Tuesday, March 19, 2019

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Caffeine's Effects on Fertility

Does caffeine make it harder for women to get pregnant as well as lower sperm count in men?

Let's take a look at what the research reveals about how caffeine affects human fertility.
Caffeine and Infertility in Women

It looks like women who regularly consume coffee and / or energy drinks reduces their chances of getting pregnant.

However, do not ditch the birth control just yet for Rockstar Pink . It only reduces to woman's chance of getting pregnant by about 27 percent.

Nespresso OriginalLine Espresso Capsules Variety Pack, 100Count pods
Nespresso OriginalLine Espresso Capsules Variety Pack, 100Count pods

A study conducted at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in Reno showed that caffeine interfered with the muscular contractions of the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are responsible for moving the egg from the ovary to the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes where conception takes place. Therefore, if the smooth muscle contractions are reduced, the egg will not be in the optimal area for conception.

This study was conducted on mice, but daughters more insight into how the fallopian tubes work in humans and could lead to certain types of infertility.

The researchers recommend that women who are trying to get pregnant should quit consuming caffeine.

And if you think you can drink caffeine for added birth control, I would not count on it as nature usually finds a way.

Caffeine and Lower Sperm Count

Researchers at the University Department of Growth and Reproduction at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. The results of the study were investigated, whether or not they were high caffeine effects sperm count.

Some of the participants are consumed mainly Cola as apart of their 800mg daily caffeineca while others consumed mainly coffee and tea as their primary source of caffeine. The results showed that the group that consumed mainly Cola based soft drinks had 30% lower sperm count. The men who primarily consumed coffee and tea had no change in their sperm count.

The researchers believe that there is some ingredient in the cola flavored soda that is causing this, but they are not sure what it is as further research would have to done to determine the culprit.

A more recent study showed that caffeine did not effect semen quality or sperm count. Src .

However, research out of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston found that men who consumed 265 mg of caffeine or more had the lowest chance of becoming a father through IVF. Why this happened is not understood since caffeine did not affect the number or quality of the sperm. Src .

The good news is that male caffeine addicts can still reproduce like rabbits, the bad news is that if this mystery ingredient is also in energy drinks then many men could have a problem.

Caffeine consumed in natural products like coffee and tea is usually best.

Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)

Caffeine During Pregnancy: How Much is Safe?

Consuming caffeine during pregnancy has been debated by medical professionals about the risks it imposes on the developing fetus.

Caffeine is a drug and it has real physiological effects on those that consume it and these effects are passed on to the unborn child through the placenta.

However, the question that exists is to what extent does caffeine consume during pregnancy become harmful?

Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)
Starbucks Breakfast Blend Medium Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 6 Boxes of 10 (60 Total K-Cup pods)

There are several hypotheses related to the possible dangers caffeine may have on the fetus. Let's take a look at those and the research that either supports the danger or refutes it.

Caffeine During Pregnancy Causes Miscarriage

Many OBGYNs tell mothers to abstain from all caffeine during pregnancy because it increases their risk of miscarriage.

There are several studies that have shown evidence for increased risk of miscarriage or early stillbirth delivery among pregnant women who consumed more than moderate amounts of caffeine.

  •     A 2002 study showed that women who drank 8 or more coffees (> 800mg) were at greater risk for early stillbirth. src .
  •     Another study showed that expectant mothers consuming 600mg of caffeine or more had a greater risk of miscarriage. src .
  •     A California study showed that pregnant women consuming greater than 300mg of caffeine daily had a greater risk of miscarriage during the first trimester. src .
  •     A 2008 study showed that those consuming 200mg of caffeine or more daily doubled their risk of miscarriage. src .
  •     A 2016 study showed that both women and men consume at least at least two caffeinated beverages daily in the weeks prior to conception at a greater risk for potential miscarriage. src .

Caffeine Restricts the Growth of the Fetus

There is also a belief that caffeine stunts the growth of children and unborn babies. While there is no evidence that it is the growth of children, there are some studies that support this notion for developing fetuses.

  •     A 2008 study showed that women who consumed 100 mg or more of caffeine had increased risk of fetal growth restriction. src .
  •     2013 research showed that women who consumed caffeine had increased risk of delivering babies with lower birth weight. src .
  •     A 2018 study of over 900 Irish mothers showed an association between caffeine intake (both coffee and tea) and adverse birth outcomes such as lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. src .

Caffeine During Pregnancy Produces Hyperactive Children

Some doctors may tell expectant mothers that caffeine during pregnancy leads to ADHD or hyperactivity disorder. However, the research conducted with this hypothesis does not support this belief. Children who were exposed to caffeine in the womb were at no greater risk of developing ADHD or hyperactivity than children who were not. src .
Caffeine Causes Early Delivery

Some people believe that mothers who drink caffeine while pregnant will increase their chances of having a preterm delivery.

  •     A 2012 Norwegian study showed no link between caffeine and early preterm birth. src .
  •     A 2010 American Society for Nutrition analysis of published research found no evidence that caffeine leads to preterm delivery. src .

Coffee Linked to Childhood Leukemia

A recent study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology showed evidence of increased risk of childhood leukemia in infants whose mothers drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

They found that pregnant women who drank ...

