Friday, January 4, 2019

What are condoms?

What are condoms?

Condoms (also known as condoms) are very thin covers that prevent semen from entering the vagina. There are male condoms and female condoms:

  •     The male condom is placed on the penis . It is usually latex, a type of rubber. But some are made of safe materials for people allergic to latex, such as polyurethane or polyisoprene.
  •     The female condom is inserted into the vagina . It has a flexible ring at each end. One end is closed and inserted well inside the vagina; the other is open and the ring is outside the opening of the vagina. The current female condoms are made with safe materials for people with latex allergy.

LIfeStyles SKYN LARGE Condoms - 50 count
LIfeStyles SKYN LARGE Condoms - 50 count

How do condoms work?

Condoms work by preventing semen (the fluid that contains the sperm) from entering the vagina. The male condom is placed on the penis when it goes into an erection. It unrolls until covering the penis completely until the base, holding it by the tip to leave a hollow space at the end. This creates a space to collect the semen after ejaculation, which reduces the chances of the condom breaking.

After ejaculating, the man should hold the condom by the base of the penis while removing it from the vagina. You must do it while the penis is still erect. This prevents the condom from coming out when the penis is no longer erect, which could allow semen to enter the vagina.

The female condom is inserted into the vagina by the end of the closed ring. The other ring forms the open end of the condom. In this way, the condom covers the walls of the vagina, which creates a barrier between the semen and the cervix. The female condom can be placed up to 8 hours before intercourse. You should retire just after having sex and before standing up.

Male and female condoms should not be used at the same time because rubbing could break them or cause them to stick together or one would get out during intercourse. If a condom breaks or comes off, the semen can enter the vagina, which reduces the chances of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ).

How effective are condoms?

Over a year:

  •     15 out of 100 typical couples who use male condoms will have an unwanted pregnancy.
  •     About 21 out of 100 couples who use female condoms will have an unwanted pregnancy.

For added protection , many couples use condoms along with another contraceptive method, such as the contraceptive pill or the IUD. For best results, they should be used every time they have sex.

Condoms can not be reused. You have to wear a new one every time you have sex and put it on from beginning to end to protect yourself from pregnancy and STDs. Lubricants made with oils (such as mineral oil, Vaseline or baby oil) should never be used with condoms because they can break the rubber. Condoms can also be damaged by things like fingernails and piercings.

And if a condom seems dry, sticky or rigid when removed from the package, or it is expired, you have to throw it away and replace it with another one. It is useful to have several condoms on hand in case one gives problems. It is best to store new condoms in a cool, dry place.

Do condoms help protect you from STDs?

Yes. Latex, polyurethane and polyisoprene condoms can help prevent many STDs if used properly. Condoms made with lamb casings do not provide effective protection against STDs, including HIV and AIDS.

Condoms do not protect against infections present in skin wounds that are not covered by the condom (such as the base of the penis or scrotum). Even if they use another method of contraception, couples should use condoms as long as they have sex to protect themselves from STDs.

Sexual abstinence (not having sex) is the only method that always works to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

Can condoms give problems?

Most men and women have no problems when using condoms. Among the side effects that may appear on occasion, include:

  •     an allergic reaction in a person with an allergy to latex condoms
  •     irritation of the penis or vagina due to spermicides or lubricants with which some condoms are treated

For whom are condoms appropriate?

Condoms can be a good alternative for couples who are responsible enough to stand up and put a condom every time they go to have sex and also for those who want to protect themselves from STDs.

Since condoms are the only contraceptive method that exists for boys, it allows them to take responsibility for contraception and protection against STDs.

Where can you buy condoms?

Condoms are easily found in pharmacies, supermarkets and even vending machines. (In the US, some shopping centers sell them in the "family planning" section). You do not need to go to the doctor or present a prescription to buy them.

How much do condoms cost?

Male condoms cost between 50 cents and a dollar (between 43 and 85 cents) each and are cheaper when purchased in boxes of several units. Many health and family planning centers (such as Planned Parenthood) and some educational centers distribute them free of charge.

Female condoms are a bit more expensive; They cost about 2 dollars each. Some health and family planning centers have free female condoms.

When should I call the doctor?

A girl who uses condoms should call the doctor if:

  •     I could be pregnant
  •     the condom breaks while you are having sex
  •     vaginal discharge smells different or changes color
  •     have a fever or unexplained chills
  •     have abdominal or pelvic pain
  •     feels pain when having sex

How should a condom be used?

How should a condom be used?

When we use condoms perfectly, they are effective in preventing pregnancy by 98%, but different studies have shown that we do not always use this method of contraception correctly. To serve as a way to prevent diseases in addition to an unwanted pregnancy takes into account these common mistakes.

Durex Condom Invisible Ultra Thin Natural Latex Condoms, 8 Count - Ultra Sensitive, Lubricated, Transparent
Durex Condom Invisible Ultra Thin Natural Latex Condoms, 8 Count - Ultra Sensitive, Lubricated, Transparent

1. When do you put it on?

The condom must be placed before beginning the penetration in all cases. Even if with your partner you usually stop to put it, once he enters you are exposed to a pregnancy (and all sexually transmitted diseases). Several studies reported that between 17 and 50% of their respondents put the condom after penetration but before ejaculation. Pre-seminal fluid can contain sperm and you can get pregnant. Remember, you only need one ...

