Sunday, February 17, 2019

Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules

What are probiotics and why should you know about their benefits

You will be surprised to know that the way you feel, and even how you shine every day, is directly linked to the health of your intestine

To maintain good health, your gut must properly absorb nutrients and help eliminate waste products and toxins daily.

Unfortunately, most people are faced with an excessive number of toxins in their intestines, so they are not functioning in the most optimal way that would be appropriate.

Your gut is not only the center of your body, but also the center of your health and well-being. Therefore, if your intestine is not healthy, you will not either!

Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules
Integrative Therapeutics - Probiotic Pearls - Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic - Non-Refrigerated with Patented True Delivery Technology - 30 Capsules

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are the benign bacteria that help nourish and balance your intestinal microbiome

The word "probiotic" is derived from pro = para and bio = life. Therefore everything together would be something like "for life", sounds good eh!

Probiotics are like a body of security for our health that help us:

  • * Monitor malignant bacteria and microorganisms
  • * Supports the work of digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • * Ensures that your body receives the vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids from the foods you are consuming
  • * They are necessary for the generation of certain vitamins of group B, vitamin K, folate and some short chains of fatty acids.
  • * Contributes to the optimal functioning of the immune system
  • * Help your body maintain its own PH

Benign bacteria (probiotics) are absolutely vital in keeping malignant bacteria at bay, keeping potential infections in check, keeping inflammation under control and preventing infections from spreading throughout your body.

What are probiotic strains?

 Not all probiotic bacteria are the same. They differ in relation to spices and strains.

Different strains have different results for the human body. Most probiotics include two main strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum, however, the best probiotic supplements usually include more strains.

At the end of the article, the different strains will be discussed.

Probiotics must live and colonize inside the intestine so that they can produce benefits. Probiotics differ and therefore the benefits that can be obtained from them are not measured by the number of living bacteria in the food you eat or in the supplements you eat. The real benefits of probiotics depend on the ability of the bacteria to survive and colonize within your gut.
This is measured by colony forming units (1). Colony forming units represent a bacterium or yeast that is capable of living and reproducing to form a group of the same bacteria or yeast.

What is the relationship between probiotics and your intestine?

  • probiotic foods, function and benefits
  • Benefits of healthy eating and probiotics,

According to Hippocrates, "All diseases begin in the intestine."

Healing your bowel is one of the first and most important steps to recover health and vitality. Thanks to foods rich in probiotics that help repopulate the benign bacteria we need to support our digestive tract.

So why should we pay special attention to probiotics?

About 70% of our immune cells are lodged in our digestive system!

There are more bacteria in our digestive system than there are in the rest of the cells of your body, the bacteria in your intestine weighs more than 1 kilo ..

And believe me that that extra kilo you should not lose it! In addition, 95% of your serototine (the "feel good" hormone or "happiness") is lodged in your gut as well.

More and more scientists, doctors and researchers are discovering the incredible link (2) between your intestinal health and your relationship with your mental well-being.

It turns out that in some cases, "chronic" diseases such as depression (3), anxiety (4) and schizophrenia (5), may be linked to some serious imbalances and inflammation of the intestine.

Researchers at the University of Oxford (6) have found that "prebiotic" supplements (those that feed the benign bacteria in your intestine) can have an anti-anxiolytic effect, as it alters the way people process emotions . The participants in this study not only experienced less anxiety when faced with negative stimuli, but also showed lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol

Symptoms of an intestine in imbalance

Benefits of probiotics to relief stomach upset

So how can you tell if you have a balanced intestinal bacterium or not?

Some symptoms of an imbalance in your intestinal microbiome include:

  • *Acne
  • * Food allergies
  • * Sensitivity to certain foods
  • * Flawed sleep patterns
  • *Irritable bowel syndrome
  • * Chronic fatigue
  • * Learning and behavior disorders
  • * Irregular mood
  • *Lactose intolerance
  • * Problems with the skin, such as eczema, psoriasis ..
  • * Autoimmune diseases (lupus, arthritis, etc.)
  • * Uncontrolled binge eating (and wanting to take them out)
  • * Stomach cramps and stomach cramps after meals
  • * Gases, stomach swelling and diarrhea recurrently

There are more symptoms that can be linked to poor intestinal health.

Another "curious" clue we can have for the health of our gut would be.

The stool

Stools are a byproduct of a healthy or unhealthy intestine. When it is produced, how and what form and smells it has, it gives us clues to the health of your digestive system.

Basically your stools are an indicator of whether or not you are getting enough probiotics on a daily basis.

What you see in your toilet can be a health indicator

Type 1 and 2 indicate constipation, 3 and 4 are within normal, 5 indicates lack of fiber, and 6 and 7 indicate inflammation of the intestine.

Good feces: like a sausage, without difficulty to leave.

Feces "not so good": separated pieces and hard, in the form of balls, or too liquid or watery.

If you are experiencing the "not so good" form of stool more often than the good one, it is time for you to take action and start taking care of your bowel.

Why are probiotics important?

I will not stop emphasizing the importance of your intestinal health for your well-being in general. And one of the best things you can do for your gut is to provide it on a recurring basis with foods rich in probiotics.

Dr. Mercola says (5) "Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria, more than 10 times the number of cells you have in your entire body. It is increasingly clear that the type and amount of microorganisms in your intestine interact with your body in ways in which they can prevent or accelerate the development of some diseases.

The GreenMed portal (6) of medical research has compiled a list of more than 200 studies that talk about the excellent properties of probiotics and how they can help alleviate hundreds of diseases and ailments. Here is a brief list of what they can do for you:

Digestive Health

If your intestine lacks benign bacteria and other microorganisms, you will not be able to digest nutrients efficiently, no matter how much healthy food you eat. If you want to absorb as many nutrients as possible, then you need a lot of benign bacteria in your intestine. Probiotics are also vital to keep a large amount of toxic microorganisms out of your body, keeping your body healthy and happy.

Everything that enters your intestine is filtered through beneficial bacteria and is either sent to the excretory system, or transferred to the entire cell of your body where necessary. Be sure that your cells are only getting what is healthy by nourishing your body with healthy food and lots of probiotics.

Intestinal dysbiosis

Symbiosis means living in harmony, while dysbiosis refers to the imbalance of the microbial colonies of the body. In a healthy digestive system, the numerous bacterial strains keep balanced and superjacent to each other to remain balanced and healthy. The imbalance occurs when this mutual supervision is unable to occur effectively and one strain dominates the other, compromising the system as a whole and making its work harder on benign bacteria.

Enrollment with antibiotics

Antibiotics have helped lots of people recover from diseases and infections. However, antibiotics are extremely hard on your digestive system, since they not only attack the malignant bacteria, but also the benign one.

Detrimental effects of antibiotics for intestinal flora

Recovering your system during and after having been treated with antibiotics is very important for your intestinal health and general well-being. Therefore, if you have been taking antibiotics recently or are taking them now, start using a good probiotic. It will not interfere with the medication, it will only improve your body's ability to fight the infection by boosting your healthy intestinal flora, strengthening your immune system.

Mental health

Have you ever heard the bowel mentioned as your "second mind"? Some people call it that because it houses the 500 million neurons that make up your enteric nervous system. The SNE creates 50% of all the dopamine in your body and 95% of our serotonin. These hormones play a fundamental role in making us feel happy and satisfied. It makes sense that an unhealthy intestine can interrupt the proper functioning of these fundamental hormones.

Benefits of probiotics and nutrition for mental health

It has been proved (7) that the correction of healthy bacteria in the intestine can optimize the function of neutrotransmitters, causing an improvement in mental health and can even improve behavior and improve focus and memory.


Research in Australia at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (8) has begun using probiotics to help children overcome severe allergies to peanuts. At the end of a study that lasted 18 months (9), where 30 children were given Lactobacillus rhamnosus, a bacterial strain used as a probiotic, they found that 80% of the participants were able to tolerate the peanuts again ... Incredible yes? J

Many food allergies can be linked to poor intestinal health, while there is an insufficient level of bacterial levels present.

Heavy metals, Bisphenol A (BPA), Pesticides and cancerous food preservatives

This is one of the negative "side effects" of modern civilization: the era of convenience and canned food. Even if we are careful, the toxins will enter our body in one way or another. For some people it will be very harmful, while for others it will mean absolutely nothing (each body is a world ..)

What can make the difference? A healthy intestine. A system full of benign bacteria will be able to detoxify these harmful substances and keep them at bay so that they do not interfere with your health and well-being.

A large part of these negative symptoms in the body are due to the overload of toxins and to a gut that is too weak to get rid of them. Every detoxifying regimen should focus first on strengthening the intestine.

Think about this: When your bowel is not balanced, either by dysbiosis or leaky bowel syndrome, you literally have holes in your intestinal lining. Imagine it this way:

You have a screen in the window whose function is not to get bugs ... right? Now imagine that there are holes in your screen. The insects would be able to enter directly ... no? Your intestine works the same. Holes in your "screen", allow insects (toxins, etc) to enter your bloodstream and create huge problems for your health in general, both internally and externally.

When this happens, your immune system becomes confused and begins to attack, creating autoimmunity (attacks itself). This does not happen in each case, but in all cases of autoimmunity (10), it is well established that the Leaky Gut Syndrome is present, sometimes undetected.

What kind of symptoms can indicate an excess of toxins?

