Friday, November 30, 2018

We tested the test to diagnose HIV at home: 15 minutes to get you out of doubt

  • -The test for self-diagnosis of HIV is already available in pharmacies.
  • -From Hypertext we tested the test, which allows us to confirm or rule out the presence of antibodies against the virus related to AIDS.
Home HIV Test

Hours after the government announced that the test for HIV self-diagnosis was already available without a prescription , many pharmacies in the center of Madrid still did not have this simple test. "I have no idea," replied an apothecary in Lavapiés. "We have asked for it but it has not arrived yet," admitted a second pharmacist. On the fourth attempt we were able to buy the HIV self-test , the only health product available in Spain to detect the virus and which has been commercialized by Mylan Laboratories at a price of 34.5 euros .

The pharmaceutical company sells the HIV diagnostic test indicating that only a drop of blood is needed and that the results are available in fifteen minutes. A short period of time for those people who may have been exposed to risk situations to confirm or rule out the infection. Other tests for HIV diagnosis can be made from saliva samples, but for the moment these medical devices are not available in Spain. The company also defends that its test allows to make "the correct diagnosis of 100% of infected people". However, according to the information provided by the Ministry of Health , the sensitivity and specificity of the test reach 99.5% and 99.9%, respectively.

"No rapid diagnostic test is 100% reliable," says the Ministry of Health in the Pharmaceutical Action Guide designed for healthcare professionals. Despite the high sensitivity of this type of test, any positive result must be confirmed later by an analysis carried out by a clinical laboratory.

In addition, having a negative result does not mean that we can not be infected with HIV . During the first three months after infection, the window period occurs, a time frame in which our body has not yet produced antibodies against HIV . Since the test for HIV self-diagnosis precisely assesses the presence of these proteins in the blood, the results of HIV self-testing have to be taken with caution.

His arrival in Spain, despite these drawbacks, is great news given the large number of people infected by the virus who do not know it yet . According to official data, 18% of individuals with HIV do not know, in other words: one in five people do not know they have been infected by the virus related to AIDS . The stigmatization of this disease is still so high that many people prefer not to carry out the analysis. Unfortunately, late diagnosis of the infection is a serious problem , since it delays the administration of the treatments, decreasing their effectiveness and increasing the associated mortality.

HIV self-test: what do we need for the test

The content of the HIV self-test includes a closed container with the test device, a stopper with the buffer solution, a small pink lancet and a plaster. Inside the box of the product we can also find a support, a gauze, a disinfectant wipe and a brochure with instructions to perform the test for HIV self-diagnosis . In addition, the contact details of the State HIV and AIDS Coordinator (CESIDA) can be seen abroad, an entity that can be called confidentially, anonymously and free of charge to ask questions about the infection or to answer our questions about the test and its interpretation.

When carrying out the HIV test , we will have to place the support and introduce the buffer solution, as indicated in the information leaflet. Afterwards, we must wash our hands and clean them with the wipe in order to disinfect them. Thus we will be ready to use the lancet, which we will use, once the finger is dry, to make a small cut in the skin and thus extract a drop of blood . When we get it, we must place the test device, which has a shape similar to a ballpoint pen, at a 90º angle so that its small tip fills with blood. Then we will have to put said instrument on the plug with the buffer solution pressing hard, until we see that there is a pinkish spot inside.

The results of the HIV test

Once we have verified that the pink spot appears inside the tube, we will have to wait fifteen minutes to know the results of the test, always keeping the device in vertical position. During that time we can also heal the cut made on the skin thanks to the gauze and the plaster containing the container. The HIV self-test booklet has instructions on how to interpret the test results. The self-diagnosis will be negative if only one line appears, which will confirm that the test has worked (control line). On the contrary, the result is positive if two lines are observed: one is the control and the other the result.

In this second case, it is important to consult the doctor as soon as possible to carry out a second confirmation test , with the aim of verifying the result obtained. Finally, it is important to note that the test is single-use and can be carried out on an empty stomach. According to the Ministry of Health, it has not been shown that there are interactions or interferences with drugs, drugs (including alcohol) or other substances. The test must be done in an environment with a controlled temperature of between 18 and 30ºC, but it can be done perfectly without the help of other people and in a private environment .

In the event that we want to know where to test for HIV through the help of professionals, organizations such as CESIDA , the Red Cross , COGAM or the Foundation for the Fight against AIDS have compiled information on where we can carry out our web pages. the test, which is also offered by primary care centers and hospitals. In addition, if we perform a blood donation , safety analysis also allows us to rule out the presence of viruses such as HIV in the samples. Whatever the results of the analysis, we must not forget the need to use protective measures during sexual relations such as condoms to prevent the transmission of diseases and to avoid unwanted pregnancies.