Friday, November 30, 2018

Autotest HIV in pharmacies: ten questions about the new "AIDS test"

Autotest HIV: justification of the decision of the Ministry of Health

Official sources estimate that in Spain there are about 145,000 people with HIV, of whom around 18% do not know they are infected by the virus. This "ignorance of his illness"
causes that 26,000 people can not access treatment may worsen their health and quality of life. In addition, it implies that do not take adequate preventive measures in sexual relationships contribute to transmit the infection. That is to say, the HIV self-test not only
can help the sick but also can prevent the spread to others.

For this reason, the Royal Decree was modified last December on self-diagnostic products for the detection of HIV with the purpose that they could be dispensed in pharmacies without the need for medical prescription.

Home HIV Test

How much does HIV self-testing cost in pharmacies?

The price of HIV self-testing in pharmacies is approximately $ 29. East
Price may vary slightly between some pharmacies or others.
Currently the only commercial brand available in the stores is the
HIV self-test of the Mylan brand, national code 186125. It is not that it is the
price the most important question about self-test, but for some
reason is the first one that is done around the world.

Is HIV self-testing available online?

The sale of medical devices for self-diagnosis of HIV can be
performed in person, by pharmacies, or on pages
web of authorized pharmacies.

Can HIV be continued for free?

Of course. HIV self-testing is an additional measure for those
people who wish to take the test in privacy, without
medical prescription. The usual protocol within the National System
of Health continues for the detection of HIV continues in force. For another
side, it is advisable that anyone who performs the self-test
HIV go to your doctor since risk practices do not just
favor the transmission of HIV but also other diseases of
sexual transmission.

Who should do the HIV self-test?

Health authorities indicate that the entire population should be made
HIV test at least once in a lifetime. It is an act
voluntary although it is especially recommended to have an HIV self-test
in these cases:

■ Have had sex with penetration (anal or vaginal, or
oral, especially if there was ejaculation) without a condom with a person
with HIV infection or whose HIV status is unknown.
■ Have shared puncture material.
■ Have had a sexually transmitted infection, tuberculosis or
■ Have a stable partner and want to stop using the condom with her.

Is the HIV self-test result reliable?

Although, in general, a negative result usually indicates that you are
free of infection, no rapid diagnostic test is reliable at
100% Neither HIV self-test, nor pregnancy tests, nor the consumption of
drugs, etc. It is essential to know that any positive result
demands to be confirmed through more techniques
specific tests performed in clinical laboratories, so it is very
important that the patient see his doctor to confirm it.

Specifically with the HIV self-test, values ​​of
sensitivity of 99.5% (the probability that for an infected subject
for HIV you get
in the test a positive result) and specificity of 99.9%
(probability that a negative result will be obtained for a healthy subject).

What is the window period?

It usually takes between 2 and 8 weeks after infection in
develop detectable antibodies. After three months, almost all
people have
generated at 3 months of risk practice, but until it is
generate these antibodies in sufficient quantity to detect them
You can get a negative result, even if you are infected, known
as "window period". For this reason, in order to give value to
As a result of the test it is important that the "suspicious" practices of
transmission have taken place before 3 months.

Instructions for use of HIV self-testing sold in pharmacies

It is a simple test with a device in which the user
you will know the result from a puncture to extract a drop of
blood. The reading mechanism is similar to the typical system of a test
of pregnancy: "a hairline is that the control works, two hairline is that
the result is positive. " The waiting time is 15 minutes. Can
consult the prospectus in full

If the result of the self-test is negative, can I stop using a condom?

No. This does not imply that it is not necessary to use protective measures
in sexual relationships, especially in people who perform
sexual practices of greater risk, since measures such as condoms

First rapid self-test for HIV-approved home

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved OraQuick Home Test for HIV, a rapid test of home use for HIV that does not require sending a sample to a laboratory for analysis. The test provides a result in 20 to 40 minutes, and you can get tested in your own home.
 Home HIV Test

The test, which examines a sample of fluid from the mouth, is approved for free sale in stores and the Internet to people 17 years of age or older.

The FDA wants consumers to know that positive results using the OraQuick test should be confirmed by later laboratory tests. In addition, the test can give a "false negative" for reasons that include the onset of HIV infection within three months before the test. People who have behaviors that expose them to a higher risk of contracting HIV, for example: having unprotected sex with new partners, or injecting illegal drugs, should be tested again on a regular basis. These people should not interpret that a negative result indicates that it is safe to engage in high-risk behaviors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 1.2 million people in the United States live with HIV infection, and about 1 in 5 of these people do not know they are infected, increasing the likelihood of HIV infection. that transmit the infection without knowing it.

Dr. Elliot Cowan, of the Division of Emerging and Transmissible Diseases by Transfusion of the FDA, describes the possible impact of this test and the messages that the FDA wishes to send to consumers.

Q: How do you think the OraQuick approval could impact HIV testing?

A: This test is intended for people who would not otherwise be tested. There is a large group of people who are infected and who do not know it. And even if they are involved in behavior that exposes them to the risk of contracting HIV, they may refuse to visit their doctor or go to a health care institution for a test.

The FDA predicts that the availability of OraQuick, HIV Home Test will contribute to public health to a large extent by helping more infected people know whether or not they are HIV carriers and, as a consequence, reduce HIV transmission.

Since 2002, the FDA has approved a number of rapid tests to detect HIV (tests that do not require special equipment and that provide results in just 20 minutes) that can be used by trained people outside a traditional laboratory or clinic . The OraQuick, Home Test for HIV, provides another option to be tested for HIV to people who want to know if they are HIV carriers.

In addition, in 2013 the FDA approved the first rapid HIV test for the simultaneous detection of the HIV-1p24 antigen, as well as the antibodies against HIV-1 and HIV-2. Antigen detection allows the early detection of HIV-1 infection that is possible with just an antibody test. (HIV-1 is responsible for the majority of HIV infections, HIV-2 is found mainly in West Africa, although cases have been reported in North America and Europe).

Q: How does the test work?

A: The test detects HIV antibodies. You pass a swab through the upper and lower gingiva to obtain a sample of oral fluid with the test device. That device is placed in a tube with a contrast solution. After 20 to 40 minutes, a line will appear if the test is negative. Two lines indicate that HIV antibodies were detected and that you may be HIV positive. Then it will be necessary to perform further tests to confirm this.

Q: So, if it's positive, does that mean I definitely have HIV?

A: Not necessarily. What it means is that further tests are required to confirm your status regarding HIV. Consider this as a first step in the HIV test. No test is perfect and there will be false positives. Clinical studies on self-exams showed that the OraQuick test will produce a false-positive result in one out of every 5,000 tests in uninfected people.

But if you get a positive result, it is very important that you consult your doctor or call the OraQuick Consumer Care Center, which has bilimage advisors available 24 hours a day to answer questions and provide local referrals for testing. later and the treatment.

Q: And if the result is negative, does it mean that I definitely do not have HIV?

A: No, and it is important that the users of the test understand it. The test is not reliable to detect HIV infection until at least three months after infection. In addition, even after three months, false negatives may also appear. Clinical studies conducted with untrained consumers demonstrated that the OraQuick test will produce approximately a false-negative result out of every 12 tests performed on people infected with HIV. It is also important to never interpret a negative result to decide whether you should adopt behaviors that put you at risk of HIV infection.

Q: If there are antibodies in the mouth, does this mean that I can transmit HIV by kissing someone?

A: Antibodies are the body's reaction to the presence of the virus. They are not the virus itself. Body fluids that have been shown to contain high concentrations of the HIV virus are blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, and other bodily fluids that contain blood. Then, if there is blood in the saliva (for example, due to a cut in the mouth) the saliva could possibly contain enough virus to cause an infection.

Q: What other tests are approved in the US? to get tested for HIV?

A: A complete list of approved HIV tests in the United States . is available on the Vaccines, Blood and Biological Products page at

This article appears on the consumer product page that shows the most recent of all products regulated by the FDA.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How To Use An Electric Shock Dog Collars With Remote Control

Electric Collar for Dogs. Everything you need to know

When it comes to training for dogs there are many options that are presented to us to train our puppies. One of the elements that is used is the electric collar for dogs . This element is very used, especially in the United States to help with different elements of canine training, that is why we will tell you what it is and how it is used.

Electric Shock Dog Collars With Remote Control

What is an electric collar for dogs?

This device has the typical shape of a collar with the difference that it is prepared to produce different types of sound discharges or small vibrations whose main objective is to show our dog that it is having an unacceptable behavior.

