Friday, May 10, 2019

Starting your lawnmower: initial troubleshooting checklist

Starting your lawnmower: initial troubleshooting checklist

  • # 1 Use fresh gas. Do not use old gasoline that may cause difficulty starting. Make sure there is enough fuel in the tank and check that the vent on the tank cap is unlocked.
  • # 2 Make sure the spark cable is firmly attached to the Plug and the plug is securely screwed. Try replacing the spark plug with a new one.
  • # 3 Make sure the "Dead Man" control on the mower is kept fully against the mower handle during startup.
  • # 4 Activate choke if a manual choke is installed. Do not turn the choke on if the engine has been running for the last 5 minutes.
  • # 5 Be sure to press the primer bulb about 5 times (if applicable). If the mower is running out of gas during cutting, you will need to prime again.
  • # 6 Check that the air filter is not dirty. Wash and dry a foam-type air filter (see below for details), or replace a dirty paper filter.
  • # 7 Check that the cord connecting the "dead Man's Handle" (on the frame) with the motor is not damaged or broken.
  • # 8 Check that the carburetor is properly screwed or screwed to the motor.
  • # 9 Make sure there is no water in the bottom of the fuel tank.
  • # 10 If the starter cable is difficult to remove, check that there are no grass groups that obstruct the bottom of the platform. These can clog the blade. Unplug the spark plug before attempting to move the blade to remove clippings.

How to repair a lawn mower

What happens if my lawnmower still doesn't start?

Scroll down to learn more about how your machine works and other troubleshooting tips.

Protecting Your hands

Ideally, you should wear gloves to protect your hands from dirt that can irritate sensitive skin, especially if you have to change the engine oil or if your hands are in contact with gasoline or diesel. Disposable latex gloves are not recommended, and vinyl gloves are supposed to have only "fair" resistance to petrol/oils, according to specifications. From experience, I have discovered that vinyl disposables appear to be much more durable than latex, and resist contact with oil, grease and gasoline for short periods. Nitrile rubber gloves are the most resistant to these chemicals.

If you dispense with gloves and work with bare hands (which inevitably happens because it is difficult to handle small pieces with gloves), a hand cleaner will do a better job than soap to remove dirt.

Lawn mower Oil Check

Lawn mower Oil Check

Oil level should be between the high and low marks on the dipstick.
The oil level must be between the high and low marks on the level rod.

How to repair a lawn mower

Reasons and solutions for a lawn mower that won't start

Why your mower will not start     Possible      solutions
  • The engine is not getting the fuel it needs.    Empty and re-fill the tank with fresh gas; Check fuel inlet system: carburetor canister; Choke, throttle, choke button, fuel filter
  • He's not getting the spark he needs.    Clean the spark plug, check its connections or replace it; Check the ignition system.
  • Needs oil    Check the oil level. Some newer engines have a low oil level floating switch to turn off the start
  • He's not getting the air he needs.    Check, clean, or replace the air filter.
  • Problems with the starter rope.    Check the flywheel brake; Make sure there is nothing clogging the blade.
  • You put diesel in the engine instead of gasoline    Did you really use gasoline? It can detect by smell if fuel is diesel, kerosene or gas. Ask someone who knows the difference.
  • Other.    Then you will find many more causes and possible solutions.
  • You will then find detailed instructions for troubleshooting and solving all of these problems.

The golden rule of problem solving

Remember to do just one change at a time and try to start over, because if you don't, your first bright spark of inspiration can solve the problem and the second silly idea can make things work again.

How to check the level of oil in a lawn mower

How to check the level of oil in a lawn mower

Lawnmower engines are usually 4-stroke, although 2-stroke engines are available. A 4-stroke engine has a crankcase located at the lowest point of the engine. The oil in this tank is thrown on the walls of the cylinder, the crankshaft and all other moving parts with a dashboard or "flicker". The oil level in an engine must be checked before use. If the level is too low or there is no oil in the motor, it will seize quickly.

How to repair a lawn mower

  •     Make sure the engine is cold or wait 5 minutes for the oil to stabilize if the engine has been running.
  •     Place mower on a level surface.
  •     Remove the dipstick: it is usually attached to a small screw cap, smaller than the fuel tank.
  •     Clean the rod with a cloth. Consider the high and low level marks.
  •     Replace the measuring rod.
  •     Now remove the dipstick again and check that the level is between the marks.

