Sunday, January 13, 2019

The bidet - By Jorge Sosa

The bidet - By Jorge Sosa

It is an artifact of massive use but no one has dedicated a miserable literary essay. I'm going to redeem him.

Fdit Portable Handheld Personal Bidet, On-The-Go, Travel Bidet with 620ML Water Capacity for Personal Cleansing Use
Fdit Portable Handheld Personal Bidet, On-The-Go, Travel Bidet with 620ML Water Capacity for Personal Cleansing Use

I want to do, in this solemn moment, a tribute, according to my highly deserved criterion, to a device of massive and frequent use that never of the jamases, still never forever, has deserved a novel of some outstanding writer, not even a miserable literary essay that highlights its virtues: the bidet. Oh, noble gadget where daily we put our buttocks fleetingly! How little men have said about you! I'm going to redeem you.

Not in all countries the bidet is used, in some a chirurgical attachment is used attached to the toilet that acts as a. But as an apparatus it exists in very few countries. It is also used in some European countries (few) and in Japan, which gets to install this type of artifacts in public bathrooms. In other countries they do not know how to use it and many put it on the roof because they think that as it has a jet it should work as a shower.

Some time ago I wrote a poetry that in one of its parts said:

The bidet leaves you anus ... swum,

Because you know that inside a criminal

Stay in ambush

Every day it happens to you that he assaults you

That jet from the snowy artifact.

If we had to compare it with an animal we would do it with the whale, which usually emit aerial jets from its back. However, the bidet is related to the horse. The word bidet comes from the French and means "caballito", in allusion to the posture that is used to use it. We assemble it, daily.

It is a kind of modest fountain, a low basin-type bowl with running water and drainage. Running water comes in clean and comes out ... well, you know. It is manufactured, in its most common ways, with porcelain or earthenware. It has a certain similarity with the toilet, it is your permanent companion, and the bidet is destined to finish the task that one executes in the toilet, because it is delineated to clean the perineal area and the anus, although it can also be used to wash the feet or the face when one arrives at the house with the body overflowing with fernet.

Some refuse to go to a public toilet because they do not have a bidet. They prefer to walk constipated than to submit to the groping of hygienol or an old sheet of newspaper. Or new, according to the rush. They puke until they reach the bathroom of their house.

The most important thing about the bidet is its jet. It has to be a determined jet, with force, well ejected from its holes, not a weak one that does not reach its destination. A bidet with a weak jet is a frustration, one has to fit well inside the device, force its anatomy to go well down in order to achieve its purpose. Nor does the jet have to be so powerful that one ends up stamped on the ceiling.

Usually it is aggressive when the winter, in those cold days that invade us, as it has happened in the last winter, and the jet is frozen. Then it happens as a temperature shock throughout the body and one tends to dodge the bulge or hole, to be more precise.

On the other hand, in the summer, your liquid caress is pleasant and you tend to stay longer, not to clean yourself but to comfort yourself. So much pleasure causes that many people start reading about the bidet while the water takes care of their private parts.

At night, when the bathroom is unoccupied, in the dark, when the medicine cabinet closes its eye because it does not have to reflect, the bidet makes fun of the toilet paper: "You are a clean buttocks of paper. There is nothing softer than water, gilún. "

Someone could say that the bidet is going for the poto, however he has fun with the cards, he is the only artifact in the house who can play dirty ass, the only one to whom one gives his private parts and who submits to that small ascending alluvium of the Mendoza River.

Luckily in the country it is a settled custom. Next to the Argentine toilet, the Argentine bidet, with its huge open mouth, gives us the peace of mind that this domestic fountain will have to point us and will surely hit the target, in reality in the black.

The bidet well deserves a farewell poem:

Ico, ico, white horse

No reins, no message,

Ico, ico, take me riding

Through the white pampa of the tiles

With your watery impulse

Until I feel that my old fret,

Blasting, blasting

Your advice followed

And it is immaculate.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the Bidet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the Bidet.