This device is controlled through remote control which allows the sanction to be possible even being far from the reach of our pet. The electric collar for dogs sometimes also includes a tracking system via GPS which is great to track your whereabouts in case of loss.

The use of this type of necklaces dates back to the decade of the 6 0 where they began to be used mainly in the training of hunting dogs and at that time the amount of electric discharge they could use was considerably higher than now. Currently, this type of necklaces is well known and have much lower shock levels.

What are the most common uses of an electric collar for dogs?

This type of necklaces is used primarily to work these four areas of training:

1.- Keep the dog inside the property:

The idea is that the dog is corrected when it tries to go beyond the limit of our property for what is known as the electric collar for dogs as "the invisible fence" . The idea is to produce the small discharge when the dog is approaching the edge of the house.

2. Stop the excessive barking:

This correction is made, many times automatically, when the dog begins to bark and the collar can be programmed so that the intensity and duration of the automatic correction is increasingly longer and more intense if the dog does not stop barking.

3.- Behavior training and improvement of behavior problems:

This electric collar for dogs is used to perform canine training without the use of a leash and even to improve behavior problems such as aggression.

4.- Teach our dog to stay away from dangerous places and objects:

If we want to teach our dog to stay away from dangerous things or animals, especially if we live in a rural area with the possibility of reptiles, we can use the electric collar for dogs to teach him to dislike certain animals that could be found and that you find dangerous.

Controversies about the electric collar for dogs

Since this method of training began to be used has unleashed much controversy, especially in regard to issues such as animal abuse .

The system has changed greatly since the beginning and has degraded considerably, so much so, that many specialists in canine training, among which stands out the well-known César Millán, uses this type of training for certain corrections or training work .

Currently this electric collar for dogs does not do much more than emit certain sounds and vibrate at different intensities, being proven by many specialists as a system not harmful to the health of the dog if one of these types of articles is used although there are called Shock collars that do cause electric shocks; However, it is best to be assisted by a specialist before using this type of device.

Types of electric collar for dogs

Not all electronic collars work in the same way, but in general they have three modes: Beep, Vibrate and what is known as Shock which is the most aggressive mode of correction. Most electronic collars work primarily as shock collars but the vibrate and beep options may be optional.

1.- Beep Mode:

When the electric dog collar is in this mode, a whistling sound is emitted each time the control is activated . The use of this system is very similar to the training system that uses a clicker as a persistent sound to train the dog.

The use of this way of the electric collar for dogs needs, in order to work properly, a previous training in which the dog already knows how to associate the sound with a positive or negative action. If the dog is trained to receive a prize after the sound, activating the beep will most likely stop and wait for its prize; On the contrary, if the dog is trained to be punished after the sound, he will surely wait in a submissive position.

Another function of this beep mode is to distract our dog or get his attention . With this use of the beep mode we must be very careful because in the absence of reward or punishment, our dog can simply get used to the sound.

2.- Vibrate Mode:

When we use this mode, what happens with the electric collar for dogs is that it emits a vibration very similar to what our cell phone would produce . As in the previous mode, this system can be used to draw attention or to mark a particular behavior.

It is important to emphasize that neither of these two modes of use, neither the beep nor the vibration, send any kind of electric shock or shock to our dog.

3.- Shock Mode:

In this mode of the electric collar for dogs, there will be an electric shock that will go directly to the skin of our dog through two points of contact . The purpose of this type of mode is to cause some kind of pain in the animal to ensure the effectiveness of the correction.

The type of pain that can occur with the use of this type of mode will depend on several factors , depending on the coach or the device is the duration of the current, the voltage of the device and the number of times is used. It will also depend on certain dog conditions such as skin type, size and type of coat.

We must be very attentive to the use of this mode of the electric collar for dogs because the use of electric currents can bring certain consequences in the behavior of our pet that may go directly against what we want to achieve.

These types of downloads are very annoying for our dog and in fact, that is the idea behind his invention. Therefore, we invite you to read everything you can about the opinions of experts and especially, contact a specialist before deciding to use it unsupervised as some dogs may show very aggressive behavior when receiving this type of download that It causes a lot of discomfort.

Learn about the Pros of using an electric collar for dogs

1.- It allows the owner to control the mode that is used and make remote correction:

One of the great problems of choosing a training method that is based on applying force or producing pain is the amount of sensation that is implemented; if we use a lot of force, this can cause our dog to develop fear or aggression problems and the use of very little force will make it get used to the correction and not work at all.

The difference with the electric collar for dogs is that we can easily adjust the mode and intensity of the correction that our pet will receive in training, which will help us to prevent our dog from becoming fearful.

2.- A correction can be obtained even when the owners are not present

One of the important things so that canine training is effective is to be consistent in the corrections we make and in this, the electric collar for dogs can be an excellent help, especially if we want to treat behaviors such as barking or attempts to escape from the property.

The electric collar for dogs can be programmed to react automatically to a certain action so it is an excellent option to be consistent without the need to always be next to our dog.

3.- The source of the stimulus is not very clear

Some people who use other types of training that are based on punishment suffer the consequences that your pet knows perfectly well that the pain comes from us which can cause serious problems in establishing our relationships with our dog.

For example, if we use the correction with the leash, it will be evident that the action is associated with us which can cause our dog to decide to fight with the leash and therefore with us. That is why the use of the electric collar for dogs prevents our pet from knowing exactly that the correction comes from us so there is no one to fight with.

Cons of the use of the electric collar for dogs

1.- Can increase the aggression of the dog

According to some studies, it has been determined that many dogs that are trained with the use of shock may present an increase in levels of aggression towards humans . Another result that was seen in the study, is that the use of automatic collars and the inability to control actions may produce corrections at inopportune times which can produce incorrect associations.

What can happen is that the dog associates the correction with elements of its environment like the humans with whom it coexists instead of doing it with excessive barking or wanting to escape from the house.

2.- It can increase the levels of stress and decrease the quality of life of the dog

Several studies have been done to determine the levels of stress that occur in dogs that have undergone training with shock. During a specific test, dogs that were treated with random discharges without any defined behavior showed high levels of stress by not knowing the causes of the discharges.

Similar to the previous study, this showed that the dogs that were used as samples associated the environment in which shocks were discharged with high levels of stress, which may reaffirm the idea that associations are not always adequate.

3.- Our bond with the dog can weaken

Both of the studies cited above concluded that, in fact, the pets that use the electric collar for dogs associate the pain with the environment in which they develop and with the people with whom they share them, as well as with objects or other animals that are nearby . Even when the shock system is no longer applied, dogs continue to associate space with pain and being.

This means that using a shock collar, especially those that cause electric shocks, can cause the dog to associate things like your yard with pain and stress or worse, even you or a family member or another animal.

Dog training with shock collar

Dog training is made easier with the products mentioned below. Shock collars for dogs that come with tracking devices also help in containing pets.

Dog training collars are also known as electronic collars or simply e-collars. These electronic collars work on the principle of producing static pulse stimulation to control the behavior of the dog. Some of the dog collars come with a tracking device (GPS), which helps in the containment of the pet. In terms of behavioral modification, the training of dogs with collars can be carried out through positive and negative reinforcement. Positive punishment is used to reduce the frequency of unwanted behavior. Negative reinforcement includes the process of providing continuous stimulation in order to carry out the desired behavior in dogs.

Dog training with shock collar

Shock collars help dogs in their training. Some of the dog training collars also come with tracking devices. Let's take a look at the products and information on training the dog with the collars in the following paragraphs.

SportDog SD 1225 Remote training unit

The specialty of this unit is distance training, up to 16 levels of momentary stimuli are offered in the product. It comes with shades and vibration options that help in communication with the dog up to ¾ of a mile. The design of this collar is ergonomic and has a thin profile. The collar is expandable for 3 dogs and is water resistant. The accessories that come with this product are a remote transmitter, charging stand, collar receiver, belt clip, test light, adapter, long touch points, strap, basic manual consisting of DVD and operation guide.

2 level remote control dog shock training collar

The specialty of this dog collar is that the static impulse is strong enough to penetrate a 6mm thick fabric. Thus, one does not have to worry about keeping the point of discharge near the dog's skin. This collar produces vibrations together with the static impulse; the pet can thus associate both the impulse and the vibrations with each other. One of the important features of the dog collar is that it is water resistant. The static impulse and vibrations stop automatically and the dog is prevented from being irritated.

Puppy training with shock collar

The process of training dogs with shock collars will be easy with the help of the following products.