  •     Some coffee resulted in a 20% increased risk for their child.
  •     More than 2 cups of coffee (about 300mg of caffeine) resulted in a 60% increased risk for their child.
  •     4 or more cups (about 600mg of caffeine) resulted in a 72% increased risk of leukemia.

It is believed that caffeine alters the fetal DNA making the baby more prone to developing leukemia.

Caffeine, Pregnancy, and Childhood Obesity

A recent study linked caffeine by pregnant mothers with an increased risk of childhood obesity.

The 15-year long research study published in The International Journal of Obesity found that children born to mothers who did not give up their caffeine during pregnancy were 89% more likely to become obese compared with children who were not exposed to caffeine in-utero .

The results were also dose-dependent, in that the more caffeine the expectant mother consumed the greater the risk of her child becoming obese.

The researchers believe this occurs because ...

    Brain functions have been shown to have an important role in regulating appetite and other metabolic processes. Caffeine, a neural stimulant, can alter fetal brain development impacting normal neural transmission vital to normal brain function, thus metabolic processes.

Another study conducted in Norway also found that pregnant women who consumed caffeine greater than 50 mg per day had an association with a higher risk of having a child with excess growth and obesity during the first 8 years of their child's life. This study is published in the British Medical Journal .
How Much Caffeine While Pregnant is Safe?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that 200mg or less a day is probably safe for the developing fetus and the World Health Organization recommends that expectant mothers consume no more than 300mg per day.

The European Food Safety Authority recently released their research regarding caffeine safety. They said that there is not enough evidence that 200 mg of caffeine or less poses any risk to the unborn child.

Also, recent research from Nationwide Children's Hospital also found that there was no evidence that moderate caffeine during pregnancy had any negative implications for the baby's long-term cognitive and behavioral development. In the study , they analyzed the caffeine levels of blood samples taken from pregnant mothers between 1959 and 1974 and then compared the data to the children's IQ and behavioral records.

While most of the research is associated with caffeine greater than 200-300mg, there is some studies that show some risk with even lower daily amounts of caffeine.

When it comes to women consuming caffeine while pregnant, it may be wise to err on the side of caution and abstain from most or all caffeine. However, the occasional serving of dark chocolate, ice tea, or even coffee likely poses no significant risk to the health of the unborn child.

Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

Caffeine Could Cause Incontinence in Women

caffeine and bladder leakage In other words, too much caffeine can cause some women to feel the urgency more and more frequently and to be unable to hold it causing a condition known as leaky bladder .

That's what researchers at the University of Alabama are saying. Women who consume a lot of caffeine are 70% more likely to develop incontinence.

While this is great for companies like Depend, it's not that great for the women who accidentally pee their pants in public. Incontinence can be extremely stressful and embarrassing for those that suffer with the condition.

Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count
Starbucks Veranda Blend Blonde Roast Single Cup Coffee for Keurig Brewers, 32 Count

The Caffeine and Leaky Bladder Study

Dr. Jon Gleason who conducted the study found that women who consume more than 329mg of caffeine daily are the most likely to develop incontinence. While this disorder can be caused by many factors, women who are high caffeine consumers might want to consider cutting back a bit if they want to avoid this potentially embarrassing situation in the future.

The research did not indicate if the caffeine will stop incontinence or if the caffeine just aggravates a condition some women are prone to develop. Moderate caffeine intake of around 182mg a day did not show any correlation to bladder leakage , so for women who love their daily cup of coffee, tea, or energy drink they need not fear as long as they do not increase their daily consumption.

Caffeine's Diuretic Effect

It is a fact that caffeine acts as a mild diuretic . This causes the kidneys to release more water from the bloodstream, which causes the bladder to fill up more quickly.

However, when caffeine is consumed in beverages that contain a lot of water, there is not a dehydrating effect. But, it is not hydrating either . If the body is already in a dehydrated state , drinking a caffeinated beverage will not remedy this.

As most who drink coffee can attest, during the period of coffee and urination increases drastically in both women and men.

I personally know that I need to have a bathroom during my morning work, which is when I'm drinking my coffee.

So, for those women and men alike who feel that they are running to the bathroom when they drink coffee, this is pretty normal. Just remember to drink plenty of water also because coffee is not providing the hydration your body needs.

For women with incontinence issues, cutting back on caffeine may effective managing the disorder more effectively.

Does Caffeine Affect Women Differently Than Men?

Caffeine may indeed effect the bodies of women differently than it does men.

It is not mystery that a woman's body has different chemistry to that of a man's body. This is primarily the result of the differing hormone levels in each sex.

These hormone differences may just influence how the caffeine molecule works while metabolizing in a woman or a man's body .

Below are some research studies that have looked for differences in caffeine's effects when comparing the results recorded by both men and women.

Caffeine May Help Women Better During Stressful Situations

Stress and caffeine

It appears that women in stressful situations are benefited by caffeine while men under the same amounts of stress are actually hindered by the caffeine.

Researchers at Bristol University, UK put male and female subjects in stressful situations where they had to solve complex problems and present their findings to their peers. Some were given decaf coffee while others were given regular coffee.

The females that consumed the caffeine performed much better than the females without caffeine, while the evils that consumed caffeine actually performed worse than the drinking drinking decaf.

