Saturday, January 19, 2019

How a toilet works

How a toilet works

Why do not investments come? Why does not the economy start? Why does the head of the Cabinet try to explain what never happened?

Possession as the iconoclastic essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan, and behavioral psychologist Daniel Khanemn call it, to whom one must think fast,
to think slowly) is to explain facts that are consummated and unforeseen, with arguments according to which everything was predicted.

Saniflo Saniflo 087 Elongated Toilet Bowl only (1.28 GPF) For SANIFLO Macerator Systems White
Saniflo Saniflo 087 Elongated Toilet Bowl only (1.28 GPF) For SANIFLO Macerator Systems White

Perhaps the answer is linked to what Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons, also behavioral researchers, designate as an illusion of knowledge. In his work The invisible gorilla point out that this illusion manifests itself when you think you know more than you know.
Both they, and Taleb, see it especially in the activity of economists. Having familiarity with something and knowing the rudiments of its functioning does not mean understanding it. Often reading a text several times, or texts of specialists or filled with data and statistics generates a false sense of understanding.
From there, one's own knowledge is taken for granted and it is not thought necessary to subject it to revision. Therefore, when things do not work as that supposed knowledge indicates, the posdictions arise, never the rethinking. This week the Chief of Cabinet stated twice that the predictions announced for the second semester had been rigorously fulfilled.

To sustain the illusion of knowledge, statistics can be produced that reinforce it (it is known that statistics and surveys often show the results that the person in charge wants to obtain, for which all information or evidence that contradicts those results is skipped).
And you can insist on beliefs (which are not evidence), as, for example, that the real reality transits through social networks and not through the streets, homes (discard here those that are prepared as staging for timbre), conversations daily life of people of flesh and blood (no contacts in networks, trolls or other virtualities), places of work, means of transport and other spaces in which social humor is perceived.

Economics, and especially complex investments, move on the basis of unverifiable assumptions that are often presented as quasi-scientific. The issue is that the more situations are complicated and the forecasts are breached (which, in economics, should be called prophecies), the more complicated and incomprehensible the explanations become.
Of all the possible economic theories, says Taleb in Is There Luck? There will always be one that explains the failed past that was announced as a successful future.
But if you put the explanators in front of a boy who asked incessantly, "and why?", And then again, "and why?", It could be noticed that "they have no idea what they are talking about", as the investor Steve Eiman (there is no worse splinter than the same suit) in the book by Chabris and Simons.

The illusion of knowledge tends to lead, especially in the economic sphere, to dangerous promises, risky claims and disasters of great proportions, such as real estate bubbles, convertibility, the belief that you can consume without producing, spend on account of that you do not have or announce massive tax relief without having done the accounts first (or having done them wrong).
As the authors of The Invisible Gorilla say, it is not the same to know that if you press a button you download the toilet to understand how the whole toilet system works.
Without this last, the day that does not work will have to call a plumber who will charge very high fees for something that was perhaps avoidable.

In short, perhaps a high degree of illusion of economic and business knowledge impedes access to what these researchers consider an antidote. An external look, admit other possibilities and, going to the here and now, we could add that a good antidote is something that the economy usually does not contemplate. That behind the numbers (or rather, ahead) there are people. Politics deals with them when it serves the common interest and not a sectoral one.

How does an airplane's toilet work?

How does an airplane's toilet work?

The bathrooms of the airplanes happened to be a luxury in the first years of the aviation to become a necessity nowadays. Although in virtually any modern commercial aircraft you will find one, it remains a mystery to many its operation.

Oddly enough, the toilets on airplanes have fairly advanced physical principles. According to the American engineer, James Le Bouthillier : "Its operation is so complex (of toilets), that it even has laws of physics more advanced than those that make the plane fly".

Although, there are many myths fed by popular belief, such as the famous "the toilet is just a hole where the debris falls as rain from the sky" , is not really a topic that has deepened much as with other airplane systems. That's why today we bring you where we will explain how the toilet on the plane actually works .