  •     Hormonal imbalance (especially with bisphenol A, which mimics estrogen in the body and disrupts the endocrine system)
  •     Unexpected nausea
  •     Digestive problems
  •     Abdominal and stomach pain
  •     Nervous system dysfunction
  •     Asthma
  •     Headaches
  •     Blurred thinking
  •     Continuous sudden changes in behavior

Skin health

Many times, your skin is a reflection of what is happening inside your body. So, instead of working from the outside, you need to work from within.

Foods that benefit the skin and keep it beautiful

Your skin is the largest organ in your body and has approximately 20 square meters in total. Your skin is a protective organ and keeps everything inside you healthy and away from microbes, chemicals and bacteria. Your skin is also one of the most important eliminatory organs, and is sometimes called "your third kidney", due to its responsibility to help release toxins from the body.

When the intestinal bacteria is unbalanced, it can cause Leaky Gut Syndrome, which means that the toxins are released into the bloodstream in large quantities. If you are prone to acne or other problems related to the skin, this can lead to skin rashes and more skin problems. Remember that your skin is a reflection of what is happening inside your body.

Dr. Whitney P. Bowe, MD (11) A certified dermatologist and medical professional, talks about the benefits that probiotics have on our skin.

"Although more studies are needed about the beneficial aspects that probiotics have for the cure of acne, either topical or oral solution. I think we can expect some amazing products for acne in the near future. In the meantime, I would recommend that patients with acne or rosacea talk to their dermatologists so they can add foods with probiotic cultures, like some yogurts, and take at least one probiotic supplement on a daily basis. "

Every time there is more and more research (12) coming to light letting us know that taking probiotics can help those with some discomfort in the skin.

Weak immunity

Healthy bacteria can train your immune system to distinguish between "alien" microbes that originate in your body, making probiotics the best allies in the fight against infections.

Prevention of diseases

Studies in animals have shown that consuming fermented foods rich in probiotics can annihilate several types of cancerous tumors. (13)

  • Possible food poisoning
  • Probiotics can help against food poisoning
  • Bad bacteria lurk in your gut. Probiotics help replenish the beneficial bacteria and make your digestion work as it should.
  • Taking probiotics on a regular basis gives the body a better defense against possible "invasions" from outside with which you can come into contact.
  • How to include more probiotics in your diet.

            The fact of including probiotics with moderation in your diet is a good idea. This ensures that you are giving your bowel the best chance to be balanced and keep your immune system strong and working for you, instead of against you.

Below are some foods to start testing

Fermented foods

Types of fermented foods and their benefits

Almost all cultures include foods fermented in their diet, which provide probiotics (beneficial bacteria), vitamins and enzymes that help keep your digestive system healthy. Also mention that the massive use of antibiotics, and the lack of food as less processed as possible, literally means that your digestive system is lacking in these vital microorganisms and nutrients. Taking fermented foods helps replenish benign bacteria.

Yogurt- Yogurt is probably the most popular and known fermented food in our diet. Dairy-free varieties are recommended for their best benefits. Coconut or almond yogurt are great options. If you are preparad@ to take things a step further, you can even prepare your own yogurt. This is obviously the best option since you are controlling all the ingredients that you put in your yogurt, since most of those sold in the establishments are loaded with refined sugars and other additives.

Kefir- It is one of the richest foods in probiotics that exist. It is sometimes used to help in conditions such as leaky bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance, and candida. It is the "superior" version of yogurt. ... has about three times more probiotics than yogurt. This is because it is fermented with 10-20 different types of bacteria and yeast, while yogurt only has a couple of them.

Kefir also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you be more "sleepy" and relaxed. It also has phosphorus, which is the second most abundant mineral in our body, and it helps us use carbohydrates and proteins for the energy of cells.

Sauerkraut- Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics and is an excellent way to repopulate healthy levels of intestinal bacteria. Some European countries use it to treat and prevent peptic ulcers. Because it helps the bowel, it can be beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, acne, skin problems, colds, allergies, acid reflux, bone strengthening, and other benefits.

Dr. Mercola (14) sent samples of sauerkraut to a laboratory to investigate how many pribiotics it contained:

"When analyzing it. We found that in a sample of 150 grams of this fermented vegetable, there were literally 10 trillion bacteria. "

Kimchi - EL Kimchi comes from Korea and is an even more powerful food than sauerkraut in terms of probiotics. It usually contains cabbage, red peppers, onion, garlic and salt.

Research in Korea has published a summary of more than 130 studies (15) that have demonstrated the incredible healing properties of kimchi. It helps with colds, improves the immune system, protein digestion, prevents teeth deterioration, prevents the risk of obesity, and also nutritional deficiencies.

In animal studies (16) Kimchi has been shown to have the ability to suppress tumors.

Studies by Professor Miri Kim, from the National University of Chungnam, (17) along with others, found that kimchi is effective in preventing cancer and detoxifying heavy metals the liver, kidney and small intestine.

Umeboshi- The Umeboshi is a plum. It has been used in the Japanese, Chinese and Korean diet for hundreds of years. During the wars of the 15th and 16th century the samurai warriors used umeboshi to recover from fatigue. The medicinal uses of umeboshi have been documented in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 3000 years. The citric acid in umeboshi converts lactic acid into water and helps eliminate it from the body. When lactic acid accumulates in the body it can cause fatigue and fatigue. The fruit is also used to treat vomiting, diarrhea, nausea in general, infections, liver poisoning, ..

Kombucha - Ancient China, they called it the "Elixir of Eternal Health", used to help the body recover from degenerative diseases. It has recently become popular in the western world and is being studied for its possible preventive properties against cancer. Kombucha is a sweet tea that has been fermented using benign bacteria and yeast, being a powerful probiotic. It is used to combat digestive problems, candida, provides enzymes and bacterial acids to detoxify the body naturally and has been shown to be beneficial against joint pain. Kombucha contains glucosamine, an amino-sugar that helps preserve cartilage and relieve arthritis symptoms.

Kombucha can also be made at home


Fermented cod liver oil - This oil, as opposed to normal fish oil supplements, is processed cold by fermentation instead of heat processing. This preserves liposoluble vitamins and omega 3, which can be damaged by high temperatures. This oil contains vitamin A and D, both are important to the immune system and are precursors of the hormone-activating expression genes. Consuming cod liver oil regularly can be beneficial to help against joint pain and arthritis, bone health, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, depression, breast cancer, wound healing ... etc (18)

Miso- It is a traditional Japanese pasta made of soy beans, sea salt and koji. Pasta is often used to make soup or to eat it with rice, beans, dates more than 2500 years ago. It has all the essential amino acids and is therefore considered a complete protein, in addition to providing all the probiotics essential for the digestive tract. It is known to protect against radiation and heavy metals (19), because it contains dipicolinic acid, an alkaloid that helps to remove heavy metals from the body.

Natto - Another Japanese meal, low in calories, is a fermented superfood high in protein that is considered one of the "secrets of health" of the Japanese for centuries. Natto helps longevity, beauty, mental capacity and better cardiovascular health. The average Japanese live five years longer than the Americans, so Natto is a secret to which you must give an opportunity.

Natto is an excellent source of vitamin K, very important for bone health and strength, as well as for circulation and blood clots.

Probiotic supplements

Probiotics are abundant in fermented foods, but their probiotic concentration is not sufficient to be used therapeutically when the intestinal flora has been drastically eliminated. In this case, contact your medical specialist in case you have a severe digestive problem.

Therefore, it is advisable that you incorporate fermented foods rich in probiotics on a regular basis as part of your diet to maintain your adequate levels as a form of prevention. It can be accompanied if desired with a quality probiotic supplement, as a form of prevention therapy.

How to choose a good probiotic supplement

    Look at the strains of bacteria

Some probiotic supplements contain only a single strain of bacteria, while others contain 10 or more. In certain cases this may be beneficial to have only one strain (if you are locating something specific or fighting some negative effects of certain antibiotics.), But for daily supplementation it is better to obtain a probiotic with more than 10 individual strains.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus : is the most popular probiotic strain that has been shown to be helpful against the growth of candida and the immune system. It also contains vitamin K as a bi-product, and is important for the digestion of dairy products. If you have dairy intolerance it can be due to a deficiency of this bacterium.

Bifidobacteria Bifidum :
is another that you may have heard in television ads. It helps with digestion, the synthesis of vitamin B and the function of the immune system.

Longum: helps maintain the integrity of your intestinal wall and is useful in eliminating toxins. This bacterium also assists in decomposing cereals, legumes and cruciferous vegetables.

Saccharomyces Boulardii: it is good for those who travel and usually have diarrhea or any other type of indigestion. It also plays a great role in fighting chronic candida.

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Lactobacillus Acidiphilus and Streptococcus Thermophiles help the intestine to digest and absorb lactose (milk sugars).

Bifidobacterium Infantis 35624, Lactobacillus Plantarum 299V and Bifidobacterium Bifidum MIMBb75 , regulate bowel movements and relieve gas, bloating and pain.

    Look at the colony forming units

20-50 billion is a good place to start. Consult your health professional if you want to find the best dose for your individual needs

  •     Avoid unnecessary ingredients

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

How to understand : Probiotic side effects

A few weeks ago, I spoke to you about the microbiota , the millions of bacteria that coexist with us in perfect harmony, and that play important functions such as protecting our organism from potentially harmful microorganisms, controlling the proliferation and differentiation of intestinal cells, produce vitamins etc, and whose imbalance (dysbiosis) seems to be responsible for multiple diseases.

In that post, I gave you a series of recommendations to take care of our bacteria ... but what if that is not enough? What if we need something more to recover an extremely damaged flora?

Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules
Phillips’ Colon Health Probiotic Capsules

Today I talk about probiotics, but before ... I'm going to do a bit of history (which you already know I like):

We have proof of the use of fermented milk for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections since, at least, the year 76 BC ., Note that it is not something new, it has rained since then.

In 1901, Metchnikoff proposed the theory that the gut microbiota could be modulated in a beneficial way for the organism by the oral administration of the bacteria involved in the fermentation of yogurt, since these would be able to suppress the putrefactive bacteria, and that for this reason, the Bulgarian peasants (great lovers and consumers of yogurt) would be so long-lived. He published his observations in the book "Prolongation of Life" ... a visionary, do not you think?


In 1909, Isaac Carasso , another visionary, but in this case of business, created the trademark Danone in Barcelona, ​​and began to market the yogurt, which until then, was dispensed in pharmacies and was used to prevent or alleviate various disorders (diarrhea, constipation, cystitis, dermatitis, colitis ...)

In 1965, Lilly and Stillwell introduce the term probiotic, and define it as "that factor of microbiological origin that stimulates the growth of other organisms."

So, as you can see, probiotics are not new ... their properties have been known for centuries, but more and more research is being done on them, different strains are cultivated and commercialized and new benefits are discovered, hence the title of the post … what's new Old man?

But what are they exactly?

Before "getting into work" ... I think it is necessary to differentiate three concepts :

  • - Probiotics : They are live microorganisms that when delivered in adequate amounts promote health benefits in the body of the individual who consumes them.
  • - Prebiotics : Selectively fermented ingredients that give rise to specific changes in the composition and / or activity of the gastrointestinal flora, thus conferring benefits to the health of the host
  • - Symbiotics : Products that contain both probiotics and prebiotics

The Spanish Society of Probiotics and Prebiotics (SEPYP), establishes a series of conditions in its consensus document to be able to speak properly of probiotics:

  •     They are living microorganisms that, when administered in adequate quantities, confer a benefit on the health of the recipient.
  •     The substances "constituents of" or "produced by" microorganisms can not be considered probiotic.
  •     To be able to talk about probiotics, it must be demonstrated scientifically, through studies carried out in human population and with adequate scientific methodology, which produces beneficial effects in the organism.
  •     Laboratory studies are essential and provide a lot of information, but they are not enough to ensure a benefit in humans.
  •     The health effects demonstrated for a strain are not extrapolated to other strains of the same area.
  •     A strain that proves to be effective for an indication does not have to be valid for others. Thus, the effectiveness of some strains is amply demonstrated for gastrointestinal indications, others are effective for the prevention of infections etc.
  •     The scientific evidences demonstrated on a population (for example children), can not be extrapolated to others (for example elderly people, pregnant women ...)

Why do I tell you this?

Because not everything we think is a probiotic is , not all probiotics are the same or are worth for the same things ... and it is important to differentiate and not assume that what goes well for the neighbor of the fifth will go well with me ... as with all drugs, go.

What are its main properties?

  •     They are able to survive in the gastrointestinal tract and adhere to the epithelium (the most superficial layer of the intestine)
  •     They are able to modulate / change / improve the gut microbiota.
  •     Decrease intestinal permeability, getting the intestine to function properly (intestinal permeability gives for another post, only I advance you that seems to be involved in many pathologies)
  •     They produce changes in the immune system, modulating and / or stimulating it ... and therefore have (or could have) an effect on infections and autoimmune diseases.
  •     Its use is safe in humans

What are the main microorganisms that deserve to be called probiotics?

  •     Strains of bacteria belonging to the genera Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus
  •     Strains of bacteria that belong to other genera, such as Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus
  •     Non-pathogenic yeasts, mainly Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces boulardii

What has been shown to be useful?

On this occasion, I will not put all references to the studies that I name (the post would be too long) ... but if someone is interested in any particular, ask and send it.


  •     Acute diarrhea secondary to infectious gastroenteritis is common in children and can be serious. The administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain GG has been shown to be useful in children, since it significantly reduces the duration of diarrhea, especially when the cause is the dreaded rotavirus . The effect of probiotics in adults is less studied, but some strains (such as Enterococcus faecium SF 68) have been shown to be effective in these cases. Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus casei DN-114001 and Saccharomyces Boulard are effective in the prevention of some types of acute diarrhea, both in adults and children.
  •     The diarrhea associated with antibiotics appears in approximately 20% of consumers of the same, and it is thought that it is due to the alteration that they produce on the intestinal flora, after all, that is their mission , to kill bacteria; The problem is that it also ends with the "good" bacteria, causing the bad ones to proliferate. It has been shown that the use of Saccharomyces boulardii or Lactobacillus rhamnosus, while antibiotic therapy lasts, prevents or shortens diarrhea secondary to erythromycin, clindamycin or ampicillin, among others. In addition, the efficacy of Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 in hospitalized adults for the prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotics and Clostridium difficile diarrhea is demonstrated.
  •     Traveler's diarrhea ... diarrhea that can spoil more than one holiday, and that is usually due to infection by Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, and Campylobacter spp, could improve with the use of probiotics, although the results of several studies do not They are, still conclusive .
  •     Radiation-induced diarrhea , could be improved with the use of preparations that include Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus bulagricus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium brevis, Binfantis, Saccharomyces thermophilus (450 × 109) ... although it is not perfectly demonstrated .


The bifidobacteria present in some dairy products can reduce intestinal transit time, which benefits in case of constipation.

Intestinal Inflammatory Disease.

It is thought that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs because, in genetically predisposed people, the intestinal flora itself triggers an exaggerated and chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall . In these patients, in addition, profound alterations have been found in the microbiota, so the administration of specific probiotics can be very useful, especially in case of pouchitis and ulcerative colitis.

  • In the case of Crohn's disease, the benefit is not perfectly demonstrated.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome / colicky pain.
  • Several studies show the efficacy of different strains when it comes to improving pain, distension of the abdomen and flatulence (Bifidobacterium and combinations).
  • Lactobacillus reuters seems to be effective in some cases of infant colic.
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis.

Supplementation with probiotics in preterm infants (before week 33 of gestation), seems to reduce the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis and death due to this cause.

Lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance, both permanent and transient (after suffering from gastroenteritis, for example), affects a significant number of people. It is produced by the lack of lactase , the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose (milk sugar), which, when it reaches the large intestine, is fermented by the bacteria that live there, producing short-chain fatty acids and gas, and as a consequence: cramping pain, flatulence and diarrhea.

However, many people intolerant to lactose (eye, not all), perfectly tolerate fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir ...), and this is due, no more or less, to the probiotics present in these foods: lactobacilli ( containing lactases) since yogurt moves more slowly through the intestine than milk (giving time for their lactases to digest much of the lactose) .... Now you know why doctors advise taking yogurt after a gastroenteritis .

One of the "niches" of the human microbiome is the breast, and from these microorganisms the baby benefits during the entire duration of breastfeeding.

But in this area, as in others, when there is an imbalance (a dysbiosis) and start to proliferate pathogenic microorganisms against the beneficial ... problems arise.

In recent years, much progress has been made in the investigation of the infectious complications that occurred during the breastfeeding period, and it has been demonstrated that all of them can be solved or improved considerably with the use of specific probiotics ... I attest: during my 3 prolonged lactations I have suffered some of them, and, in my case , they worked perfectly.

In the case of mastitis, for example, treatment with probiotics could be started early and, if it does not improve in a couple of days, associate an antibiotic to which the bacteria that are typically responsible for this condition are sensitive (for this reason, ideal is to make a crop).

In case of breast abscess, it is almost always necessary to perform drainage and to regulate antibiotics, but the addition of probiotics to the treatment improves the evolution.

And the rest of complications, usually respond favorably, yes, if they appear, you should always check with your midwife or doctor to control the evolution of the picture.

Improvement of the immune response.

Probiotics, as I have already mentioned, have a protective effect against pathogenic microorganisms, since they prevent them from proliferating and reinforce the barrier effect of the intestinal wall.

But it is also that they are able to increase the activity of several types of cells (macrophages and lymphocytes) that are part of our immune system (which is what defends us from viruses, bacteria, etc.) and stimulate the response of this system.

Atopic disease / Allergies.

Some strains of specific probiotics have shown efficacy for the treatment and prevention of atopic eczema:

Thus, if there is a history of severe atopic dermatitis, it has been proven that, during the last month of pregnancy, the mother is given specific strains of Lactobacillus, as long as the delivery is vaginal (this is the only way for the baby acquire maternal flora), and the mother maintains breastfeeding as long as possible, the risk of atopy is greatly reduced.

Other studies show that the use of probiotics in the first months of life can improve the symptoms of atopic disease in infants at risk of allergies.

Vaginal infections

Most of the vaginal infections are produced by Candida Albicans , which is a yeast (a fungus), which is part of our normal vaginal flora, but which, under certain circumstances (taking antibiotics, decompensated diabetes, high-carbohydrate diets) carbon ...), can proliferate and produce the annoying candidiasis.

Well, many strains of Lactobacillus, help the treatment and prevention of recurrent infections by said yeast, plus they can also improve bacterial vaginosis.

Other effects in the process of demonstrating or not sufficiently demonstrated:


People with overweight and obesity, have a characteristic intestinal flora, different from that found in thin people as I explained here and here .

In addition, several studies show that when performing a transplant of feces of obese mice to thin mice, the latter begin to gain weight.