  • Caffeine and Women and Men's Blood Pressure
  • caffeine blood pressure men and women

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that caffeine elevated blood pressure of both men and women similarly. But, the reason this happened was different.

  •     In men caffeine caused increased vascular resistance.
  •     In women caffeine caused increased cardiac output.

Women Show Higher Post Meal Cortisol Levels After Caffeine

caffeine and cortisol
A study published in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior looked at how caffeine influences cortisol levels, stress, exercise, and meals.

  •     During stressful situations caffeinated men released more cortisol than caffeinated women.
  •     During exercise caffeine elevated both men and women's cortisol levels.
  •     After a meal, caffeine elevated to woman's cortisol level greater than it elevated to man's.

Researchers said that cortisol is elevated in men as the result of caffeine's effect on the central nervous system, while in women this occurs from caffeine interacting with peripheral metabolic mechanisms.

Caffeine and Pain Tolerance

caffeine and pain relief
Caffeine has long been touted for its pain relieving properties , but this may be different for men and women.

A study published in Psychophysiology looked at caffeine's pain relieving effects in both men and women. They said that caffeine did increase pain threshold, but this effect was greater in men than it was in women.

Perhaps Excedrin may work better on men than it does on woman?

What About Teen Boys and Girls?

A recent study from the University of Buffalo looked at how caffeine affects teen boys and girls and found some differences.

They found that they have a greater response to caffeine, but a girl's response changes depending on which stage of her menstrual cycle she is in.

This was indicated by heart rate and blood pressure changes. Src.

In any event, men and women may not be equal to the effects of caffeine, but the differences are pretty subtle according to the research we have to date.

Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)

Caffeine in the Breast Milk of Breastfeeding Mothers

Caffeine in breast milk can vary depending on how much caffeine the mother consumes.

The amount of 1 mg of caffeine per 3.4 floz or 100 ml of breast milk is the estimated amount present after a breastfeeding woman consumes 16 floz Large brewed coffee from Starbucks (330 mg of caffeine).

Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)
Grove Square Cappuccino, French Vanilla, 50 Single Serve Cups (Packaging May Vary)

Breast Milk Caffeine Formula

Researchers found that women who consume 100 mg of caffeine usually transfer about 2-4 micrograms of caffeine per 1 ml of breast milk with peak concentration being 1-2 hours after consuming the caffeine.

  •     We took the average amount which is 3 micrograms / ml.
  •     3 micrograms = .003 milligrams.
  •     .003 x 100 ml = .3 mg / 100 ml of breast milk.
  •     A 16 floz Starbucks delivers 330 mg of caffeine so we have to multiply .3 by 3.3 to arrive at .99 mg or rounded up to 1 mg of caffeine per 10 ml of breast milk.

Breastfeeding and Safe Caffeine Amount

The European Food Safety Authority recently released the findings of their research on caffeine safety and included data on lactating / breastfeeding women.

They stated that single doses of about 200 mg pose no risk to the nursing child, but breastfeeding women should consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day in total.

However, other research shows that up to 3 months old, a baby's body does not do a good job of processing caffeine. Therefore, it can build up in the baby's system over time. A review of all research conducted by the University of Warwick found that there is no positive or negative association with small amounts of caffeine in breastmilk as it relates to the health of the baby.

Breastfeeding mothers should keep this in mind when consuming anything caffeine, however, after 3 months it is probably safe for mothers to have moderate caffeine amounts of 200 mg per day.

It is worth noting that caffeine, when given to premature babies or babies with low birthweight, stimulates their breathing and prevents sleep apnea and possibly sudden infant death syndrome . Recent research concluded that this treatment is safe and poses no risk to the baby's cardiovascular system.

However, only medical professionals should administer caffeine to at-risk newborns infants since accurate dosing is paramount.
Research has just been released that shows that almost all of the samples of breastmilk tested from an online breastmilk marketplace contained levels of caffeine. Women should use caution when using such resources. The researchers also found bacteria and unsafe levels of other drugs in the samples obtained.

Caffeine Causes Breast Shrinkage

A strange side effect of caffeine is that it could possibly cause breast tissue to shrink.

Although there are numerous studies that report that women have moderate cups of coffee a day have less risk of cancer, stroke , and heart disease, caffeine does come with it's share of negatives as well.

So this negative could possibly be that despite the fact that coffee consumed daily may be healthy , it has been shown by one study to shrink breast size slightly.
The Caffeine and Breast Shrinkage Study

This study comes out of Sweden whose people are known for their love for massive amounts of coffee.

The study found that women who drank three or more cups of coffee a day had some remarkable breast tissue shrinkage.

    Helena Jernstroem, of Lund University explained that although some shrinkage was noted, the breasts would not eventually disappear, but only shrink slightly. Also, it only shrinks the breasts of women with a certain gene.

What This Means

Not much of anything. The decreased size was barely noticeable and would only be possible in certain women. There would also be a lot more research involved to fully understand how this is happening.

It looks like this finding was part of a larger study of the researcher conducted on breast cancer .

Women do not really need to worry about this, but it is interesting to note that there is so much we do not understand about caffeine and all the ways this drug interacts with various parts of the bodies of both women and men alike .

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Caffeine May Cause Gout

caffeine could cause gout Arthritis experts recently met to discuss recent studies about gout. Some of the studies showed that caffeine can increase a person's risk for contracting gout .

