Saturday, May 18, 2019

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 12 Rolls, 12 = 24 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 12 Rolls, 12 = 24 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

Paper towel is more hygienic than other methods for hand drying.

Hand hygiene is a very important aspect for microbiological control in any segment, and its efficiency is due to correct washing. However, little is said about the importance of hand drying on hand hygiene, as there is a high probability of transmitting microorganisms from wet skin than dry skin. In Brazilian legislation there are citations for lavatory installations that should preferably use non-recycled paper towels with non- annual activation or another hygienic system and hand drying insurance. Emphasizing that in the legislation eliminates the hypothesis of using cloth towel.

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 12 Rolls, 12 = 24 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets
 Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 12 Rolls, 12 = 24 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

According to research comparing the microbial reduction after hand drying, as well as the hygiene of the dryer surfaces , the environment and the users, of the three commonly used methods of hand drying (air jet, air dryers hot, and disposable paper towels ), it was found that air jet and hot air dryers have greater potential for contamination.

Air-jet dryers are excellent hand dryers due to high air velocities, unfortunately this means that water droplets with micro-organisms will be dispersed over longer distances and some will remain suspended in the air for several minutes (possibly hours ), taking into account that this will depend on the initial contamination and how the hands were washed.
In view of several results presented, it is concluded that the paper towel is the best solution, but this does not eliminate the existence of good practices such as waste management with paper and a good efficiency in cleaning the dispenser, walls and even
even the choice of the best dispenser, had to exist for better efficiency of the method.

Viva Signature Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

Viva Signature Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

What are Tissue Papers?

The term "tissue" describes products made of low weight, dry crepe and some uncreped paper, such as toilet paper, kitchen towels, tissues, facial paper, napkins, towels, etc. The origin of the fibers may be virgin fibers or recycled fibers. Properties of important tissue papers are the absorption of elastic energy along with good flexibility, softness paper towel superficial, bulk and high capacity for absorption of liquids. The largest and most important use for unisex papers is for hygiene products, such as: ¾ Hygienic Papers;

Viva Signature Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)
 Viva Signature Cloth TaskSize Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 12 Family Rolls (143 sheets per roll)

  •     Kitchen Towels;
  •     Double Sheet Paper Towels;
  •     Facial Tissue;
  •     Disposable diapers;
  •     Hospital Paper;
  •     Sanitary Napkins;
  •     Refreshing towels.

Tissue paper is used for the production of a huge quantity of products, and the quality requirements vary according to the purpose of the product and the expectations of the consumer. In some products, softness may be the fundamental property, while in others it may be resistance. In some situations, the product needs to be water absorbent, in some cases oil. The physical properties that determine the quality of a tissue paper are bulk, softness and absorption capacity.

According to these characteristics, paper can be classified into three quality categories according to the different requirements of the tissue markets in the world: conventional, intermediary and premium. The main quality requirements that can be Hedgehog tissue paper are:

  •     Grammage; ¾ Absorption;
  •     Softness;
  •     Thickness (Bulk);
  •     Tensile strength
  •     Whiteness;
  •     Crepe, elongation;
  •     Appearance.

These characteristics may vary according to the product, but the following properties may be considered as basic characteristics: Formation: Good formation is extremely important to ensure uniformity of the cross-section of the sheet of paper; Weight: usually in Brazil, weights of 18 to 20 g / m² for toilet paper, 30 to 40 g / m² for paper towels and 16 to 20 g / m² for double-sheet towels and napkins, variations may be according to the manufacturer. Humidity: should be controlled maintaining a moisture content between 7.0 and 8.5%, for better runnability of the process.

A content of 5.0 to 6.5% ensures the sheet characteristics of roughness, low surface softness in addition to intrinsically damaging the creping. And a very high humidity, between 9.0 and 10.5%, directly reduces tensile strengths and elongation of the sheet, also damaging the conversion of the paper; Tensile strength: important to avoid the paper's ability to withstand stresses during rewinding and during its application; Stretch: characteristics widely used to evaluate the quality of tissue papers, being directly related to creping; Softness (superficial and volumetric): property that gives the papers pleasant characteristics of feel and sensation of softness, as for the appearance of the product; Resistance to humidity: important for application of the paper, ensuring that it does not disintegrate, in contact with moisture; Bulk (specific volume): is the degree of compressibility of the paper.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Giant Rolls, Modern White, Pick-A-Size, 6 = 9 Regular Rolls

Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Giant Rolls, Modern White, Pick-A-Size, 6 = 9 Regular Rolls

Hot air dryer or paper towel? Which is best for your company?

One of the most important aspects of commercial cleaning is the hygiene of the restrooms used by employees and customers.

A dirty and poorly maintained bathroom, besides posing a health risk, causes the worst impression possible.

Having a good bath-cleaning , however, is not enough to provide a safe environment.

You must choose the accessories that will be installed in it.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Giant Rolls, Modern White, Pick-A-Size, 6 = 9 Regular Rolls
 Sparkle Paper Towels, 6 Giant Rolls, Modern White, Pick-A-Size, 6 = 9 Regular Rolls

Hand dryer vs paper towel

At the end of the last century came the air dryers.

When the hand dryer came up, it had the promise of being sustainable and more hygienic than the use of paper to dry hands in bathrooms for collective use.

However, in a study published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology , it showed that the option may not be as good as that.

It is actually responsible for spreading bacteria, viruses and fungi, which live in the bathrooms, even in that more care by a professional commercial cleaning .

By using air jets, the equipment contributes to spread even more these pollutants through the environment.

A bathroom user who has a bacterium in his or her hand, when using the hand dryer, causes bacteria, viruses and / or fungi to dissipate through the environment.

And more: some models suck ambient air into their running.

This air may also contain fecal coliforms, which are thrown into the environment when we discharge, for example.

That is: the dryers are drying the hand of users of bathrooms with contaminated air.

Thus, there is a growing consensus that, in order to achieve a safe environment, in addition to the periodic cleaning of the bathroom, the paper towel remains the best option in terms of hygiene.

In addition to reducing the number of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the environment, the traditional solution has the following advantages:

  •     Do not use electrical energy sources;
  •     Do not emit carbon dioxide;
  •     Faster drying of hands.

Recalling that today paper production is carried out with the use of reforested wood and the companies apply environmental compensations.

So, paper towel is a more sustainable, less expensive and more hygienic solution for your company.

Did you like this article? Keep following our blog and have access to other commercial cleaning tips.

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 16 Rolls, 16 = 32 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 16 Rolls, 16 = 32 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

Attention: Drying your hands thoroughly is as important as washing them.

We have already talked about the importance of washing hands well to prevent the spread of diseases in the workplace . Whether at home, on the street or in the work environment, doing hand hygiene is extremely important to our health, however, do you know if you are doing it the right way?