Acquire the habit of checking the oil level regularly. Ideally, this should be done every time you use the lawnmower, but if the engine is not burning oil, one control is sufficient each month (depending on use). If cutting in sloping terrain, oil consumption may be higher if oil is expelled through a vent/deflector arrangement for the crankcase called a vent. In fact, it is not harmful to keep the carburetor on the high side when working on a slope.

Lawn mowers should have an oil change after every 20 to 50 hours of use (see your manual or search engine block for more information). If you do not know how to do this, refer to my guide how to change mower oil.

If you buy a new lawnmower or engine, the oil sump will usually be empty. The manufacturers drain the oil after the test and before shipment so that it does not leak if the boxes/boxes are turned upside down. Do not forget to add oil before use! Usually there is a label to remind you to do this before you begin.

How do you start a lawn mower? Correct start procedure

How do you start a lawn mower? Correct start procedure

    Fill the gas tank with a funnel to avoid spilling gas on the engine (spilled gas could ignite if the engine is hot, so ideally wait until it cools).

How to repair a lawn mower

    Check oil level as described below.
  •     Use new fuel. Old fuel may make it difficult to start, especially fuel containing ethanol that attracts moisture and can cause corrosion. As the fuel evaporates, you can leave a deposit of rubber, gel or varnish that can clog or glue moving parts. Use a fuel stabilization product such as STA-BIL to keep fuel fresh during storage. Once you have the lawnmower running, you can add the old fuel to the fuel in the tank, little by little during the season to use it.
  •     The throttle control must be set to the full revolution position. The motors have a device called choke (basically a plate that acts as a blockage in the air inlet) which makes the fuel vapor sucked into the engine "richer" or more concentrated, and this helps to begin. In some cutters, the choke is completely automatic and shuts off when the engine runs for a few seconds. On other mowers, the throttle must be set to an initial start/choke position that ignites the choke mechanism. Once the engine starts, the throttle control returns to the Operation setting. A third scenario is that the choke is completely manual and must be turned on. Usually there is a small lever to do this that should slide into position. This is often the case with portable generators. If a choke is separate, turn it on when starting a cold engine and turn it off after the engine has been running for approximately 5 seconds. Do not use the choke if the engine has been running for the last 10 minutes or so.
  •     If the motor has a choke button, press it and release it about 5 times in total. Primer is a small pump (such as pump action in a bottle of window cleaner) whose function is to suck fuel up into the carburetor from the vessel or floating tank. This allows for easier starting, without requiring multiple pulls of the starter cable to suck fuel into the carburetor.
  •     Pull the starter rope until you feel resistance. Let it come back gently and then pull the cable tightly. This should be repeated until the engine starts but no more than 4 times.
  •     If the engine has not started at this stage, press the priming button several more times and try to start the engine again by pulling the cable several times. If it does not start, it may have flooded, so leave it for a while for the fuel to evaporate.
  •     Once the engine has started and has been running for a few seconds, turn off the choke (If it is a manual control) or change the throttle from the start to the operating position (if there is a start position on the accelerator as described above))


Check the oil level regularly: the low oil level in an engine can cause premature wear. No oil at all will quickly cause a motor failure.

Safety comes first: Before you work on your lawn mower

Safety comes first: Before you work on your lawn mower

    Important: When working on a pruner, remember that gasoline/gasoline is flammable. Remove all sources of ignition, such as flames, stoves, sparks, cigarettes, or other hot objects in the vicinity when working in the tank or fuel lines. In addition, proper ventilation will prevent buildup of steam. Do not leave wet rags with gas either because they may ignite.