American Standard 3717B001.020 Cadet 3 FloWise Right Height Round Front Toilet Bowl Only in White
American Standard 3717B001.020 Cadet 3 FloWise Right Height Round Front Toilet Bowl Only in White

How does it work?

When you press the button to pull the toilet, a valve opens. This valve is connected to a vacuum system that causes waste to be sucked into a storage tank (located in the cargo compartment). Although in theory these toilets can work without water, to avoid clogging the pipes and keep it clean, a liquid disinfectant solution is used (hence the blue color of the water).

This system is mainly designed to save resources and, therefore, reduce the weight of the aircraft as much as possible . Even the pneumatic system to create vacuum is connected to the pressurized air system of the aircraft (the same one that uses air conditioning).

Another interesting detail is that the toilets are coated with Teflon . This, in addition to facilitating the cleanliness of the airplane, means that even less water is used.

The basic principle of aircraft toilets

Unlike the typical household plumbing that works with gravity, the entire bathroom of the plane uses vacuum as a fundamental physical principle in its operation: from the tap to the toilet .

Why do they use 'emptiness'? It is true that 'on land' with gravity is more than enough for toilets to work well, however in the air - as well as on buses and trains - the movement and weight of water can cause stability problems. For that reason engineers since the 40's have looked for a way to avoid major problems. Among those solutions they found that having a pneumatic vacuum system helps in:

  •     Save large amounts of water
  •     Decrease weight since narrower pipes are used
  •     Avoid unpleasant odors
  •     Distribute all the weight in several tanks distributed by the plane.

Do the debris fall from the air?

This idea has become popular thanks to the children's cartoons but no , the waste is not discharged on the flight.

The only way to empty the septic tanks is by means of hoses and pipes on the ground. By the way, to access the valve of the tank has to enter the cargo compartment of the plane (ie it is impossible to have a "rain of human waste" caused by the toilet of an airplane).

How does the toilet work?

How does the toilet work?

The water, toilet, toilet, toilet bowl, toilet, porcelain throne. No matter what we call it, it is one of the inventions that I am most grateful for and where many of us have surely spent countless hours either reading, playing with cell phones, talking on the phone or simply reflecting on life and its endless joys and sorrows.

The first records of the existence of a WC date back to 2800 years ago, where the first type of toilet was registered under the reign of King Minos of Crete. Then, even in China, remains of a toilet were found in a tomb of an emperor of the Han dynasty, which dates back to 206 BC and 24 AD.

TOTO CST743S#01 Drake Round Bowl and Tank, Cotton White
TOTO CST743S#01 Drake Round Bowl and Tank, Cotton White

But it is no longer until ancient Rome when a sewage system was finally invented for people to use their latrines to make their needs, and these were thrown out to the Tiber River. The evolution to this occurs already in the middle age, when they begin to use the "pellets" which were made of ceramic or metal. The most curious of these fights, was that after use, the content that was inside was not discarded to a sewer but commonly only thrown out the window (I do not know why I remember the song hopefully rain coffee).

As early as 1596, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth I, Sir John Harrington, gave him a WC invented by him, with a cistern system (pulled from a chain) (for the other he gave her a coffin as well). Already between 1775 and 1800, the system is patented, and people realize that poor sanitary conditions brought diseases, which is why the first laws begin to emerge, and studies on the implementation of sewage systems and toilets in homes and hotels. Finally it is in 1910 where the design of the WC is changed to the one we currently use of a pond and a cup.

Nowadays technology has also been incorporated into this wonderful invention, and this is how in Japan there are toilets with systems to heat the edge in one sits, as well as to do a cleaning to the rear, using jets of water.