A survey by the BBC network in the UK pointed out that when asked, 99% of respondents claimed to wash their hands after using the toilet, but in practice, the research showed another result . Using a device that records the use of the taps in a bathroom revealed that only 32% of the men washed their hands, compared with 64% of the women who performed the procedure.

Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 16 Rolls, 16 = 32 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets
 Brawny Tear-A-Square Paper Towels, 16 Rolls, 16 = 32 Regular Rolls, 3 Sheet Size Options, Quarter Size Sheets

Asked about his hand hygiene moments, computer instructor Washington Santos was categorical: "I wash my hands after going to the bathroom and before handling food. Other than that, only when it's visibly dirty or a bit sweaty, " he commented.

Even though the instructor ignores the dangers of contamination in his work environment, Washington states that when washing hands he always makes soap and then dries them well with paper towels when they are available.
Daily alert

The hands are always in touch with the environment around us: in the collective, on the stair railing, on the elevator buttons, when opening doors and holding money. We also put our hands to our mouths when we sneeze or wipe the secretion from our nose. These are just a few of the examples of how we can contaminate or spread harmful germs around us. For this reason, it is so important to maintain hand hygiene, but it is not enough to just wash well with soap and water, you must dry them well so that there is no proliferation of bacteria with damp skin.

In busy environments such as shopping malls and businesses, people can wash their hands using paper towels, or with electronic devices that blow hot or cold air. With regard to the elimination of viruses and bacteria, which product offers more quality?

Electric dryers are modern and seem to be more efficient since there is no direct contact with the appliance, however, what appears to be a safe way to end sanitation is a real health hazard. This is what studies show at the University of Westminster in Leeds, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other papers published by the Journal of Applied Microbiology.

Attention: Drying your hands thoroughly is as important as washing them. According to research, the air jet launches more bacteria and viruses to the hands, increasing the number of microorganisms by 117% . In comparison to paper dryers, air-jet machines also release more bacteria into the environment. As for air-jet appliances, they spread 60 times more bodies than hot air appliances, and 1,300 times more than paper towels.

Another negative factor of the blowers is the delay in drying their hands, taking 30 seconds of action. During the survey the volunteers gave up before the end of time: the men were the least patients leaving the device in 19.6 seconds, and the women gave up after 25.4 seconds. With the sheet of paper the time spent is only 11 seconds.

Research shows that the use of paper towel is more efficient, reducing by 24% the amount of virus and bacteria in the skin. It is important to use quality papers that do not smear or tear in the hand, and that can actually dry your hands.

Although good handwashing is important to eliminate the microorganisms in the skin more efficiently, the most important thing is to clean properly using soap and water or antiseptic products.
When to wash hands

Keeping your hands clean is an important attitude to prevent the spread of diseases, since the transmission of viral and bacterial infections can occur through contact with other people. With the hygiene of the hands the person contributes to prevent this process of contamination.

The social educator Sara Maria is attentive to avoid this type of contamination in the work. Every day, Sara is in contact with adolescents in an NGO in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo. In addition to receiving the young people who arrive at the project, the educator also performs tasks in the administrative sector by organizing documents.

Being exposed to thousands of microorganisms, Sara Maria affirms to maintain the hygiene of the hands washing them whenever an activity ends. This measure helps to reduce the contamination of common infections such as colds, flu, hepatitis A, conjunctivitis, scabies and many others. This measure should be redoubled mainly by those who have close contact with infants, the elderly, and debilitated people.

Care should be taken to maintain personal hygiene by washing hands in the following situations:

  •     Before and after preparing meals;
  •     Before you start eating;
  •     Before treating any wound or injury;
  •     Before and after contacting any sick person;
  •     After using the bathroom;
  •     After changing diapers or cleaning up any children who have gone to the bathroom;
  •     After blowing nose, coughing, sneezing, combing hair or having contact with any type of bodily secretion;
  •     After shaking hands with another person;
  •     After contacting animals;
  •     After handling garbage;
  •     Every time the hand is neatly with some dirt.

Wesco Solutions for Businesses

To preserve the wellbeing and health of employees and customers of each company, Wesco has a variety of products that meet your needs, promoting a safe environment that is free of contamination that could harm the work environment and decrease the effectiveness of production.

The line of dispensers for soaps is easy to use with precise release, avoiding product waste, and making it easier for children and the elderly. Towel dispensers deliver proven savings of up to 33% in paper consumption compared to all other systems on the market, avoiding waste during use . Can be installed in any environment, the gel alcohol dispenser is excellent for quick hand hygiene, since there is no need to rinse.

Companies that offer more quality of life at work generate a greater bond with their employees by promoting a more welcoming environment, which helps motivate activities and increase productivity.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Rolls = 47 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Rolls = 47 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

Which to choose: Paper Towel White, Cream or 100% Cellulose

The most hygienic way for the hand drying process is undoubtedly the use of Towel Paper, taking our health as our point of view. Besides its use is indicated by several studies around the world, Paper towel can be found in different formats, sizes, thicknesses, qualities and other variables that exist in the market today, thus fitting into different business scenarios.

But after all, what is the best Paper Towel option to use?

In today's article we will briefly discuss the 3 most common types of paper, The Paper Towel 100% Cellulose, White and Cream.

Starting from the point that usually the process of choosing a Towel Paper is not done by means of its technical details, but by the price and yield of the same, we will show the main specifications and the difference between the 3 most common types for you the next purchase.

Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Rolls = 47 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets
 Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Rolls = 47 Regular Rolls, Longer Lasting Rolls, Pick-A-Size Plus Sheets

Some important aspects present in all paper towel:

Papers made from 100% virgin cellulose have high absorbency (not crumbling when wet), while recycled papers do not absorb water adequately, generating more leaf consumption for hand drying. A good paper should absorb water quickly.

Resistance to humidity (RU)
Towel paper must have a high RU so that it does not break when being removed from the dispenser by wet hands. Papers equipped with RU have received the addition of chemical components that increase the mechanical resistance of the paper, especially when wet, this feature allows a paper towel to dry hands without undoing.

The weight itself does not determine the quality of the paper. Products made from 100% virgin cellulose can work with lower weights due to their quality (high absorption, high RU and adequate mechanical strength). The recycled papers, due to the lack of homogeneity of the chips, are tended to have a higher weight to compensate for the lack of adequate mechanical tensile strength.

The greater the amount of recycled material, the greater the roughness of the paper. The softness of the paper towel is not to be confused with the softness of the toilet paper. In this, a different type of fibers and specific additives are used to obtain this characteristic.