Gout is an inflammatory disease similar to arthritis, where uric acid builds up in the joints and tendons causing swelling and pain.

Since 1984 reported gout attacks have increased 45% and 8 million Americans were diagnosed with gout in 2008 alone.

McCafé Premium Roast Decaf Coffee K-Cup Pods, 84 Count
McCaf? Premium Roast Decaf Coffee K-Cup Pods, 84 Count

But, is caffeine really to blame?

Gout and Caffeine Studies

Since gout is on the increase there have been many studies which seek to identify the cause (s) for this dramatic increase.

Below are just a few of the studies that have looked at caffeine, coffee, tea and their influence on a person developing gout.

  •     A study sponsored by the American College of Rheumatology found that men who are coffee drinkers actually decrease their risk of experiencing gout. src .
  •     A study from the American Society for Nutrition showed that women who drink coffee also had less risk of developing gout. src .
  •     Another study showed that people who are on caffeine are more likely to have a gout attack. This means that people who usually have little caffeine daily but occasionally have a lot of caffeine in one day are at risk.
  •     A related study looked at the lifestyles of 79,000 women who were at least one sugary beverage daily were twice as likely to suffer with gout than women who very rarely drank sugary beverages. This study did not list caffeine as a factor, but just the sugar content of the beverage. src .

What Can We learn From This?

  •     It looks like if you want to reduce your chances of getting gout, caffeine should be consumed at a consistent amount of time instead of binging.
  •     Also, choose sugar-free energy drinks or unsweetened coffee and tea as a way to get your caffeine fix without increasing your risk of a painful gout attack.
  •     Daily coffee may decrease risk of gout since it lowers the uric acid concentrations in the bloodstream. src .
  •     Your dominate drink should be water, especially if you have a history of gout.

It seems like most of the studies show that caffeine consumed in the form of coffee actually decreases gout risk.

It is most likely that sugary drinks are the most dangerous as far as gout risk is concerned, which is independent of caffeine content. Gout treatment includes many dietary restrictions but so moderate caffeine seems to be ok.

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Caffeine and Heart Arrhythmias (Irregular Heartbeat)

The guidelines to follow for safety

A cardiac arrhythmia is when the heart beats out of rhythm sometimes missing a beat or beating twice in the period that would usually be one beat.

Since caffeine is a stimulant and speeds up heart rate, doctors believed that this effect could be dangerous for those with heart arrhythmias.

Doctors once warned those with cardiac arrhythmias to avoid consuming caffeine, but this advice may be somewhat outdated.

Those with existing heart arrhythmias should exercise caution when consuming caffeine, which involves understanding the amount of caffeine in beverages / foods as well as the amount they are consuming daily.

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Half-Caff, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Half-Caff, Single Serve Coffee K-Cup Pod, Medium Roast, 72

Some people do report that their heart "flutters" after drinking caffeinated beverages and are understandably concerned about this.
Moderate Caffeine Ok for those with Arrhythmias

The Arrhythmia Research:

1. The most up to date research published in the January 2016 edition of the Journal of the American Heart Association found that among regular coffee, tea, and chocolate consumers studied there was no increased instance of heart rate rhythm abnormalities compared to the study group that did not consume coffee, tea, and chocolate regularly.

2. An article published in The American Journal of Medicine shows that caffeine in moderation seems safe.

After reviewing all of the studies published concerning caffeine, among those with known arrhythmias, Daniel J. Pelchovitz, MD and Jeffrey J. Goldberger, MD.

3. Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, CA recently conducted a study in which the coffee-drinking habits of 130,054 men and women were assessed along with their medical history.

The research showed that those who had 4 or more cups of coffee a day (400mg of caffeine or more) had an 18% lower risk of being hospitalized because of rhythm disturbances while those that consumed at least 1-3 cups had a 7% lower risk

The head researcher, Arthur Klatsky MD, says :

    "While other factors could have been involved here and that this study does not prove that coffee has a protective effect, it does however, show that coffee drinkers are not harming themselves from drinking the caffeine or increasing their risk of hospitalization due to heart rhythm problems. "

4. A Danish study also looked at coffee's relationship to heart beat fluttering. After assessing almost 950 patients, they said that coffee was not associated with risk of heart flutter.

5. Another study which was a link between coffee and atrial fibrillation risk found that there was no association between coffee and coffee and increased risk of developing atrial fibrillation.

This is all good news for those who love coffee and / or energy drinks but have known heart arrhythmias. It looks like they can have a caffeine-laden beverages in moderation and still be safe.

A moderate daily dose of caffeine for a healthy adult is between 300-400mg .
Those with heart rhythm problems should probably aim for no more than 200mg daily.

Most doctors advise patients with arrhythmias to quit or cut back on their caffeine .
Energy Drinks and Heart Rhythm Problems

energy drinks and heart rhythm problems Unfortunately for energy drink consumers, most of the caffeine and heart rhythm research conducted looked at coffee as the caffeine delivery method.

We know that coffee is naturally high in antioxidants, which are believed to be beneficial in protecting bodily organs from disease.

Energy Drinks do not offer the same benefit and the results could be different with this caffeine delivery agent. Especially since many energy drinks are a combination of caffeine, taurine, sugar and sometimes other stimulants.