How to repair a lawn mower

  •     Remove the spark plug or unplug the cord. Before working on the underside of an engine, make sure the controls are off, the spark plug wire is disconnected and the motor has cooled down (if it was previously ripped off). If you are starting to turn the blade, remove the motor cap for absolute safety. In theory, it is possible, even if the plug cable is disconnected and the cylinder of a hot engine is flooded with gas, that the resulting vapor could explode when compressed by the piston, as in a diesel engine, as the blade is rotated during removal or While cleaning the bottom of the platform. Although the engine will not work, it may give a "kick" when turning the blade. This would be enough to cut your fingers or even a whole hand! Maybe it's a remote possibility, but removing the cap will vent the cylinder and prevent this from happening.
  •     Keep the carburetor side of the engine up to prevent oil spillage if the mower is side-mounted. The engine oil can also dirty the carburetor and air filter, making it difficult to start. The sump (the tank at the bottom of the engine that contains the oil) is vented to the atmosphere through a deflector/tab valve layout called a vent. Ventilation is necessary so that the air can come in and out of the sump as the piston moves in and out of the cylinder. The baffle prevents the oil droplets from escaping from the vent. In addition, some unburned gases can pass through the piston and into the crankcase. This would eventually cause an increase in pressure without the inclusion of a vent. The vent is sometimes connected to the carburetor through a tube, so any drop of oil that passes through the valve and the unburned gases are sucked into the engine and burned. (A defective vent valve may cause excess oil consumption.) The oil can come out through the vent if the motor rotates sideways with the vent down and the blade turned.
  •     Do not forget to drain the fuel tank if the mower is side-mounted. Otherwise, if the fuel level is higher than the vent on the tank cap, it may begin to drip. You can collect the gas in a jug or other suitable container (do not use one made of polystyrene that dissolves in gas). Alternatively, use a siphon pump designed for this purpose. If there is only a small amount of gas in the tank, then you do not need to do this.

Repair of small engines and four-stroke engines used in other equipment

Repair of small engines and four-stroke engines used in other equipment

While these tips apply to lawnmower engines, they are equally valid for other small four-stroke engines used in gardening equipment such as portable generators, air compressors, welders, pumps, cultivators (for example , Rotary cultivators, commonly known as "Rototiller" and "Rotavator"), Snow Plough, compactors (wackers), cement mixers, etc.

How to repair a lawn mower

Two-stroke engine troubleshooting

If you have encountered this page and need information on how to operate a 2-stroke engine (installed on hedge trimmers, string trimmers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, small generators and some lawn mowers), check my solution Troubleshooting Guide: The trimmer will not operate: 2-stroke engine and carburetor troubleshooting.

How does a lawn mower work?

A lawn mower motor is quite simple and basic compared to the one installed in your car, although the principle of operation is the same. In general, this type of engines are single-cylinder and four-stroke (four-cycle) and run on gasoline or "gas", which is known as gasoline outside North America. His formal name is "motor Spirit".
"Four times" means that there are four different phases or cycles by which these engines pass before the process is repeated:

First, fuel flows from the tank to a device called a carburetor (often shortened to carb in the U.S. Or carby in Australia) that mixes a thin mist of gasoline with air to form an explosive mixture.

  •     First Stroke (admission): The inlet valve opens and the mixture is sucked into a hollow cylinder in the engine block.
  •     2nd Stroke (compression): The inlet valve closes and the mixture is compressed.
  •     Third Stroke (Power): The mixture ignites with a spark and burns to generate power. The rapid rise in temperature and pressure forces a piston to descend through the cylinder, and this makes a crankshaft turn to turn the blade.
  •     4 º Blow (exhaust): The exhaust valve opens and the burned gases are expelled from the cylinder.

The entire four-stroke process is repeated about twenty times per second when the engine runs at maximum speed.
  • 4 stroke engine cycle
  • 4-Stroke Motor cycle


Always read the engine and manual of the mower before starting, operating or servicing your engine. Disconnect the spark cable and ideally remove the plug before cleaning the bottom of the platform or turning the blade
If you're trying to start the motor, check the spark connection. But if you need to clean under the deck or turn the blade, then remove the spark plug first.
If you try to turn on the engine, check the spark connection. But if you need to clean under the platform or turn the blade, first remove the spark plug.

How to fix a lawn mower that won't start

How to fix a lawn mower that won't start

Eugene has a keen interest in DIY and gardening. Over a period of 30 years he also self-taught in maintenance of garden power tools.

How to repair a lawn mower

Help! My lawn mower won't start after the winter

It's summer again, drag the lawnmower out of storage and of course refuses to start. Or it starts once, then it refuses to start again. Typical!

To start an engine, it basically requires two things: fuel and a spark. If you do not receive a spark in the plug or if the fuel does not reach the engine (known as fuel shortage), the machine will never turn. After storage during the winter, gaskets, pumps and valves in the carburetor may have been gummed with varnish deposits if fuel is left in the tank. During the summer, dust and dirt can block the fuel system or clog the filters.

