Monday, March 18, 2019

Newman's Own Organics Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods Newman's Special Blend Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count (6 Boxes of 12 Pods)

Caffeine Overdose Symptoms: Signs, Cases, Prevention

Top 10 Caffeine Overdose Symptoms

Here are the usual caffeine overdose symptoms in order from the first ones to be experienced to the more severe, later stage symptoms coming from even larger doses of caffeine.

  1.     Jitters, Restlessness, and Nervousness
  2.     Increased heartbeat
  3.     Nausea
  4.     Anxiety
  5.     Heart palpitations (cardiac arrhythmia)
  6.     insomnia
  7.     Sweating
  8.     Dizziness
  9.     Vomiting
  10.     Cardiac arrest

There are many common symptoms that indicate too much caffeine, but these are the most prevalent.

Newman's Own Organics Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods Newman's Special Blend Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count (6 Boxes of 12 Pods)
Newman's Own Organics Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods Newman's Special Blend Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count (6 Boxes of 12 Pods)

The beginning symptoms should be recognized and further caffeine intake should be stopped to avoid the most serious and even life-threatening symptoms found at the end of the list.

Ingesting massive doses of caffeine at once is particularly dangerous as it does not give your body time to react since early overdose symptoms serve as a warning system.

Caffeine's major effects are experienced for at least 4 hours .

  •     This is longer for those sensitive to caffeine.
  •     This is with extremely large doses.
  •     This is based on the half-life of caffeine which is 4-6 hours.

However, it can be hard to pinpoint an amount of caffeine that will cause caffeine overdose symptoms since people have different tolerance levels to caffeine.
Are You Addicted to Caffeine?

Prevention: Maximum Daily Intake

You can prevent caffeine overdose by adhering to the recommended safe dosage guidelines.

Generally, a single dose between 250-500 mg ( check caffeine amounts here ) could produce some of the above mild to moderate symptoms, especially in those with no tolerance or high caffeine sensitivity .

Those with caffeine allergy or sensitivity could have severe symptoms even after a much smaller dose.

DSM-5 Criteria

Caffeine Intoxication is now included in the DSM-5 physicians manual . (This is the official manual of doctors and psychiatrists used to diagnose a person's condition.)

The official diagnosis can be made when any of the following symptoms are present: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, diuresis (you keep passing urine), gastrointestinal disturbance (upset tummy, diarrhea), muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia, periods of inexhaustibility, or psychomotor agitation.

The DSM-5 now also lists Caffeine Withdrawal as a mental disorder. Sufferers can experience withdrawal symptoms when ceasing caffeine intake.

Caffeine Overdose Facts

Luckily for us, we have mechanisms built into the human body that let us know we've had enough of something.

This is true with caffeine overdose. Well before we are at a toxic level we experience side effects that prevent us from consuming more , ie nausea and vomiting.

This means that before the 149 or so cans of Red Bull that would take to kill an average adult male, vomiting would most certainly happen.

For most people, that would happen after about number 5!

However, it's important to note that caffeine is a drug and should be respected and not abused . Since some people have extremely low tolerance or high sensitivity to caffeine, they could - in theory - overdose quite easily.

How to Know If You've Overdosed?

Most people feel the "jitters" first - a sensation of tremors or shaking.

This is your signal to stop consuming caffeine for the day.

You should also be aware of the caffeine levels in what you are drinking. Please consult the caffeine database since some of the caffeine amounts might surprise you.

If you find that you are often tired after consuming caffeine, this is a sign that you need to change your long-term caffeine habits and consider a detox.

How common is caffeine overdose?

With the plethora of caffeinated products in the marketplace, one could assume that overdosing on caffeine is quite common.

However, if we look at the statistics gathered from the American Association of Poison Control Centers we find that, while caffeine overdose does exist, it is not as common as people may think.

In fact, overdosing on Tylenol is a lot more common than overdosing on caffeine.