People with existing heart arrhythmias should be extremely cautious when using these products.
People consuming energy drinks and shots should fully understand their heart health before consuming these products in larger than recommended quantities.
Excessive Caffeine May Be Deadly

For those with heart arrhythmias, excessive caffeine may be deadly. To date, there have been several reported deaths as the result of caffeine overdose in those with heart arrhythmias.

Some reported caffeine deaths of those with arrhythmias.

  •     Anais Fournier died after just 480mg of caffeine.
  •     A New Zealand woman died after 900-1000mg of caffeine daily.
  •     Alex Morris died from reportedly drinking 320mg of caffeine though Monster Energy Drink.
  •     A 25-year-old woman died after consuming a guarana based drink. Src .

It is vital that people know their heart and health caffeine as it can be deadly for people with arrhythmias under certain circumstances.

Caffeine Does not Cause Arrhythmias to Develop

There is no scientific evidence that caffeine causes heart arrhythmias in those with a healthy heart.

Nor is there any evidence that drinking caffeinated beverages long-term will cause an arrhythmia to develop.

However, some people could be unaware that they have an arrhythmia or that they are prone to developing one based on their genetics, which is why caffeine should always be consumed in moderation.

Binging on caffeine, even eleven, can have dangerous consequences.

We encourage caffeine in moderation and especially in cases where people have heart arrhythmias. If you have an arrhythmia, we encourage you to use all of the tools this site has to offer to help you consume caffeine safely.

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20+ Harmful Effects of Caffeine

The harmful effects of caffeine are sometimes harder to find information on than all of the reported positives .

Here are a few of the studies that said that caffeine could be dangerous to one's health.

Café Bustelo Espresso Style K-Cup Pods for Keurig Brewers, Dark Roast Coffee, 72 Count
Caf? Bustelo Espresso Style K-Cup Pods for Keurig Brewers, Dark Roast Coffee, 72 Count

Research Showing Harmful Effects of Caffeine

  1.     More than 4 cups of coffee linked to early death. A Mayo Clinic partnered study found that men who drank more than four 8 fl.oz. cups of coffee had a 21% increase in all-cause mortality. However, those who reported that they were very likely to smoke and have poor fitness. Dr. Nancy Snyderman from NBC said there were a few discrepancies with the study, but stresses that moderation is still key. See Her Interview Here .
  2.     Caffeine can raise blood pressure. Especially in those already suffering from hypertension and those who do not normally consume caffeine . People with hypertension were given 250 mg of caffeine (about 2 coffees) and the data revealed that their blood pressure was elevated for about 2-3 hours after the caffeine. Src . A second study performed by The Mayo Clinic found similar results from a 160 mg dose. All participants experienced a marked rise in blood pressure and it was the most pronounced in those that did not normally consume caffeine. Src .
  3.     Increased risk of heart attacks among young adults . A study conducted by Dr. Lucio Mos found that young adults who were diagnosed with mild hypertension had 4 times the risk of having a heart attack if they consumed the amount of caffeine equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. More moderate weather showed 3 times the risk. Src .
  4.     Caffeine linked to gout attacks . This study showed that people who caffeinated beverages increased their risk for a gout flare-up. Src .
  5.     Breast tissue cysts in women . One study showed that "Women who consumed 31-250 mg of caffeine / day had a 1.5-fold increase in the odds of developing fibrocystic breast cancer and women who drank over 500 mg / day had a 2.3-fold increase in the odds of developing cysts Src .
  6.     Caffeine could cause incontinence . A study out of the University of Alabama showed that women who consume a lot of caffeine are 70% more likely to develop incontinence. Src .
  7.     Caffeine may cause insomnia . Caffeine in a person's system at bedtime can mimic the symptoms of insomnia. Src .
  8.     Caffeine can cause indigestion . People who consume caffeinated beverages often report an upset stomach or indigestion. This usually occurs when the beverages are consumed on an empty stomach. Src .
  9.     Caffeine can cause headaches . While occasional dosages of caffeine can relief headache symptoms, the overuse of caffeine can cause headaches and lead to migraines. Src .
  10.     Caffeine could reduce fertility in women . A study from the University of Nevada School of Medicine showed that caffeine can reduce a woman's chances of becoming pregnant by about 27%. Src .
  11.     Caffeine and miscarriage risk : In a recent study, both men and women who consumed at least two caffeinated beverages a day during the week prior to conception increased the risk of a miscarriage. Src .
  12.     Caffeine may not be healthy for type 2 diabetics . A study conducted by the American Diabetes Association showed that caffeine impaired glucose metabolism in those with type 2 diabetes. Src .
  13.     Caffeine overdose . While overdose is rare, it can lead to many adverse symptoms including death, especially in those with underlying medical conditions. Some have a lower tolerance for caffeine than others. Src .
  14.     Caffeine allergies . Some people have over-sensitivity to the caffeine molecule, which causes allergic-like reactions in the body such as hives and pain. Although not a true allergy, many report very negative symptoms after consuming even the smallest amounts. Src .
  15.     Caffeine causes more forceful heart contractions . A recent study showed that immediately after energy drink the heart produced more forceful contractions. It is unclear if this has any long-term health implications except for those with known health conditions. Src .
  16.     Worse menopause symptoms . A recent study published in The Journal of The North American Menopause Society showed that menopausal women who consumed caffeine had a greater degree of vasomotor symptoms. Src .
  17.     Caffeine can lead to increased anxiety, depression and the need for anxiety medication . Src and Src . See also our article as to why caffeine causes anxiety and panic attacks .
  18.     Caffeine increases the number of sugary drinks consumed by people , which contributes to obesity and diabetes. Src .
  19.     Caffeine inhibits collagen production in the skin . This effect is dose-dependent but really heavy caffeine consumers should be aware. The study
  20.     Caffeine interferes with ossification and could also lead to a greater risk of bone fractures . This is dose dependent, but heavy caffeine consumers should take note. Study 1 (pdf) Study 2 .
  21.     Caffeine does not help with prolonged sleep deprivation: This can lead to a false sense of security for those who have been depressed for several days in a row and choose to get behind the wheel or some other focus required task, thinking that as long as they have caffeine, they'll be able to perform. Researchers from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine came to this conclusion after studying caffeine's effects on their sleep-deprived test subjects. Here's the study in detail .
  22.     Caffeine may impair hearing loss: For guinea pigs exposed to excessive levels of noise, caffeine was shown to delay the rate at which the guinea pigs recovered from noise-induced hearing loss. Here are the results of a recent study that investigated the problem. A correlation to humans is believed to exist but more research will be needed.