Garmin Astro 220 DC-30 for dogs tracking GPS Combo

This product comes with a GPS handheld device, it has a bright screen. Information about the dog's position is transmitted every five seconds. The location of the dog can be seen on the map page of the handheld device. It helps you in the search for dogs, even in densely covered areas. Astro collars can track up to 10 dogs simultaneously in a range of 7 miles. The Garmin Astro 220 DC-30 Dog GPS Tracking Combo comes with accessories such as Astro 220 portable, AC adapter for DC-30, carrying case, DC-30 wireless transmitter collar, MapSource Trip & Waypoint Manager CD, power cord Vehicle for DC -30, USB cable, belt clip, wrist strap and user manual.

Innotek IUC-5100 Deluxe Contain and Capacite System

The 'UltraSmart' neck of this product is their specialty, which facilitates distance training and also helps in the containment of dogs. An audible click produced by the patented Readytest advanced security system ensures that the collar fits correctly. The maximum range of these dog collars is 150 m. The lithium-ion batteries that come with this product can be recharged quickly and are durable. There are cables included in the kit, these are 100 feet of pre-stretched wire and 500 feet of cable limits. Expansion of up to 25 acres is possible with optional wire sets. The necklace is water resistant and even tough use does not damage it.

There are many products available in the market that facilitate the training of dogs with shock collars. One should choose the dog collars that fit the needs and fall into the budget.

The electric collar in dogs and its consequences

Electric collar VS Positive reinforcement

The electric collar is common in some areas such as hunting, and also relatively frequent in training (commercial or sports). However, there are many countries where electric collars are prohibited (in Spain their sale is free and there is no requirement for their use).

The electric collar, under examination
In the circles related to training, the same discussion about electric collars always occurs: at one extreme people who would never use the electric collar as an unjustifiable punishment, and at the other end supporters of the electric collar as a tool that - well used in expert hands - is very useful for both sports training and behavior modification. But, in the end, we have to resort to scientific literature, such as the one we reproduce below 63 dogs, in groups of 21.
This study investigated the consequences on the well-being of dogs during field training with hand-operated devices (electric collars). After a preliminary study in 9 dogs, 63 companion dogs were recruited to record the possible problems related to the use of the electric collar, thus they were assigned to one of these three groups:

Group A , 21 dogs that were trained by experienced trainers and certified in the use of electric collars.
Group B , formed by 21 dogs trained by the same trainers, but without using electric collars.
Group C , formed by members of the Association of Dog Trainers of the United Kingdom with the last 21 dogs, of course without using electric collars (only positive reinforcement).

How was the study done
The dogs received two 15-minute training sessions for 4-5 days. The training sessions were recorded on video for a later analysis of the behavior. Saliva and urine were collected to analyze cortisol during the training period.
During preliminary studies (9 dogs) there were already negative changes in the behavior of dogs during the application of electrical stimuli, and high levels of cortisol after stimulation. These dogs had generally experienced high stimuli in terms of the intensity of their electric collars without warning signs during training.
On the contrary, in the subsequent study (63 dogs), the coaches used the lowest settings of the electric collars, and always with the warning function , and the responses in the behavior were less pronounced.

Signs, cortisol, conclusions
  • - However, group A dogs spent significantly more time tense, yawned more often and became less involved in the interaction of the environment than Group C dogs.
  • - There was no difference in corticosteroids (urine) between the groups.
  • - Salivary cortisol in Group A dogs was not significantly different from that in Group B or Group C, although dogs in Group C showed higher measures than Group B throughout the sampling.
  • - After training, 92% of owners reported improvements in their dog's behavior , and there were no significant differences in reported efficacy between the groups. The owners of dogs trained with electric collars were less safe in the practical application of the training received. These findings suggest that there is no consistent benefit from training with electric collars, but there are indications to worry about the welfare of dogs compared to training based on positive reward.

How to use the training collar?

The training collar, remote educational collar, or electronic collar for dogs is most commonly used in specific areas of canine education to solve problems of unwanted behavior and dog training for hunting.

The training collars serve to educate our dog in different negative behaviors that develop throughout life as leaks , food from the soil or garbage, belt pulls when walking , jumping over people, excessive barking, climbing the bed or sofa, running after a bicycle or car, ignoring our call, hunting dog training, collecting parts, ultimately help us train our pet and stop problematic behaviors that could be the cause of a serious problem or a difficult coexistence with our dog.

VERY IMPORTANT : The use of the training collar is always indicated for dogs over 6 months of age and with the sole purpose of educating, as we have repeated throughout our blog we will always begin the training with the lowest stimulus and we will go Increasing progressively watching the reactions of our dog to find out what level reacts correctly, never begin an education in the highest levels of the electronic collar.

1 - First step for the use of the training collar

  • - For our dog to get used to it we must put the training collar for some time without connecting or using it, in this way our dog will become familiar with it.
  • - We must constantly check the neck of our pet to verify that it is not suffering any kind of friction or irritation.
  • - The positioning of the training collar must be correct, the strap must remain fully adjusted so that the electrodes always remain in contact with the skin, of course without adjusting it too much so that the dog breathes normally.
  • - Depending on the hair of our pet we will choose the type of electrodes to be placed on the electronic collar, we have short spikes for dogs with little hair and long spines for long-haired dogs.
  • - The place where we start the training should not be chosen at random, we will begin the training in a place that is known by our dog, it is very important that it is a safe place where the dog can not suffer any kind of danger or leakage.

2 - Stimulus level for the training collar

We do much incapie on this issue because each dog needs a different level of correction to react correctly, the electric educational collars have several levels to adjust the weight or character of our pet.

It is evident that a 15kg cocker will not react equal to a level 5 stimulus that a 30kg German shepherd, the educational collars have a scale of levels to manually select according to these needs.

We will select the appropriate stimulus depending on the reactions of our dog, if the level is too low the dog will practically not have any reaction or just call your attention a little

A medium level of stimulation should be noticed in our dog attracting their attention and modifying their gestures and postures, this level can already become a basis for education.

A higher level will cause our dog to react incorrectly by scaring, jumping or even running scared, of the importance of finding a safe place for the first training sessions.

Ultimately the main thing is not to be in a hurry and start step by step from the lowest level

3- We always use the training collar accompanied by our voice

For our dog to understand why the corrections of the educational collar always the stimulus must be accompanied by our order, in this way the animal associates our voice and order with the corrective stimulus.

The purpose is that the dog reacts to our order without the need to apply a stimulus, the dog will try to avoid the corrective by reacting immediately to our voice.

The intonation of our voice must be correct, strong but without shouting, our pet will quickly understand the type of intonation we use to give orders

4- The use of the training collar must be quick

The speed with which we make the correction is crucial for the dog to understand the training, if our dog has a negative behavior and we punished him late, he will never understand why that punishment.

The educational command must always remain ready in our hand, the moment we detect the behavior to be corrected we must react immediately and apply the corrective, in this way the dog will associate its negative behavior with the stimulus that it so little likes.

5 - How does a training collar work?

The electrostatic collar modifies the behavior of our dog by means of a conditioned reflex, this means that our pet associates the corrective to the action that has just been done and will try to modify it so as not to receive the impulse.

The behavior of dogs is of two types instinctive and product of conditioning, our pets have, to a varying degree, intelligence and capacity for rationing, a clear example is that if our dog approaches the octopus to a stove and burns it will never get closer to that device.

6- Different ways of correction to use the collar of training

The vast majority of educational collars use three training modes, 1. Beep mode or sound training, 2. vibration and 3. electrostatic discharges.

All electronic educational collars have the option of downloads but the functions of bipp or vibration can be optional.

1. Sound mode

In this option, an annoying beep is emitted every time we press our educator command. This Beep can be used as a marker, in the same way that we use conventional clikers.

For training with beeps we must educate our dog beforehand so that they associate the emitted sound with a positive or negative consequence.

We give you an example, if after each beep the dog receives a prize then our dog can stop and wait because he knows he will receive a prize for his behavior.

In the same way the dog can react when he hears the sound, because he knows that the non-compliance of the order will be followed by an electrostatic discharge.

2. Vibration mode

In this mode the collar will vibrate in the neck of our dog calling his attention, just as in the sound mode can be used as a marker or as an interruption.

3. Electrostatic discharge mode

In this training mode the electronic collar will send a small electrical impulse through the contact points in the dog's neck.

The amount of stimulation received by the dog depends on three key elements, the selected level, the duration of the impulse and the frequency, it also depends on the physical characteristics of the dog, skin, hair, weight and its temperament.