For all this, it seems sensible to think that some strains of probiotics could be beneficial in the treatment of obesity ... and that is what is investigated:

  •     It seems that they inhibit the absorption of fat , since when consuming them, the amount of fat excreted in the faeces increases, this fact could also be responsible for the improvement in the lipid profile (decreasing the "bad" cholesterol or LDL and the triglycerides and increasing the "good" cholesterol or HDL)
  •     They increase the production of GLP-1 , which has a satiating effect and favors weight loss.
  •     The bacterium L. gasseri can reduce abdominal fat by 8.5%
Promising ... do not you think?
Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori.
Although more studies are needed, it is very possible that the use of probiotics as adjuvants to the classic treatments (antibiotics associated with antacids), increases the success rates.

Acute pancreatitis

The administration of synbiotics in patients with severe acute pancreatitis seems to improve the prognosis of these patients.

Colorectal cancer:

Studies in animals show the reduction of cancer risk by supplementation with strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria that can modify the microbiota.

Other studies show that high consumption of dairy products can reduce the risk of colon cancer due to its antitumor activity.


Currently, there are many publications that ensure that its use can be beneficial in dental diseases (caries, periodontitis ...), endometriosis or other gynecological pathologies, preoperative gastrointestinal surgeries, urinary tract infections, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, autism ... the list is vast , although more studies are needed to confirm them.

But nothing is perfect ...

Do not forget that probiotics do not work the same in all people, nor all are valid for all things.

These are medicines, and although they are safe and generally well tolerated, we must remember that they must always be prescribed by a doctor and that they can have side effects (digestive discomfort, bloating, gas) that usually disappear in a few days.

In addition, its use is contraindicated in people who have a depressed immune system (patients undergoing immunosuppressive drugs, with immunodeficiency syndromes ...), since introducing bacteria or fungi into their bodies (even if they are potentially beneficial), could be dangerous.

The results are usually not immediate, sometimes you have to take them for weeks to get the desired effect.

And finally, its use must be limited in time ... let's not forget that they are drugs and that they are also microorganisms.

In short ... they have great advantages, they have shown great benefits over many diseases and situations more or less pathological, but not all are worth for the same, are not indicated in all people, and always, must be prescribed, and controlled by a doctor, at the right doses and for a limited time ... remember that they are not candy !.

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)

How to Choose the Best Probiotic Supplement?

These living organisms have been linked to several beneficial effects for health, related to intestinal function and among others.

If you want to use probiotics to improve your health, it is important that you ensure which of the probiotic supplements mentioned below you can choose to obtain the results you want.

This article has a detailed look at the effects of probiotics, and provides recommendations for certain supplements that address some particular health problems.

What are probiotics?

At birth, our intestines acquire bacteria and later develop and diversify through a process called colonization.

Many of these bacteria are considered beneficial or "friendly". Its functions include: convert fiber into short chain fatty acids, synthesize certain vitamins and support the immune system.

Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)
Florastor Daily Probiotic Supplement for Men and Women – Saccharomyces Boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 (250 mg; 100 Capsules)

Taking probiotics can help increase the number of these friendly bacteria.

The formal definition of probiotics is: "living microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts provide a health benefit to the host".

That is, probiotics are microorganisms that provide beneficial effects when consumed in the right amounts.

Probiotics can be consumed in supplement form or in fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt.

  • They should not be confused with prebiotics, which are a type of fiber that serves as a food source for the bacteria that live in the colon.
  • Summary: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria for health, found in the form of a supplement and in some foods. Taking probiotics can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria that reside in the intestine.

Learn more about "probiotic foods" in our article: 11 surprisingly healthy probiotic foods (scientifically confirmed).

Some probiotics may have specific benefits

  • The intestinal microbiota, or intestinal flora, consists of a wide variety of bacteria.
  • The exact composition is unique in each person.
  • The colon contains billions of bacteria with more than 500 different species.
  • The probiotics that have been found, which provide health benefits include several strains of: Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces. Many probiotic supplements contain a combination of different strains in the same supplement.

Research has shown that some strains appear to be more effective than others in treating certain conditions.

Therefore, you are more likely to get better results when choosing probiotic supplements that have been shown to be effective for certain specific conditions.

In addition, it is important to consume probiotics in sufficient quantities.

Probiotics are typically measured in colony forming units (CFU). In general, it has been found in most studies that the higher the doses, the better results they produce.

However, some probiotics can be effective when doses of 1-2 billion CFU are delivered per day, while others may require at least 20 billion CFU to achieve the desired effects.

No adverse effects have been found from taking extremely high doses. One study gave participants up to 1.8 trillion CFU per day. However, it is expensive and does not seem to provide any additional benefit.

It is important to note that we still do not know everything about probiotics. Although research has expanded rapidly in recent years, much remains to be explored.
Summary: Different types of probiotic bacteria can provide health benefits. Integrating a good amount of the correct probiotic into the diet is important to achieve the desired effects.

Learn more about "the benefits of probiotics" in our article: 6 benefits of probiotics that have been demonstrated by science.

Probiotics that can help relieve constipation

Constipation is characterized by bowel movements that are bothersome, complicated and infrequent circulation. Everyone experiences constipation from time to time, but for some people it can become a chronic problem.

Chronic constipation is more common in the elderly and adults who spend a lot of time in bed under certain circumstances, although it can also occur in children.

In addition, some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) experience persistent constipation as the main symptom. This is known as IBS of predominant constipation.

Conventional treatments usually include laxatives. However, in recent years, changes in eating habits and probiotic supplements have become increasingly popular treatments.

Several studies have shown that supplementation with certain probiotic strains can reduce constipation in both adults and children.

  • In a study comparing probiotics and prebiotics in children with IBS, it was shown that the strain Bifidobacterium Lactis or B. lactis provides significant relief in terms of constipation.
  • In addition, the group that was given probiotics experienced flatulence to a lesser extent, fullness and abdominal bulging after meals, compared to the group that was given prebiotics.
  • Other probiotics that can improve constipation include: B. longum, S. cerevisiae and a combination of L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus and B. animalis.
  • Summary: Several probiotic strains have been shown to provide relief in constipation in children and adults when taken alone or together.

Learn more about "foods to relieve constipation" in our article: 14 Healthy Foods That Help With Constipation.

Probiotics that are effective against diarrhea.

Diarrhea is defined as both loose and fluid bowel movements that occur more often than normal.

It is usually short-lived, but it can become chronic in some people.

It has been found that probiotics reduce the frequency of stool in diarrhea related to the infection that occurs due to food poisoning and gastroenteritis, commonly known as "stomach flu".

A large review of 34 studies found that probiotics reduced the risk of diarrhea caused by several causes by 34%.

Effective strains included Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

The use of antibiotics is another common cause of diarrhea. When the antibiotic kills the harmful bacteria that cause the infection, the beneficial bacteria are destroyed as well. The change in bacterial balance can lead to inflammation and diarrhea.

Studies in children and adults have shown that taking probiotics can help reduce diarrhea caused by antibiotic therapy.

A large review of 82 controlled studies found that taking probiotic supplements reduced the risk of developing diarrhea associated with antibiotics by 42%. However, the most effective probiotic strains were not discussed.

While some people with IBS struggle with constipation, others experience frequent situations of diarrhea, which is known as IBS of predominant diarrhea.

Research suggests that certain probiotics appear to be especially effective for IBD of predominant diarrhea, including B. coagulans, S. boulardii and a combination of several strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

However, one study found no significant improvement in diarrhea among patients with IBS treated with S. boulardii.
Summary: It has been shown that probiotic therapy helps reduce the severity and frequency of diarrhea related to infection, the use of antibiotics and IBS, among other causes.

Probiotics that can improve the symptoms of IBS

Sometimes the main symptoms of IBS are not related to the consistency or frequency of stool. On the other hand, some people experience bloating, gas, nausea and lower abdominal pain on a regular basis.

A review of 19 studies found that although some people reported improvement in IBS symptoms while taking probiotics, the results varied among individuals. The researchers could not determine which probiotics were more effective.

In addition, because the symptoms of IBS are so diverse, sometimes one symptom improves, while others do not.

For example, a study in people with IBS with predominant constipation found that although S. cerevisiae improved constipation, but did not have much effect on abdominal pain or discomfort.

In another study, participants with IBS with predominant diarrhea were given a supplement known as VSL # 3 (it is a medical food that is used as a probiotic), which contains strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus.

The frequency and consistency of the bowel movement did not improve, but the symptoms in terms of swelling did improve.

Another study found significant reductions in pain and swelling during treatment with VSL # 3. Researchers believe that probiotics led to an increase in melatonin, a hormone that participates in digestive function.
Summary: It has been shown that certain probiotics help relieve bloating, abdominal pain and other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However, taking probiotic supplements can not improve all the symptoms.

Learn more about "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" in our article: 9 Signs and Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-IBS.

Probiotics that can help you lose weight

There is increasing evidence that the balance of bacteria in the intestine can profoundly affect body weight.

Some studies suggest that taking probiotic supplements can be useful for losing weight and a healthier body composition.

Studies in animals and humans have found that certain bacterial strains can lower the amount of fat and calories the intestine absorbs, promote a healthy balance of intestinal bacteria and reduce weight and fat in the abdomen.

According to an analysis in 2014 of several studies, probiotics that appeared to be effective for weight loss include: Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and the combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium lactis.

In one study, obese men who took L. gasseri for 12 weeks experienced significant reductions in body weight and body fat, including up to an 8.5% decrease in abdominal fat. In contrast, the placebo group had very few notable changes in body weight or body fat.

In another study, obese women who took L. rhamnosus for three weeks lost twice as much weight as those who received a placebo.