It is not the degree of whiteness that determines the quality of the paper because, especially in recycled paper, large amounts of optical bleaches are used to "make up" the appearance of the various types of trimmings used.

Water is one of the main inputs used in papermaking (about 97%). In some recycled papers, the color and odor of paper are derived from the type of water and trimmings used in their manufacture.

Well, now it's easier to choose the ideal Towel Paper for your company. And you, what Paper Towel do you use? Tell us.

Viva Signature Cloth Choose-A-Sheet Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 6 Value Rolls (58 Sheets per roll)

Viva Signature Cloth Choose-A-Sheet Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 6 Value Rolls (58 Sheets per roll)

6 Proven Tips To Get Hit By Choosing Paper Towel.

What is Paper Towel?

Paper Towel is a product made from cellulose, which by definition is disposable. Intended for drying and removal of dirt and bacteria from hands and other surfaces. Manufacturers construct unique papers through combinations of virgin, recycled cellulosic fibers and paper chips of various types. Its most common formats are interleaved and coils . The main characteristics that define and differentiate this type of product are softness, wet strength, absorption power, type of use, size and its weight.

Viva Signature Cloth Choose-A-Sheet Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 6 Value Rolls (58 Sheets per roll)
 Viva Signature Cloth Choose-A-Sheet Paper Towels, Soft & Strong Kitchen Paper Towels, White, 6 Value Rolls (58 Sheets per roll)

1. Choose by Paper Towel Type

It is fundamental to talk about the type of equipment that will store it, even before the choice of paper, after all, one does not exist without the other.

There are many synonyms used to refer to this device, the most usual are:

  •     Towel Paper Towel
  •     Paper Towel Dispenser
  •     Towel Paper Holder
  •     Towel rack
  •     Paper towel holder
  •     Papeleiro

The most important in this case is not the name used but the type of it, the most found being the Dispenser for Interleaving Paper and the Dispenser Paper Towel Coil or Roller .

The type interfolia is the most common, it is usually small and intended for environments where consumption is considered low to medium, has low autonomy in drying hands. With a full load of Paper Towel, this type of dispenser has the potential to dry hands, about 100 times on average. Used towels can be 2 or 3 folds.

On the other hand, the type Coil or Roller is usually indicated for high traffic places of people or in environments where consumption is very high, such as industries, especially food, as well as in bars, restaurants, snack bars and the like where consumption is also very high intense.

Depending on the size and weight of the Paper Towel Roll it can dry about 400 times the users hands, so this great autonomy of the dispenser should be a big variable when considering the choice.

It is common for paper towel suppliers to give away paperboards to customers for free, under a lending regime, for the loyalty of the purchase of the product, so this supply format must be taken into account when choosing.

A great advantage is to choose the paper and paper holder from the same manufacturer, since the measures and eventual adjustments of the equipment take into account the product for which they are intended, thus increasing the chance of saving.
2. Choose by Paper Towel Type

  •     Paper Interlaced Towel or Paper Interlaced Towel

In addition to these denominations it is still necessary to know how many folds the paper has, whether 2 folds or 3 folds, being the most common nowadays paper towel folds 2 folds. Each of them requires your type of paper holder.

It is the best known and most used type in the business market, can be used directly after being removed from the packaging or through the most common method which is consumed through small equipment called paper towel dispenser or paper towel holder .

This type of paper is suitable for small environments with low user flow.
Click here to know our Paper Towel line

  •     Paper Towel Coil or Paper Towel Roll

It is a type designed for use in environments with greater flow of people, either in business or industrial environments. It is also very present in areas of food handling. Reaches its greatest savings when used inside towel racks or door paper towels specific to it.
3. Choose by Paper Towel Price

Before explaining the price issue, it pays to establish differences between the terms Prices and Expenses .

Price is the numerical monetary value spent on the purchase of a certain product, in our blog we refer to the price of the paper towel in its packaging of acquisition.

Expenses are expenses incurred to keep businesses and industries up and running, the context will be the amount spent with the paper towel in a certain period.

It has numerous types of packaging, with an extremely high combination of measurements and quantities of meters and sheets of paper.

This component is often related to paper yield, ie it is possible to pay more for a meter of paper towel and to see the consumption being so reduced that the monthly expenditure falls.

Very interesting this video below, which shows the "value" of cleaning for a business segment such as schools, where the paper towel is totally included in this view and it is clear that the price is definitely not the most important but the level of quality obtained through of products and cleaning processes, where the paper is definitely included.

Therefore the Paper Towel Price should be analyzed, only as a component of your choice and not as the most important aspect, because when trying to reduce expenses and get cheap paper towel, we are not guaranteed to reduce expenses in addition to taking the risk to have them tied or even increased.
4. Choose by Paper Towel Quality

When choosing the towel paper for the Quality we can correct the expected degree of utility of such product, so it is fundamental to define exactly which parameters will be used to analyze it, such as:

  •     Softness and Comfort
  •     Volume required to perform the drying and / or cleaning operation
  •     Moist resistance level of the product
  •     Absorption power
  •     Appearance, color and whiteness
  •     Tensile strength
  •     Grammage
  •     Composition
  •     Microbiological analysis of paper

Based on real cases we cite the use of the parameters: for a health care company or even the food production segment, having a paper with a satisfactory microbiological analysis report is a great aspect to be taken into consideration.

Another example would be of a restaurant or cosmetic clinic to define that the level of softness of the paper will be taken into account, since your customers value that aspect in your company.

Each parameter may or may not be important to the consumer and according to the level of importance for each aspect, the customer can establish minimum metrics that will guide their choice.
5. Choose by Consumer Business Segment

Some segments are big consumers of this product, with emphasis in the area of ​​Health and Food. These are the largest Brazilian consumers of paper towel due to legal and technical sanitary requirements, as can be seen in this article . It is used intensively in areas of food preparation where we have included Anvisa's RDC 216 as a guideline for quality standards and mentions the need to use paper towels with virgin fibers. So the order here is to use products of higher quality level, combined with types that offer a more moderate consumption.

In the segment of bars, restaurants and snack bars its use, especially with high quality paper, ends up being an investment that brings return since the clients end up realizing the value of the cleaning through this type of product, as can be seen in this article of ours Blog.

The hospital segment, in general, is not left behind at this level of choice, since hospital infection is a major villain of these environments and having proper cleaning products like high-quality towel paper makes a big difference.

Other segments that consume large volumes are the industrial, commercial, condominiums, schools, shopping malls, airports, supermarkets, among others.

Depending on the business segment that will consume the product, the combination of quality, type and price will make all the difference in the choice.
6. Choose By Paper Towel Mark

This can be a great option, since it guarantees a stable standard of quality and avoids problems arising from lack of products, quality alternation, complaints from customers and employees, among other issues that can directly impact monthly expenses.