7- It is important to read the instructions for use that come with the necklace

- We must know its technical characteristics before placing it on the neck of our dog, know how many levels it has, modes of education, distance, etc.

- We will place the batteries or charge the batteries depending on the acquired device, we must ensure its correct operation, many electronic collars carry a small compronante of operation

Advantages with the use of the training collar

The educational collar allows us to control the amount of impulses to the dog and administer it at a distance, in some hunting collars the distance reaches 2km.

The current training collars are able to deliver the right amount of impulses thanks to their selection levels, in this way the dog will not repeat its behavior, but at the same time, it will not receive any kind of pain

Unlike other modes of education electrostatic collars allows us to easily adjust the level of strength that our dog receives, and subsequently we can maintain the same level for future corrections.

The electrostatic collar allows us to give the correction at the right time, this helps us to correct the negative behavior at the time it is performed and stop correcting it when it is no longer acting negatively.

When we use another type of education based on pain our dog can come to associate people with physical suffering and lead them to fear and distrust between us.

No matter how we call the electric collars, educational collars, training collars, shock collars, e-collars, canine training collars, etc. these systems are designed exclusively for education and never for punishment

The concept is very basic, our dog has a behavior that we want to reduce or eliminate, should never be used incorrectly, should always be clearly related the negative impulse with the unwanted behavior

Methods to stop the barking of your dog - shock collar

Stop the barking of your dog

3 Skin shock necklace.

What it requires
The purchase of a specially designed necklace is required. There are two types of shock collars out there: those that work on the vibrations of the dog's voice, and those that work for the sound. The collision collar works by sending a small shock (often called stimulation, pulse, or vibration) to the contact points of the dog's neck. The dog receives the correction if it continues to bark, thus associating the clash with the barking.

Those necklaces that work strictly for the sound can be compensated for by another barking dog, so it is better to use only the necklaces that work strictly for the vibrations of the vocal cords. These are considered the least human by the Human Society.

When it is useful
Shock collars are often used as a way to stop a dog barking when the owner has not properly trained it. The use of these collars should be the last resort when all other types of training have failed and you are facing the loss of your dog.

Electronic collars can be effective, but they can have some very serious problems. First, dogs with thick hair can not receive enough correction because the hair provides a barrier. The owner must start with the least amount of encouragement or correction necessary to stop the barking.
Dogs are insistent, they can bark even with shocks because it is their nature to do so. Because these collars have such close contact with the skin, they can cause skin burns or irritation. Once the collar is off, the dog knows that it can bark again. It is not a good idea to leave the collar on a dog without supervision, as it may malfunction, especially in the rain. Most should not be used with rain, unless it is on the package.

The danger of electric dog collars

The electric collars to educate the dogs proliferate in Spain, but some nations have already banned them for the possible risks they imply for the animal

Electronic collars for dogs are used in Spain . This type of device serves to educate the dogs, with the help of electrical impulses transmitted to the neck of the animal and controlled by a remote control. However, these devices have defenders and firm detractors. Are electronic collars for dogs dangerous or harmful? A recent study, which is discussed below, warns that these devices not only may not be effective, but also generate stress and anxiety in the furry companions .

Electric dog collars: are they dangerous?

The electric collars for dogs are more and more frequent in Spain . Just walk around the parks and talk with other dog owners to see that these devices to educate these pets proliferate.

This type of canine collars work, explain their manufacturers, because they transmit "painless and gentle" electrical impulses to the neck of the animal , graduated through a remote control. The objective of these gadgets is to correct unwanted behaviors , such as the dog escaping , barking uncontrollably, showing aggressiveness or pulling the leash during walks .

Electronic collars want to help dog owners also when there are problems," explains the Electronic Collars Manufacturers Association. "Furthermore, not all of these animals need this type of device, and positive reinforcement should be chosen, whenever possible, as the first method of education for dogs," they point out.

Electric collars for dogs: do they have risks?

The electric collars have defenders, but also many detractors, and in places like Wales they have even banned them . So are these electric collars dangerous or damaging?

Laura Velilla is a canine educator and uses this type of necklaces in her sessions. "The electric collar is another tool for training the dog, not harmful for him, whose use must be responsible , because it is not always necessary, and must be accompanied by positive reinforcements, such as games and caresses," says Velilla.

Although this type of electric collars for dogs has defenders, it also has strong detractors , such as the ethologist Alba Benítez, author of the blog Si mi perro hablara . "The electric collar avoids behavior in the dog through punishment, but never favors cooperation, does not offer any alternative learning and undermines our relationship with him, " says Benítez. In addition, "I agree with Karen Overall, an ethologist and international reference, who is positioned against the electric necklaces because it does not promote the ability of the owner to reflect , that is, he no longer considers what he is doing wrong with his pet, if acting otherwise, it would achieve better results or if it is correctly covering the animal's needs ", adds Benítez.

Electric collars are stressful for dogs

A recent study confirms what many animal lovers already suspected: electric dog collars can be harmful and cause a significant increase in stress in dogs . The work, conducted with 63 dogs, has been conducted by experts from the University of Lincoln and funded by the Government of the United Kingdom, a country where the use of this type of canine training devices has also been extended.

Dogs that are trained with electric collars are much more anxious, suffer more stress and yawn more, are also less likely to interact with other dogs and humans, " explains Jonathan Cooper , research coordinator and university professor of behavior and animal welfare . The results of the study have been published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE .

In addition, the researchers found no significant differences between what was learned by dogs subjected to electronic collars and those trained with the help of professional positive reinforcement , that is, with edible prizes, caresses or clicker . "The findings suggest that the use of electronic collars in dogs not only does not have real benefits in canine education, but also poses a risk to animal welfare," Cooper adds.

Benitez agrees that the use of the electronic collar reduces the welfare of the furry companion . "And, finally, there are moral doubts: do we have the right to inflict pain on an animal to modify behaviors that, in most cases, are natural to their species, even if the owner considers them inappropriate? I do not think so" , concludes.

In other words: shortcuts do not work in canine education . And, moreover, as in the case of electric collars, they can even be dangerous for the furry companion. Therefore, the advice to teach the dog includes the following ingredients: patience, love, desire to learn with him and go to a trusted canine educator .

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

American Educational Products A-C1160 Robo Wall Mounted Drying Rack, 15 Shelf, 7" Height, 21" Wide, 33" Length

This drying rack has been especially designed for mounting onto solid walls and comes with racks that fold up to save space. The unit comes complete with fixings and is finished in epoxy coated resin for easy cleaning. Suitable for up to A2 size paper, 15 Shelf.
American Educational Products A-C1160 Robo Wall Mounted Drying Rack, 15 Shelf, 7" Height, 21" Wide, 33" Length

Folding Clothesline and Extensible Clothesline: Optimize your space to the fullest

If you live in the city, you know that your space is very valuable; so you need to dry your clothes in an optimal way ; and occupy a small place at home; So, in that case, a folding clothesline is for you. And we all love it when the clothes dry well and naturally; besides this way we save a lot of money every month . If you have thought of an extendable or folding rack for those, or other reasons, surely you have done it with a smile on your face, right?

Yes, and currently, a folding clothesline is much more than a simple accessory where you can dry your favorite clothes. But they have become an essential element ; This is because a foldable clothes hanger or stand helps us optimally take advantage of the space that we appreciate so much.

What is the ideal type of clothesline for your house?

 Go ahead and you will see extensible clotheslines of all brands, models, sizes and materials . Follow our guides and you can choose the perfect one for your environment. In our store you can find and buy the folding drying rack you were looking for; because there are folding clothes hangers of different materials, sizes, and brands. In addition, you have at your disposal support items with a lot of practical information to help you get the most out of your folding clothes hanger; and so you can dry your clothes much faster, taking up as little space as possible of your house or apartment.

Clothesline brands of foldable and modern clothes

Find your folding clothesline by brands. We have the best offers of folding clotheslines NovoHogar, Homegrace, Gimi, Vileda, Rayen, Artweger, Leifheit, Leroy Merli, Ikea, and many more. Find those that have the design, size or color preferred for you; and everything you can do here on our website specialized in folding clotheslines.

What is a clothesline and what is it for?

A clothesline is an accessory that we use to hang our clothes or any other material or object that needs drying . It is something very necessary and of daily use in all homes, small or large, of the city or the countryside.

What is it and what advantages does a Foldable Clothesline have?