In addition, they continued to lose weight during the maintenance phase of the study, while the placebo group gained weight.

Taking probiotic supplements can also help limit weight gain during a high calorie intake.

In a four-week study, thin young men ate 1,000 excess calories per day. Those who took the probiotic formulation VSL # 3 gained less weight than the control group.

However, because the results of some studies have not been impressive, the researchers feel that there is not yet enough evidence at this time to draw firm conclusions about the benefits of probiotics for weight loss.
Summary: The results of several studies suggest that certain probiotics can promote fat loss in obese subjects. However, more research is needed.

Learn more about "effective ways to lose weight" in our article: How to lose weight in 3 steps (without spending money).

Probiotics to support brain health

There is a strong connection between the intestine and brain health.

The bacteria in the colon digest and ferment the fiber in short chain fatty acids that nourish the intestine. Research has shown that these compounds can also benefit the brain and the nervous system.

A review of 38 studies on animals and humans found that several probiotics helped improve the symptoms of anxiety, depression, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder and poor memory.

The strains most commonly used in these studies were: Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Probiotics seem to be effective both for anxiety in general and for anxiety related to specific causes.

One study found that when patients with throat cancer took probiotics for two weeks before surgery, they had lower levels of stress hormones in the blood and their anxiety decreased by 48%.

In other studies, probiotics have been shown to improve general mood and reduce sadness in healthy individuals and people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Taking probiotic supplements also seems to help people struggling with depression, including those with a major depressive disorder.

An eight-week study in patients with major depression, those who took L. acidophilus, L. casei and B. bifidum had a significant decrease in depression levels.

Moreover, they experienced reductions in insulin levels and inflammatory markers.
Summary: The brain and intestinal health are strongly connected. Taking certain probiotics can promote better mental health by reducing anxiety, sadness, depression and other symptoms.

Learn more about "brain health" in our article: 5 nutrients for the brain that are only available in meat, fish and eggs.

Probiotics that can improve heart health

Taking probiotics can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Several studies have found that certain bacteria in yogurt or probiotic supplements can lead to favorable changes in the indicators of cardiac health.

These include a decrease in LDL (low density lipoprotein) or "bad" cholesterol and an increase in LAD (high density lipoprotein) or "good" cholesterol.

Specific bacterial strains that appear to be effective in reducing cholesterol levels include: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus reuteri.

An analysis of 14 studies found that probiotics led to an acceptable reduction in LDL cholesterol, a slight increase in HDL, and in addition, a decrease in triglycerides.

There are probably several processes responsible for these positive effects on LDL cholesterol, including changes in the metabolism of fats and decreased absorption of cholesterol in the intestine.

Probiotics can also help lower blood pressure.

A review of nine controlled studies found a moderate reduction in blood pressure among those who took probiotics. However, only the treatment of more than eight weeks at doses exceeding 10 billion CFU per day had significant effects.
Summary: Taking certain probiotic supplements can help lower LDL cholesterol, increase LDL cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.

Learn more about "ways to lower blood pressure naturally" in our article: 15 natural ways to lower blood pressure.

Probiotics to increase immunity

Studies suggest that taking probiotic supplements can change the balance of intestinal bacteria in a way that increases the body's defenses against allergies, infections and cancer.

It should be noted that the effective strains are: Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum.

These types of bacteria seem to reduce the risk of respiratory diseases and eczema in children, as well as infections in the urinary tract in adult women.

In addition, probiotics have been shown to reduce inflammation, a known risk factor for many diseases.

In one study, older adults consumed a mixture of Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum or a placebo for three weeks each.

After taking probiotic supplements, their inflammatory markers decreased, anti-inflammatory markers increased and intestinal bacterial balances became more similar to the type of balance seen in healthy young people.

Some probiotics can also help prevent gingivitis, or infection of the gums.

A 14-day study looked at adults who refrained from brushing and flossing while being treated with Lactobacillus brevis or a placebo.

Gingivitis progressed more rapidly in the placebo group, suggesting that probiotics helped protect against infection.
Summary: Taking probiotics can help strengthen the immune system and help reduce the risk of infection and disease.

Probiotics for general health

In addition to promoting symptoms or specific disease conditions, you can also take probiotics to promote overall health.

A recent study in healthy adults showed that taking Bifidobacterium bifidum for four weeks helped increase production of short-chain beneficial fatty acids.

There is also some evidence to suggest that probiotics can promote better aging by reducing the inflammation that normally occurs as you get older.

Of course, it is important to make sure that you are consuming a healthy diet and also practice other favorable behaviors for your health. Nor can probiotics be expected to provide all the benefits.

In addition, although probiotics are safe for most people, they can cause harm to people who are seriously ill or who have compromised immune systems, including those with HIV or AIDS.
Summary: Probiotics can help maintain well-being in healthy people. However, taking probiotic supplements can be dangerous for people who are very sick or have compromised immune systems.

Learn more about "the ways in which probiotics help your health" in our article: 9 Ways Lactobacillus Acidophilus Can Benefit Your Health.

In conclusion

Having a healthy intestinal microbiota is extremely important.

Although research is still emerging, probiotics seem to provide beneficial effects for a number of different conditions and can also improve overall health.

Taking the right kind of probiotics can help treat specific health problems, and improve overall quality of life.

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Probiotics, good bacteria for the intestine

Probiotics are microorganisms that play a very important role in the regulation of intestinal function and proper digestion by balancing the intestinal microflora .

We could say that they are " good bacteria " for our intestine.

Probiotics are normally consumed in foods fermented with active live cultures , such as yogurt.

They are also available as a supplement in the form of capsules, drinkable or chewable vials. There are many different strains of probiotics, but the most common strains available today are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium .

Immune Booster Probiotics for Women and Men - Acidophilus Zinc and Vitamin C Antioxidant to Support Immune System - Best Supplement for IBS Bloating and Gas Relief - 60 Daily Time Release Capsules
Immune Booster Probiotics for Women and Men - Acidophilus Zinc and Vitamin C Antioxidant to Support Immune System - Best Supplement for IBS Bloating and Gas Relief - 60 Daily Time Release Capsules

What are the health benefits of probiotics?

Certain strains of probiotics have shown positive results in the treatment of diarrhea and gastroenteritis. According to a report published in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition , probiotics are

  •     useful in the prevention or treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders, such as infectious diarrhea, antibiotic diarrhea, and traveler's diarrhea.

A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics , concluded that Lactobacillus species are a safe and effective treatment for children with infectious diarrhea. The researchers concluded that

  •     The prophylactic use of Lactobacillus significantly reduces the risk of in-hospital diarrhea in newborns, especially intra-hospital rotavirus gastroenteritis.

However, researchers at the University of Swansea, Wales, UK, reported in The Lancet that probiotic supplements do not reduce diarrhea associated with antibiotics in the elderly.

Brain function

Probiotics can be beneficial for brain function. Researchers at UCLA found that brain function improved among healthy women who regularly consumed yogurt with probiotics.

In addition, probiotic bacteria may have the potential to change brain neurochemistry and improve anxiety and disorders related to depression , according to a study published in the Proceedings of the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).


Research presented at the American Heart Association scientific sessions in 2012 revealed that a formulation of Lactobacillus reuteri NCIMB 30242 is capable of reducing blood levels of LDL cholesterol or "bad" cholesterol.

Blood pressure

Some studies have found that milk fermented with laboratory strains can help reduce high blood pressure.

Irritable bowel syndrome

There is growing evidence that probiotics can help treat IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ).

Two review articles published in Nutrition in Clinical Practice , examined therapeutic approaches for irritable bowel syndrome and found that probiotics, specifically Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 (Bifantis®) , are very effective in the management of this intestinal syndrome.


A study published in the prestigious journal PNAS ( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ), found that probiotic bacteria can protect against bacterial infection.

The research showed that Lactobacillus salivarius offers significant protection against Listeria infection.

Psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome

Scientists at the University of Cork, Ireland, concluded in a study that Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 may also have benefits for patients with psoriasis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Probiotic strains

Probiotic cultures occur naturally in certain fermented foods. There are different strains of probiotic bacteria.

  •     Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086
  •     Bifidobacterium animalis subscp. lactis BB-12
  •     Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis 35624
  •     Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM
  •     Lactobacillus paracasei ST11
  •     Lactobacillus johnsonii La1
  •     Lactobacillus plantarum 299v
  •     Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC
  •     Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis
  •     Saccharomyces boulardii

What foods contain probiotics?

Foods that contain natural probiotics:

  •     The yogurt
  •     Kefir
  •     Cured cheeses
  •     The Kimchi
  •     Sauerkraut (sauerkraut)
  •     The Miso
  •     Tempeh (similar to tofu but with fermentation)
  •     Some soy drinks

There are also products available enriched with probiotics such as juices, chocolates, flours and cereals.

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Probiotics Help Fight 9 Serious Health Problems

Present in some foods, the friendly bacteria of our body are one of science's bets against troubles that plague from childhood to maturity

Just looking at the belly can not be distrusted, but there live at least 10 trillion microorganisms. A large population there - by comparison, across the planet we are currently 7.3 billion people. To this universe sheltered in the digestive tract was initially given the name of intestinal flora , duly renamed microbiota.

As in our society, the animals have family, name and surname. And most important of all, they perform numerous functions within the body. "In recent years, the number of evidence on the influence of microbiota on health has increased greatly," says Elisabeth Neumann, a professor at the Laboratory of Ecology and Physiology of Microorganisms at the Federal University of Minas Gerais ( UFMG ).