2. How do you put it?

In one of the studies, 25% of the men admitted that they unwind the condom before putting it on. It is not a sock, the condom should be unrolled on the penis.

3. How far do they put it?

The condom is shaped like a pacifier at the end so that semen accumulates on that little tip. You should not stretch it until it is stuck to the skin, but you should remember to press it to get the air out or it can cause it to break.

4. What do they put it with?

Using lubricant along with condoms is fine, but remember that it should be water based because oil lubricants can disintegrate the condom.

5. How often do they put it?

A study published by the Huffington Post showed that young couples tend to be consistent with condom use at the beginning of their relationship, but use it less and less as time passes. This feeling of false security is complemented by the different feeling of having sex without a condom and causes many couples to be inconsistent with their method of contraception. In addition to this, up to 28% of men report having erection problems at some time when stopping to place the condom.

That is why we must make sure to protect our body and our future in a correct way. Did you know this information?

What is a condom?

What is a condom?

The condom is the most frequent contraceptive barrier method for men , with an efficiency of 97 percent. It consists of a sheath of latex (or other synthetic materials) that is placed on the penis , thus preventing the passage of semen and retaining it. It also serves to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS , gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, genital herpes or human papillomavirus, with an efficiency of 95 percent.

Okamoto 0.04 Zero Zero Four Condoms 10ea pack
Okamoto 0.04 Zero Zero Four Condoms 10ea pack

Condoms have been used throughout history, dating back to the oldest in the time of the Egyptians about the year 1000 BC. Formerly, they were made with different types of fabrics or guts of animals and their goal was to prevent sexually transmitted infections, more to avoid pregnancy.

For women there is also a female condom that works similarly and with very similar levels of effectiveness.


When opening the condom or condom wrapper it is important to do it carefully and with your hands, to avoid any possibility of it breaking during this process. It is therefore not recommended to use scissors or other similar utensils to open it, nor do it with the teeth.

To place the condom correctly, the penis must be fully erect . If the penis is not circumcised, before its placement the glans should be left exposed. The protruding end of the condom is grasped and tightened so that no air enters. In this small space is where the semen will be deposited. Once the space is left, it is placed on the penis and the rest of the condom is unrolled until the entire penis has been covered. When the penis has ejaculated, it is advisable to remove the condom before the penis stops being erect to do it more easily.

It is important to place the condom before any contact between the genitals, since the penis can expel pre-ejaculatory secretions before ejaculation itself, and these fluids can contain the possible infectious agents of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as sperm that can reach to fertilize the ovule.

In no case is it recommended to place more than one condom , since the friction that would occur between the two condoms would facilitate its rupture.

The condom is for single use , so it must be thrown away once it has been ejaculated. Since it is not biodegradable, it must be deposited in a wastebasket, not in the toilet.

Types of condoms

There are varieties of condoms that have different characteristics:

  •     With or without lubricant : the lubricant can facilitate the entrance of the penis, either in vaginal sex or anal sex . Some lubricants include spermicide, a substance that weakens sperm in the event that the condom breaks, but can also cause urine infections in men.
  •     With or without deposit for semen.
  •     Fine or thick, which give different sensations.
  •     Of colors.
  •     Flavors: designed for the practice of oral sex .

Acquisition and conservation

Condoms can be purchased in pharmacies or in any establishment that offers a guarantee of its quality. To ensure its effectiveness, it is advisable to buy those that are approved by a health authority , with the corresponding CE certification.

Condoms should be stored in a cool , dry place and should be used before the expiration date indicated on the package. They should also be protected from excessive light and humidity, and it is recommended not to keep them in pockets, wallets or car glove boxes. If these indications are not followed, latex may lose its properties and, consequently, cease to be effective or break more easily.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the condom is that it is easily accessible to anyone at a relatively low cost . It is a product that does not need a prescription and can be used by almost any man: even for those allergic to latex, there are condoms made of polyurethane, although they are equally valid although there are studies that point to a slightly lower effectiveness. In addition, it is considered the safest method of contraception of all, since it protects against unwanted pregnancies and , as it is a barrier method, also of sexually transmitted infections .

As disadvantages could be considered its possibility of rupture: a broken condom loses practically all its effectiveness . In addition, some men consider that condom sex does not offer the same pleasure that is felt without it, because among other things, it can exert light pressure on the penis and reduce contact. Another disadvantage is that, when having to place with the penis in erection, it can diminish spontaneity to the sexual encounter, since it is necessary to stop a few moments for its correct placement.

Types of condoms for men

Types of condoms for men

The condom market is full of offers that propose all kinds of experiences, according to different materials, colors and more. Let's see what the pleasure market offers.

Trojan ENZ hKpSKJ Non-Lubricated Condoms, 12 Count (Pack of 4)
Trojan ENZ hKpSKJ Non-Lubricated Condoms, 12 Count (Pack of 4)

Condoms with spermicide

The condom, prophylactic or condom is a male contraceptive method, essential for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and highly used by man due to its practicality.
The condom with spermicide contains a spermicidal product on the surface and interior of the condom that allows to cancel the function of the sperm.