In this article, you will find a ten-point checklist to start your lawnmower. If that doesn't work, you'll get more detailed information about fuel, oil and ignition system problems, carburetor fault search, poor compression testing, and other problems that could prevent engine startup.

Please note that this guide covers troubleshooting in four-cycle petrol engines.

How to replace a starter rope in a STIHL FS 55 cutter

How to replace a starter rope in a STIHL FS 55 cutter

The starter cord of a STIHL FS 55 cutter connects the motor and flywheel, allowing you to ignite the spark plug and make hot and cold starts. According to the STIHL 55 Clipper service manual,  "If the start-rope action becomes very stiff and the rope rewinds very slowly or does not completely, the starter mechanism may be assumed to be in order but dirty ". In this case, or if the starter rope breaks, you will need to install a replacement.

How to repair a lawn mower

Unscrew the three screws by holding the rewind starter rope in place. In the FS 55, the Rewind starter rope is on the back of the engine. Remove the lid that holds the rewind starter in place. Rotate the lid and clean the starter assembly with the rag.

Release the recoil spring mechanism of the pulley and release the tension on the starter rope. Pull the starter rope 6 inches (15.24 cm) outward. Hold the pulley mechanism and prevent it from spinning.

Pull the starter rope through the notch on the pulley and loop the rope. Continue holding the pulley while turning the loop clockwise until the spring disengages.

Unwrap the starter rope of the pulley and cut with the scissors at the point where it connects to the pulley. Cut the rope where it is tied to the starter handle. Discard the old rope, but keep the handle for the new rope.

Threads the new rope into the hole in the pulley and through the hole in the starter box. Tie a knot in the end of the rope over the hole of the pulley to adjust it to this. Threads the starter rope through the hole in the starter handle. Tie a knot in the end. Pull the rope a couple of times to make sure you're safe.

Wind the starter rope around the pulley. Engage the recoil spring by pulling 6 inches (15.24 cm) of the rope upward and passing it through the groove in the pulley. Make a loop on the rope and roll the pulley clockwise seven times.

Hold the pulley while unravelling and straightening the staked loop portion snugly on the starter rope. Continue to hold the starter handle to maintain the tension set. Release the pulley and slowly let go of the starter handle. The remaining string should be rewound; If it does not, repeat the tension process.

Put the starter rope in place over the boot box area. Screw the three screws to secure the cord and cap in place.

Safety goggles should be used when removing and installing the starter recoil tension spring.

How to install a new starter rope in a STIHL chainsaw 180

How to install a new starter rope in a STIHL chainsaw 180

The STIHL MS 180 chain saw offers a two-stroke and a dry weight of 8.6 lbs (3.9 kg). Like many other small motors with a starting traction mechanism, the nylon rope will eventually fray and break after prolonged use. Refraining from pulling the starter rope in rare directions or sideways will help keep the rope in good condition, avoiding excessive wear due to the friction of the fan housing. Replacing a broken or damaged starter rope is possible in a matter of minutes with the right tools on hand.

How to repair a lawn mower

Turn the cover lock on the back of the saw housing and remove the motor cover. Remove the oil filler cap and drain the oil into a suitable container. Remove the fuel cap and drain all fuel into a gasoline container.

Remove the two Torx screws that hold the Black Hand protector on the left and right sides of the chainsaw using the screwdriver set. Remove the screws securing the blower cover/motor start with a flat-head screwdriver. Remove the starter rope assembly from the engine and put on a suitable workbench for the interior mechanism to be exposed.

Make a knot at the end of the new starter pull rope and put it near to take it easily. Remove the old rope from the pulley of the starting mechanism, you may have to use some fine-tipped pliers to grab the old rope if it is stuck at the bottom of the pulley. Once you have pulled enough of the rope outward to hold it by hand, Extiéndela completely from the tension housing of the starter pulley.

Keep the position and tension of the pulley with your thumb while grasping the knot of the rope in the center of the pulley with the fine-tipped pliers. Pull the old wire through its center.

Put the new wire through the center of the pulley (so that the knotted end to rest inside the central portion of the pulley), through the face and releases the tension of the pulley. Detent the cable with the toothed part of the pulley and pull the rope by turning the pulley to the left. Continue winding the pulley until it becomes remarkably narrower, and then allows the pulley to turn counterclockwise one full turn.