This accessory belongs to the clothesline family, and it is also known as an extensible, retractable or folding rack or tenderer. It is a device that is becoming basic in every house or apartment in the city. Why? For the reason that an extensible clothesline is very practical, it occupies little space and helps to dry clothes better because it leaves free for the total ventilation of the garments.

They are so practical and can be adapted to any place. They will allow you to place them in the place that is most convenient for you . It can be on the wall, inside or outside, on the ceiling, or even in the window. You will feel very, very comfortable when you notice that using one of these retractable folding clotheslines in your home.

Why or when is it better to buy a folding clothes hanger to the other clotheslines?

Its main advantage is just that they are folding or retractable. Therefore, when you are not using them, you will hardly notice them . It is a great advantage that it only takes up space when you need it. It is ideal for all environments, and much better when you have limited space.

Types and models of folding clotheslines

There are many models of folding clotheslines and extendable in the market, so we have classified them in a simple way, so you find the one you are looking for quickly.

1. Folding wall clothes drying rack

This type of stretchable clothes hanger is one of the most requested and purchased; you can get them both for interior wall or for the exterior.

2. According to its shape

As you can see, our intention is to show you all the best options, models, brands and sizes. And so you can choose the one that has the best features for your needs. Here you can choose whether they are vertical, floor or umbrella-shaped.

3. According to your material:

You can find the best folding laundry clothes in stainless steel, aluminum or electric. We can also find the folding plastic clotheslines.

4. According to your location:

And of course, before buying the folding clothesline that you liked , you should analyze if it is better one that is for the interior or for the exterior of your house. Even, choose one that goes on your balcony.

    Extendable outdoor drying rack:

These foldable tendeles are specially designed so that you can use them in outdoor areas, in your garden, terrace, balcony, wall or window. There are of all sizes; but, usually the larger ones are preferred, because depending on your available space, if it is big it can be better, since you could tend a bigger quantity of clothes.

    Foldable indoor clothesline:

This foldable tender type are specially designed to be used in environments that do not have outdoor spaces, such as a terrace, or garden. They adapt easily to all spaces, they are light and very practical. ideal for departments, for example. Being foldable or retractable, you have the advantage that you will occupy little space while you are not using them.

As you can see, both have their advantages and disadvantages. which you choose will depend on the available space you have.

Covered clotheslines that will make you fall in love

If you have an outdoor clothesline you probably have had a bad experience with rain and laundry. The way to control the weather has not yet been invented, but household chores do not admit waiting. That's why covered clotheslines can be the solution to your problems.

Clotheslines are still the most traditional way of drying laundry in our country. Although more and more dryers are being sold in Spain, there is no need to walk around our streets to see how, in a more or less discreet way, most families choose to dry their clothes in this way (much more economical and ecological) ).

But there is no perfect method. It can happen that, when we lay out the clothes so that the air dries it, it starts to rain and, finally, we have to wash all the laundry again.

For that reason, in those buildings where there is a patio of lights in which the installation of clotheslines is allowed, many neighbors opt for the covered models .

Advantages of covered clotheslines

The covered models have many advantages:

    They allow you to hang your clothes without worrying about what time you are going to do. So, do not wait to be at home to hang clothes, we can do it and then go to work or run errands.
    Protect clothing from anything that may fall from above. All of us who have ever laid clothes know the anger of having a careless neighbor hanging his clothes dripping when our laundry is almost dry. Or, what is worse, let it drip something that is fading, leaving our clothes totally useless. If our neighbors are birds that live on the roof, there are plenty of explanations of what can happen.
    If the shopkeeper is fully covered allows our clothes to dry with privacy , without anyone having to see what we have hung on our ropes.
    You can find models that bring an aesthetic value to your home. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to find a custom clothesline and there are very striking models to add a design plus to your home.

Clotheslines for all tastes

As with everything, when a product proves to be useful and begins to be demanded, the market responds to said demand. Covered clotheslines could not be an exception.

Currently, there are many different models of clotheslines in the market. In Cronoshare we have highlighted those that we find most useful and that are among the best sellers.

Awning clotheslines

They are the most basic models and allow you to choose between different types of clotheslines. Then we talk about the most used.

Those of umbrellas are the most used because they allow to optimize a lot the small spaces. In addition, these clotheslines, when collected, do not take up practically anything.

Between the tendederos of awning we also have extensibles with built-in awning. A lifelong model that thanks to the canvas is now covered. The canvas can be loosened and left rolled up in good weather and you do not want to cover your clothes.

We also have a version a little more cumbersome but very practical: the awning that covers the entire window and allows you to lean out to hang clothes or pick them up without getting wet.

Aluminum clotheslines

This is the other great category in which we can classify covered clotheslines. They are the most colorful, but also those that have a larger fixed structure, so they can not be placed in all the windows.

The most basic ones cover only the top part and allow access to clothing by different systems. For example, with a folding curved lid that falls forward releasing all the space for easy laying.

Another one of the systems consists of a straight folding lid that rises to allow to tend. It is a model very similar to the previous one but with a slight change in shape.

Finally, you have the option of installing a fully covered drying rack. Undoubtedly this is the star clothesline, as it allows to protect the clothes on all sides and therefore is perfect for places where the wind makes the rain come from front or side.

If you liked the covered clotheslines that we have shown you, you should know that at Cronoshare we offer you quotes for the installation of your clothesline.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The best perfumes with jasmine

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Basket of jasmine Jasmine (Jasminum Grandiflorum) is a plant native to the mountain ranges of northern India. Its olfactory properties have been known since antiquity and already in Babylon it was used to perfume the rooms. Jasmine is harvested in summer and, by washing with alcohol, the essence is obtained. The jasmine note is recognized in the heart of multiple perfumes and, next to the rose, is the flower most used in perfumery.

Are you sure perfumes are jasmine?
Most companies that advertise jasmine as an ingredient, do not use the natural essence of jasmine - the most expensive in perfumery - and incorporate synthetic reproductions into their creations. In some cases it is so lucky that it manages to capture and amplify the natural smell. Remember that most of the current fragrances do not incorporate natural flowers to avoid allergies.

The top of perfumes with jasmine

J'Adore de Dior
It is the most successful launch of Christian Dior. J'Adore is a perfume for modern women who daily enhance their femininity in a sweet way without impaling. The fragrance is a combination of essences of white flowers -jazmin, magnolia, tuberose and gardenia- with notes of rose, plum, peach, pear, melon and apple.

Jasmin Rouge
Jasmin Rouge is a floral essence with nard and jasmine chords that is deep, sensual and elegant. Keeps similar with Alien of Thierry Mugler for the treatment of the essence of the jasmine next to the note of wood of cashmere (cashmeran), that endows to the essence of modernity.

Jasmin Noir
Deep and luxurious aroma of jasmine and gardenia with green, tonka bean notes, woody and with nougatin points - French sweetness similar to nougat - licorice, incense and spices. It is not a light and fresh aroma, but an elegant and luxurious fragrance. Created thinking of the woman of mature and self-confident character who seeks the ideal aroma for special occasions, especially at night.

Burberry London
A classic fragrance of chords of rose and jasmine that exhibits a sophisticated touch thanks to its refreshing notes of honeysuckle, peony, rose, tiare, tangerine, patchouli and sandalwood. Classicism without going into excessive maturity that remains spontaneity. It will work on any occasion, because it follows the philosophy that the brand's garments.
Acqua di Parma Gelsomino Nobile

Acqua di Parma Gelsomino Nobile
Gelsomino Nobile - noble jazmin - is a fragrance made with the famous Calabrian jasmine. It transmits luxury and romance. Its output is citrus based on bergamot and neroli; In the heart, floral and sweet, the notes of jasmine, tuberose and green wine await. In the background notes, musk and woods. An elegant essence for those looking for a floral perfume without being strident.

Carolina Herrera
Refined composition between jasmine and tuberose. Floral fragrance with a fruity touch with notes of civet, amber, musk and woods. Carolina Herrera describes the perfume as: "jasmine fireworks". Its smell, recognizable, constitutes the representation of the woman with class and personality that seeks to impact.

Pure Poison
Aroma of the house Dior that you should not confuse with the other famous Poison that attracts equally loves and bitter hatreds. Jasmine perfume with notes of gardenia, orange blossom, bergamot, sandalwood, musk and amber. Sexy floral composition, fresh and clean that reveals seductive facets of women.

A La Nuit
For lovers of jasmine aroma. The fragrance of jasmine is realistic and splendid, in a very sexy and feminine floral essence. Perfect for the months of good weather.