Parts of a WC

If one uncovers the pond cover, and looks inward, you will see all of these parts that appear in the figure. It is likely to be somewhat different in yours, depending on the age of your WC, but it is mostly composed of 3 parts:

  • The cup siphon
  • The mechanism of water flow
  • The filling mechanism

The siphon

There are some simple experiments you can do at home to learn about the operation of the siphon. The first one is using a glass of water, if you pour it into the cup it is probably nothing happens, and if you then pour up to 25 glasses, surprisingly nothing will happen either. This is because as you see in the image, the siphon will take care of throwing away the excess water, if the level goes up a little. But when we pour 6 liters of water at once, what happens is that the siphon tube will fill and cause a suction which will evacuate all the contents of the cup and listen to the classic sound it emits. (especially when it starts to suck air and starts to sound like gargles) At this point I think several has happened that when they cut the water in the house the only way to throw the chain is looking for a bucket there and having to fill it up little by little in the sink or in the tub.

The mechanism of water flow

The purpose of the tank is to act as the bucket of water, which consists of expelling a sufficient amount of water and at the proper speed in the cup to activate the siphon. We could say that the pond acts as a capacitor, which takes around 30 to 60 seconds to accumulate water, and then in just 3 it expels everything.

The handle that is in the majority of the toilets is united by a chain to the valve (cap), and that when being thrown what it does is to allow that the water happens through the hole of the pond that generally has a diameter between 5.08 to 7.62 cms. When this occurs, the water travels through 2 parts, first most of the water goes through the main duct that goes directly to the cup, then the rest of the water comes out through small holes around the cup that have as function throw away the rest of the things that were there. (It loads me when "something" sticks there and does not come out with anything, and you have to apply the brush)

The filling mechanism

Once our tank is empty, it is the turn of the float, which has as mission to give the order to the filling valve to inject water into the pond. The float will deactivate when it reaches almost the top of the pond where it will block the filling valve. But if for some reason the float or the valve fails, theoretically our pond will overflow, but that is where our secret agent overflow tube will make the excess water, go directly back to the sewer.

Bonus - Myth

Many will have seen the chapter of The Simpsons where Bart and Homer want to see if in the different hemispheres the flow of water goes to the left or to the right. But the main reason to determine where the water will flow, does not depend on the hemisphere where we are, but simply on how the manufacturer arranged the exit direction of the holes around the bowl.

DRY TOILET : How does it work?

DRY TOILET : How does it work?

When we enter the bathroom of one of our friends or relatives, or even if we go to our company or any restaurant or shopping center, we realize that the toilet has an operation in which water is essential. Possibly since we have use of reason this has been the case, modifying only the model or even the way to activate the tank or "pull the chain". However, there are other types of toilets that do not use water and therefore are considered ecological dry toilets. If you want to know what they are, how they work and their main advantages, we tell you below.

American Standard 3195A101.021 Champion PRO Right Height Elongated Toilet Bowl, Bone
American Standard 3195A101.021 Champion PRO Right Height Elongated Toilet Bowl, Bone

What are ecological dry toilets?

When we talk about dry toilets or ecological toilets, we are referring to those in which we are not going to need water, saving this element so necessary and at the same time scarce. These toilets are not subject or connected to the drain of the house, so they will not go to the sewage network , being able to place them anywhere, in a conventional house, as in a guest room or a shed. They are also called ecological because the waste that has accumulated can be used later for growing fruit and vegetables, saving both water and fertilizer.

How does a dry toilet work?

The operation of this type of bathroom is very simple, as is its installation. The first thing we need to know is that it is two large cameras that will be located below the place where we will place the toilet. These cameras are dry, so you will continue to save water and not produce pollutants . In addition to having this feature, we must see that they are waterproofed, as well as they must be completely hermetic, in order to avoid leaks that may contaminate the environment of these toilets, nor leak to the ground.

The chamber that is located below the toilet is the first to be filled, taking approximately 6 months with conventional use, when this has happened, the second will be filled, which will also have the same period of filling . During this process, the waste and waste that was in the first chamber will be converted into compost that will be very useful as fertilizer. Once the two cameras have been filled, it should be completely emptied, so that the entire process starts again.