When not managed caffeine can quickly become an out of control problem.

If you are experiencing any tell-tale signs of the risks above, then it's time to start cutting back. Otherwise, it's just a matter of time.

Other Claims Against Caffeine

You may have heard or read about other negative health effects from caffeine, but as of now, there is not enough evidence to fully endorse those as legitimate health concerns.

Some of those negatives include:

  •     Adrenal fatigue
  •     Irregular heartbeat
  •     Hallucinations
  •     Accelerates bone loss. Src .
  •     Tremors

Caffeine is a drug and can affect people differently just like any other substance. It's important that consumers understand how to interact with their bodies in regards to their personal health histories.

The food and beverage industry spends millions, if not billions, of dollars worldwide to fund studies and promote caffeinated products as safe or even healthy.

Fortunately, caffeine is one of the most researched substances on the planet and there is some unbiased data in which to glean some reliable information from.

While much of the research is published, it is possible to see the safety and potential benefits of caffeine (in moderation), there are a handful of research studies that highlight the potentially harmful effects of caffeine.

The risks of suffering from any of the harmful effects of caffeine are diminished by being aware of how much is personally being consumed daily .

It is also important to be aware of any pre-existing medical conditions that may contribute to caffeine's negative effects.

Newman's Own Organics Special Blend Keurig Single-Serve Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, 32 Count

Caffeine Anxiety and Panic Attacks

In some, caffeine can produce feelings of anxiety and even be a catalyst for a full-blown panic attack.

However, this occurs only in people who have a slight genetic variation in their adenosine receptors which are responsible for caffeine's awakening effects but also regulate a person's sense of anxiety.

The Science Behind Caffeine and Anxiety Disorders

A well-conducted study, published in 2003 which was a joint project in part by the Department of Psychiatry, The University of Chicago and The Department of Psychiatry, University of Munster, Germany 1 Adenosine receptors were likely responsible for caffeine-induced anxiety.

Newman's Own Organics Special Blend Keurig Single-Serve Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, 32 Count
Newman's Own Organics Special Blend Keurig Single-Serve Medium Roast Coffee K-Cup Pods, 32 Count

The team looked at 3 different genotypes involving adenosine receptor genes to see if any of them would indicate whether or not a person would have increased anxiety when consuming caffeine.

They found that people with an A 2a receptor gene seem to be especially at risk of experiencing increased anxiety when consuming coffee, tea, energy drinks, or other caffeine-containing products.

Both the A 1 and the A 2a adenosine receptors in a person's brain are thought to also regulate how a person deals with stress and anxiety. Since caffeine binds to these receptors , it is thought to interfere with anxiety regulation.

Therefore, those who have the A 2a gene difference could experience increased anxiety when consuming caffeine. People in an already anxious state could be prone to full-blown panic attacks if they consume caffeine during this period.

In the study referenced above, participants were given just 150 mg of caffeine, which was enough to elicit anxiety in those with the gene variation. This is less than half the amount of caffeine found in a Starbucks Grande Coffee .

The study did not account for other factors such as caffeine tolerance since all the participants were nonhabitual caffeine users.

Yet another study published in The American Medical Journal 2 looked at people who were already diagnosed by the DSM-III criteria for agoraphobia with panic attacks or panic disorder and those with normal anxiety levels.

They evaluated each group's responses to caffeine. They found that within the diagnosed group, 71% reported feelings associated with panic attacks after consuming the caffeine.


Since most people, without genetic testing, would have no idea whether or not they have the A 2a receptor mutation, most people will have the safety of consuming caffeine based on their current history of anxiety and inclination towards panic attacks.

Those who experience anxiety and who are not habitual caffeine users should abstain from caffeine altogether. They should be aware of which products contain caffeine and avoid them.

Those who are daily caffeine consumers and who also suffer from anxiety should try to keep their daily consumption of caffeine fairly consistent. Consuming more caffeine than their usual amount could increase anxiety levels. This group should also be aware how much caffeine their favorite beverages contain and keep track of their daily consumption.