Hypoallergenic condoms

Latex is the material commonly used for its manufacture, but a range of condoms made of polyurethane have been on the market for some years now. This material eliminates the possibility of causing some allergies caused by latex.

Condoms with retardant

These condoms prevent premature ejaculation that affects a large percentage of men. Condoms called retarders have anesthetic substances, which reduce sensitivity, a fact that slows down ejaculation.

Aromatic condoms

The lubricants that condoms usually carry do not have a pleasant aroma, that's why there are aromatic condoms, which usually have fruit flavors and aromas and chocolate. They are also used in a playful way and to encourage sexual intercourse with something new or different.

Anatomical condoms

These condoms promise the best feeling at the time of the sexual act. Several brands already have anatomical condom ranges, these are distinguished by sizes and thicknesses, you will almost always find one that fits you.

Textured condoms

All prestigious brands of condoms handle this line, whose condoms are endowed with small spurs or protuberances that promise to ensure more pleasure for women. It is one of the most popular of recent times.

Condoms of different sizes

The "common" condoms have a standard measure, but it is obvious that the size of the penis is very variable, that is why there are condoms with specific measures for all kinds of demands.

Condoms with vibrator

It is one of the latest creations regarding the manufacture of condoms. These condoms have a small device that turns the condom into a temporary vibrator. Its cost is well above the usual cost of a condom, but its demand is growing.

Condoms with lubricants

The condom always has a lubricant, but there is a type of condom that has an additional lubricant that improves the sexual relationship, it is also used to supplement the female lubrication.

Extra fine condoms

These condoms are manufactured with a different technology. They are as the name implies, they are extra thin and very thin, a fact that makes it very attractive for men because it promises more sensitivity in the sexual act.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Latex-free condoms

Latex-free condoms

Know what latex-free condom options you have

If you suspect or know that you have an allergy to condom latex you should seriously consider the options that condoms manufactured without latex offer you. Remember that the best protection against pregnancy and the spread of any sexually transmitted disease / infection (STI) is still the condom.

LifeStyles SKYN LARGE Condoms - 25 condoms
LifeStyles SKYN LARGE Condoms - 25 condoms

In the nineties some manufacturers began to make latex-free male condoms for people with this type of allergy.

Currently there are options available for sale in the United States of condoms manufactured without latex. We present you:

Polyurethane condoms
In the US market there are two brands of male polyurethane condoms (Durex Avanti condoms and Trojan Supra condoms) and a female polyurethane condom brand (Reality).

Polyurethane condoms both male and female condom have advantages over latex condoms:

  • They heat better than latex (which allows the sensations during sexual intercourse to be greater)
  • They are thinner than most latex condoms
  • They have no aroma or are not perceptible
  • They are not damaged when used with lubricants containing oil.
  • Among the disadvantages we have:

  • Polyurethane does not stretch as much as latex or polyisoprene, so the percentage of slippage and rupture of condoms is greater
  • The effectiveness of polyurethane condoms in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases / infections (STIs) continues to be studied, that is, it does not guarantee the same efficacy as latex condoms.
  • On this last point it is necessary to clarify that the condoms manufactured with this material are still very new to have enough studies to prove their effectiveness. Even in the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) requires manufacturers to label their condoms with the following warning:

"The risk of pregnancy or transmission of sexually transmitted diseases / infections (STDs), including AIDS (HIV infection), are unknown for this type of condom." A study is underway. latex-free material, these tests show that organisms as small as sperm and viruses like HIV can not pass through it. "
The American Latex Allergy Association states that while latex-free condoms do not have the same proven efficacy as latex condoms, they are a suitable substitute for people with latex allergies.

Polyisoprene or Nitrile Condoms
Condoms made with polyisoprene (The brand known as SKYN) entered the market in 2008 and those manufactured with Nitrile (FC2 female condoms) have more time on the market.


  • Polyisoprene is a synthetic version of a material derived from the sap of the hevea tree and does not contain the proteins that the latex has
  • It is as strong and safe as latex
  •  Polyisoprene condoms are not as thin as polyurethane, but they are elastic and have a lower percentage of breakage and slippage
  •  It has lower cost than those that are made of latex
  • Unlike polyurethane, condoms made of polyisoprene and nitrile are approved by the FDA and are considered an effective method to prevent pregnancy and reduce the spread of E / ITS
  • Lamb skin condoms
The oldest material in the production of condoms is the natural membrane of animals. Let's see the advantages:

People who use it say they do not perceive the presence of the condom
They are effective in preventing pregnancies


  • They do not provide protection against E / ITS
  • They are extremely expensive (the most expensive in the market starting at $ 3 per condom).
  • It has a smell that resembles a stable or pen.



We have all stopped in front of the pharmacy inn to admire the variety of condoms offered by the market. There are different brands, colors, flavors and size. But that they are there, within reach of your wallet, does not mean that they are for you.
Here, some information you need to know to choose the perfect condom, and the options that are presented when you want to vary a bit.