DoLessMore Foldable Plastic Hanging Drying Rack with 28 Clothespins - Space Saver Drier, Portable for Travel

  • Premium Quality Foldable Plastic Hanging Drier with 28 Clothespins for home use or traveling
  • Space Saver - Folding in half and easy to store, Great for delicate washables
  • Secure Spring hook is easy to use and securely holds the drier and washables.
  • Unique grip dots hold strong and leave no mark on clothing.
  • Made with durable plastic and last longer without breaking or cracking
 DoLessMore Foldable Plastic Hanging Drying Rack with 28 Clothespins - Space Saver Drier, Portable for Travel

Buying Clotheslines

Buying a clothesline can be as simple or complicated as we want. The clotheslines are those elements that we sometimes buy a little "lightly" for our home, without taking into account that the supply of these products is so great that we can choose clotheslines of excellent quality at a good price.

Having a good clothesline at home can be done in several ways:

  •     Fabric yourself: if you are handyman and you like DIY you could try it. You can make a large clothesline in your garden or terrace with less effort than it seems.
  •     Go to a specialized store: one of the best options. You go to the store and an expert advises you on which clothes line to choose. It is the most expensive of the options, the catalog is usually more limited and requires physically moving to the store.
  •     Buy your clothesline online: it has many advantages as you have first-class products and you can find savings of up to 70% compared to specialized stores. If once received something does not convince you, you can return it or change it as easily as you want. I like Amazon for the security it offers in everything, but you also have more options online.

Below you will find a summary of the best clotheslines you can find today, differentiating by type, material and design so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.


One Click Luxus Clothesline
The clothes rack One Click Luxus is one of the best tendales we can find in the market. Its structure is based on stainless steel. Its elements are manufactured with high quality elements, getting a very stable clothesline capable of holding many kilos of clothes.

It responds to the "one click" principle by which you can regulate absolutely everything: the height of each level, the opening or not of additional wings. You can divide the clothesline in two.

It has six wheels that allow you to move the clothesline easily, even when it is loaded with clothes. No slackness, no crunching. When folding it takes up very little space.

Foppapedretti is one of the leading brands in the manufacture of clotheslines and ironing boards. For decades it has been supplying products based on high quality materials, normally noble woods.

In this case it would not be different. The clothes rack Foppapedretti Ursus has a beautiful design, wood as a base material and a lot of functionality to be able to house a large amount of clothes.

It is foldable and offers very good height to hang our clothes, so there is no problem to lay large sheets or clothes without rubbing the floor.

It's available in various colors.

As for the price say that this clothesline is more expensive than other models, but it will undoubtedly be a clothesline that will accompany you many years.

Leifheit Pegasus
The clothesline Leifheit Pegasus is a clothesline model that we are all used to seeing.

The difference between the Leifheit clothesline and the similar models that can be found in hypermarkets is that it is better built and has plastic elements to reinforce the body and make it endure scratches and inclement weather without rusting.

Also the rods are better finished than in the cheap clotheslines that we know.

This clothesline is a great option for those who do not want to spend a lot but look for more quality and durability than supermarket clotheslines.

It also comes with numerous extras such as a bag for tweezers or a utensil to stretch socks.

Todeco clothes line
Todeco has this large capacity vertical clothesline for sale with 20 linear meters to hang clothes.

The clothesline once deployed is very stable, supported by a steel structure reinforced with pieces of resin. It is designed for optimal ventilation of clothes.

When folding it its size is totally reduced and we can store it almost anywhere. These are its dimensions: Height 147cm x Width: 87cm x Depth: 64cm and 13 cm in folded position

Foppapedretti Gulliver
With its model Gulliver , Foppapedretti brings us a clothesline of great functionality. As is customary in this brand, the quality of the materials appears in the use of combined wood and metal.

The rods are metallic with reinforcement and their design is prepared to optimize the circulation of the air, favoring a correct drying and that no bags of humidity are produced. When using wide rods will not happen that when drying is the wrinkle of the rod in our clothes.

Folding occupies little space and once deployed is very easy to move thanks to its wheels.

Foppapedretti Allungo
The Foppapedretti Allungo drying rack is a great option for those who want a large clothesline and do not want to give up on a design element. When deploying it not only a clothesline is appreciated, but rather it reaches the category of furniture-clothesline.

Here again the main structure is made of wood in combination with steel, offering great solidity even when the clothesline is full of clothes.

It has six wheels to move easily.

The Allungo model has a hinged system that folds completely, occupying very little space.

Wall Clothesline

Leifheit 83100 Wall
The Leifheit 83100 wall clothes dryer is very popular due to the compactness of its design when it is placed and the large amount of useful laying surface when it is unfolded, with its 90 centimeters width. Its use is very simple, when you want to use it open the top as if it were a door and join both sides.

Leifheit is a consolidated brand specialized in accessories and clothing accessories, so the product will meet a totally satisfactory overall quality.

Its placement is very simple, being an interesting option for small apartments or narrow rooms.

If you prefer to have it out in the open, there is no problem either, since this drying rack can handle the inclemency of the weather perfectly.

Artweger Clothesline
The Artweger wall clothes dryer has the advantage of occupying a minimum space when folded and giving enough space for our clothes when it is extended. (5 centimeters folded and 60 centimeters extended to the maximum)

When it is seen in photographs it may seem fragile, however its structure is strong enough to withstand a full use of all its rods without problem.

A great option if you want to implement a fixed wall clothesline in your house.

Minky Extensible Wall Clothesline
From the hand of Minky we show you this wall clothesline that offers 30 meters of rope in total when it is extended (15 meters each rope)

It comes with the necessary fixings to the wall and when you have to pick it up it will be very comfortable due to its retractable system that will pick up the rope by itself.

It is a clothesline to keep in mind if you have enough space to take advantage of its meters and you do not want the traditional fixed rope system.

Brabantia Clothesline
Interesting drying rack that combines being a wall clothes stand but with umbrella structure and that is imposing as an option to buy . With this combination you can occupy very little space and have a surface to lay your clothes of almost twelve or fourteen kilos.

It is very easily foldable, with mechanism similar to that of an umbrella. Its strings show a very good stiffness and an equally remarkable quality. When folding it you can place a cover so that the rain and the wind does not affect it.

It is a different concept but it is a very useful clothesline if you have the right place to install it. The manufacturer offers a 5-year warranty.

Roof Clothesline

Foxydry roof drying rack
The great advantage of the roof clotheslines is the discretion and space saving they provide.

This is the case of the new drying rack of the Foxydry brand, which is selling a lot because it has a very clean design, lightweight materials and some features that make it almost unique.

For example, extended has a vertical height of 1.8 meters and allows to stop at any intermediate height.

It has a chain mechanism that helps to facilitate the rise of the load without having to do hardly any force.

Take a look, it has very tempting features. There are two versions, one with 10 and another with 12 linear meters of capacity.

Roof drying rack
Sometimes we do not have the space to tend that we would like and we have to resort to other more ingenious systems, such as the installation of a roof rack.

The Tz roof rack brings everything you need to install it without problem. Some tacos to the roof, and others to the wall for pulley and mooring. Every time you want to stretch you just have to loosen the strings and put your clothes.

Its manufacture is based on aluminum and its maximum capacity is around 12 kilos of clothing, which can be more than enough in many homes.

Roof drying rack
Model of roof rack very basic, extremely simple in its placement and operation.

When you want to hang clothes, you loosen the rope so that the clothes line goes down. Once dry and collected all the clothes you can go back to upload it being perfectly concealed in the ceiling.

Umbrella type clothesline
Umbrellas are a good option for those who want a clothesline for outdoor with a lot of style and many meters of capacity.

In particular, this clothes rack of the brand Relaxdays provides more than 46 meters of cable to hang your clothes.

The operation in very simple. The piece that will serve as an anchor to the whole set is inserted into the ground and you only have to place the central structure. It is made of stainless steel, it is easily foldable and you can assemble and disassemble the set whenever you want.

Radiator drying rack
It is a drying rack of the Leifheit brand that can easily fit 99% of the existing radiators in the market.

It is adjustable, very easy to place and fold does not occupy almost anything, being able to store in any drawer or cabinet.

One of the biggest advantages is the much faster drying of our clothes in winter.