Caribou Coffee Caribou Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72

Caffeine Allergy: Top 20 Symptoms

Allergic to caffeine? It seems like you are not alone as hundreds of people have now testified to strange reactions experienced after caffeine.

allergic to caffeine

This article has been compiled from anecdotal evidence. Some people do not metabolize caffeine as well as others. Others are also sensitive to adrenaline. It pays to know your limits with caffeine. If you suspect that caffeine is causing problems, this can be tested by eliminating it from the diet.

Caribou Coffee Caribou Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72
Caribou Coffee Caribou Blend, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72

Some time ago, we published a short post about the possibility of allergic reactions to caffeine.

That post received hundreds of comments from those who claimed to have experienced some type of adverse reaction to caffeine.

We have painstakingly sifted through all those comments, compiling the top 20 caffeine allergic reactions in order from most common to least common.

In most cases, these symptoms were reported after only a moderate amount of caffeine through coffee, tea, soda and / or energy drinks.

Most Common Allergic Reactions to Caffeine

  1.     Skin problems such as hives, eczema, rashes, acne, severe itching
  2.     Headaches or migraines
  3.     Anxiety and panic attacks
  4.     Can not focus or concentrate
  5.     Tongue, glands, or throat swelling
  6.     Heart racing or palpitations
  7.     Angry, irritable, bad mood
  8.     Fatigue
  9.     Dizziness
  10.     Extreme jitters
  11.     Chest Pain
  12.     Depression
  13.     Numbness in face, hands, or feet
  14.     Muscle pain
  15.     Shortness of breath or tightness of chest
  16.     Delusions or hallucinations
  17.     Flu / cold like symptoms
  18.     Vision problems
  19.     Cold sweats
  20.     Eyes swollen shut

Is this Scientific Evidence?

At least one scientific study has shown that people have anaphylactic reactions to caffeine and is confirmed by a skin prick test. one

There is evidence regarding the inability to process caffeine as some people lack the genes responsible for this or the genes they are not being expressed as they should be. This allows caffeine to build up in a person's body rather than being broken down properly. These people are described as hypersensitive to caffeine. two

The above data is based on anecdotal evidence, so do not take it as gospel or scientific, but rather consider these caffeine allergy symptoms as possible since they were reported by a large number of people. If a person suspects a caffeine allergy, he / she should cease caffeine immediately and then assess as to whether it is indeed the caffeine. The symptoms should subside after caffeine is eliminated.

There is a fine line between what would be called caffeine sensitivity and what would be called caffeine allergy, but overall we are dealing with the body not being able to correctly process the caffeine molecule, whether or not it is called sensitivity or allergy is up for debate .

Most people who commented on the original article reported several of the above symptoms and some of the caffeine allergy symptoms were quite bizarre. The symptoms that were the strangest included itchy ears & anus suffered by one poor soul and a sweaty butt crack reported by another ...

Caffeine allergy has also been linked to a form of ADD and dementia in adults. The claim is that caffeine-induced anaphylaxis impairs people's ability to concentrate and remember things.

Could It Be Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are chemicals produced by fungi and they can produce all kinds of negative reactions when ingested by humans. A recent study 3 from the University of Valencia in Spain found that commercially sold coffee is often contaminated with mycotoxins. They've identified 18 different mycotoxins that are commonly found in coffee and found that the levels in decaffeinated coffee are often higher than that of regular coffee.

If you have a reaction to coffee but not other caffeinated products, there is a good chance that you are sensitive to mycotoxins and not the caffeine.

What To Do If You Are Suffering

  •     Explore our extensive Caffeine in Food database as well as our Caffeine in Beverages database in order to be aware of all the products that have caffeine listed as an ingredient along with the amount they contain.
  •     Eliminate these products from your diet . There may be a period of caffeine withdrawal where you actually feel worse.
  •     Assess if your symptoms have disappeared It may take up to 2 weeks for all of the caffeine's effects to wear off.

Please note: A surprising number of products contain caffeine, and some have a lot more than what you think.

Even decaffeinated drinks still contain caffeine - although only a small amount such as decaf brewed coffee .

Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee K-CUP Pods, 100 Count

Caffeine Metabolism

Have you ever thought about what is actually going on in your body when you throw back that energy drink or sip that coffee?

How is caffeine broken down and how does it affect your metabolism? How long does caffeine stay active in your system and why do people crave the stuff?

We'll try to answer those questions and more in the simplest terms so that you can be educated when it comes to caffeine metabolism and what caffeine is actually doing to your body.

Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee K-CUP Pods, 100 Count
Gevalia Signature Blend Coffee K-CUP Pods, 100 Count

Caffeine Metabolism: From the First Sip

Caffeine easily passes through epithelial tissue, from the first sip, caffeine is entering your bloodstream through the lining of your mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach.

It only takes about 45 minutes for 99% of the drink's caffeine to be absorbed through these membranes / organs.

In humans, the half-life for caffeine is anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average, which explains why the average energy drink or coffee's effects last about 4 to 6 hours.

Things like age, medical conditions, and drug interactions can have an effect on the rate at which caffeine is metabolized.

Note: Humans also have 3 levels of sensitivity to caffeine . This is determine how fast caffeine is metabolized and to what degree its stimulating properties are felt. Read about those here .

Caffeine in the Bloodstream

While most research on caffeine has been conducted using animals, the data has been converted to the most likely effect on the human body due to the similarities of our digestive systems.

As soon as the caffeine enters the bloodstream the liver begins to metabolize caffeine and break down the molecule into theophylline, theobromine, and paraxanthine.

From there, these chemicals travel throughout the body where they affect various body functions.

It's in Your Genes

The speed at which caffeine is metabolized depends on specific genes. Research continues to discover gene variations that appear to be responsible for how long caffeine stays in the bloodstream.

People with a specific variation of the gene PDSS2 process caffeine more slowly than others. They, therefore, need less coffee for the same stimulant effects.

Caffeine in the Brain

Not all caffeine can immediately be broken down by the liver, or some free caffeine remains in general circulation. Some of which makes its way to the brain. The caffeine molecule is similar in shape to the adenosine molecule which is a neurotransmitter. Since these two molecules are similar, caffeine molecules are able to bind to the brain's adenosine receptors and therefore block adenosine from binding and doing their job.

Adenosine plays a role in the sleep-wake cycle. When adenosine binds to enough receptors, it signals the brain that it is time for rest or sleep. Caffeine does not replace the person's need for sleep but masks tiredness since adenosine can no longer do what it is intended to do.

This process also interferes with the dopamine system in the brain. Dopamine, which is the "feel-good" neurotransmitter becomes more plentiful when adenosine is blocked by caffeine and this causes increased feelings of well-being and happiness. Furthermore, elevated levels of adenosine in the blood cause the adrenal glands to release adrenaline. This stimulating hormone further adds to the feelings of alertness and energy.

Here's a great TEDEd video that explains what happens in the brain.

Caffeine's Effects on the Body

Besides affecting the brain, caffeine and its metabolites have various other effects on the human body.

Theophylline relaxes smooth muscles, which is beneficial to those with asthma and is the reason why after drinking caffeine a person often feels the need to use the bathroom since theophylline is relaxing the smooth muscles of the colon.

Theobromine increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients that can be used by the brain and muscles.

Caffeine causes an initial contracting of artery walls (vasoconstrictor) but then the metabolite theophylline relaxes this smooth muscle which has an overall vasodilator effect on the blood vessels. In other words, it opens blood vessels to allow for greater blood flow. src .

There have been many other researched effects of caffeine covered by Caffeine Informer, but the above represents the most researched and common.

Caffeine's Exit from the Body

The remaining caffeine metabolites are then filtered by the kidneys and they exit the body with the urine.

Caffeine has been shown to have a diuretic effect on the body , which causes the body to release more water in the urine. However, new research suggests that this is only in people who have not built up a tolerance to the caffeine molecule.