ONE Pleasure Plus Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms with Pocket/Travel Case-12 Count (Silver Case)
ONE Pleasure Plus Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms with Pocket/Travel Case-12 Count (Silver Case)

Everyone thinks they have it big. In fact, many men I know say they have tried the XL size once. What you do not know as much, or is not so common that is venting out there, is that you can even have it smaller than average. Knowing your "size" condom is essential for a good sexual experience. In fact, a 2010 study by the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender and Reproduction revealed that condoms of other sizes double the risk of losing an erection, have problems achieving orgasm (for both), and that the condom breaks or slips, which decreases the contraceptive effects. In addition, it is uncomfortable to occupy a size that is not yours, obvious.
A trick to determine your size, is to take a roll of toilet paper, and put inside your erect penis. If there is more space, it is because you need a small size condom. If everything is fine, you are average. And if it stays tight, it's because you need an XL option.
If you have a history of breaking condoms, then try a larger size the next time you go to the pharmacy.

Slim and Ultra Slim
If you want to heat things without taking many risks, these are a good option. In truth, almost everyone prefers them. For many couples, the thinner the closer we get to the experience without a condom. In addition, they are 100% safe, because extra thin condoms go through the same rigorous tests, so they protect as if they were very thick.

Climax Control
It sounds half absurd, this about a condom that makes you feel less, it takes away sensitivity to sexual pleasure. Well, if you do not have problems controlling ejaculation, do not try this, you do not have what for. But for men who need to last longer are a good option.
One thing is to look for this type of condoms with a lubricant attached to the outside. Or buy a lubricant and thus allow her to go very fast while he is more "tranquilito".

With textures
With protuberances, or lines, or different shapes, condoms with texture are made to help her reach orgasm. But in fact, very few feel a difference, and there are even some women who find them uncomfortable. In addition, they are usually a little thicker, which is a factor to consider. Personally I think it's entertaining to try everything. And that testing does not hurt anyone.

Lamb skin
This exists, but I do not know if it has been seen in Chile. Personally I have never tried it and I would not do it because ew. But for those who are allergic to latex is a good option. They are skin color, but as I read on the internet, once you occupy them you fall in love. They are very thin, so they feel much more, they help you to last longer - for those who do not control themselves. Apparently that yes, it has a distinctive smell that you have to get used to (but latex too, so ...).
The lambskin condom prevents pregnancy, but not against sexually transmitted diseases, so they are ideal for monogamous couples.


Spermicide is an extra condom that will prevent sperm from swimming around. Of course, the chemicals that compose it can cause irritation, so it is not advisable to occupy it more than once a day. In addition, it does not protect against AIDS or against any sexually transmitted disease.

Latex free
Uff these are my favorites by kick. Because they do not smell latex, and because they are very thin (in the case of Lifestyle SKYN). There are people who are allergic to latex, and who need to occupy this type of condom, or if they do not have rashes, extreme dryness, etc. These are made of polysoprene, and they wear it, that's all I can tell you, so I recommend it even if you do not have a latex allergy.

Delaying condoms and their advantages

Delaying condoms and their advantages

The condom industry has come a long way since the appearance of the first condoms to date. And is that the best brands of these popular and effective methods of protection have included reforms that not only allow you to fulfill its main functions - how to protect against venereal diseases that could be acquired through sexual intercourse without protection or prevent an unwanted pregnancy - but also they have become an extension of pleasure for the couple, thanks to the retardant condoms.

ONE Vanish Hyperthin Condoms Bulk (48)
ONE Vanish Hyperthin Condoms Bulk (48)

Different types of condoms for each need
Let's think that condoms have long ceased to be simple protectors: now they come with flavors and smells that increase the pleasure experience of those who use them, with stimulators - filled with roughness, grooves and points designed to maximize the stimulation of the couple- or with an ultra-sensitive effect for those who want to emulate a natural sexual relationship but with the protection of a condom.

The point is that the market knows that variety is the taste and that is why it brings us many classes to choose from, each with its advantages and characteristics. Even when we think that a design only serves one thing - as in the case of delaying condoms - the truth is that its uses are usually more varied than what we see at first sight. Take the retardant condoms as an example.

Delaying condoms: what are they and what are their advantages?
The retardant condoms are normal condoms that incorporate something extra in their lubricant, an ingredient that produces the delay in ejaculation. Many people think that their only function then is this, but this is not totally true.

Delaying condoms can have various uses, such as:
  • - While later the man in reaching orgasm, more intense will be his pleasure: this principle is practiced since millenarian times in other cultures. It is a very common practice in Eastern countries that uses the delay of the male orgasm to maximize the pleasure received. It is not surprising that for those men who are starting out in tantric practices - or want to test what it feels like - the delaying condom is a great ally.
  • - Increase female pleasure time: the duration of an average sexual relationship is actually shorter than we think. As the fact that we want to extend it is not bad for us or for our partner, we can take advantage of the retardant effect of this type of protectors without problems.
  • - Boosting sensations: the market knows that there are men who use this type of condom to increase the pleasure of their partner. That is why they have drawn lines that, in addition to delaying ejaculation, also stimulate it while the penetration lasts through effects such as sudden changes in temperature or physical stimulators, such as furrows or rings.
  • - A remedy against premature ejaculation: finally and as expected, the active ingredient of the delaying preservatives is an adjuvant in the treatment against premature ejaculation.