Some manufacturers produce their own dispensers, as is the case with Improvements, which produces the paper to use on your paper.

The Brazilian market is very well constituted in relation to the brands and nothing owes to the world market.

The world's leading players are present from north to south across the country through its network of distributors, dealers and wholesalers.

Among the major brands, we have the institutional market leader, Industria CMPC, which acquired Papermaking factories in 2009. The brand used in the Brazilian market is the same throughout Latin America, ELITE PROFESSIONAL , with its various certifications of quality, which guarantee the high standard desired.

In this market it is possible to find Tissue Manufacturers and Converters that pack their products in smaller quantities than those indicated on the labels or even use labels without legal minimum information . Such a criminal practice has a direct impact on companies' monthly expenses and ultimately deceives consumers who choose exclusively for price, and sometimes avoid well-known brands because they feel they are expensive.

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 6 Double Rolls = 12 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 6 Double Rolls = 12 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

Paper Towel Machine

Investing in the production of paper towels and derivatives can be a great opportunity to profit, the branch has productive potential, earnings potential and growth.

To start the activities it is necessary to initially invest in a paper towel machine for hygiene. The paper machine has the capacity to produce a volume of 1 million sheets per day.

The important thing in the paper towel industry is to start the activity even if they start small, many businessmen began to produce even in the garage of home and soon after they obtained growth.

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 6 Double Rolls = 12 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry
 Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 6 Double Rolls = 12 Regular Rolls, Prime Pantry

Setting up a hygiene paper mill is the next step, and paper sheet machines will be able to manufacture a variety of products: toilet paper and towel and napkins.

A machine to produce paper for hygiene costs around 55 thousand reais, those interested in acquiring must research in advance, because some machines are sent to order and the production of each paper machine can last up to two months.

When purchasing the machine to make paper towels , it is important to know which functions are integrated, because in the market there are paper cutting machines, used machines for carton, paper towel machine, toilet paper machine, among others.
Paper Towels Niche Market

The small business owner of the hygiene paper towel market may not be able to resell to large supermarkets, so many retailers resell to small businesses, hospitals, schools, restaurants, that is, establishments that can buy in large quantities and by contract .

To do this, decide which style of paper towels you will manufacture, there are several styles, including interleaved paper towel, toilet paper towels, lace paper towels, tablecloths, among others.

Paper Machine Billing

To price the product it is necessary for the entrepreneur to know the quality of the product, a product with soft texture and two sheets for use can be sold for $ 7 the bale consisting of a thousand sheets.
Steps To Set Up A Paper Mill

To produce the paper towels for hygiene it is necessary to mix the pure paper with chemical compounds so that the paper becomes soft and white, passing the paper through a process of hygiene.

After obtaining paper fibers, the paper is rolled onto reels to come out in packages and punctured by the machine. The product may or may not be perfumed, come with double sheet or not.

The manufacturing process is not complex, yet it is necessary for employees to be trained to understand the flowchart of production and produce it more quickly and efficiently.

The volume of paper produced will depend on the number of personnel hired and also on the production space. The papermaking process consists of the flowchart:

Raw material purchase planning ↔ Receive the raw material ↔ Take to the warehouse ↔ Cutting room ↔ Assembly room ↔ Store finished products.

The factory must have a place of dispatch, offices and dining rooms.
Production Management

To produce and sell paper towels for hygiene the process is not only to buy the paper towel machine only, it is necessary to know how to manage the business so that it yields good profits and results.

In order to produce efficiently, it is necessary to work with the following functions:

  •     Schedule business strategy.
  •     Prepare all functions to meet business strategy.

Paper Company Production

The production of any product needs a systematic consisting of:

  •     Planning;
  •     Execution;
  •     Control.

Production must be guided by the strategy with decisions focused on operational and tactical strategies.

Produce consists of a sequence of activities which comprises:

  •     Structuring;
  •     Adaptation;
  •     Development of a production of paper towels focused on strategy.

The company must define its strategies and one of the most important strategies is to manufacture quality products.

For efficient production that results in quality products and consists of:

Products of quality, productivity, that is, if you produce more in less time, variety of products and fast delivery of products.
Quality Production

To produce with strategy, it is necessary that the production of paper towels be based on the quality of the products and find efficiency.

For this, it is necessary to find efficiency for producing paper towels with best practices and correction of errors. Therefore, producing quality paper towels is a process that requires planning, dedication, and team involvement.

For this, the company must establish and share objectives that consist of the following dimensions:

  •     Quality;
  •     Productivity;
  •     Flexibility;
  •     Punctuality Cost review.

The company should keep in mind that manufacturing quality products requires dedication to meet the expectations of stakeholders, what are stakeholders? It is a group of interested in the production and products offered.

Among the stakeholders are:

Suppliers - suppliers of raw material and equipment are key components for the efficient development of production.

Customers - produce with quality and offer the best product with quality growth and expansion of the customer portfolio.

Employees - In order for the company to maintain efficient employees, it is necessary to have a professional development plan that constantly evolves with the company.

Investors - investors expect the company to offer financial returns and for this it is necessary to produce and sell with quality.

Society - the company exists not only to make a profit, but also to contribute to social development, so it is that the company must generate jobs and produce in a responsible way regarding the environment.
Production Performance

Certainly the company's main concern will be competitiveness, since the personal hygiene industry is very competitive and therefore, companies should focus on producing quality products and attending the production of paper towels with performance.

Production performance must meet the requirements:

  •     Productive capacity;
  •     Reduction of inventories and waste;

    Fast delivery.

With fast operations, elimination of errors, inventory planning; which reduces costs and lead times results in customer satisfaction and competitiveness.
Paper Machine Suppliers

The machines for producing toilet paper, paper towel and napkin are:

  •     Interleaving Machine (2 folds);
  •     American Towel (3 folds);
  •     Rewinder;
  •     Accessories.

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 12 Count (Equal to 30 Regular Rolls)

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 12 Count (Equal to 30 Regular Rolls)

What is Toilet Towel, Which to Choose and Ideas on How to Use

Will you receive it at home and do not know how to use the washcloth?

  • The toilet is a very functional environment in the house and can be tidied in several ways. The use of decorated towels is one of them, but do you know exactly what toilet towel is ?

Answering this question is one of the objectives of this text, as well as helping you how to choose the best toilet towel and also how to use it correctly and functionally !

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 12 Count (Equal to 30 Regular Rolls)
 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 12 Count (Equal to 30 Regular Rolls)

These other subjects are also important and are full of super tips for you:

5 tips to decorate your guest's toilet and leave it with your face

How to choose the best bathroom accessory options?