Advantages of the ecological dry bath

Having a sanitary of these characteristics will bring you many benefits, among which we can emphasize that you will not need a single drop of water to make it work. We are only going to use, as is logical, the water in the shower, the sink or the bidet, but that's it, saving a lot on the water bill .

Its installation is very simple and can be done in any home, whether or not it has a conventional toilet, although it is recommended that it be supervised by an expert plumber so there is no risk of leakage or flooding. Thanks to this very clean process you will not contaminate, being able to use the waste or compost that is formed to fertilize the land.

What types are there?

In the current market you can find two types of dry baths, which can be installed in a very short time by a plumber, giving you all the advice you need for its use.

Dry bath

The first of the models is known as dry bath by dehydration . And it consists, as its name suggests, in dehydrating all the debris that falls into the chambers. This is achieved by different methods, but none include chemical products, something very important for later use as compost. The chamber will be partially filled with drying material, which will absorb all the moisture and liquid from the waste, being also helped by the ventilation that exists in these chambers as the heat itself. It is advised in these cases that the urine is destined to another different tank, to avoid adding more moisture to the mixture. For drying to be effective, what we have to look for is that the process is carried out as quickly as possible, thus getting certain pathogens and odors to occur. Although urine can be converted into a perfect organic fertilizer for plants and crops that you have in the garden, mixed with feces will make the dehydration of feces much slower and therefore, it will not be processed properly. get to smell Once we see that the camera has been filled, something that as we have told you, will happen after a year, in toilets with double chamber, the waste can be handled with tranquility, being a perfect fertilizer.

Composting bathrooms

This type of toilet is more common to find in the country houses that have a large crop and that seeks to produce organic fruits and vegetables, saving both water and fertilizer . The structure of these ecological composting toilets is exactly the same as those we have described previously, although instead of finding drying materials, we will have a series of organic materials from the field that will help create a much richer compost. Among these materials we can include pieces of vegetables, fruits, peat, sawdust or straw. All this will be mixed with human feces, causing the microorganisms to treat all this waste material to get the compost to form. For this to happen, the temperature of the environment must be taken into account, as well as ventilation as humidity.

To achieve this, these bacteria must be allowed to work, which will decompose all the matter, something that will happen after approximately 10 months.

Both for the first case, and for the second, the hiring of a qualified plumber is essential, since a failure can cause our toilet to produce floods, leaks or pollutants , being a major problem when you are inside an urban dwelling . This professional will advise you at all times, will guide you in the installation and will tell you the best advice for its correct operation.

How the toilet works

How the toilet works

The toilet is a very practical object that deserves more attention than we give it. For example by its design. It depends on the country it can be called in different ways: toilet , toilet , toilet, water , candy box, latrine , etc. But what is certain is that the toilet is one of the great wonders of physics . It is one of the best examples of the strength of the siphon effect, and it is what allows you to quickly get rid of excess water and "waste". The toilet makes use of water to push and pull more water. So ... how does the toilet work ?  we explain it to you.

TOTO CST744SL#01 Drake 2-Piece Ada Toilet with Elongated Bowl, Cotton White
TOTO CST744SL#01 Drake 2-Piece Ada Toilet with Elongated Bowl, Cotton White

First the analysis: the toilet is formed by the bowl , the cistern , the chain mechanism and the recharging system . All these pieces together make an efficient and ecological work. We will study the cup through physics. Its design allows to evacuate a large amount of water very fast. Without the cup and without its unique design, this great contribution to modern health services would not be possible. It may also be interesting to know the history of the toilet.

The key is in the siphon effect . The siphon is an "s" shaped pipe that is connected to the cup. Its function is to maintain the constant water level of the bowl and acts as a hydraulic closure, thus preventing gases and unpleasant odors from rising up the pipes and reaching home. In the following video of Discovery MAX, you can see how a toilet works in a very graphic, easy and fast way:

Little by little, if water is added to the cup, the toilet will not be flooded. So, when the toilet is used and the water level increases slightly, the water recedes towards the siphon but not so much as to activate the siphon effect. So that the water surpasses the curve and falls by the siphon, it is necessary to throw a great amount of water at the same time.

