Friday, November 30, 2018

Autotest HIV in pharmacies: ten questions about the new "AIDS test"

Autotest HIV: justification of the decision of the Ministry of Health

Official sources estimate that in Spain there are about 145,000 people with HIV, of whom around 18% do not know they are infected by the virus. This "ignorance of his illness"
causes that 26,000 people can not access treatment may worsen their health and quality of life. In addition, it implies that do not take adequate preventive measures in sexual relationships contribute to transmit the infection. That is to say, the HIV self-test not only
can help the sick but also can prevent the spread to others.

For this reason, the Royal Decree was modified last December on self-diagnostic products for the detection of HIV with the purpose that they could be dispensed in pharmacies without the need for medical prescription.

Home HIV Test

How much does HIV self-testing cost in pharmacies?

The price of HIV self-testing in pharmacies is approximately $ 29. East
Price may vary slightly between some pharmacies or others.
Currently the only commercial brand available in the stores is the
HIV self-test of the Mylan brand, national code 186125. It is not that it is the
price the most important question about self-test, but for some
reason is the first one that is done around the world.

Is HIV self-testing available online?

The sale of medical devices for self-diagnosis of HIV can be
performed in person, by pharmacies, or on pages
web of authorized pharmacies.

Can HIV be continued for free?

Of course. HIV self-testing is an additional measure for those
people who wish to take the test in privacy, without
medical prescription. The usual protocol within the National System
of Health continues for the detection of HIV continues in force. For another
side, it is advisable that anyone who performs the self-test
HIV go to your doctor since risk practices do not just
favor the transmission of HIV but also other diseases of
sexual transmission.

Who should do the HIV self-test?

Health authorities indicate that the entire population should be made
HIV test at least once in a lifetime. It is an act
voluntary although it is especially recommended to have an HIV self-test
in these cases:

■ Have had sex with penetration (anal or vaginal, or
oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person
with HIV infection or whose HIV status is unknown.
■ Have shared puncture material.
■ Have had a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or
■ Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Is the HIV self-test result reliable?

Although, in general, a negative result usually indicates that you are
free of infection, no rapid diagnostic test is reliable at
100% Neither HIV self-test, nor pregnancy tests, nor the consumption of
drugs, etc. It is essential to know that any positive result
demands to be confirmed through more techniques
specific tests performed in clinical laboratories, so it is very
important that the patient see his doctor to confirm it.

Specifically with the HIV self-test, values ​​of
sensitivity of 99.5% (the probability that for an infected subject
for HIV you get
in the test a positive result) and specificity of 99.9%
(probability that a negative result will be obtained for a healthy subject).

What is the window period?

It usually takes between 2 and 8 weeks after infection in
develop detectable antibodies. After three months, almost all
people have
generated at 3 months of risk practice, but until it is
generate these antibodies in sufficient quantity to detect them
You can get a negative result, even if you are infected, known
as "window period". For this reason, in order to give value to
As a result of the test it is important that the "suspicious" practices of
transmission have taken place before 3 months.

Instructions for use of HIV self-testing sold in pharmacies

It is a simple test with a device in which the user
you will know the result from a puncture to extract a drop of
blood. The reading mechanism is similar to the typical system of a test
of pregnancy: "a hairline is that the control works, two hairline is that
the result is positive. " The waiting time is 15 minutes. Can
consult the prospectus in full

If the result of the self-test is negative, can I stop using a condom?

No. This does not imply that it is not necessary to use protective measures
in sexual relationships, especially in people who perform
sexual practices of greater risk, since measures such as condoms