How to be a good host: 5 basic rules of etiquette

The toilet, it is fact, is the business card of a house. It is an environment designed to meet and please guests and people who are just passing through.

Precisely because it is not only intended for the residents of the house, this room is located usually close to the social areas of the residence.

Also for this reason, it is usually forgotten until it needs to be used. And that's where things often go wrong, because generally the toilet does not have a beautiful decoration and reflects the good taste of the owners of the house.

In this context, the use of toilet towels and other simple decorative items , but able to leave the piece always tidy, is always interesting.

But first understand exactly what toilet paper is and accompany us to the end to receive the most incredible super tips on how to use it the right and practical way .
What is a washcloth?

Simple, decorated, customized or not! The paper towel is a practical and hygienic way of decorating the most functional part of the house: the toilet!

The toilet can and should be a charming area of ​​the house. After all, the small space will give a good impression to the guests, who will appreciate the care that the host has with every detail.

One way to do this is to use assertive and functional decorative items! One is the towel. But deep down, do you know exactly what the washcloth is ?

Also known as a social towel, the toilet towel is slightly smaller than traditional face towel , as it is intended only to dry hands after sanitizing them.

As the toilet is a smaller space than the bathroom and has a specific functionality, the toilet towel is usually also a decorative item .

The choice of the toilet towel is directly influenced by your personal taste and the rest of the decor of the environment.

But in addition, it is necessary to consider practicality and comfort for your guests.

It is for this and other reasons that the high quality toilet paper towel has been growing in popularity among hosts .

Now that you have understood what toilet paper is, that is precisely what we are going to talk about: what is the best toilet towel? Of cloth or paper?

Continue with us and find out the answer to this question!
Cloth wash cloth or paper

If you are looking for practicality and hygiene, choose the Relief paper washcloths. The parts are of high quality and ultra absorbing power by the best cost x benefit of the market. Try it!

Bathrooms are the types of rooms that deserve special attention, especially when it comes to the toilet.

As we have seen, the toilet is specially made to receive visitors and personalize it will show all its authenticity and concern in offering a charming, practical and hygienic space.

When choosing the materials that will be part of your bathroom decor, consider that the room usually receives little natural light and is closed for most of the time.

This is the main reason to use paper toilet towels rather than cloth towels , which are more likely to be moist because they are slow to dry.

In addition to this issue, health is also decisive for the choice of the washcloth .

Sharing of towels can transmit diseases like HPV, colds and other illnesses.

With the paper towel this does not occur as they are disposable .

In addition to functional and hygienic, paper toilet towels are also more practical as they do not need to be changed frequently.

At a home party this is super welcome because you do not have to check the room every 15 minutes to see if everything is in order.

Customization is also a differential . Of course the fabric toilet towel can also be customized, but not like the paper towel.

You can choose a phrase, your initials, do something in allusion to a special date, use decorative icons to embellish with the rest of the decor of your toilet.

There are no limits to creativity. And if you choose Relay you will receive this treat for free as the brand does not charge additional amounts to customize your washcloths .

Now that you already know what toilet towel is and the advantages of choosing a piece of high quality paper and ultra absorbing power , here are some tips on how to use this practical and functional piece.
How to use in your toilet or bathroom

The paper towel can be used open or closed inside trays and towel racks on the countertop.

Now that you know what toilet paper towel is and the perks of choosing the paper version of this item, it's time for you to figure out how to integrate the paper towels into the environment of the toilet in a sophisticated way!

One way to do this in a super practical and harmonious way is to invest in a paper towel holder .

Also, it is important that this delicate item has a very special place in your lavatory.

The models that combine with the vast majority of decorations are those of transparent acrylic or glass.

Another way to dispose of toilet paper towels is in trays , which can be of the most diverse materials, as long as they talk to the rest of the decor.

In this way, toilet paper towels can be opened or folded . It all depends on the object you will use to place them on the workbench.

Try to leave the paper towel door near the sink and the soaps. This makes it easy to use. Also, do not forget that you will need a basket for disposal .

Do not let your guests do it on the litter. It's not very pleasant or hygienic. Provide a separate basket that is visible near the lavatory.

To further increase space, it is quite common to use aromatic candles, flowers, natural or artificial (in this case always buy quality pieces) and other objects that combine with the whole.

Here are some tips on how you can enhance the decor of the toilet from the use of paper towel :

Frames, mirrors, candlesticks with scented candles and materials such as individual towels and toilet sets can bring a beautiful composition.

Another interesting detail is the lighting. The pots with green plants give a cozy touch to the composition.

The super simple decor gets more sophisticated with the use of a paper towel with the edge decorated or barred in high relief.

For day to day use of bar soaps can be done without problems.

In case of a party with a larger number of people, give preference to the net version, which is much more practical and hygienic.

Flowers or candles decorate and scent the place.

If you do not have room for both, choose the easiest alternative for you and the one that most suits your environment.

A simple arrangement or a fragrant candle is enough to make this little corner that is also part of the house more pleasant.

Abuse of items made primarily for washrooms.

As this is a much less damp area than the bathroom, the objects will have a longer durability.

If the lavatory is very small, mirrors and mirrored objects may give the impression that it is larger and more spacious.

Paper washcloths are simple but gain a touch of sophistication with the use of candles and complimentary items.

This is the case of the room diffuser and the soap dispenser in colored and worked glass.

In addition to our super tips on how to use paper toilet towels, check out other wonderful suggestions in this other article here on the blog: Toilet Towel: Learn How, What, and Why to Use This Guide .
Washbasin washbasin

Relief toilet towels can be customized any way you want. Choose Relief, choose quality and practicality!

If you have come this far, it is because you have understood exactly what a toilet towel is, what it is for, and how you can use it in a practical and successful manner.

Learn now why the paper towel is more advantageous, especially when a quality mark, like the Relief , is chosen.

Personalization is one of the most compelling reasons . Unlike the fabric version, it is much easier to customize the paper towel.

There are several drawing and border options. Symbols, initials, messages. There are no limits to creativity.

The Relief has models already decorated and others with straight and classic lines . All of them can be customized.

The company does not charge any additional value to provide the service, which makes the investment affordable.

On the website of the store of the brand you can check all available models and also ways to customize your washcloth .
High quality

Like all products made by Relief , the brand's paper toilet towels are made from the highest quality raw material.

In addition, the reliefs and prints are made using the most modern techniques. The result is a product without imperfections and extremely refined.
High absorption

Because they are made from 100% cellulose paper, Relief paper towels are ultra-absorbent .

Most brands available in the market today have plastic in the composition or are made with very low quality paper.

When touched, they practically fall apart on their hands - that's when you can get them out of the towel rack!