For example, if a large bucket of water is poured through the cup, the siphon will fill and the chain will activate. The water and its contents will fall through the pipe with that familiar noise that occurs when pulling the chain . When the cup runs out of water, air enters through the siphon that deactivates the chain and produces that gurgling sound that is also very familiar to us.

Although there is no cistern, you can also "pull the chain" by throwing a bucket of water through the cup. The crucial step is to fill the siphon and gravity does the rest thanks to the cohesive forces of the liquids. These forces take advantage of water molecules to drag everything in the cup and drop it from the highest point of the siphon. In the following video you can see how the toilet works each time you pull the chain:

What creates the siphon effect is gravity and not a change in pressure . The cistern acts like a bucket of water. When the chain is pulled, there is another chain that activates the level valve and unclogs the drain . Then the tank flushes all its contents into the cup in about 5 seconds. Water enters the cup through the holes in the rim and through a larger hole that pushes most of the water from the cistern directly into the siphon.

The speed that that amount of water carries activates the siphon, which pushes water and waste down the pipe . The level valve that has been floating since it was pulled from the chain returns to its place when the tank runs out of water. In this way, it closes the drain and the tank is ready to be refilled. The water pressure keeps the valve in place until next time.

In toilets, the direction of water rotation does not depend on the hemisphere of the planet on which the toilet is located as some believe. But it is related to more mundane factors, such as the shape of the cup, the inclination and the direction in which the water enters the house.

When the tank is emptied , a float drops to the base of the tank and activates a filling valve . When the float drops, the valve opens. The filling valve sends the water in two directions: towards the cistern and towards the cup. As the tank fills, the float rises until it reaches a point where the fill valve closes.

If for some reason the filling valve does not close, there is a drain pipe that would prevent the flood, as it would send the excess water to the bowl. But while toilets are specialized in waste disposal, a leaking toilet can waste a lot of water. For example: if you lose one milliliter per minute, you will spend 526 liters of water per year.

In fact, the toilet consumes more than 30% of all the water used in a house . Consumes more than any other domestic appliance. Over the years, the design of the toilets has been refined to reduce the amount of water necessary for a good drainage and to be more respectful with the environment. In 1960 the toilet consumed 20 liters of water each time it was used, but nowadays, it only needs five to six liters. This advance is thanks to the use of the force of the siphon effect.

We hope that this article entitled How a toilet works has been useful to you and has answered your questions. If you want to be able to read other similar posts, visit our science category. If you find it more practical, you can write your questions directly in our search engine that you can find below. And remember, if you liked it, share it or leave a comment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How disgusting is not being able to wipe your butt after shitting

How disgusting is not being able to wipe your butt after shitting

Are you going to say you never wondered when the toilet paper ran out?

And then you're at that typical summer festival in your town. The sun shines and a reggae band plays that soft sound to the crowd as you go out to buy another round of beer in plastic cups for your friends. Nothing could ruin this wonderful moment ... But her gut begins to roar intensely.

Ambm Portable Bidet Shower, Travel Bidets Bottle For Hand Bidet Using 600Ml
Ambm Portable Bidet Shower, Travel Bidets Bottle For Hand Bidet Using 600Ml

It seems that the combination of beer, hot dog and some suspicious snacks you bought at the food stall wants to leave. You stay four minutes waiting in line for the chemical toilets, and when you can get into one of them, close the door, sit back and shit. You enjoy a brief moment of relief until you realize, horrified, that you have no toilet paper. Holy shit! It's real.

You have no other choice but to put your pants on and go back to your friends, with the shame of knowing you have not completed one of the basic protocol steps you were taught when you were four.

What harm does it not make?
One gram of feces may contain some 10 million viruses, one million distinct bacteria, one thousand membranous pouches of parasites and one hundred eggs of worms, according to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. And now you're walking around with all those possible threats stuck in the ass and separated from the rest of the world by just a thin layer of synthetic fiber and another layer of cotton.