To acquire a clothesline and get the essentials right is based on common sense. For this, it is enough
to answer these questions:

What quantities of clothes do I have to hang

An important factor If you have to do the laundry many times, if the drum of your washing machine is too large or if you dedicate one day a week to do all the laundry at once, you will need a high capacity clothesline that holds more than 14 or 16 kilos of laundry. clothing.
From what space do I have

Obviously to more space more easily. If you have a large terrace or garden you have many more options to install different types of clothesline, whether they are rope, wall, removable ...
What is my budget

In the market you can buy clotheslines of all types and designs. Depending on your budget in some cases you will have to sacrifice design in favor of functionality, which is really what it is about.

In any case it is better to invest in a good clothesline that lasts for years to go to a hypermarket offer and that we have to change it every few months or rust and stain our clothes. If you do not want to fail see reputed brands like Foppapedretti.
Where to buy a clothesline

If you go over budget you can go to a specialized store in the home. It is a good option in terms of which you see the clothesline that you are going to take. The problem with this option is an important surcharge, plus travel time.

Another option is to buy it online. It has the disadvantage that you do not see the product physically until you have it at home, but it allows very important savings and you enjoy the same return guarantees as in physical commerce.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Rose Perfume


น้ำหอมกลิ่นกุหลาบ  โรแมนติกและผู้หญิง กลิ่นกุหลาบ ช่วยให้คุณอาบน้ำได้อย่างโอ่อ่าหรูหรา ท็อปโน้ตคือ กุหลาบ และมะกรูด โน้ตกลางเป็นราสเบอร์รี่สีม่วงและอาจเพิ่มขึ้น โน้ตฐานคือวานิลลา, บัทเตอร์แมนและมัสค์ ออกแบบมาเพื่อห่อหุ้มกลิ่นของดอกกุหลาบบริสุทธิ์ในดอกเต็มเป็นทางเลือกที่สมบูรณ์แบบสำหรับคืนวันที่ ใช้กับชุดที่คุณชื่นชอบเพื่อสร้างกลิ่นอายที่น่าสนใจซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนหัวให้เร็วที่สุดเท่าที่คุณเข้าห้อง อย่างแท้จริงไม่ซ้ำใครคุณไม่จำเป็นต้องมีน้ำหอมอื่น ๆ ในตู้ของคุณเพื่อสร้างความประทับใจให้ยาวนาน


ผู้เขียนบทความ : รุ่งนภา รัตนกิศ

HOMZ Foldable, Steel Frame, Rustproof, 23 ft Space Clothes Drying Rack

  • Provides 23 ft. Of drying space allowing you to air dry multiple items at once
  • Features a top shelf that can be used for Hanging wet clothes or for laying them flat while air drying
  • Sturdy and rustproof with a heavy duty steel frame this clothes drying rack offers high functionality and versatility
  • The accordion design takes up less room and allows the drying rack to Fold flat for convenient storage
  • Product dimensions: 29.4x 14.3x 42
HOMZ Foldable, Steel Frame, Rustproof, 23 ft Space Clothes Drying Rack

The best clotheslines in the market (Guide 2018)

Laundry is not a pleasant task. Especially when the weather is bad and you do not have a dryer. The solution, buy a clothesline. Although you think it does not, it has its advantages with respect to the dryer. On the one hand, you can hang all those delicate clothes that you can not put in the machine. On the other hand, they are more respectful with the environment.

To all that we must add that they do not waste electricity . Unless you opt to buy an electric clothesline, a product increasingly popular because it allows you to dry your clothes in a short time. And when you do not use it, fold it and keep it, as you would with a folding stand clothesline. In this selection we have included an electric model, the Thermic Dynamics . It is a stainless steel clothesline that is having a very good reception among consumers.

The rest of the models that we have chosen to elaborate this guide also stand out for their quality. There are various types, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. It is obvious to say that not all houses have the same space or in all households the same amount of clothes is washed.

How many types of clotheslines are there?

That is why, before buying the best clothesline for your home, analyze well how much money you are willing to spend and what type of clothesline is best suited for you and your home. Below we will list the different types of clotheslines that are on the market.

    Outdoor clothes airer . There are many models that can be placed on the outside, from the umbrella classics that are installed in the window to those that are designed for terraces and gardens. There are also models that serve both indoor and outdoor, in case of wall clotheslines or wing clotheslines. But to be able to place them outdoors, the clotheslines must be made of stainless materials that withstand the inclemency of the weather without spoiling. The advantage of these is that they tend to be larger than indoor ones, so you can hang more clothes.

    Indoor clothesline
. They are the resource that you have left when it is raining or all your windows face the street and you can not hang an outdoor clothesline. The bad part is that they take up space, but you can always choose compact models , with vertical levels or because of their location do not disturb, such as roof or radiator.

    Radiator clothesline . They are usually very small, but they are very useful when you need to dry something quickly and you want to take advantage of the heat that comes off the heating. You can also hang them from the balcony railing, from a door or from the window frame . They are quite cheap, as you can see with the Gimi Airy model of this selection.

    Electric clothesline . They are like the indoor clotheslines of all life, but with a cable that plugs into the current. They are among the most expensive, but they are the perfect alternative to the dryer . With the advantage that in them you can put to dry delicate items. And when the weather is nice, you can use it without plugging in to avoid wasting light.

    Roof clothesline. They are ideal for small spaces, since they release space from the floor. They work with a system of pulleys and ropes that must be adjusted to the desired height.

    Wall drying rack . Like the previous one, they also save a lot of space . Many models are manufactured in stainless materials, so they can be placed outside. Some models, such as the Brabantia 475924 of this selection, come in a case that closes when not in use and the clothesline is completely out of sight.

    Folding clotheslines. They are the classic indoor clotheslines that fold when not in use . They can be of a single body, with wings or with different heights to save space without sacrificing capacity. This is the case, for example, of the Foppapedretti Gulliver.

    Rotating clotheslines. Here you can include from the smallest, suitable for underwear or light garments, to those of umbrellas, prepared for outdoor use.

    Automatic clotheslines Usually they are common in the washings, because they have the advantage of which they are anchored in the high part of the wall and they do not occupy hardly space when the ropes are saved.

What to keep in mind when buying a clothesline?

  •     Location
  •     Capacity
  •     Material
  •     Functionality
  •     Brand


As we have indicated before, there are indoor and outdoor drying lines. So one of the things you should think about is where you are going to place it. Once you have decided, you have to choose the right type of clothesline for the space you have.


If you have to wash a lot of clothes in your house, you will need a clothesline with many ropes and / or folding wings. These are usually larger, so if you are going to place it inside the house, it is best to opt for a folding model that you can store when you do not use it. On the other hand, if you have little clothes to dry, it will serve you with a smaller clothes line.


The weight and durability of the material chosen will depend on the chosen model, as well as whether it is suitable for outdoor use or not. In the market there are clotheslines of stainless steel, iron, PVC, plastic or resin. The latter are very resistant.


That it is a clothesline does not mean that it can not come with extra features and accessories. We have already told you that there are electric clotheslines and models that are stored in a case when they are not used. But also models that include a bag for clothespins and / or that have transport wheels that facilitate their mobility are sold.


The most recognized brands are often synonymous with quality. Some even offer good products at reasonable prices. In the market of the best clotheslines, those of this selection are among the best. Lefheit, Vileda, Brabantia or Gimi are some of the most recognized.

    Leifheit It is a German company with extensive experience in the manufacture of ironing products.

    Vileda . Little remains of its origins as a leather manufacturer (its name comes from Wie Leder , which means "like leather"). Today the German company is a leader in household products, including cleaning supplies, vacuum cleaners and ironing boards. It is present in more than 50 countries around the world.

    Brabantia It began in 1919 selling metal jars and milk cans. Currently, the Dutch company has products for the home and solar energy systems.

    Gimi It is a company of Italian origin specializing in articles for laundry. In addition to clotheslines, it has ironing boards and covers for these. For this selection we have chosen a radiator model, but it also has very popular products, such as the Plast or Jolly models, an icon of the company.

Brabantia WallFix

  • Easily folded outdoor clothesline: opens and closes with one hand
  • Easy installation: includes fastening material, step-by-step instructions and drill template
  • Completely foldable: the clothes rack is collected and perfectly protected inside its solid case
  • 120 cm outer ropes for long pieces of clothing such as sheets and towels
  • Long duration, thanks to its robust construction with corrosion resistant materials withstands bad weather conditions

This clothesline can be placed outside, either on the facade or on a terrace. It is quite large, but it opens and closes with one hand. When you do not use it, it is completely folded and re- echoed in a beautiful steel case .