When most of the caffeine has exited the body or has been used by the various cells of the body, the person can experience a "crash" that is caused by the elevated levels of adenosine which are now able to attach themselves to brain's adenosine receptors. This also causes dopamine to be repressed. All of this causes feelings of tiredness, fatigue, and even mild depression.

Prolonged use of caffeine and then quitting also causes withdrawal symptoms due to the addictive nature of caffeine.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Nantucket Blend Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count

Coffee, Caffeine, and Cancer: What the Research Reveals

Does Coffee Cause or Prevent Cancer?

However, the last decade has been a lot of light on the health benefits of coffee and its relationship to cancer.

Many decades or more long studies have been coming to a close and the results have been changing everything the medical profession thought they knew about coffee and how it influences the risks of getting cancer.

Study after study has been showing the cancer fighting properties of coffee because of the rich antioxidants it contains.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Nantucket Blend Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Nantucket Blend Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count

In fact, with most studies we are not just talking about a cup or two a day since most studies show greater benefit when four or more caffeinated coffees are consumed daily.

Recent Caffeine, Coffee, and Cancer Studies

Here are just a few of the studies that support the notion that caffeinated coffee reduces risk of certain types of cancer.

  •     Oral Cancer: More than 4 cups of coffee a day decrease oral and head cancers by 39% .
  •     Uterine Cancer: Woman who drink more than two cups of coffee a day have less chance of uterine cancer.
  •     Prostate Cancer: Men who have 6 cups of coffee a day reduces their prostate cancer risk by 60% .
  •     Brain Cancer: At least 5 cups of coffee prevents certain types of brain cancer by 40% .
  •     Colon Cancer: At least 2 cups of coffee a day can cut colon cancer risk . A newer study showed that colon cancer patients who drank four or more servings of coffee to day were 42% less likely to have bowel cancer recurrence after surgery and treatment. This study was conducted by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute . An even newer study also supported this previous research regarding the reduced risk of colorectal cancer among coffee drinkers.
  •     Breast Cancer: At least 3 cups of coffee a day can prevent or delay the onset of certain types of breast cancer . Another study showed that at least 2 cups of coffee consumed along side the breast cancer drug tamoxifen, resulted in 49% less early breast cancer recurrence among breast cancer patients in Sweden.
  •     Liver Cancer: Coffee drinkers have 41% less instance of liver cancer . A more recent study showed that 1-3 cups of coffee a day reduces risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma by 29%. Link
  •     Endometrial Cancer : Women who consumes at least 3 cups of coffee a day have a 19% decreased risk of developing endometrial cancer, which claims the lives of about 10,000 women in the USA each year. The research .
  •     Caffeine protects against lung cancer . A new study published in the Experimental Hematology & Oncology journal showed that caffeine inhibits a couple of proteins found in lung cancer cells, which prevents the cell's growth and reproduction. The study
  •     Skin Cancer : A recent study published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that caffeinated coffee drinkers were less likely to develop melanoma. The more coffee people consumed the less risk was observed. Study abstract .

Caffeinated Coffee as Part of a Healthy Diet

While the coffee / cancer research is not definitive, it appears that drinking coffee is probably far more beneficial than harmful as long as the person can metabolize caffeine correctly and does not suffer from a caffeine allergy or from excessive use .

In most of the studies, that decaffeinated coffee did not appear to have the same effect, which is probably due to the decaffeinating process removing many of the antioxidants.

However, we would suspect that people who eat poor quality food and engage in unhealthy habits such smoking and excessive drinking would not likely experience the cancer fighting properties coffee has to offer.

But, coffee as a part of a healthy diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit will most likely have the greatest anticancer benefits.

People should also note that because of the caffeine in coffee , moderation is also recommended and less than 400mg of caffeine from all sources a day seems to be a safe level for most healthy adults.

The World Health Organization recently removed coffee from their list of possible carcinogens. They cited that there is an overwhelming amount of research that coffee can promote health and actually inhibit cancer. However, they did note that drinking coffee at temperatures in excess of 140 degrees Fahrenheit can increase the risk of cancers of the throat and esophagus. This temperature is much higher than which coffee is typically consumed.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Intenso, 30 Count

Coffee, Caffeine and Type 2 Diabetes

There has been extensive research into whether consuming coffee (caffeine) is safe for those with type 2 diabetes as well as whether or not coffee could help prevent diabetes.