In the case of Relief pieces , the pieces are sturdy and yet soft to the touch, something very important in a paper towel .
Cost X benefit

The quality and ultra absorbing power of the Relief paper towels makes the cost x benefit of the pieces the best in the market.

Only one piece is needed to dry hands very well .

Disposability is also a benefit as you will not have to spend frequent washing to keep the garment clean and usable.

Just the fact that they do not need to be washed already makes the Relief paper toilet towels practical and functional pieces to have at home.

But it's not just for the host that the paper toilet towel is practical . For the guest it is much more comfortable and hygienic to use a disposable piece.

At an in-house reception, it is also much more convenient to replace the paper washcloths . Just open the package and you're done.

You will do this one, twice a maximum, throughout your event.

With the cloth towel, depending on the number of people, you will need to check the condition of the piece every half hour to ensure the hygiene of your toilet.

It is extremely unpleasant to wipe your hands on a piece of cloth that is already very wet and that it starts to have an unpleasant odor after passing from hand to hand.

With high quality paper toilet towel and Relief Absorption this does not happen!
Special touch on the arrangement

There are many decoration and personalization options for the washcloth. The most popular models of the Relief are those that bring the decorated edges .

This causes the decor of the environment to be increased without you having to spend more for it.

Relief paper towel racks are made in a variety of sizes to easily fit the most diverse types of towel racks and trays.

Checking the size of the piece in relation to the towel holder is very important. Ideally, towels should be stretched out on the towel rail, never wrinkled or too tight .

It is very important that it is easy for your guest to pick up a towel with wet hands without ruining the others.

The most popular Relief lavatory towels are in sizes 28.5 x 25.1cm and 33.5 x 29.5cm .

The relief pieces are carefully folded , ready to be placed on the towel rack, and packed.

This is great for storing what you are not using without worrying about hygiene or whether they will be messed up by the humidity in the bathroom.

Relief paper toilet towels are the best options on the market. Take the test: try it and see!

In this post you learned what toilet towel is, how and which model to use in your home!

We try to give you tips on what to do to make your toilet organized, hygienic and very functional when it comes to receiving at home.

Therefore, the use of soft, ultra-absorbent toilet paper towels makes the difference in your toilet .

As we have demonstrated, the paper toilet towel is a sophisticated and elegant decoration item.

Want more tips on how to become an expert at receiving well at home? So read these other amazing articles on our blog:

5 Decorating Tips When Receiving

5 Tips to further customize your home decor

Find out how to organize a home party with our 6 tips

When a quality brand is chosen, such as the Relief , which we suggest for you, is a guarantee of praise as it is the option that offers more hygiene and comfort to your guests.

More practical also for the host, the paper toilet towel is highly customizable .

It is possible to harmonize both the towels and the towel rail with any type of environment.

This is an original and exquisite complement to your decor, and a treat for your guests .

If you want to bring a special and refined touch to this room, consider the disposable washcloth, consider Relief .

You certainly will not regret this choice!

And remember: in the art of receiving well you need to anticipate possible problems . In case of toilet, always leave everything in folding: paper towels, toilet paper and liquid soap.

This also makes your guest feel more comfortable in your home!

So, did you like the tips? Tell us what you found here in the comments. We love to know!

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Reflections on Ways to Dry Hands: Towel Papers

The paper has faced several rather fierce competitions in consumer preference over the emergence of alternative products. One of the most striking disputes, precisely because it is easily noticed in public toilets at airports, road stations, sports stadiums, shops, hospitals, shopping malls, hotels and restaurants is the way to dry hands after washing them. The options for doing this operation are as follows: paper towels, continuous cotton fabric towels, electric hot air dryers. However, rarely is the option given to the customer or public bathroom user. Who offers the system is exactly who puts the bathroom for the society's use, that is, the owner or manager of the commercial establishment.

Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls
 Bounty Select-a-Size Paper Towels, White, 8 Huge Rolls = 20 Regular Rolls

Any user of a public bathroom appreciates the hygiene, organization, lighting, odorization of the room and the availability of the supplies that he will need (soap, toilet paper, a means to dry his hands). He also does not like having to queue up, either to use the toilet, or to wash and dry his hands. After all, the environment is not recommended to stay there any longer than is strictly necessary.

Inappropriate toilet conditions cause discomfort and dissatisfaction to users. If they are customers of the commercial establishment transfer this dissatisfaction in the act of purchase. For this and other hygienic reasons, public toilets must always be kept clean and maintained. No user likes to see the wet and dirty floors, nor to find traces of paper (towel and toilet) strewn on the floor. As personal hygiene recommends that the hands be washed several times a day, if the client takes a bad impression of the bathroom, he will tend to reject having to go back to it. You can even change your shopping preferences or establishments.

On the other hand, the user likes to have comfort and articles that give him convenience, even if these conveniences are offered for free. He always has his home as a comparison. There, he has rarely installed a hot air system or a continuous towel towel to dry his hands. On the other hand, in almost all the kitchens of the Brazilian households there are for eventual use the paper towels. Therefore, the public toilet user already has certain empathy and acceptance by the towel in the form of paper. In his home-made bathroom, he is accustomed to fluffy, scented cloth towels, very different from what he finds in public toilets. However, he tends to accept what is offered to him, since it is an eventuality and not a routine one. For this reason, he rarely has his opinion heard by those who install public toilets.

When a public toilet user is asked about his preferred way to dry his hands, he responds vaguely and with different points of view. It all depends on your training and values, your convenience and your knowledge about different systems. An environmentalist, who does not want to spend scarce natural resources with such a simple act, would say that the best way to dry his hands would be to wipe the hands over his hair or the back of his pants: after all, the hand is already clean, and nothing will bring inconvenience to the hair and clothes. The vast majority prefer paper towels because they are versatile and absorbent. They allow you to wipe your face and mouth when you wash your face or brush your teeth. They also serve to clean the shoes or to remove some coarse dirt that has been installed on the clothes, utensils for personal use, etc. It is for this reason that when a public toilet user does not find the desired paper towels, he seeks to compensate for this shortage by using the toilet paper placed next to the toilets.

Rarely does a public bathroom user enjoy the hot air dryer. Although they recognize the environmental and economic value of it, their performance is not seen as efficient, quick or pleasurable. However, it is more often found in high-frequency bathrooms, such as at airports, cinemas and shopping malls. This is due to the advantages that these dryers offer in terms of reducing costs, inventory, spare parts and people work. In more sophisticated environments, such as restaurants and hospitals, the options are continuous cloth towels or paper towels of higher quality.