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NOVA Probiotics Vegan Ultra Strength & Travel 73 Billion Probiotics per Capsule-30 VCaps

This influence, it is good to say, is not always positive. "Unbalance in bacterial populations is associated with several diseases," says nutritionist Adriane Antunes, a professor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the State University of Campinas, Unicamp .

A very simple equation denotes this breach of equilibrium: potentially harmful microbes, which also inhabit the intestine, multiply to the point of overlapping influences on benefiting beasts. One way to prevent this from happening or to reverse the situation is to invest in probiotics , known to be beneficial bacteria that can be found in yogurts , fermented milks , cheeses , as well as capsules and sachets.

According to Yasumi Osawa, a pharmacist at Yakult , a pioneer in research on the subject, appropriate doses of these microscopic beings help repopulate the microbiota, this time with good-natured individuals. To keep them in shape and ensure their colonization, prebiotics also come on the scene, fibers that we can not digest. "They serve as food for probiotics," explains Yasumi.

The relationships and banquets locked inside the belly and their reflexes in the body are gaining so much importance that they demand a scientific event of their own, the Brazilian Congress of Pre, Pro and Simbiotics, the PreProSim. Held in June, together with Ganepão, one of the most important nutrition conferences in the country, the event left no doubt that we need to know and value the work of these bacteria. Below you will see how they impact immunity, heart and even mental health.

1. Low immunity

Here's a classic effect of probiotics: making our defense system sharper. According to Adriane, from Unicamp, the arrival of the bacteria in the intestine awakens the defense cells, which, in the fright, are still not sure if the bees are even allies. "This mechanism keeps the immune system active and more able to react to disease-causing microorganisms," she explains.

There are other actions that contribute to the screening against infectious agents. Dr Cristina Bogsan, a professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), says that defense cells that recognize the flu virus live longer when the individual takes a probiotic present in fermented milk, for example - long enough to spend the winter in a good mood.

2. Intestinal problems

Considering that 70% of the microbiota is in the region of the intestine, it is natural for us to see a direct impact there. "Currently, probiotics and symbiotics are part of the treatment of constipation," says Dr. Dan Waitzberg, a professor at USP and president of Ganepoo .

There are bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium animalis , present in certain yogurts, which incite peristaltic movements. It is they who make the stool to walk forward. "The fecal cake is transported but does not liquefy. That's why there is no diarrhea, "reassures Cristina. By the way, Waitzberg recalls that probiotics are also helpful against the popular loose bowel. Studies indicate that certain bacteria reduce the time of diarrhea as well as visits to the bathroom.

3. Obesity

Scientists have long known that the microbiota of an obese individual is different from that of someone with a healthy weight. And a micro-organism that is present in slender people has encouraged the research group, Akkermansia muciniphila . During a lecture at PreProSim, nutritionist Priscila Sala, from the São Camilo University Center in São Paulo, said that the bacteria decreased the body mass gain among guinea pigs by 40 to 50%.

"In experiments, its effect was preserved even when it was heated to 70 ° C," he says. A major differential, because foods with probiotics today are refrigerated to ensure the survival of bacteria. While Akkermansia does not hit the market, invest in red fruits, onions, chocolate and nuts, which create conditions for the pet to thrive.

4. Oral diseases

Here, there are two ways of acting. One is indirect: when probiotics reach the intestine, they minimize inflammation, which improves gum condition and adjacency. But the oral cavity has its own microbiota. Hence why some bacteria have direct (and local) impact on such problems as caries and periodontitis.

In studies, dentist Michel Messora, at the School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, USP, noted that associating the standard treatment of periodontitis with probiotic supplements improved the patients' response to the intervention. "In addition, there was a risk of return of the disease," says Messora. To prevent the problem of cutting teeth, he says that you can bet on fermented yogurts and milks - as long as they are low in sugar.

5. Cholesterol and pressure

In these matters that afflict the heart, the findings are incipient, but exciting. Pharmaceutical Elisabeth, from UFMG, reveals that some strains of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium would be able to assimilate cholesterol in the intestine. "This would reduce the levels available for absorption by the body," he teaches. But she says further studies are needed to confirm this outcome.

Other tests show that certain bacteria have the ability to induce the production of substances that regulate blood pressure, another risk factor for the heart. "But we can not dream of solving a problem of this magnitude only with the use of these microorganisms," says Elisabeth. "No pre or probiotic should be seen as a substitute for medication," emphasizes Cristina, from USP.

6. Intimate chatting

Candidiasis and vaginosis account for almost 90% of the most common discomforts in women of childbearing age. The worst is that they tend to be recurrent. "And antibiotics and antifungal drugs are less effective," says José Maria Soares Junior, deputy chief of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo .

One way to get around this resistance is to get probiotics into play. "By ingesting them through supplements, it is possible to change the intestinal flora and thereby beneficially colonize the vagina," the doctor describes. Hence harmful micro-organisms do not find a way to proliferate. According to Soares Junior, probiotic foods would even aid in prevention. "But it's no use smoking, being sedentary and neglecting the rest of the diet. All this affects the microbiota, "warns the gynecologist.

7. Skin Irritations

Having a regulated gut - with the strength of probiotics - also leaves the skin more palpable. "It is that the toxins that interfere in the water barrier of the skin, for example, are eliminated," Yasumi of Yakult reports. With this, there is less space for wrinkles, dry skin ... But the good bacteria have other trumps in the dermatological area. There are strains, already available in sachets to be taken, that combat atopic dermatitis.

Probiotics, in this case, help contain the inflammatory process that leads to skin lesions. In that same line, according to new studies, some bacteria would still hit head-on with acne. To take advantage of these effects, the advice is to maintain a frequent intake of probiotics. Otherwise, the microbiota returns to its natural state, programmed there early in life. But it is likely that we will soon have creams with these bacteria.

8. Cancer

It is speculated that preventing dysbiosis - that is, the dominance of bad bacteria in the intestinal flora - would reduce the risk of tumors, particularly colorectal ones. "We would have less inflammation there, which, over the years, may predispose to the disease," says nutritionist Thaís Manfrinato Miola, of the ACCamargo Cancer Center in São Paulo. In this regard, a balanced diet containing food with probiotics would be welcome.

Today, in practice, we also see the indication of good bacteria during the treatment of the tumor. When indicating them to surgical patients, the physician Antonio Carlos Ligocki Campos, Federal University of Paraná , saw fewer infectious complications, less use of antibiotics and length of stay. According to Thaís, the measure is also useful for relieving adverse reactions from chemo and radiotherapy.

9. Stress and anxiety

No one doubts that there is a direct connection between intestine and brain. Therefore, there is a tendency to link probiotics to impacts on the nervous system. "Some bacteria produce precursor molecules of serotonin and stimulate the release of gaba," exemplifies Cristina, of USP. Complicated? "These are neurotransmitters associated with anxiety control and the feeling of happiness," he says.

She notes, however, that studies are heading to confirm such effects. The role of probiotics against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and depression, as well as disorders affecting other areas of the body, is still under debate. "There is an unlimited universe of possibilities," says Elisabeth of UFMG. But do not expect to spoil your guests. They will return by leaving the house - that is, its body - in order.

The bacteria Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus improve the absorption of antioxidants from orange juice

Researchers from the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA), at the Alameda del Obispo Center (Córdoba), in collaboration with the University of Lleida and the University of California (USA), have demonstrated the capacity of two types of bacteria to transform the antioxidants present in orange juice.

According to experts from Cordoba, the bacteria Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, naturally present in the intestinal tract, transform the antioxidants in orange juice, called flavanones, into simpler molecules. These compounds are responsible for the beneficial properties for the health of this juice.

These products of transformation of the antioxidants of the juice in the organism are detailed in a research published by the European Journal of Nutrition . According to the authors of the study, it is of great interest for the food industry, since these two types of probiotic bacteria will serve for the creation of functional foods or pharmaceutical products that seek to improve the absorption of antioxidants in the body and enhance their protective effects. health.

These two types of probiotic bacteria will serve for the creation of functional foods or pharmaceutical products that seek to improve the absorption of antioxidants

"There is research that shows the positive effects of the consumption of oranges or orange juice on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer, properties attributed mainly to its composition rich in antioxidants," explains Gema Pereira Caro, IFAPA researcher and author of the article.

    According to experts from Cordoba, the bacteria Bifidobacterium longum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, naturally present in the intestinal tract, transform the antioxidants in orange juice, called flavanones, into simpler molecules. These compounds are responsible for the beneficial properties for the health of this juice.

"In addition, there is scientific evidence that shows the important role played by the intestinal microflora in the absorption and assimilation of these compounds, so the knowledge of which bacteria are involved in the transformation, absorption and assimilation of the antioxidants of the orange is of utmost importance, "he adds.

Improve the absorption of juice

Based on a previous study, the scientists showed that the prolonged intake of one gram of the microencapsulated probiotic ( Bifidobacterium longum ) for one month improves the absorption and metabolization of the antioxidants in orange juice, and therefore, their beneficial health properties.

Once proven that probiotics facilitate the absorption of flavanones, the experts considered knowing the biochemical causes of the process taking the experiment to the laboratory to analyze how these two types of specific bacteria present in the colon act on flavonoids.

"The mechanism through which this probiotic bacteria influences the increase in absorption is not clear, so the in vitro study was considered, observing how both types of bacteria transform or metabolize the antioxidant compounds of orange juice to other simpler compounds. , responding to the results of the in vivo study, "says Pereira.