With the ever rising population of people suffering with type 2 diabetes, it's good to hear that the diabetic or potential diabetic has a friend in coffee.

A healthy diet, low in sugar and refined carbs, is still the number one dietary measure to treat or reduce the risk for diabetes. Most research shows that coffee can be part of a diet that is designed to prevent, treat, and / or possibly reverse type 2 diabetes.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Intenso, 30 Count
Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Intenso, 30 Count

Type 2 Diabetes and Coffee Research Studies

    A study published by the American Diabetes Association showed that those who drink coffee have lower sugar and insulin levels. It also appears that coffee is better than decaffeinated, so coffee could even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.15 overweight but otherwise healthy men were given either decaf coffee, placebo, or the chemicals chlorogenic acid and trigonelline dissolved in water, which are two of the main antioxidants in coffee. The participants' glucose and insulin levels were checked after the trial period. The only sample that showed lowered sugar and insulin levels was the chlorogenic acid and trigonelline solution group. Src .
    Another study analyzed much the latest research on diabetes and coffee and was conducted by Harvard's Dr. Frank Hu. His team found that the risk of type II diabetes decreased by 9% for each daily cup of coffee consumed. Decaf coffee decreased risk by 6% per cup. Src.
    An 11 year study looked at the diabetes and coffee risk association in postmenopausal women. They found that women who consumed 6 cups of coffee had a 22% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Src .
    An 18 year Swedish study also showed a greater degree of decreased risk among women who consumes the most cups of coffee daily. The Swedes are one of the highest coffee consumers in the world. Src .
    "Nineteen of 22 epidemiological studies said that long-term coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, but several investigators have warned that the caffeine in caffeinated coffee can impair glucose metabolism" from Diabetes Journals .
    The newer study is from the Harvard School of Public Health and it showed that type 2 diabetes risk decreases with every cup of coffee consumed. People who increased their coffee by one cup saw an 11% decreased risk of type 2 diabetes. However, those who decreased their coffee by one cup saw to 17% increase in risk. Src .
    Yet another study out of Denmark showed that coffee does not increase type 2 diabetes risk nor obesity risk for even the staunchest of coffee drinkers. 93,000 people's coffee habits were analyzed for the study and there was no association between coffee and obesity, and diabetes. The study

Decaf Coffee Not as Helpful

coffee-and-diabetes Although, caffeinated coffee does seem to offer the most protection, it is not likely due to the caffeine. Coffee is actually rich in antioxidants .

In the decaffeination process these antioxidants are also removed to much lower concentrations along with the caffeine.

This explains why the same results were not observed with the decaf samples . Therefore, it seems to be a good thing to have regular, full-proof coffee that has been un-messed around with if you want to experience less type 2 diabetes risk or help in treating this form of diabetes.

Caffeine Lowers Blood Glucose Levels During Exercise

Researchers found that when people with type 2 diabetes use caffeine prior to exercise it lowers their blood glucose levels more.

Study participants given 1 mg of caffeine per 1 kg of body weight had on average at 75 mg / dL increased drop in blood sugar compared with those who did not have the caffeine.

Good or Bad?

Good if you are trying to naturally lower your blood sugar with diet and exercise.

Bad if you are on insulin and in danger of your blood sugar dropping too low.

The Bottom Line?

This is good news for coffee drinkers or those that would be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. You can drink all the coffee you want, but we would advise that you learn to drink it black to experience the full benefits. Also be sure to not go beyond established daily caffeine safe levels .

Adding sugar and creamer no doubt quickly reduces some of coffee's type 2 diabetes protective benefits.

Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods

Caffeine May Prevent Cataracts

Caffeine and Eye Health

Caffeine may prove useful in the prevention of cataract formation as well as be ok for eye health in general.

Chalk another one up for the possible positive health benefits of caffeine !