The aforementioned group should also consider cutting back on caffeine or quitting caffeine to better manage their anxiety and risk of panic attacks. Even habitual caffeine users could be at increased risk of panic attacks if life situations arise that cause increased stress and anxiety. Caffeine could "push them over the edge".

Exercise May Help Reduce Caffeine-Induced Anxiety

Additional research from the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego 3 found that regular exercise seems to lessen the degree to which caffeine heightens anxiety levels in those prone to anxiety.

In this study, researchers exposed to group of anxiety-prone men to both 60 minutes of cycling and 60 minutes of quiet rest after the administration of 800 mg of caffeine and then evaluated their level of anxiety after each test.

They found that rest did not have any effect on decreasing the level of anxiety reported, but the exercise did significantly reduce the level of anxiety reported by the participants.

So, the bottom line here is that exercise could lessen the degree to which caffeine causes increased anxiety in those already prone to problems with anxiety.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Odacio, 10 Count,Pack of 3

Caffeine Reduces Muscle Pain

Caffeine's pain reducing qualities have long been known and researched.

In fact, caffeine is one of the main ingredients in such pain relievers as Excedrin and Anecin .

However, with caffeine and pain relief there is definitely a catch 22 situation.

Consuming occasional caffeine can be a great pain relief enhancer, BUT using caffeine everyday and then stopping caffeine can actually cause headache and muscle pain.

Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Odacio, 10 Count,Pack of 3
Nespresso VertuoLine Coffee, Odacio, 10 Count,Pack of 3

Let's look at some of the research behind caffeine and it's pain relieving qualities.
Pain Relief and Caffeine Research

1. The University of Georgia has found that a moderate dose of caffeine (about two cups of coffee) can reduce post-workout pain by up to 48% .

Anyone who has ever done any weight training is familiar with the pain of sore muscles. It's particularly nasty if you are new to exercise (or have laid off for a while).

This research was small and for some reason they only tested women. Not only this - but the women were not regular caffeine users - so perhaps the effect might be reduced in those who are regular caffeine drinkers.

    "A lot of times what people use for muscle pain is aspirin or ibuprofen, but caffeine seems to work better than those drugs, at least among women whose daily caffeine is low," O'Connor said.

2. The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study that wanted to see if caffeine acted a pain relieving adjuvant. In other words, if it could increase the effectiveness of other drugs while using less of the other drug.

They said that when they were combined with other pain relievers, 40% less of the other drug was needed to bring the same amount of relief experienced with using just the non-caffeine drug alone.

3. A study published in a 2003 issue of The Journal of Pain showed that caffeine can also reduce muscle pain during moderate intensity exercise .

Some participants were given large doses of caffeine prior to cycling exercise, others were not. The caffeine group had significant less muscle pain during the exercise than the placebo group.

This may also explain why caffeine is used as an endurance aid for athletes .

4. New research out of Brazil, which was conducted by Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology and the University of Brasilia (UNB) isolated to protein in coffee beans that is similar to morphine , but works even better. Note that this is separate from the caffeine compound's pain relieving effect. They are currently doing further research on this protein and its pain relieving applications.

Caffeine Tolerance Makes a Difference

If a person consumes caffeine everyday, then the only way to experience caffeine's pain relieving effect is to consume more than the amount of the daily amount he or she has been accustomed to.

Since people build up a tolerance to the caffeine molecule, habitual caffeine more or less maintains a sense of normality.

This is why such severe withdrawal symptoms can be experienced when the daily dose is missed. There is a drastic departure from what normal feels like and pain, therefore ensues.

How to experience the most pain relief from caffeine?

  •     Do not consume caffeine everyday, but only when pain relief is needed.
  •     Consume the same amount of caffeine everyday and extra when pain relief is desired.
  •     Do not miss your daily dose if you're a habitual caffeine consumer.

Caffeine can be used as a way to reduce and manage muscle pain as well as other pain, but it seems to be effective when the above guidelines are followed.

Caza Trail Coffee, Kona Blend, 100 Single Serve Cups

Anatomy of a Caffeine Headache: Causes, Remedies, Prevention

A caffeine headache has been experienced by just about anyone who consumes caffeine on a regular basis.

This caffeine-induced headache usually starts behind the eyes and then works its way up the front of the forehead as it develops further, becoming quite debilitating if left unchecked.

Caza Trail Coffee, Kona Blend, 100 Single Serve Cups
Caza Trail Coffee, Kona Blend, 100 Single Serve Cups

For some, this is a trigger to migraine, but for most people a caffeine headache is moderately painful and several in severity depending on the cause.

Top 5 Causes of a Caffeine Headache

  •     Caffeine withdrawal
  •     Varied caffeine
  •     Caffeine overdose
  •     Caffeine sensitivity
  •     Caffeine allergy

How to Remedy an Aching Head

The number one cause of a caffeine headache is caffeine withdrawal.

Even a small decline (30-100mg) in the amount of caffeine a person usually consumes can result in a mild headache.

People who miss their daily dose, consume less than their average, or who are detoxing from caffeine will most likely experience this type of headache.

As many have experienced, you do not need to have an addict to experience the negative effects of caffeine

People who consume caffeine in a hit or miss fashion tend to have more caffeine-induced headaches than those who have the same amount every day.