In the laboratory tests they kept the probiotic bacteria in an optimal culture medium, without oxygen and at a stable temperature of 37 ° C for 48 hours inoculated with flavanones from orange juice (naringenin, hesperetin, narirutin and hesperedina). Every 12 hours samples were obtained and the products of transformation of these compounds were identified by the action of the bacteria, called catabolites.

Through these tests they discovered that the enzymatic activity of the bacteria causes the breaking of the chemical bonds of the flavanones. Specifically, they determined that the antioxidants in the juice with the simplest structure are transformed by Bifidobacterium longum , while the bacterium Lactobacillus rhamnosus modifies both complex and simple antioxidants.

The results show, therefore, its potential implication in the in vivo transformation of the antioxidants of the orange and at the same time, the compounds that give this food its healthy capacity are defined.

The project is part of the research funded by IFAPA's own plan and European funds and proposes in the near future the creation of new products that include probiotics aimed at improving intestinal absorption and the bioavailability of phenolic compounds in foods.

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care Probiotic (Pack of 2)

The probiotics An alternative in the treatment of diseases


In the human intestinal flora there are more than 400 species of microorganisms that coexist in harmony synthesizing vitamins, beneficial substances, contributing to the absorption of nutrients, favoring the colonic metabolism of the fiber, improving the digestibility, neutralizing potentially pathogenic substances. The intestine offers substrates and the conditions for its development allowing the flora to promote a better intestinal function.

 In the intrauterine life the intestinal tract is sterile, and it is after birth when the intestinal flora develops. During the first days of life the bifidobacteria colonize the intestine protecting the child from infections. The main functions of the intestinal flora are to limit the growth of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine and to interact with non-absorbed substrates of the diet. However, the intestinal flora is vulnerable to certain conditions. In adults it varies markedly as they depend on several factors such as diet, genes, the environment, antibiotic treatments, stress, medications, infections, age, weather, surgical interventions in stomach or intestine, liver diseases, kidney disease, cancer . Having a stable and well-balanced flora is a guarantee of good health since it prevents the colonization and development of pathogenic microorganisms through various mechanisms such as competition and the synthesis of bacteriocins, bacteriophages. The disequilibrium of the flora can be prevented with the administration of live microbial cultures, these crops are called Probiotics.

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care Probiotic (Pack of 2)
Renew Life Ultimate Flora Extra Care Probiotic (Pack of 2)


Hippocrates (460 BC-377 BC), the Greek doctor considered to be the creator of true Medicine, said: "Make your food your medicines and make your medicines your food"

Élie Metchnikoff (1845-1916) was a Russian zoologist and microbiologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology in 1908.

But Metchnikoff is as much or more known by others of his discoveries: he worked in the Bacteriological Institute of Odessa (1886-1887) and in the Pasteur Institute (1885-1916), of which he became its director, and the last decade of his Life fixed its attention on the fact that in Bulgaria there was an incredible number of centenarians, despite being one of the poorest European countries. The reason for that extraordinary longevity could not be the quality of their medical services either. But, what was evident was that the Bulgarians consumed large amounts of yogurt, which contains lactic fermenting bacteria. Metchnikoff managed to isolate the bacteria responsible for the production of yogurt and used it for his research. It was the official start of Probiotics.

Metchnikoff became a strong advocate of the concept that diet can protect the body from invading pathogens and consequently improve and prolong the quality of life. He was the first person to develop a therapeutic preparation using lactobacillus in the form of a capsule to ingest orally called Lactobacillin.

In 1965 Lilly and Stillwell used the term Probiotic for the first time, to name the products of gastric fermentation. This word is derived from two words, Latin -pro- meaning by or in favor of, and from Greek -bios- which means life.

This definition was modified and the term Probiotics was redefined as microorganisms and compounds that participate in the balance and intestinal microbial development. In 1989 R. Fuller defined the Probiotics as: "Those living microorganisms, mainly bacteria and yeast, which are added as a supplement in the diet and which beneficially affect the development of the microbial flora in the intestine"

And in 1998 the ILSI (International Life Science Institute, of the European Union) in Brussels defined Probiotics as live microorganisms, which when ingested in sufficient quantities, have beneficial effects on health, which goes beyond the nutritional effects conventional Affect beneficially to one or several functions of the organism. They provide a better state of health and well-being and / or reduce the risk of disease. They can be functional for the population in general or for particular groups of the same. It must be mentioned that, to be considered as Probiotic, a bacterium has to survive the strongly acid medium of the stomach and colonize the small and large intestine.


It was known, for example, that if it was administered to a newborn mouse, which still does not have microorganisms in its intestine, a culture with a habitual cause of acute diarrhea (E. coli) almost instantaneously died. If instead of giving it, was administered in conjunction with a natural inhabitant of the intestine, the mouse was still alive, because the second competed ecologically with the first and digested the dangerous toxins that segregated the latter.

Also known for some time, by the action of yogurt, the digestive and normalizing properties of lactic bacilli on intestinal function. Under these circumstances, it was entirely natural for children with diarrhea to be thought of in dealing with them. From there to the fermented milk there was only one step.

The central idea of ​​Dr. Oliver, extremely simple but revolutionary, was to propose the ecological normalization of intestinal flora, altered in children with diarrhea, by the implantation of lactic bacilli in his intestine.
The lactic bacilli that were selected for the treatment were not the Bulgarian strains of the common yogurt. It was thought of Lactobacillus casei, which - unlike the bacilli of yogurt - are part of the normal intestinal flora. For this reason, while the Bulgarian Lactobacilli are only transit through the intestine, disappearing when their intake is suspended, the strain chosen tends to remain and reproduce in it, that is, to be implanted, colonizing permanently once administered.

The CERELA researchers prepared a concentrated culture of Lactobacilli casei that they sent to the hospital's lactate to be incorporated into the pasteurized milk that the small patients took, in the dose of one teaspoon per bottle. It was called CERELA, as was the Center.

We have also known for a long time, by the action of yogurt, the digestive and normalizing properties of lactic bacilli on intestinal function. In these circumstances, it is natural to think about treating children with diarrhea with Lactobacilli.


  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus casei var. Shirota
  • Lactobacillus fermentum
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus crispatus
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus cellobiosus
  • Lactobacillus curvatus
  • Lactobacillus lactis cremoris
  • Lactobacillus GG
  • Bifidobacteria
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Bifidobacteria adolescentis
  • Bifidobacteria animalis
  • Bifidobacteria infantis
  • Bifidobacteria bifidum
  • Streptococcus salivaris
  • Streptococcus faecium
  • Streptococcus diacetylactis
  • Streptococcus intermedius
  • Saccharomyces boulardii


The effects of the Probiotics are several including the modification of the flora avoiding the pathogenic colonization, the prevention of the imbalance of the intestinal flora, the reduction of the incidence and duration of diarrhea, the maintenance of the integrity of the mucous membranes, the modulation of the immunity by avoiding bacterial translocation, the production of vitamins such as B2, B6 and biotin, the assimilation of trace elements and the antitumor activity.



About 70% of the world population, presents intolerance to lactose, related to the decrease of the activity of lactase in the intestinal mucosa, genetically determined. The undigested Lactose is fermented by the intestinal flora, with production of water, fatty acids and gas, which cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea.

The Probiotics contribute to improve the digestion of lactose and reduce the symptoms due to malabsorption, thanks to the Lactobacillus possess an enzymatic activity (lactase) that continues to function in the intestine and allows the digestion of sugar, which allows people with Lactose intolerance can consume milk, a source rich in proteins, vitamins and calcium; avoiding eventual symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, etc.

The probiotics that act in the fermentation of yogurt such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and S. thermophilus possess the enzyme. Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria have a favorable effect on the digestion of Lactose


Some probiotics can exert hypocholesterolemic effects, that is, they contribute to the reduction of blood cholesterol in three different ways:

  • Using cholesterol in the intestine and thus reducing its absorption
  • Increasing the excretion of bile salts
  • Producing volatile fatty acids in the colon that can be absorbed and interfere with the metabolism of lipids in the liver.


Probiotics are microorganisms that stimulate the protective functions of the digestive tract, are also known as bioterapeutics, bioprotectors or bioprophylactic, are used to prevent enteric and gastrointestinal infections. In order for a microorganism to fulfill this protection function, it must possess characteristics such as: Being a normal inhabitant of the intestine, having a short time of reproduction, being able to produce antimicrobial compounds and being stable during the production, marketing and distribution process for that can be alive in the intestine.

The protection of these microorganisms is carried out through two mechanisms: The antagonism that prevents the multiplication of pathogens and the production of toxins that impede their pathogenic action. This antagonism is given by competition for nutrients or adhesion sites. Through immunomodulation they protect the host from infections by inducing an increase in the production of immunoglobulins, increased activation of mononuclear cells and lymphocytes.

The lactic acid bacteria can transiently colonize the intestine and survive during intestinal transit. Moreover, due to their adhesion to the epithelium, they modify the local immune response of the host.

Certain Probiotics can stimulate the immunity of the individual both at the intestinal level and at a general level, which translates into a higher production of antibodies and a better defense. Several studies suggest that the consumption of Probiotics could help to regulate the alterations of the immune system that are observed in cases of allergy and, therefore, to reduce the symptoms associated with this pathology.

Certain lactic bacteria protect the intestine against pathogens in different ways:

  • Competing for physical space and nutrients
  • Producing antibiotic substances active against these pathogens
  • Stimulating the immune system of the intestine
  • Contributing to the acidification of the colon content, which is unfavorable for the growth of pathogens
  • Inactivation of certain toxins released by pathogens.