Electric hot air dryers require very little work from those who maintain the hygienic conditions of the bathrooms. They do not require paper or cloth replacements, they do not need stocks of these supplies - they only need an outlet and electricity available. However, their maintenance must be constant and spare parts in stock must be available. Its price is high, but by demanding low operating cost it has "pay back" quite fast. Therefore, the preference of the owners of commercial establishments where there are many users for the bathrooms. Its biggest pollution is the hot air addicted to the bathrooms, which can transfer germs into the hands of users. However, most people do not pay attention to this, even because they already consider that when entering the bathroom is already in a "addictive and dangerous environment." So if the bathroom offer the option of alcohol gel make use immediately after drying hands.

Continuous cloth towels are seen as impractical by users - they are difficult to handle and do not offer much cloth length for hygiene acts. As they are stored damp inside the dispensers, these soon tend to rust and contribute to a poor impression of the system. However, there are already more effective dispensers available. They are also more difficult to store and change after completion of use. Paper towels have a much easier replenishment. On the other hand, cloth towels are reusable after washing / drying, while the only destination of used paper towels is garbage. Sanitary paper does not enjoy the opportunity to be recycled because it is contaminated with germs and organic waste from users.

Either way, regardless of what type of hand drying is available, all have advantages and disadvantages. They also have their environmental impact, there is no doubt. For this reason, it is worth knowing these facts in greater depth. This is what we will do next:

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of hand dryers

Let's try to do this individually and not comparative, putting each system with its relevant aspects.

• Advantages of Cotton Fabric Towels

- are functional, hygienic, practical;
- are reusable after washing / drying;
- are durable;
- are effective in cost as they are not converted into waste.

• Disadvantages of cotton cloth towels

- need intensive washing and sterilizing drying;
- need packaging, storage, transportation, heavy handling.

• Advantages of paper towels

- are functional, hygienic, practical, flexible, convenient;
- are friends of the user;
- have high absorption capacity and speed for use;
- are effective in cleaning and drying, removing both the water and waste particles present in the hands.

• Disadvantages of paper towels

- are not recyclable, generating solid waste to be managed;
- require significant consumption of water, land, wood, chemical inputs and energy in papermaking;
- high total cost, even because users tend to use much more sheets than would be required (use 3 to 4 when they could use 1 or 2);
- they favor vandalism in bathrooms, since they are flammable and when damp they become pellets of mass that are thrown to stick in the ceiling, walls, etc .;
- need packaging, storage, transportation, heavy handling.

• Advantages of electric hot air dryers

- economical, practical, fast pay back;
- facilities for installation and use;
- absence of pollutants that can be noticed by users;
- low environmental impact, as indicated by several life cycle assessment studies.

• Disadvantages of electric hot air dryers

- do not fully meet the requirements of comfort and convenience of users;
- high power required (1,700 to 2,200 Watts in operation and 2 Watts in standby);
- high energy demand for each drying operation (between 0.020 to 0.040 kWh / operation);
- the emission of hot air increases the temperature of the toilets in the hot summers, increasing the discomfort in the bathrooms;
- suck up a stale air and transfer this air to the user's hands, even when they have antibacterial filtration;
- require stocks of spare parts and maintenance;
- do not work when there is no power;
- they have a slow drying time (usually takes 30 to 45 seconds), which creates queues in bathrooms with high frequency of use.

Environmental Aspects and LCA - Life Cycle Assessment

There are numerous comparative environmental studies among different types of hand dryers. In general, these studies are based on LCAs, which evaluate all environmental effects from the design of each product to its final destination, as they say in practice, "from crib to grave."

Unfortunately, LCAs are very sensitive to the local conditions where the studies are done, as well as the hypotheses considered. They may vary in their conclusions according to the type of energy (renewable or fossil source) used in the manufacture or operation of the product, or the amount of paper towels the user consumes, or in the way of washing the towels. the paper is made from certified virgin fibers or recycled secondary fibers. Finally, each case is a case, but there are more general and general, not so specific, considerations that we will try to report to them as a contribution to increase the stock of knowledge. Those interested in learning more can look for some of these studies in the literature, or even try to build a specific stroke for their situation.

All three types of ways to dry hands have effects and affect the environment and ecosystems. Everything that is anthropic and frequent ends up having its environmental impact - we already know well about the impacts of humanity on the natural resources.

In the LCA's are evaluated:

• Quantity of greenhouse gases generated in manufacturing and operation;
• Contribution to acidification and nutrient enrichment of soils and waters;
• Quantities released from air, water and solid waste pollutants;
• Consumption of energy, water and other inputs - cumulative throughout the life cycle;
• Photochemical ozone generation potential;
• Potential for recycling and reuse;
• Need for packaging, handling, transportation and replacements;
• Need for manual labor;
• Socio-environmental effects throughout the cycle and after the end of use ("death of the product");
• Economic impacts as part of sustainability studies;
• Impacts on the quality of ecosystems.

In almost all the available studies, the environmental and economic advantages of electric air dryers are highlighted in relation to the other two models of drying. Its advantages are mainly due to the non-generation of waste, simplicity in operations and operational cost, requiring minimum inputs for its operation. The manufacturers and sellers of this type of dryers value this fact very much and act aggressively in the markets, trying to increase their "market share".

Cloth towels, because they are reusable and durable, also end up having advantages over paper towels.

On the other hand, paper towels, whether produced from certified virgin fibers or from recycled fibers, are more impaired in this assessment because they are discarded after use and because they have a manufacturing process that demands significant amounts of energy ( steam and electricity), water and chemical inputs.

Final considerations

Paper towel manufacturers are unlikely to be able to reverse the conclusions of comparative life cycle assessments between these systems, even more so in a country such as Brazil, where the energy matrix relies on hydroelectricity, thermoelectricity from renewable biomass and more recently on energy wind.

However, the paper towel has the sympathy and preference of most users, which could lead the papermaking industry to promote the use of alternative and integrated systems. It would mean that two options were available in the same public bathroom: one towel and one hot-air drying. This would put the user in the position of being able to choose, to run away from queues and to have alternatives to dry their hands when they lack power.

Other lines of work that could be promoted by the paper industry would be:

• Awareness of citizens to use fewer towels in each act of drying;
• The use of some percentage of recycled fibers in the towel paper revenue and value this fact as an industry that practices recycling;
• The improvement of the quality of the towels, giving them greater resistance when they become dampened in the act of picking up the leaf in the dispenser to withdraw the same (many dissolve in the hands by the very resistance that they have);
• Improve the quality of the leaf separator pick and adjust the leaf dispensers so that they are easier to release individually;
• Promote the virtues and image of paper, which is a renewable product manufactured by an industry that is committed to the practice of sustainability.