"It's absolutely unacceptable to be hygienic," says Aaron Glatt, a professor of medicine at South Nassau Communities Hospital and a spokeswoman for the American Society for Infectious Diseases. "Find something to clean yourself," he pleads. or leaves of plants, whatever. "

The risk is higher for women. In that case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and cause an infection
The situation may worsen depending on the type of dirt, adds Philip M. Tierno, a professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU Medical School. "If they are released, the particles can disperse even more," says Tierno. And so the liquid stool would be impregnated in the clothing and exceed the barrier of pants and underwear much more easily.

The risk is higher for women. In that case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and cause a urinary tract infection.

That's one of the reasons why Tierno recommends that when there is a possibility that we should use a bathroom in poor conditions, we should carry at least one packet of tissues and an alcohol-based disinfectant. We have to be warned if we are going to a festival, or the place in the middle of nature or make a stop on a road in the middle of nowhere.

What's in the feces?
Stool is waste from the body because all the infectious diseases and bacteria that are inhabiting our body "pack" in the stool before being expelled. Bacteria such as E. coli, or Escherichia, the parasites that cause diarrhea, and other germs whose effects can range from uncomfortable to deadly spread through excrement. Norovirus, which in countries like the US is one of the leading causes of illnesses caused by eating spoiled food, is also lodged in our gut.

It may be helpful to know that you may consider yourself lucky if in the near future you have access to a crouching hole and a shower.

"Four out of ten people in the world do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box. Anything"
In her 2008 book, The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters, journalist Rose George cites UN statistics that say 2.6 million people in the world do not have access to a sanitation system. "And I'm not saying that they do not have a toilet at home and have to use a public or separate from the house or even a precarious hut with a primitive fault," he says.

What George means is that "four out of ten people do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box. Anything. Instead, they are forced to defecate on railroad tracks or in some grove or in plastic bags that are then discarded in some alley. "

The public health problems arising from the lack of a basic sanitation system and the incorrect disposal of waste can be truly alarming. Lack of hygiene and water contamination are often the cause of one in every ten diseases in the world, according to WHO researchers.

Although this dirt poses very serious risks, our immune systems are constantly battling an enormous amount of germs of lower levels spread by fecal particles and, in general, they are victorious.

So, although it is good to worry when you do not have toilet paper to clean, thankfully and thanks to the way our body fights the fecal germs, this ends up being more of a nuisance than a true risk factor, according to Tierno.

How widespread are fecal particles?
"As a society, we swim in feces," says Tierno. "People do not wash their hands well, even when they have access to a lavatory, so they end up spreading the fine particles through the rest of the body."

A simple Google search reveals that it is quite common to find fecal matter in objects such as yoga mats, coffee cups, or kitchen forks. As was said once in an old book, everyone defecates, creating a certain degree of bacterial discomfort that societies and individuals are able to combat with greater or lesser success.

That means walking around without having cleansed your butt is only one level of discomfort above having to put up with the fecal load that lurks in your hands and on the surfaces you lean on daily.

A small amount of feces attached to the body simply intensifies this fight, but the guarantees of success are present anyway
"Obviously, it will irritate that person," notes Tierno. Without many problems, it is a "mild" discomfort in terms of public health. In the developed world, our body is constantly fighting germs and micro-organisms successfully. A small amount of feces stuck to the body simply intensifies this fight, but the guarantees of success are present anyway.

On the other hand, the odds of contracting E. coli or norovirus by contact with fecal material in a public event are even lower, because "sick people stay at home," says Tierno.

So, even if it is not really good to spend a few hours with the dirty low parts, the safest thing is that no time passes. When you have the opportunity, clean well and that's it.

Learn how to whip up anal hygiene so you do not look ugly at the time

Learn how to whip up anal hygiene so you do not look ugly at the time

To make the region less odorous at the time of sex, it is good to do a thorough hygiene before intercourse.