 Probiotics seem to have anticarcinogenic activity through the production of certain substances during their growth, which would act by reducing procarcinogenic substances by direct action on them. A known example is the passage of nitrites in foods to nitrosamines, carcinogenic substances. Lactobacteria are able to act both chemically and enzymatically on nitrites, and bifidobacteria are able to unfold nitrosamines. Therefore, these Probiotic microorganisms decrease the carcinogenic substances.

Also secondary bile salts from the degradation of bile have been linked as colon cancer initiating substances. In this sense, it is considered that a high number of lactobacilli in the intestine can reduce the biotransformation of bile salts and therefore decrease the risk of suffering from this type of cancer.

Probiotics can act on procarcinogenic substances indirectly through the enzymatic system that transforms procarcinogenéticos into carcinogenéticos. It has been seen that the consumption of probiotics causes a decrease in the enzymes that make the transition from procarcinogenic to carcinogenic, resulting in a decrease in carcinogenic substances.


The Probiotics do not only have an anticarcinogenic action, but also show an antagonistic action on the proliferation of tumor cells, perhaps due to stimulation of the immune system both locally (intestine), as systemic or general level. In this regard, experiments with animals fed yogurt have resulted in an increase in the percentage and antibacterial activity of B lymphocytes.

 The results of several studies carried out by Ian Rowland and collaborators (1998), of the School of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Ulster, in Northern Ireland, confirm how Probiotic principles can positively influence the reduction of tumor incidence. humans. In their experiments with rats they have observed that the joint administration of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria and azoxymethane, a colon carcinogenic agent, reduces the incidence of cancer foci in these. Even the combination of bifidobacteria and inulin, substrate for the growth of bifidobacteria, has been shown to be more effective than either treatment alone. In these studies, dietary treatments were provided after exposure to carcinogens, from which the suggestion is derived that during the activation phase of the carcinogenic process a protective effect was being exerted.



Diarrhea modifies the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract such as: Digestion, absorption and immunomodulation, to combat diarrhea, strategies such as antibiotics are used, implying the risk of developing resistance and reducing the non-pathogenic flora. The use of Probiotics represents a promising alternative in the prevention and treatment of diarrhea

Effect of the probiotic on acute diarrhea

  • Production of Antibacterial Substances: Bacteriocins, Lactocins, Helveticins, Bifidines
  • Production of fatty acids that acidify the intestinal lumen, inhibiting bacteria and maintaining the proper functioning of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Decreased Intestinal Permeability
  • Competitive Action
  • Immunomodulation Increase in Ig A, Regulation of Cytokines and the immune response.

Bioterapeutic Probiotic Microorganism

Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG, Bifidobacterium, S. thermophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus delbruckii


The use of antibiotics can cause diarrhea, by altering the balance of the intestinal flora with decrease in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, which are responsible for the resistance to colonization by pathogens, producing infections by opportunistic microorganisms such as:

  • Clostridium difficile
  • Klepsiella oxytoca
  • perfringens
  • S. aureus
  • Candida sp.
  • Salmonella sp.
  • The Probiotics studied in the prevention of these diarrheas are Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces boulardii


Many travelers may develop acute diarrhea when visiting high risk areas, most cases is not severe, however prophylaxis is effective according to studies, by administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Saccharomyces boulardii


Genetic predisposition, immunological alterations and pathogenic bacteria interact as triggering and perpetuating agents of inflammatory bowel disease.

The administration of Probiotics used as a therapy of bacterial antagonism, is able to displace the bacteria with pathogenic potential, with the subsequent increase of bifidobacteria, favorably modifying the exaggerated inflammatory response, improving the intestinal epithelium and decreasing its symptoms.

Probiotics with biotherapeutic effect:

Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium adolecentis, Saccharomyces boulardii

E. INFECTION BY Helicobacter Pylori
Gram-negative pathogen responsible for gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. In vitro and human studies have shown that Probiotics have an antagonistic effect against H. pylori, inhibiting their gastric colonization and preventing the development of the related pathology, they inhibit the activity of the enzyme urease, necessary for the pathogen to remain in the environment stomach acid

Probiotic antagonists: Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus johnsonii


  • Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
  • Decrease in cholesterol levels.
  • Decreased diarrhea, either by viruses, bacteria or parasites.
  • Treatment of lactose intolerance, acts in the digestion of lactose
  • Stimulation of the immune system.
  • Exclusion or reduction of pathogenic adhesion
  • Persistence and multiplicity.
  • Production of acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins antagonists to pathogenic growth.
  • Formation of a balanced intestinal flora.
  • Prevention of certain allergic manifestations
  • Prevention of colon cancer
  • Treatment against tumors
  • They have antimicrobial effects.
  • They have the ability to stick to cells


The use of Probiotics is recommended to anyone who wants to favor the balance of the intestinal flora. In people with antibiotic treatment, in the elderly, in pregnancy, in intestinal disturbances, to improve the intolerance to the latose. It is also used to reduce the effects of diarrhea and constipation, in inflammatory bowel diseases since modulating the intestinal flora increases the production of immunoglobulin A and these patients have decreased lactobacilli.


Functional foods prepared with Probiotics must contain at least 10 million viable cells per 100 ml, ideal dose to achieve the desired effects and increase natural defenses, however the dose will depend on the microorganism used, the way of consumption and the desired effect.

One of the studies carried out in the University Corporation of Santander UDES Cúcuta in Colombia for the program of Bacteriology with children of 1-5 years of the I.C.B.F. It resulted that the dose of 1.4 * 1010 cell / ml of Lactobacillus casei was the ideal concentration to reduce the cases of diarrhea in 81% caused by intestinal pathogenic parasites (Giardia lamblia)

As Elie Metchnikoff said: "If the expected and intended effects do not appear, at least the consumer will be satisfied by the good taste of the product." Health!


For a probiotic to be ideal it must survive the gastrointestinal tract. Arriving intact to the intestine is lodged there for what needs to have the property of adherence to the epithelium to be able to colonize and thus increase the acidity, which prevents the development of bacteria that cause disease and above all things, must be innocuous. In the majority, the Probiotics are lactic acid bacteria, which constitute an important percentage of the native flora of the human intestine. Lactobacillus casei acts at the level of the small intestine and Bifidobacterium at the level of the colon.

To properly select the Probiotic supplement, it must be in refrigeration (liquid or capsules), the "freeze drying" preparations are more stable and maintain their properties for longer. It is advisable to check the expiration date, because if they have been stored for a long time, they may lose their beneficial effects.

The Most Employed Probiotic

Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the most popular Probiotics and besides its benefits to the intestinal tract, it is noted:

Production of vitamin B complex (B6, B12, folic acid, riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin and pantothenic acid, improves calcium absorption, produces enzymes such as lactase, which helps the digestion of milk protein (lactose) and improve the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, produces natural antibiotics that help in the control of intestinal pathogenic bacteria, helps in the digestion of food and control of intestinal candidiasis.

The Acidófilus can be consumed in the form of dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese and is also on sale in stores of natural products in the form of liquid or capsules, which provide a higher concentration of bacteria than milk, yogurt with Acidophilus or other cultured dairy products.

In addition to Lactobacillus acidophylus yogurt contains two other classes of beneficial bacteria that are: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, which help in the digestion of milk carbohydrates, property desired for those who suffer from protein intolerance of the milk (lactose) Look on the label of yogurt for the words: "live cultures" (active cultures) or "active cultures" (active cultures) and avoid products that have been heated during processing, since heat destroys beneficial bacteria.

Many people take Acidofilus when they travel to other countries, as a prevention for intestinal infections and as an aid for the recovery of the digestive tract, after a treatment with antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is also recommended to women with vaginal infections.


These probiotic bacteria develop very well in a milk medium. The first of these special milks is the maternal one: studies carried out on infants fed with breast milk, showed that in the intestine of these children there are bacteria (such as bifidobacteria) that made them less susceptible to infections than to children fed other milk . Therefore, another of the probiotic options found in the gondolas are fermented milks, added with bacteria. One of them, the biotic milk, has Argentine citizenship, more precisely from Tucumán and was developed by Dr. Guillermo Oliver, a researcher at CERELA (Center of reference for lactobacilli) dependent on Conicet, and his team, which investigated the issue to alleviate some of the child malnutrition and the terrible diarrheas that are experienced in the Argentine Northwest, but unfortunately are a universal heritage. For this last reason, in parallel, other similar milks, such as those that emerged in 1995, were added to GG in other parts of the world. All these milks defeat the pathogenic microorganisms, regulate the intestinal balance, facilitate the digestibility of food, increase the tolerance to lactose, improve the immunity of the digestive and respiratory systems and favor the absorption of calcium. In short, benefits that far exceed the nutritional values ​​of conventional milks.


It must be taken into account that they are living organisms and theoretically may be responsible for adverse effects, such as infections and metabolic disorders. There have been isolated cases of septicemia due to S. boulardii and Lactobacillus.


  • Selection and / or isolation of the Strain
  • Activation
  • Cell Count
  • Propagation
  • Scaling
  • Drying
  • Lyophilization
  • Feasibility tests, purity, pathogenicity
  • Control of process variables


  • Establishment of a maximum, safe and permissible intake
  • Study of the transitory and permanent effects of the Probiotics.
  • Establishment of the safety and security of long-term probiotic foods
  • Investigation of new strains of Probiotics
  • Specific studies of risk reduction of diseases sufficiently reliable and sensitive.
  • Study of functional foods and their regulations or legislation for commercialization.