Pass the end of the rope through the opening of the starter rope, keeping the tension on the pulley with the thumb. Put the extended rope from the housing through the plastic starter grip and tie a knot in the end to hold it, release the thumb from the pulley. It gives the new cable some test pulls to ensure its correct performance.

Replace the engine start assembly and tighten the mounting screws. Replace the Black Hand protector and re-install the motor cover. Fill the chainsaw again with liquid fuel to complete the process.

How to repair the starter cord in a Craftsman pruning machine?

How to repair the starter cord in a Craftsman pruning machine?

Craftman offers a series of driving garden clippers and standing behind with engines manufactured by Briggs & Stratton and Tecumseh. With the exception of electrically-powered models, these lawn mowers are started by pulling on a starter cord. Over time, exposure to the elements or just normal wear and tear, the cord may be damaged and broken. Repair the starter cord of a Craftsman mower in minutes with some basic tools on hand.

How to repair a lawn mower

Strip the black rubber cover that covers the spark plug to disconnect the spark plug wire.

Loosen and remove the screws securing the starter cover on the motor. Lift the cover out of the engine and put it upside down on a work table.

Hold the lid with one hand and turn the pulley in the center of the left cover until it stops rotating. Hold the pulley in place with a pair of wide jaw locking pliers.

Grab the knot in the hole near the center of the pulley and pull out the broken cable section.

Insert the end of the new starter rope (with the handle at the opposite end) into the hole in the starter cover and thread the cable through the pulley into the hole in the knot. When the cable appears in the hole in the knot, grab it with a pair of fine-tipped pliers and pull out a few centimeters of slack.

Tie a knot in the end of the cable. Burn the remaining end of the cable with a match to prevent fraying.

Pull the starter rope tightly from outside the lid until the knot sits in the hole in the knot.

Release the clamps from the wide pliers and let the cable wrap around the pulley.

Replace the lid on the motor and secure reinstalling the screws removed in step 2.

Re-connect the spark plug wire to the spark plug.

For long service life, always use a rope designed for use on a small starter motor.

Always disconnect the spark plug cable before starting to work on your engine.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

How can I troubleshoot a Stihl FS55 mower?

How can I troubleshoot a Stihl FS55 mower?

The Stihl FS55 is a straight-shaft cutter with sufficient power for commercial use on an occasional basis, but is the most suitable for those who have a home. Its weight is only 11 lbs. (5 kg), a nice feature for those who have large properties that require excessive trimming. By using high octane gas mixed with a good two-stroke oil, this machine must provide years of service. However, if your STIHL FS55 starts to malfunction, or not at all, solving the problem is not too difficult.

How to repair a lawn mower

Place your mower on a workbench or other flat surface. Remove the rubber cover from the spark plug. Use a wrench to remove the spark plug. Turn the key clockwise until the stopper is released. If the spark plug is black, Sustitúyela a new one. Tighten the plug again by turning the key clockwise until it is snug. Replace the cap on the spark plug.

Unscrew the fuel tank cap. Carefully unroll the mower from the weeder by pulling the gasoline out of the tank into a clean container, such as a large can of coffee or a bucket. With the mower completely upside down, shake gently until the fuel filter comes out of the tank.

Using needle-nosed pliers, gently pull the fuel filter out of the gas line. Get rid of it and slide the new fuel filter. Roll the brush cutter again until the tank opening is up. Reposition the fuel line and filter into the fuel tank.

Examine the gasoline for waste. If the gasoline is old or has waste, dispose of it. Replace with high octane gasoline properly mixed with two-stroke oil. If the gasoline is clean, use the funnel to insert it into the tank and pour it back into the reservoir. Screw the tank cap back on.

Locate the air filter cover on the STIHL mower. It'll be on the engine side. Unscrew the lid by turning the threaded knob to the right. Remove the air filter and clean, wash in warm soapy water and then dry completely. If the filter is dirty and greasy even after washing, change it to a new one. If not, reposition the air filter cover again.

It passes towards the end of the tail of the pruner. Remove the Stop button from the bobbin base by turning it counter-clockwise until it is released. Check the reel cutting line. If more is required, add the desired amount by taking care when winding the new line in the direction shown on the spool. Replace the spool on the head and screw the percussive knob back into place.

Read the owner's manual to learn more about STIHL FS 55.

Never work on a wire trimmer if the engine is hot.