Also, for those who consume too much caffeine in a short amount of time often experience a headache as a common caffeine overdose symptom.

Finally, those who are ultra-sensitive to the caffeine molecule or who have an "allergic-like" reaction to the substance, can also experience a headache. However, this type of caffeine headache the least common.

If you are not intentionally quitting caffeine, the best remedy for a caffeine withdrawal headache is to consume more caffeine.

As soon as a person begins to feel tightness behind the eyes, he / she should evaluate his / her recent caffeine consumption and then consume an adequate amount of caffeine to stop the withdrawal.

Pain relievers such as Excedrin also include caffeine and canine remedy the caffeine withdrawal headache faster since they contain added pain relievers.

For those that are purposely detoxing from caffeine or for those that have consumed too much caffeine , we recommend the following.

  •     Take pain relievers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, and naproxen. ( use only as directed)
  •     Drink plenty of water .
  •     Avoid medications, beverages, and foods with added caffeine .
  •     Sleep .

Most of the time to caffeine headache will peak in severity and then gradually get better as the body adjusts to having no caffeine.

    " I find that most of the time pain killers dull the pain and a good night sleep takes care of the rest. "

Note: For those that had a moderate to severe addiction to caffeine, the headache could last for several days, but usually the severity of the first 24 hour period without caffeine.

How to avoid a caffeine headache

The Two Best Methods for Prevention

For those that want to prevent a caffeine headache, there are two ways to keep a caffeine headache from developing.

  •     Consume about the same amount of caffeine every day. - Do not vary by any more than about 30-50 mg each and every day, even on the weekends.
  •     Eat zero to very little caffeine - Eliminate caffeine from the diet completely. Usually, people who have very small amounts, such as a chocolate , will not experience any problems with developing a caffeine-induced headache.

By understanding how a caffeine headache develops, how to remedy it, and how to prevent it; this type of headache does not have to be an issue for most people.

Being aware of the caffeine content of your favorite beverages as well as being mindful of how much you have consumed your best defenses against getting caffeine-induced headaches.

Helpful Tools

1. Our caffeine content database can help people keep track of their caffeine and be aware of how much caffeine they are consuming daily.

2. Download a caffeine-tracking app. This smartphone application allows users to easily track their daily caffeine.

3. Our Guide to Quitting Caffeine provides a step-by-step plan to remove the caffeine without the painful withdrawal symptoms such headaches.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Nespresso OriginalLine: Vanilio, Ciocattino, Caramelito - ''NOT Compatible with Vertuoline''

Caffeine Addiction Diagnosis

addict This quiz will give you an idea of ​​just how addicted to caffeine you really are.

Note: This quiz is for informational purposes only and not intended to professionally diagnose caffeine addiction.

Nespresso OriginalLine: Vanilio, Ciocattino, Caramelito - ''NOT Compatible with Vertuoline''
Nespresso OriginalLine: Vanilio, Ciocattino, Caramelito - NOT Compatible with Vertuoline

Do you consume a caffeinated beverage daily?

And it is
Do not

Do you get a headache if you had not had caffeine by lunchtime?

And it is
Do not

Do you take caffeine pills if drinking a caffeinated beverage is not possible?

And it is
Do not

Do you consume at least 500mg of caffeine daily? (ie 4-5 coffees or 3 energy drinks)

And it is
Do not

Do you use caffeine instead of sleep?

And it is
Do not

Do you get irritable and impatient if you have not had your morning caffeine dose?

And it is
Do not

Does your current caffeine not longer give you a boost, but just a feeling of normal?

And it is
Do not

Do you spend at least 25 dollars a week on caffeinated products?

And it is
Do not

Do you plan your day around getting your caffeine fix?

And it is
Do not

Do you drink more caffeinated beverages than you do plain water?

And it is
Do not

This caffeine addiction diagnosis tool can give you a good idea just how addicted to caffeine you really are.

While there is still ongoing debate as to how caffeine should be classified substance wise , anyone that has ever tried to quit caffeine can attest that the withdrawal symptoms can be quite uncomfortable.

So, in some sense, caffeine is definitely addictive. At any rate, caffeine is the most used psychoactive substance on the planet, therefore, it must have at least some grip on the billions of people who consume caffeine daily.

Should You Quit?

If you are a slave to your coffee mug or energy drink, then you already know the answer. The real question becomes, how am I going to quit without failing my day-to-day responsibilities ?!

What's Wrong with Being Addicted to Caffeine?

squirril-addict Generally speaking, there is no right or wrong answer here, but instead, it depends on the individual.

If caffeine is interfering with your ability to lead to productive and well-adjusted life, then cutting back may be in order.

  •     Spending too much money on caffeinated products.
  •     Always using caffeine instead of proper sleep.
  •     Becoming tolerant of extreme caffeine amounts .

May all be some good reasons to evaluate your addiction to the substance.

Also, if your health is being affected due to a caffeine allergy or underlying heart condition then caffeine may need to be eliminated from your diet.

On the other hand, if caffeine is not being abused, you enjoy it, and it helps you be productive there is probably no reason to not enjoy it.

If you have to be addicted to something, I guess there are far worse addictions out there than caffeine addiction.