As you can see, the uses of a condom with a delaying effect are quite varied and worthy of being tested at least once in a lifetime.

Types of condoms choose the condom that best suits you!

Types of condoms choose the condom that best suits you!

Latex or polyurethane? With spermicide or without it? Striated, fine classic? Of flavors? Which ones are the safest? Stop asking yourself questions and choose, according to your needs and those of your partner, the ideal condom.

Rough Rider Studded Condoms 24 Pack
Rough Rider Studded Condoms 24 Pack

It is easy to make a small mess because, especially in recent decades, the variety of condoms has grown dramatically. The different brands do not stop surprising with new alternatives for what is still the contraceptive method most used by couples around the world. Different textures, specific lubricants to facilitate sexual relationships, colors, flavors ... and even female condoms.

A condom that is not right can spoil your most intimate moments. It is important to speak with each other naturally when you notice that this situation may be occurring and cause, for example, discomfort at the moment of penetration, lack of sensitivity or insecurity in the face of fear that the condom will fail. A good information on the different possibilities at your disposal will guarantee the right choice.

Most prophylactics are made of latex but if any of you have allergies to this material, you will have to choose one in polyurethane. They are a little thinner than the traditional but, on the other hand, also less flexible. Another of its advantages is that they accept any type of lubricant while with latex only water-based lubricants can be used (not those with oils in their composition), a detail to take into account if you usually apply a vaginal lubricant before maintain the relationship (maybe due to vaginal dryness problems).

Of your size
Types of condoms

Size matters and the condom also. Fortunately, standard measures, unique for years, have given way to condoms that adapt perfectly to the shape and size of the penis so that they are comfortable and safe. Your partner will have to do different tests before finding the one that best suits their physical characteristics. There are different length and thickness. To know which is the most appropriate, check with him that, once placed, the condom arrives perfectly and without forcing the latex to the base of the penis, without oppressing but with a comfortable adhesion. If you can not find the exact size you can try it with anatomical condoms specially designed to adapt completely to the shape of the penis.

Condoms are usually presented in a small hermetic envelope that protects them from the outside and keeps them in perfect condition with the lubricant that most of them have incorporated. This lubricant will help its correct placement and facilitate penetration.

Others, the newest, are perfect to surprise the couple or to enjoy a special night with a fun touch. They are the condoms of colors (even fluorescents that shine in the dark) that are also impregnated with "edible" gels of the most appetizing flavors and aromas: strawberry, vanilla, chocolate ... placed correctly they are as safe as the traditional ones and can result perfect to break the monotony if it begins to make an appearance in your relationships.

Types of condoms

Some couples say that with the condom sensitivity is lost in contact. If this happens to you, you can try the extra fines of the different brands. They do not have to break and are almost imperceptible. Another option is the striated or those that have small reliefs in their design. In both cases are designed to provide maximum pleasure to the couple.

If you have taken some fright and want greater security, there are also condoms that incorporate a spermicidal substance that nullifies the function of the sperm in the hypothetical case of a leak due to poor placement or a very unlikely breakage. If there is a problem with premature ejaculation or you just want to delay the moment of intercourse, there are condoms with "retardant" effect, that is, they carry a slightly anesthetic substance to reduce pleasurable sensations and sensitivity so that sexual intercourse can be more durable

Finally, remember that there is also the female condom, still little used perhaps because it requires some practice so that its placement is not difficult. This lubricated condom is placed in the vagina with the help of two flexible rings and among its advantages it stands out that it can be worn hours before the relationship.



The female condom, female condom or vaginal condom is a barrier contraceptive method of vaginal use alternative to the male condom. The female condom provides protection against pregnancy and also against infections that spread during sexual contact, such as HIV. However, it is believed that it does not work as well as the male condom to protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Caution Wear PPE Camo Lubricated Latex Condoms with Pocket/Travel Case-24 Count (Silver Case)
Caution Wear PPE Camo Lubricated Latex Condoms with Pocket/Travel Case-24 Count (Silver Case)

The female condom is made of a thin, strong plastic called polyurethane. A new version, which is cheaper, is made of a substance called nitrile. It consists of a thin cover that fits the walls of the vagina and can be worn for up to 8 hours. Unlike the male condom it is not adjusted to tension and due to the humidity and temperature of the vagina it adheres comfortably and its presence is almost negligible. The female condom appeared in 1992 in England and the United States and immediately spread its use throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

1. Fluorescents

They shine in the dark, to guide you when the lights go out.

2. Flavors

They are perfect for oral sex, remember that who should choose the flavor is you, since you are the one that will delight in trying it.

3. Textured

If you are the one who prefers sex without a condom, because you think it feels better, you can use this type of condom, as its name says it is textured simulating a penis.

4. With lubricant

Sometimes a little help is needed and with lubricant it will be easier to penetrate.

5. With spermicide

This type of condom contains spermicide on the surface and inside the condom, this cancels the function of the sperm.

6. With retardant

Prevent premature ejaculation that affects a large percentage of men. They have anesthetic substances, which reduce sensitivity, thus delaying the moment of climax for them.