Every time my wife and I have sex, close to the anus, there comes a very strong smell of feces. At the time of oral sex, too, and I give up. I do not know how to tell her about hygiene.

Holoras Travel Portable Bidet Handheld Sprayer Bottle Nozzle for Personal Hygiene Care
Holoras Travel Portable Bidet Handheld Sprayer Bottle Nozzle for Personal Hygiene Care

I was able to get anal sex twice, but I'm afraid of the pain. Does Xylocaine help?

Is it dangerous to ejaculate inside the anus, in the sense of getting AIDS?

Friends, an American study found that 20% of heterosexual women and 26% of heterosexual men had anal sex in their lives. And about 75% to 80% of men who have sex with men have anal intercourse. So this is a widely used practice.

To make the region less odor at the time of sex, it is good to do a thorough hygiene before the relationship. It is also advisable to wash with soap and water every time you evacuate, as well as avoid using toilet paper. Choose from cotton underwear to synthetic fabric as it helps keep the room ventilated and dry.

Sometimes it is good to take care of food, as acidic, spicy foods and chocolates can contribute to the occurrence of anal itching and odor. Do not apply alcohol or stain products and perfume to the anal area as they may cause irritation.

Condom always

This is a part of the body potentially contaminated by microorganisms that can lead to infections both in the penis and in the vagina if there is vaginal penetration after anal. That is why condom use is essential! What's more, after anal penetration, the condom should be replaced. In addition to HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted.

Clean the anus with alcohol after stool

Clean the anus with alcohol after stool

I confess that whenever I shit at home, I clean up my ass with toilet paper, throw some alcohol on the next paper, and rub my ass with alcohol.

I started doing this to avoid terrible itches in the anus that I felt in the hottest days where my ass is sweaty. it burns a little, but it's better to keep it from scratching and then all grated from scratching.

Personal Hygiene Refresher Muslim Shower Portable Bidet Home Travel Washmate
Personal Hygiene Refresher Muslim Shower Portable Bidet Home Travel Washmate



One important information that the coloproctologist should give to his patient is how to perform an adequate anal hygiene. The anal hygiene is very important for health and to avoid discomfort in this region because waste feces in the anus may cause irritation of the local skin, discomfort, itching and pain.

FTVOGUE Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Hand Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use
FTVOGUE Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Hand Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use

A soft toilet paper may be used to remove excess stool that may have remained in the anal margin after evacuation and then wash the site.

Normal and dry faeces almost leave no residue. Already soft, liquid stools often remain in the anal canal keeping the anus dirty and causing local irritation.

Whenever you use toilet paper, especially women should pass it from front to back to avoid contact of feces with the genital region.

The skin of the anal region is very sensitive, so we proctologists indicate the specific use of soap for hygiene of the anal region or neutral soap, like glycerin or childish or so of female intimate soaps. Always wash the anal area with plenty of water.

Unable to perform anal hygiene with water, as in many public toilets, a practical alternative and suitable is the use of neutral wipes such as those used to clean babies or specific for intimate hygiene. You can also wet these tissues in water to aid in cleaning. These products are effective in hygiene and do not harm the skin of the anal region.

The answer is no. Products with perfumes and alcohol based are advised against the anal region. In addition to causing local irritation may irritate the skin.

Talc is used in places that can become moist and produce odors. People who sweat a lot in the anal region, can stay with this moist region and favor infections. In these cases, they may benefit from the use of unscented talc for a short period of time. Be careful not to vacuum the talc.

Always remember to wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, either after you urinate or after a bowel movement.

The simple act of washing hands is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections.

Do not be ashamed or afraid to consult a coloproctologist.

If you have any questions or concerns about your anal area, consult your coloproctologist.

Culture around the world shows differences until it's time to clean the butt

Culture around the world shows differences until it's time to clean the butt

You may not remember, but it is very likely that you have cried out a lot in your childhood: "Maha! Come clean me! "With that, the poor woman stopped everything she was doing to pass toilet paper or moist handkerchief on her butt. Since then, you've learned the "right" way to sanitize your ass after making needs, right?