Cataracts are responsible for nearly half of the world wide cases of blindness and can be removed with surgery, but this new study may soon make surgeries unnecessary.

Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods
Peet's Coffee Espresso Capsules Variety Pack 10 Each (40 Count) Compatible with Nespresso Original Brewers Single Cup Coffee Pods

A recent study showed that caffeine eye drops prevented cataracts from forming in the eyes of rats.

The Cataract and Caffeine Research

The study was conducted by Shambhu D. Varma, Svitlana Kovtun, Kavita Hegde at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University Of Maryland School of Medicine .

The study involved baby rats that were feed to diet high in galactose, which causes cataracts to form in the eyes.

One group of rats was given eye drops containing caffeine, the other group was given to placebo eye drop. The rats given the caffeine had greatly reduced cataract formation compared to the placebo group.

Researchers say that the therapy now needs to be adapted so it can be compatible with the human eye. Humans would have to consume over 6 cups of coffee (more than 600mg) daily to equal the cataract stopping properties the rats experienced.

Further testing will be required and work will be needed to develop caffeine eye drops suitable for the human eye.

We should note that this study focused on the type of cataracts that usually develop in those with diabetes .

Studies Focusing on Caffeine and Eye Health

1. Coffee and Caffeine Intakes and Intraocular Pressure

The Blue Mountains Eye Study examined 3654 people older than 49 years of age and found that more than 200mg of caffeine did increase IOP. However, after adjusting for age, sex and systolic blood pressure, the association did not reach statistical significance. Src .

It is unclear if those with glaucoma should avoid caffeine entirely, but having less than 200mg daily would be the safest bet.

2. Caffeine and Tunnel Vision

A study from The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics found that caffeine had no effect on tunnel vision, thus did not increase risk while on the supplement. Src .

3. Too Much Caffeine Causes Dim Vision, Transitory Blindness, and Eye Flickering.

A 1913 study found that caffeine overdose can cause vision problems. (Lewin, L., and H. Guillery. "The Effects of Drugs and Poisons on the Eye." Hirschwald, Berlin (1913): 150.)

Overall, it looks like moderate caffeine is safe for those concerned with eye health. This is especially good news for caffeine lovers as well as those who have a family history of developing cataracts and / or diabetes.

Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count

Caffeine: A Cure for Baldness?

caffeine and baldness

Caffeine may help balding men and women regrow some hair.

Research published in the International Journal of Dermatology concludes that caffeine is " a stimulator of human hair growth "

Hair restoration is a multi-billion dollar industry and this research could eventually lead to safer, more effective cures for baldness.

Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count
Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend Coffee K-Cup Pods, Medium Roast, For Keurig Brewers, 64 Count

Caffeine and Baldness Research

The researchers who worked on this project were TW Fischer MD, UC Hipler PhD and P. Elsner MD.

  •     They took biopsies from the scalps of 14 men in the early stages of hair loss.
  •     They then exposed the hair follicles to solutions containing different levels of caffeine.
  •     They also exposed some of the follicles to DHT, the hormone responsible for hair loss.
  •     After 8 days, even the hair follicles exposed to the DHT showed growth.
  •     Growth was greatest in follicles that were placed in solutions of caffeine only .

See the full journal abstract here.

How Much Caffeine Are We Talking About?

Before you brew yet another cup of coffee, unfortunately, a few extra cups of coffee are not going to do much.

  •     Scientists estimate up to 60 cups a day would be needed for significant amounts to reach follicles in the scalp. (via Daily Mail )

So that's only about 6000mg of caffeine, which might regrow your hair after stopping your heart .

Instead of drinking it - it seems you need to rub a caffeine-rich solution into the scalp.

Fortunately there are some caffeinated shampoos on the market.

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)

Caffeine Withdrawal & Diarrhea

If a cup of coffee is part of your morning or afternoon routine, you might notice changes as an awake feeling once the caffeinated drink enters your body. Over time, it's possible to develop a dependency on caffeine that can lead to uncomfortable symptoms if you suddenly stop consuming it. Diarrhea is associated with caffeine, but it is not a typical side effect of caffeine withdrawal.

Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)
Peet's Coffee Major Dickason's Blend Dark Roast Coffee K-Cup Coffee Pods (32 Count)

Caffeine Withdrawal

Caffeine withdrawal is problematic enough that Johns Hopkins recommended it in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a leading journal on mental health. Typical symptoms of withdrawal can include drowsy feeling, headaches and irritability. More extreme withdrawal symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea is not a typical side effect of stopping caffeine suddenly, according to MedlinePlus.

Caffeine and Diarrhea

If you consume a caffeinated product such as coffee and diarrhea, this gastrointestinal issue might be the result of your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help stimulate your bowels to improve your regularity and even cause your stools to be looser than normal. Although caffeine does not affect everyone in the same way, consuming six to eight cups might lead to side effects such as diarrhea.

Causes of Diarrhea

If you experience diarrhea around the same time you cease your caffeine, the diarrhea is not necessarily a symptom of withdrawal. Common causes of diarrhea include bacterial infections such as salmonella or E. coli, viral infections such as rotavirus and norovirus, intolerances to foods such as lactose or sugar, intestinal illnesses or adverse reactions to medicine. If you have diarrhea, avoid caffeinated products, which might be the condition.

Reducing Your Caffeine Intake

Because of the difficult symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, it can be easier to reduce your intake of this stimulant over a period of time rather than stop suddenly. Slowly reducing your caffeine intake lessens the withdrawal symptoms, but the exact amount of time needed to get through the symptoms varies by individual. If coffee is your caffeine-containing choice, avoid the temptation to replace it with other sources of caffeine, such as tea or chocolate.

Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count

Side Effects of Caffeine on Men

Caffeine is a stimulant found in some beverages, including many different sodas, coffee and certain teas. Caffeine is also available in tablet form and may be purchased over the counter. Although caffeine is easily obtainable, this compound does have different side effects that may cause serious health problems.

Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count
Maxwell House Breakfast Blend Coffee, K-CUP Pods, 84 Count


Caffeine may cause irritation of the gastrointestinal system in men. In large quantities, caffeine can irritate the stomach, possibly resulting in nausea and vomiting. In some men, this irritation may also cause diarrhea. These side effects are usually temporary, however, and go away once the caffeine has been metabolized or excreted from the body.


Caffeine acts as a stimulant, which means it increases activity within the central nervous system. In men, caffeine may cause feelings of increased energy and concentration. In higher doses, caffeine may also cause a "jittery" feeling and result in muscle tremors. Moderately high quantities of caffeine may also lead to a condition known as caffeinism, reports. Caffeinism is marked by restlessness, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. This condition resembles anxiety disorder, and in the restlessness may take the form of agitation or increased aggressive behavior. Men who have problems with anxiety or panic attacks may have their symptoms exacerbated by caffeine. In addition, chronic heavy use of caffeine has been linked to depression. In high doses, caffeine may cause confusion, convulsions, hallucinations and difficulty breathing, according to MedlinePlus.


Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means that it increases to man's urine production. The urine is often diluted and may be clear due to the increase in volume. The increased urine output may cause a brief decrease in a man's body weight, according to, although this weight loss is temporary and will disappear once the body is able to correct its fluid balance. Because caffeine increases urine output, it may exacerbate dehydration, resulting in feelings of increased thirst and, in severe cases, fatigue or dizziness.

Cardiovascular reports that the caffeine in about 2 to 3 cups of coffee increases systolic blood pressure 3 to 14 mm Hg and increases diastolic blood pressure 4 to 13 mm Hg. According to RxList, caffeine causes other cardiovascular side effects such as tachycardia, which is an increased heart rate, and an increased stroke volume, which means that the heart pumps are unusually hard.

Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine is the world's most popular psychoactive drug. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, the average American consumes approximately 300 mg of caffeine daily, mostly in the form of coffee and soft drinks. While many people enjoy the effects of caffeine, too much can result in a state known as caffeine intoxication.

Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods
Donut Shop Blend for K-Cup Keurig 2.0 Brewers, 80 Count, Victor Allen’s Coffee Medium Roast Single Serve Coffee Pods

Caffeine Intoxication

Caffeine intoxication is a condition with signs and symptoms that are directly related to the ingestion of caffeine. The "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" published by the American Psychiatric Association defines caffeine intoxication as the demonstration of 5 or more characteristic signs of distress or impaired function associated with the of caffeine.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of caffeine intoxication vary, depending on the individual and how much caffeine is ingested. Caffeine is a stimulant, and its greatest effect is on the brain. Intoxication often creates feelings of restlessness, nervousness, excitement and insomnia. Incoherent flow of thought and speech, periods of inexhaustibility and agitation are also common. Common physical symptoms include increased urination, stomach upset or pain, nausea and vomiting, muscle twitching and a fast heart rate. Caffeine intoxication can lead to potentially life-threatening signs and symptoms, such as irregular heartbeat, severe electrolyte imbalances and seizures. Immediate medical evaluation and treatment are needed in these situations.

Common Sources of Caffeine

Beverages are some of the most common sources of caffeine. The "Journal of Analytical Toxicology" and US Department of Agriculture report that an 8 oz. serving of coffee contains approximately 95 mg of caffeine and a 12 oz. can of cola-flavored soda contains roughly 30 mg. Other common caffeine sources include espresso, with 64 mg per ounce; black tea, with 47 mg per 8 oz. serving; and energy drinks, with 66 to 77 mg per 8 oz. dog. Over-the-counter caffeine pills typically contain 100 mg each. Additionally, some headache remedies and other over-the-counter medications contain caffeine.


Medical treatment is needed for severe or life-threatening symptoms of caffeine intoxication. Medications may be used to manage symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea and anxiety. A 2012 case study published in the "Clinical Kidney Journal" asserts that hemodialysis - mechanical filtering of blood - may be of benefit in cases of severe caffeine intoxication from a massive overdose.

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Does Caffeine Make People Hungry?

Rather than induce hunger, caffeine actually suppresses the appetite and may cause you to skip meals. While it may seem that the caffeine is to blame if you suddenly experience hunger pangs after a long period of drinking caffeinated beverages, your food cravings are probably due to having skipped or delayed a meal. Monitor your eating habits while consuming caffeine to maintain a steady intake of food throughout the day.

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Caffeine and the Body

Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant that is absorbed and distributed very quickly through the body. After digestion, the caffeine passes into the brain, where it begins to stimulate the central nervous system, blocking fatigue-inducers called adenosine receptors. As a result, your neurons begin firing at an accelerated rate, as your heart rate increases and your hunger cravings become delayed.

Suppressing the Appetite

Your blood sugar levels gradually decline anytime you delay or skip a meal. According to, caffeine can reduce your desire to eat for a period of time, causing you to consume fewer calories during the course of a day. By consuming caffeine, your energy levels remain at an artificial peak, while your blood sugar steadily declines. After the caffeine has reached its highest concentration in your blood, you may experience a crash or sudden energy drop that is accompanied by hunger pangs, if you have forgotten to eat.

Other Factors

One possible correlation between caffeine and hunger involves craving comfort foods. As your central nervous system becomes stimulated, your pituitary and hypothalamus glands release stress hormones such as ephinedrine and cortisol, enabling a fight-or-flight response in your body. Because the neural control of your gastrointestinal tract is highly affected by emotions and stress, your caffeine may cause you to crave certain comfort foods to help cope with the increased sensations of anxiety and stress.

Safety Concerns

Always keep your caffeine intake below the 300 milligrams recommended for most healthy adults. Consuming caffeine in excess of 500 milligrams a day may result in unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, anxiousness, irritability, upset stomach, increased heart rate and muscle tremors. Talk to your doctor if you routinely experience hunger pangs after consuming caffeine, and try to adopt a regular eating pattern to prevent dips in blood sugar.