7. Aromatics

Use them to play with your partner, this encourages the sexual relationship because it is something out of the routine.

8. With vibrator

They have a small device that turns the condom into a temporary vibrator. It would be worth buying to try it, well, more than anything, to feel it. The cost is higher than that of a normal condom.

9. Extra fines

They are very thin, therefore there will be more sensitivity in the sexual act.


According to data from the World Health Organization, about 448 million new curable sexually transmitted infections are produced each year, including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis in sexually active people between 15 and 49 years of age. . More than 80% of HIV infections are transmitted sexually, and risky sexual practices give rise to about 80 million unwanted pregnancies each year.

Many people do not perceive themselves at risk, shortly afterwards, millions of them know they were wrong when their cases become annual statistical figures.

From distant times, some people did perceive themselves exposed to unwanted pregnancies or to contract some sexually transmitted infection and looked for options. This is a quick tour of the history of the condom, from its origins to the present day.

Once Upon a time …. A condom


  • An animal gut knotted at one end was one of the first condom prototypes used by the Egyptians since 1000 BC.
  • In Europe, the earliest evidence of condom use is seen in cave paintings in Combarelles in France.
  • Gabrielle Fallopius - her name attributed to the feminine horns - gave condoms a prophylactic use. He designed a wrap made of linen and was tested with 1100 men, none infected with syphilis.
  • In 1766 many businesses published pamphlets and advertisements about the condom useful as a prophylactic and contraceptive.
  • Casanova, legendary lover of the nineteenth century, was a regular user of the condom referred to as "Redingote Anglaise" (English layer of riding).
  • In the nineteenth century the Japanese used the "Kawagata" or "Kyotai" condom made of fine leather and the "Kabutogata" another variant of condom made from the turtle shell or ivory.
  • Ancient Condom In the 1840s the rubber condom was developed shortly after the creation of vulcanized rubber, developed by Goodyear and Hancock. Vulcanization makes rubber an elastic and strong material.
  • In the 30s, the liquid manufacture of latex begins, the basis for the manufacture of condoms until today

  • The female condom, female condom or vaginal condom is a barrier contraceptive method of vaginal use alternative to the male condom. The female condom provides protection against pregnancy and also against infections that spread during sexual contact, such as HIV. However, it is believed that it does not work as well as the male condom to protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • The female condom is made of a thin, strong plastic called polyurethane. A new version, which is cheaper, is made of a substance called nitrile. It consists of a thin cover that fits the walls of the vagina and can be worn for up to 8 hours. Unlike the male condom it is not adjusted to tension and due to the humidity and temperature of the vagina it adheres comfortably and its presence is almost negligible. The female condom appeared in 1992 in England and the United States and immediately spread its use throughout Europe and the rest of the world.1
  • The first condom or female condom (CF) was made of synthetic plastic called polyurethane. Its design provides greater protection to women against sexually transmitted diseases, such as HPV-human papilloma virus- and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); It prevents the contact of the male genitalia and the semen (where the sperm are found) with the vagina and external female genitalia, limiting access to the ovum, and prevents pregnancy. It also protects the male's scrotum from being exposed to infection by inserting it anteriorly or posteriorly.
  • It is estimated that its effectiveness is 88% to 98% if it is used correctly.2
  • In addition to the polyurethane CF, there is the nitrile - second generation - since 2007. Both are more resistant than male latex condoms, have a less frequent breakage potential, greater physical protection (protected sex) and comfort, as well as a period of longer conservation, even when storage conditions are unfavorable.

MisTips Are you sorry to buy or order condoms?

MisTips Are you sorry to buy or order condoms?

Condoms are an excellent way to protect yourself from pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Using condoms is a sign of responsibility, so be nervous and out of pain. I know this can be said easy but at the mere cost a lot of work, so here are some tips:

Sustain Natural Latex Condoms - Ultra Thin - FDA Cleared - Nitrosamine Free - Non GMO - Fair Trade - 20 Count
Sustain Natural Latex Condoms - Ultra Thin - FDA Cleared - Nitrosamine Free - Non GMO - Fair Trade - 20 Count

  • Go to places where nobody asks you anything: remember that in health centers there are fish tanks or baskets that have condoms that you can take without anyone telling you, or asking anything. # Typical ... that there are no condoms in the fish tank and you have to enter the consultation. Do not worry, many people ask for them every day!
  • Investigate: Remember that there are many types of condoms (sizes, textures, colors, etc). If you want to buy a different one from the ones you give at the health centers, research what brand or type of condom you want before you go, this will help you when you ask them do not put on the face of what? and everything is faster. All brands that sell in pharmacies are safe.
  • Company: being accompanied or accompanied helps us to give us value, why do not you try? You can go with your friends, friends or your partner. If you go to the health center, take advantage of all your doubts.
  • Someone else: if you die of grief, ask someone you trust to buy them for you, it could be a brother or sister, uncle, aunt or some friend. The point is that you protect yourself.
  • Health fairs: in universities or in some communities health fairs are held where many people go and you can buy cheap or even free condoms. Ask several to have protection for longer.
  • Look for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): there are civil society organizations, such as MEXFAM, where you can get cheap condoms. These organizations serve many people on a daily basis, so you can be sure that what you ask they will have heard before and they will know how to help you.
  • If you feel sorry for someone and you live in a large community: look for a pharmacy or super that is not so close to your home or go to a pharmacy or super where there are many customers: they will attend you quickly, without questions and go unnoticed.
  • If you feel sad to meet someone and live in a small community: go to the pharmacy early, when there are few people, it will be more difficult for you to find someone you know.
  • It is important to remember that condoms protect your health and it is perfectly legal to buy and use them. Check our tutorial here to learn how to use the female condom and here the tutorial to use the male condom.