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Leoke 3pcs pack hand held muslim shattaf bidet,easy take travel portable bidet,bidet on the go,travel bidet with different size rubber band

The problem is that there is no way to say 100% correct. The form of sanitization after defecating varies greatly from culture to culture, and the toilet paper itself is an extremely recent invention. It dates from 1857, in an inspired work of Joseph Gayetty. Rolls of paper were invented only in 1883 and sell 7 trillion units annually in the United States alone!

The use of paper to clean the butt, however, refers back to the 6th century BC! The Chinese already used the material, but by the way it did not get popular until it was reinvented by Gayetty in the 19th century. Meanwhile, the most common way to do the hygiene was through water. Have you ever imagined having to bathe every time you poop? Some people even have this custom, but it's a bit rarer nowadays.

French toilet paper from the 1960s

Other materials

Paper, however, was not the first object used to clean the faeces that stick to the backs of everyone in the world: over the past few centuries, different types of materials have been used for the same purpose. Some were more "natural", such as leaves, corn husks, shells and rocks!

Already other cultures have thought of synthetic materials, such as some types of fabric and even rods to remove the excess. Passing the rod on the butt had no sexual meaning for people who used it for that purpose. Can you imagine?

In Europe and Japan, it is very common to find a bidet next to the toilet to wash the private parts. Some Brazilian homes also have this "seat", but do you know someone who has already used it for this purpose? There in Japan, too, the technology has incorporated the pot and bidet into one place, with warm water spilled on your butt at the push of a button - and you dry yourself with a towel or even an air jet .

Japanese Toilet already does all the dirty work for you

Be careful when greeting

In the Middle East, it is common for bathrooms to have a bucket of water next to the toilet so you can wash your hands. That's because, for there, it's tradition you take away the excess stool with your left hand. So much so that one should never greet someone with that hand in countries with this culture: it can be interpreted as a great offense!

You may find this technique quite disgusting, but remember that it is part of the culture of the region. And it does even well for the planet, you know? The amount of water and energy needed to make a roll of toilet paper is much greater than the amount of water for you to clean your "parts" with the water from the bidet.

Regardless of the technique you use, know that the skin around your anus is quite sensitive - something you should already know. Therefore, never let moisture or leftover stool accumulate. Aside from being very disgusting, this can bring a lot of discomfort if you get baked. If you are a fan of toilet paper, it's worth it to review a classic video of Bem Globo's program, Rede Globo, teaching you how to use it correctly:

You're probably cleaning your ass the wrong way, you know?

You're probably cleaning your ass the wrong way, you know?

Toilet paper is a key piece in every bathroom, and only those who have already been in the grip on seeing the roll had finished know the real importance of this item of hygiene. The problem is that, apparently, toilet paper is more a villain than a good one, you know.

Reizen Washmate Portable Bidet
Reizen Washmate Portable Bidet

Apparently, paper can cause health problems - no wonder the toilet bidet has been so successful and the shower head positioned next to the toilet, created to replace the bidet, is making a big splash around the world.

In relation to paper, we have a potency: while little cleaning can leave the skin contaminated with traces of feces, cleaning too much is a simple way to cause fissures in the anal region and even urinary tract infections.

And now?

For the author of the book "The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters," Rose George, the idea is that people are walking around filthy, since cleaning with paper is never enough: "The paper moves poop, but it does not remove it," she said.

As you know that not everyone has a bidet at home or even that it is not possible to install these fixtures in public toilets, George believes that the solution to the problem is to use wet wipes to wipe clean after pooping.

In addition to the hygienic issue of the thing, the use of wet wipes avoids painful anal fissures, which take time to heal and can cause hemorrhoids. It is always worth remembering that one should not clean the anal region in the direction that comes from behind, as this takes fecal material to the urinary tract, which can lead to infections.