Anyway, alternatives exist, the worst of them would be the confrontation and the criticisms without bases to the other alternative systems of drying of hands. Even the most fervent papermakers also wash and dry their hands and know the virtues and drawbacks of their products. Let us therefore value our advantages and work hard to minimize the disadvantages. At the same time, we must show our gratitude to the millions of users who appreciate and love paper as a means of drying hands, offering them advantages in the quality of paper products, in their prices and in the awareness of how best to use paper, this good unique that man was able to create.

Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 12 Count = 30 Regular Rolls

 Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 12 Count = 30 Regular Rolls

What are Tissue Papers?

The term "tissue" describes products made of low weight, dry crepe and some uncreped paper , such as toilet paper , kitchen towels , tissue paper , facial paper , napkins , towels , etc. The origin of the fibers may be virgin fibers or recycled fibers. Properties of important tissue papers are the absorption of elastic energy along with good flexibility, superficial softness, bulk and high capacity for absorption of liquids. The biggest and most important use for tissue papers is for hygiene products such as:

Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 12 Count = 30 Regular Rolls
 Amazon Brand - Presto! Flex-a-Size Paper Towels, Huge Roll, 12 Count = 30 Regular Rolls

  •     Hygienic Papers
  •     Kitchen Towels
  •     Double Sheet Paper Towels
  •     Facial Tissue
  •     Disposable diapers
  •     Hospital Paper
  •     Health & Beauty
  •     Refreshing Towels

Tissue paper is used for the production of a huge quantity of products, and the quality requirements vary according to the purpose of the product and the expectations of the consumer. In some products, softness may be the fundamental property, while in others it may be resistance . In some situations, the product needs to be water absorbent , in some cases oil. The physical properties that determine the quality of a tissue paper are bulk, softness and absorption capacity. According to these characteristics, paper can be classified into three quality categories according to the different requirements of the tissue markets in the world: conventional, intermediary and premium . The main quality requirements that can be measured on tissue paper are:

  •     Grammage
  •     Absorption
  •     Softness
  •     Thickness (Bulk)
  •     Tensile strength
  •     Whiteness
  •     Crepe
  •     Elongation
  •     Appearance


These characteristics may vary according to the product, but the following properties may be considered as basic characteristics:

Good formation is extremely important to ensure uniformity of the cross-sectional profile of the sheet of paper;

Usually in Brazil we use a weight of 18 to 20 g / m² for toilet paper , 30 to 40 g / m² for paper towels and 16 to 20 g / m² for double-sheet towels and napkins . Variations can be found according to the manufacturer.

It should be controlled maintaining a moisture content between 7.0 and 8.5%, for better runnability of the process. A content of 5.0 to 6.5% ensures the sheet characteristics of roughness, low surface softness in addition to intrinsically damaging the creping. And a very high humidity, between 9.0 and 10.5%, directly reduces the tensile and elongation strengths of the sheet, also damaging the paper conversion.
Tensile strength

Important to avoid the paper's ability to withstand stresses during rewinding and during application.

This feature is widely used to evaluate the tissue paper quality, being directly related to creping.
Softness (superficial and volumetric)
Property that gives the papers nice features of feel and feel of softness, as well as for the appearance of the product.
Resistance to humidity

Important for paper application, ensuring that it does not disintegrate, in contact with moisture.
Bulk (specific volume)

It is the degree of compressibility of the paper. It is related to all paper properties (mechanical and optical).

It is calculated as a function of the crepe percentage, which is the ratio of Yankee dryer roller speed to bobbin speed.

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls)

 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls)

Is it healthier to use paper towels or air jets to dry hands?

Good hand hygiene is crucial in controlling the spread of infections. That is why there are several recommendations on when and how to wash them.

It is indicated, for example, that we do this whenever we arrive from the street, after using the bathroom, before eating, cooking or approaching a baby or someone who is sick.

Less attention is given, however, to the importance of drying them in the right way.

After washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water, no one wants to dirty them again with a damp, smelly towel, which has been known for how long it has been hanging.

  •     The health hazards that live in your bathroom
  •     Why should you wash your bath towels more often than you think?

That's why many public toilets offer disposable paper towels or automatic air-jet dryers known as "more hygienic and sustainable".

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls)
 Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls)

But, according to surveys conducted in the UK, France and Italy, air-jet dryers are basically "bacteria cannons".

Other microbes

Scientists at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom at the Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris in France and the University of Udine in Italy have found that these devices are dispersing alarming amounts of bacteria in the air and on the surfaces of the places where they are installed .

This is because people, in general, do not wash their hands properly and, by drying them with powerful air jets, they spread residual bacteria.

Image caption Ultraviolet light shows, in one of the tests, how the bacteria spread with the air jet of the dryer

"In fact, the dryer turns into an aerosol that contaminates the bathroom, including the dryer itself and potentially the sink, floor and other surfaces, depending on the design of the device and where it is located," said Mark Wilcox, a professor of microbiology of the University of Leeds.

So it is very likely that you are entering bathrooms filled with other people's microbes.

The team of Professor Wilcox and his colleagues had already conducted laboratory tests to study the subject. But, now, they have done a real-world research to understand particularly how different drying methods can affect bacterial spread in hospital toilets.

One hundred times more bacteria

The survey was conducted in hospitals in Leeds, Paris and Udine, over a period of 12 weeks.

In each unit, two bathrooms were selected for the use of patients, hospital staff and visitors. In each of them, a dryer and paper towels were installed.

Image caption In bathrooms with air-jet dryers, there were three times as much methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Samples of air and surfaces were collected every day for four weeks. After an interval of two weeks, there was a change and the toilets only offered one of two ways to dry their hands.

The cultures collected from the samples revealed concentrations of bacteria in the air and on much higher surfaces in bathrooms where there were only air-jet dryers.

The most significant difference was identified between the surface of the dryer and the paper towel dispenser. In Udine, the dryer had 100 times more bacteria, in Paris 33 times more and in Leeds, 22.

The particularly virulent bacterial strain methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was three times more prevalent in hospital toilets in the UK during the periods when air dryers were used.

Bacteria resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics - and therefore difficult to treat - were found more frequently as well.

Image caption The problem is that many people do not wash their hands well, and the residual bacteria are spread by the air jet

The Wilcox team said in an article in the Journal of Hospital Infection that there is little justification for the use of air-jet dryers in public restrooms - even more so in hospital settings, given the risks.

On the other hand, "paper towels absorb water and microbes that remain in the hands and, if discarded properly, have less potential for contamination," they add.

"Existing infection control guidelines should be changed and strengthened accordingly," the text recommends.

In the United Kingdom, dryers are banned from the medical wings of hospital units, but on the grounds that they make a lot of noise. At the receptions, however, they are released. In the United States, there is no restriction.