I hope it has been helpfull. Can you think of any other way to take away your grief and buy condoms? Put it in the comments!



The female condom, female condom (CF) or vaginal condom is a barrier contraceptive method of vaginal use alternative to the male condom.

Like the male condom, it creates a barrier to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.

The female condom provides protection against pregnancy and also against infections that spread during sexual contact, such as HIV.

ONE Glowing Pleasures Glow In The Dark Lubricated Latex Condoms Bulk [A New Experience with Your Partner] - 12 Latex Condoms
ONE Glowing Pleasures Glow In The Dark Lubricated Latex Condoms Bulk [A New Experience with Your Partner] - 12 Latex Condoms

The CF was created to address the vulnerability of women, since it allows them to exercise their sexual rights, decide and have control over their safety. Previously, with the male condom, the decision to have protected sex rested with the man, who sometimes did not take into account the woman and her rights. With the CF the woman can make her own decision with greater freedom.

Only two types of female condom have the approval of the FDA in the United States: the so-called CF1 which is made of polyurethane (thin and strong plastic) that is currently not manufactured anymore, and its replacement, the CF2 that is made of a synthetic latex (nitrile) and is pre-lubricated with a silicone-based lubricant.

It consists of a pre-lubricated, thin and transparent sleeve that does not contain spermicides, with two flexible rings at each end: one inside and closed that allows easy placement inside the vagina and the other with a larger diameter, open and more flexible, which remains outside the vagina and covers the lips and clitoris; it prevents the condom from getting too far into the vagina and losing position.

The female condom is placed in the woman's vagina before penetration, so that during intercourse the penis remains covered and the semen can be stored there. The efficacy offered is similar to that of male condoms.

Unlike the male condom, it is not adjusted to tension and due to the humidity and temperature of the vagina, it adheres comfortably and its presence is almost negligible.

Female condoms prevent pregnancy, since they cover the inside of the vagina. They collect the pre-ejaculatory fluid and semen when a man ejaculates. This prevents the sperm from entering the vagina. Pregnancies can not occur if the sperm do not fertilize the ovules.

Since they cover the inside of the vagina or anus, and prevent semen and pre-ejaculatory fluid from entering, condoms reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) with the use "almost perfect", the effectiveness of the female condom is 95%, which means that five out of every hundred women become pregnant in one year.

With the "common use" (ie the lack of experience or omission of the correct steps) is 79% after one year of use, which means that 21 women out of a hundred become pregnant during the first year.

These condoms can fail for the same reasons as male condoms, including:

  • There is a break in the condom (this can happen before or during intercourse).
  • The condom is not put before the penis comes into contact with the vagina.
  • Lack of use of the condom every time you have a sexual relationship.
  • There are condom manufacturing defects (uncommon).
  • The contents of the condom spill as it is removed.
  • If you are one of the young women who do not mind having to resort to a contraceptive method that you have to put on just before sexual intercourse.
  • If your partner does not want to use the male condom.
  • If you are worried about avoiding the spread of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Both versions of the female condom are more resistant than male latex condoms, have a less frequent breakage potential, greater comfort, as well as a longer shelf life, even when storage conditions are unfavorable.

It allows you to share with your partner the responsibility of preventing infections.
Eliminate your worry if your partner is not going to use a condom. You can take precautions to protect yourself from pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases without depending on your partner.
  • You can buy it in pharmacies without a prescription and it is only one size.
  • It is disposable.
  • It can be used during menstruation.
  • It can be transported easily.
  • The partner can place it as part of the sexual games. It can improve sexual games.
  • It can be used by people with a latex allergy.
  • It can be used with water-based lubricants.
  • It does not affect the woman's natural hormones.
  • It does not require an erection to be placed and does not leave its place whether the man maintains his erection or not
  • The vaginal flora is not affected by its use.
  • By covering the cervix, it reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS (HIV), the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) because the tissue of the cervix is ​​particularly susceptible to them.
  • Prevents the spread of Hepatitis B. In fact, female condoms can offer greater protection against infections that can be transmitted through skin contact, such as herpes or genital warts, because the vagina, cervix and vulva they remain covered by the bag during sexual games.

Some women are irritated by the vagina.
The outer ring can irritate the vulva or the inner ring irritate the penis
Condom friction can decrease clitoral stimulation and lubrication by making sexual intercourse less enjoyable or even uncomfortable (the latter problem can be resolved by using the lubricant).
  • The condom can be noisy (the use of lubricant can alleviate this problem).
  • The newer version is much quieter.
  • It is not pleasant from the aesthetic point of view.
  • It has difficulties to insert / extract it.
  • It is not a 100% safe method of contraception.
  • It is expensive.
We admit, at first glance, the size and shape of a female condom can be a bit strange. But, do not be discouraged, considering all the benefits it offers, with a little practice, it could be easy and convenient to use it.