In total, it offers 24 meters of rope to hang clothes. The exteriors are also long enough to hang sheets and towels (measure 120 cm). The arms also have hooks to place hangers. For their part, the ropes are resistant to UV rays, have a non-slip profile and are easy to replace.

Do not worry too much about its installation, because it includes solid fixing material and drilling template.


  •     It fits the clothes of 2 washing machines.
  •     It opens and closes easily.
  •     Discreet once closed.
  •     Resistant.
  •     Good assembly instructions.


  •     It is very large, so you have to measure the space well before buying it.
  •     Price.

Thermic Dynamics

  • Superlight aluminum
  • 3 levels / 30 bars of 50 cm approx. (10 in each level)
  • Maximum temperature: 50-55 ºC approx
  • 4 supports for drying footwear
  • Power: 300 W / Voltage: 220-240 V / Frequency: 50 Hz

This 30-bar electric clothesline is a very good alternative to the dryer. As the bars heat up, clothes dry more quickly than on a conventional clothesline. In this way, it does not pick up the smell of moisture. If you want to speed up the drying, you just have to turn the garment over when it has dried on one side.

It is indicated for indoor use and you can use it without plugging it in. Open has a lot of capacity, but still does not take up too much space because the different levels go vertical. Once closed, it is very compact and occupies little space. Therefore, it is quite useful for homes where there is barely room to hang clothes.

More features: it is manufactured in a super lightweight luminance, has 3 levels with a total of 10 bars in each and carries 4 supports to dry footwear . The bars measure approximately 50 cm and have a power of 300W.


  •     No need to use tweezers.
  •     It fits a lot of clothes.
  •     It occupies little space.
  •     Is light.
  •     Once folded, it is completely flat.


  •     Price.
  •     The bars are somewhat together.
  •     Just dry quickly clothes that are in direct contact with the bars.
  •     Some users would like it to be higher.

Foppapedretti Gulliver

  • Folding
  • When it folds completely it is only 14 cm deep and it remains standing on it possesses
  • With 4 4 wheels at the base, of which two are self-locking they make it easy to move
  • It can be opened totally or partially to give up to 27 lineal meters of space to hang
  • Includes six special clothes pegs
  • White color

Another option is this folding clothesline with wings that offers a great capacity of laying. It incorporates 4 wheels with brake, ideal to move it from one place to another without having to pick up the clothes. It has 27 linear meters of surface to lay and 6 pegs of special clothes. As for its materials, the frame is made of solid wood , but the bars are made of aluminum and the wheels are made of plastic. Includes a small basket for tweezers.


  •     It does not overturn when you put on heavy clothes.
  •     Good quality.
  •     Includes wheels with brake.
  •     Folding occupies very little space.
  •     Nice design


  •     Price.
  •     The wheels are difficult to fit.
  •     The bars are not wide enough to hang large sheets or towels spread out.

Clothes rack Leifheit Pegasus 150

  • Space saving and compact for smaller homes
  • Designed with busy families in mind
  • Up to 15 meters (48 feet)
  • Includes special clips to hold the smallest clothes

If you have space problems at home, but you need a place to hang clothes, this folding clothesline with wings is a good solution. Open does not occupy too much space (55 cm), but instead has enough capacity. In its 15 meters of surface you can easily hang clothes from a washing machine.

In addition, it includes special clips to hold the smallest clothes without using clips, which frees up space for other clothes. Longer clothing can hang on the wings, which at the top are 1.05 cm . Once folded, it can be stored in a closet.


  •     It is suitable for outdoor use.
  •     Is light.
  •     It occupies little space.
  •     Accessory for small garments.
  •     Solid rods and structure.
  •     It is quite stable.


  •     It's something low.
  •     The legs must be adjusted well so that they do not fall or close.

Gimi Airy

Do not expect a large clothesline with a lot of capacity, but it will be good for hanging baby clothes, socks or underwear. Unlike other models in this price range, it has adjustable arms to adjust to the different widths of the radiators or supports where you want to place it (balcony, windows, doors, shower screen, etc.). To do this you just have to close both arms and slide it forward or back to open more or less. It is made of steel (rods and structure) and resin (arms), materials that make it very resistant. It has a total space of three meters.


  •     It folds and is completely flat.
  •     Hold enough weight.
  •     Enough separation between ropes.
  •     Adjustable arms.
  •     Resistant.
  •     Lightweight (431 grams).


  •     The clips to regulate the depth of the clothesline arms are a bit weak.
  •     The handles are folded if they do not fit well.
  •     It is not adjustable in width, so it can not be put on small radiators.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Aromatherapy Massage


หากคุณรู้สึกเหนื่อยล้าและกำลังมองหาวิธีบำบัดที่ให้ความผ่อนคลายอย่างมากการนวดอโรมาเธอราพีอาจเหมาะสำหรับการชาร์จแบตเตอรี่ใหม่ การใช้น้ำมันหอมระเหยที่ช่วยกระตุ้นการผ่อนคลายหรือกระตุ้นร่างกายที่เหนื่อยล้าการนวดที่คุ้มค่านี้ได้รับการออกแบบมาเพื่อให้รู้สึกผ่อนคลายผ่อนคลายและยืดหยุ่น


คุณรู้สึกเหนื่อย? หากคุณขาดพลังงานการนวดอโรมาเธอราพีอาจเหมาะสำหรับการชาร์จแบตเตอรี่ใหม่ การนวดโดยทั่วไปผ่อนคลายมาก แต่การเพิ่มน้ำมันหอมระเหย, น้ำมันหอมระเหย, ทำให้การรักษานี้เปลี่ยนแปลงได้โดยสิ้นเชิง น้ำมันหอมระเหยมีหลายอย่างตั้งแต่การกระตุ้นเพื่อผ่อนคลายหรือกระตุ้นพลัง ดังนั้นนักบำบัดโรคจะให้คำปรึกษาอย่างละเอียดก่อนที่จะเริ่มประเมินสภาพอารมณ์ของคุณและระบุอาการปวดต่างๆ จากนั้นคุณสามารถสร้างส่วนผสมของน้ำมันหอมระเหยส่วนบุคคล (รวมกับน้ำมันพื้นฐานเพื่อป้องกันไม่ให้น้ำมันหอมระเหยที่มีประสิทธิภาพซุปเปอร์จากระคายเคืองผิว) ตามความต้องการของคุณ และสามารถนวดได้


น้ำมันหอมระเหยมีพลังงานคู่ ครั้งแรกน้ำมันจะทำหน้าที่โดยการสูดดมและจะทำให้คุณรู้สึกผ่อนคลายด้วยกลิ่นหอมเยี่ยมยอดของมันและจากนั้นจะซึมซับสู่ผิวได้อย่างรวดเร็วถึงการไหลเวียนของเลือดช่วยขจัดความปวดเมื่อยตามกล้ามเนื้อและทำงานกับความตึงเครียดที่มีอยู่ เพื่อให้ร่างกายของร่างกายได้รับพลังกายที่เพิ่มกลิ่นซึ่งผ่านช่องจมูกที่ละเอียดอ่อนไปยังสมองช่วยในการผ่อนคลายทางอารมณ์ นี้อธิบายว่าทำไมบางคนหลับลึกในระหว่างการนวดอโรมา

 น้ำมันหอมระเหยมีหลายอย่างตั้งแต่การกระตุ้นเพื่อผ่อนคลายหรือกระตุ้นพลัง ดังนั้นนักบำบัดโรคจะให้คำปรึกษาอย่างละเอียดก่อนที่จะเริ่มประเมินสภาพอารมณ์ของคุณและระบุอาการปวดต่างๆ

หลังจากชั่วโมงหรือหนึ่งชั่วโมงครึ่งคุณจะพร้อมที่จะลุกขึ้นและเดินทางไป ในทางกลับกันน้ำมันเหล่านี้อาจทำให้เกิดการคายน้ำภายในได้เล็กน้อย ให้แน่ใจว่าได้ดื่มน้ำปริมาณมากหลังการรักษาเพื่อรักษาระดับความชุ่มชื้นให้เพียงพอ


การนวดอโรม่าอาจเป็นประโยชน์อย่างยิ่งต่อการรักษาปัญหาเกี่ยวกับการนอนหลับอาการปวดประจำเดือนปัญหาทางเดินอาหารและกลาก โดยทั่วไปไม่แนะนำให้ใช้ในระหว่างตั้งครรภ์หรือคนที่มีอาการไตวายเนื่องจากความแรงของน้ำมันหอมระเหย

เนื้อหาและรูปโดย : รุ่งนภา รัตนกิศ