautions Consumers / Patients should not overlook the hard glucosamine, such as

  • * Does not apply to those allergic to this drug.
  • * Avoid using hard the cherry different policy in Kinabalu trade name or differences in dosage form such as a capsule, and the use of drugs, both soluble powder, mixed. Because of the risk of overdose to be received, there will be high enough to cause side effects (side effects), such as severe diarrhea, nausea, etc.
  • * To use this drug to patients with diabetes will affect blood sugar levels up. People with diabetes who intends to use this type of medication/drug should be required to obtain a prescription from a physician only. Forbidden to buy hard Kinabalu za melamine to food supplements or medicines eaten itself.
  • * In case of undergoing surgery surgeons know that want to let myself have the medicines. Glucosamine is difficult because melamine eat Kinabalu za amine influence to the work of platelets in the body and can cause easy bleeding during surgery.
  • * Although in America provide a snug and Glucosamine supplements. Buying Glucosamine amine from overseas and bring them with relatives or acquaintances in the country without passing through a physical examination by a doctor first. This should avoid the use of Glucosamine supplementation products such a policy in. This is to secure private consumer itself.
  • * Drug use categories, glucosamine, amine may need to take medication continuously for about 6-8 weeks in order to see clearly the effectiveness of the treatment. After that, stop using this drug, which many patients can stop a month. When there are symptoms, the way joints. Just need to see a doctor to get advice and get hard the cherry eating Kinabalu minklap new medical command.

Difficult to use may not be policy in Kinabalu za achievement all to patient care. When using this medication as a command, joint pain is not good at all. The patient should hurry to find doctor/hospital again to find out why, and to adjust the medical approach to treating them properly.