CF is not appropriate for all women. You should consider another type of contraception when:

  • You are allergic to polyurethane or synthetic latex.
  • You have a high risk of pregnancy - you are less than 30 years old, you have sex three times a week, you have already had failures with barrier methods or you are not going to be consistent in their use.
  • If you do not feel comfortable inserting something inside the vagina.
  • If you have abnormalities in the vagina that interfere with the adjustment, placement or retention of the CF.

It must be placed before starting the caresses prior to sexual intercourse.

Because once initiated the caresses, there are secretions in the genitals of both that, in the case of man, the sperm can be in the pre-ejaculation and if this happens in your external genitalia, you can get pregnant
At the time that both are secreting normal lubrication, they can get an STD (sexually transmitted disease) that suffers from either of them.

The expiration date and the correct condition of the condom should be checked.

The placement is similar to that of other female vaginal contraceptives: vaginal ring, diaphragm, contraceptive sponge, cervical cap.

It is not necessary to wait for the erection of the penis as it happens with the male condom.

EYE. It is necessary to remove the tampons before introducing the condom.

Steps to follow:

 Open the package with care

Wash your hands with soap and water, please your nails should be short or you run the risk of hurting yourself, breaking the plastic or causing an infection.
First you need to locate where the neck of your uterus is. Insert a finger to the bottom of your vagina, you will feel the edge of the pubic bone and you will know that you are touching the cervix because its consistency is very similar to the tip of your nose.
The position to place it depends on which is more practical for you, it can be standing with one leg resting on a chair, or sitting on the edge of the chair, you can be lying on your back or squatting.

With one hand, separate the lips from the vulva. Remember that there are two rings: a large one that should be left outside the vagina and a small one that remains inside it. With the other hand hold the small ring with the thumb, index and middle fingers, bend it and squeeze it and insert it gently into the vagina.

Once in the vagina place the small finger inside the condom to advance it passing the level of the bone of the pubis and reach the bottom, just as a vaginal ovule is placed, being careful with the possible cutting objects (nails, rings ...).

Make sure the condom is not twisted.

The outer ring and a small segment of the CF remain outside to prevent contact of the male genitalia, especially root of the penis and testicles, with the vulva and skin of the genital area of ​​the woman, sites susceptible to human papillomavirus infection, among other causes of STDs.

Before sex, and during sex, if necessary, apply a couple of drops of water-based lubricant to the penis.
It is important to guide the penis into the female condom to make sure it does not "slip" into the vagina but out of the condom. Use enough lubricant to keep the condom in place during intercourse.

After the sexual intercourse and before joining, you should squeeze and twist the outer ring to make sure that the semen remains inside and then remove the condom by pulling gently.
Discard it in the trash and not in the toilet because it covers the drain.

Use a new one in each sexual contact.
The female condom is disposable, it is used only once, remember that you should NOT share it with other people.

  • Be careful not to break the condom with sharp nails or jewelry.
  • Never use a male condom at the same time as a vaginal or female condom. For effectiveness and additional protection against pregnancy, you can resort to a spermicidal gel.
  • You should not use spermicides like nonoxynol-9; it has been proven that the irritation that it produces increases the risk of HIV transmission.
  • If you experience any irritation or discomfort when using the condom, consult your doctor immediately.
  • It is important to check the expiration date of the package because latex degrades over time and condoms can be broken if you use them when their expiration date has passed.
  • Do not use petroleum-based substances such as Vaseline for lubricating purposes, as these break the latex.
  • If during intercourse the condom is torn or broken, the outer ring is inserted into the vagina or the condom is collected inside it, remove it and introduce another immediately.
  • Make sure condoms are available and located in a convenient place. This will help you avoid the temptation to have sex without the use of a condom.

It is important that the couple is aware of situations that can help prevent a pregnancy or timely respond to a possible infection.

  • To reduce the risk of pregnancy, go to the doctor before 72 hours to assess the possibility of using the emergency pill. It is important NOT to self-medicate
  • If you are not sure that your partner is free of any sexually transmitted infection or was a casual encounter, you should be aware of the symptoms (itching, pain or burning when urinating, constant urination) or signs (appearance of pimples or ulcers) that may or may not cause pain, urethral or vaginal discharge scarce, moderate or white, yellowish-greenish with bad smell) that could occur in the following days and go both as soon as possible to receive adequate medical attention. Continue the treatment indicated by the doctor and carry it out properly even when the signs and symptoms are no longer noticeable.
  • To rule out if HIV has been acquired it is necessary to wait three months to perform the Elisa test.
  • Washing the penis and vagina or urinating after sexual intercourse can help prevent the generation of bacteria that could cause discomfort, or a urinary tract infection, but does NOT decrease the risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection.
  • The use of spermicides prior to intercourse will help prevent a pregnancy, but it does NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections.

There are no serious risks associated with the use of the female condom.

Although it has not been officially approved or even recommended, some people use the female condom for anal sex. More research is needed to determine if it can be effective in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections or HIV.