Distended post of the series " species in danger of extinction " (those objects or customs that for one reason or another are going out of use). Today is the Bidet's turn. Cultural issue, or costumbrista, the bidet (bidet in French) is a low container with running water and drainage , generally made of porcelain or earthenware, designed to cleanse the intimate parts (clearer in wikipedia: designed to cleanse the genitals and anus). Depending on the country in which we are, the bidet is an essential container or a useless object in the bathroom. The use of the bidet generates heated debates on the web. For this, I have summarized the positions on two sides, those who are in favor and against:

Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable Travel Bidet, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag Mom Washer
Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable Travel Bidet, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag Mom Washer

Reasons to be in favor of the use of the Bidet:

  • . It is more hygienic than paper.
  • . By not using paper, there is less erosion (no scraping).
  • . It gives a greater feeling of cleanliness.
  • . It has more glamor (what the paper?).
  • . He is surprised when he is not there.
  • . Not using it is like washing a car without water.
  • . It is more ecological because paper is saved.
  • . Spend less water than a shower.
  • . It keeps the melon cold when there is no room in the fridge (this one is not very convincing.)
  • . Cleaning with paper is in poor taste.
  • . It is a complement to the daily shower.

Reasons to be against the use of the bidet:

  • . It is useless and occupies place.
  • . It is an old article and it belongs to the past.
  • . Its little use ends up transforming it into lavapiés, nail cutter or magazine rack.
  • . It does not replace paper.
  • . It is more ecological because it saves water.
  • . It is used to avoid the daily shower.
  • . When using paper only there is no hands-kk contact.

Where it is used a lot: France (60 percent of the people), Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal (with horizontal jet), Argentina and Uruguay (90 percent and vertical jet, is the element that most miss an Argentine- Uruguayan who travels the world.) and in some parts of Asia.

Other methods used for personal hygiene:
Tunisia or Brazil, there is no bidet there. They replace it with a kind of hose through which pressurized water comes out. There is also a rumor (which I find funny) without scientific support that the Chinese do not use paper to clean themselves, and that if they used it, the forests in the world would end (?).

In short, those who do not have it do not miss it and those who have it can not be without it.

For those who do not know and want new experiences, a link to how to install a bidet in the bathroom.

How to use a bidet

How to use a bidet

You are likely to find a "bidet" in a bathroom, when traveling in Europe, Chile, Asia or China.

 A "bidet" is a toilet that is used to clean the genitals and the anal area, or simply to cool you down. The first time you use it, it may seem a bit uncomfortable, but in reality it is very simple and hygienic to use.

TONELIFE 2PCS Pack Kids/Adult Portable Bidet Sprayer - Travel Bidet Bottle with Convenient ON/Off Nozzle - Baby Bidet Bottle, 350 ml Capacity,English Maunal
TONELIFE 2PCS Pack Kids/Adult Portable Bidet Sprayer - Travel Bidet Bottle with Convenient ON/Off Nozzle - Baby Bidet Bottle, 350 ml Capacity,English Maunal


  1. 1 Use the toilet button. The purpose of the "bidet" is to help you clean yourself after using the toilet (WC). Although some people believe that the use of a "bidet" is a substitute for toilet paper, many choose to use both.
  2. 2 Sit on top of the "bidet". In most "bidets" you can use the water controls, as you would in a normal toilet. It is easier to control the flow of water temperature, if you learn to use the controls. If you bring pants you will have to take it off and fit well on the "bidet". There is a wide variety of designs of "bidets", so you will have to adapt to your design, depending on the area you want to clean.
  3. 3 Adjust the temperature and force of the water jet for more comfort. If the "bidet" has controls for cold and hot water, start with the hot water. Once it is hot, add the cold water until you reach a comfortable temperature. In hot climates you must first open the cold water. In this climate, the water does not need a time to warm up, because you could burn your sensitive areas, if you use hot water first. Be very careful when opening the water, since many "bidets" can produce a large jet of water, move the control a little. Make sure where the water comes from before opening the jet, or you could end up getting wet. If the "bidet" has a spray nozzle in the cup, place your hand over the nozzle to cover the water jet and then press and pull the lever behind the faucets. You can find what you need by keeping control of the " jets. "
  4. 4 Sit in the jets of water so that you clean the area you need to clean. In some "bidets", you can be on the bidet or you can sit on it. Most "bidets" do not have seats, but are designed to sit on them. Some "bidets" do not have "jets", they only have a tap that fills the bowl, like filling a sink. 5 Clean your anal area or your genitals. Clean the area you want with your hands, as if it were time to take a bath. If you want to use soap, use only those that do not have perfume because the perfumed ones, they are not recommended for the genitals. Rinse well and turn off the water.
  5. 6 Dry your skin. Some "bidets" have an integrated air dryer that you can use. In others, you will simply have to dry with toilet paper. Many "bidets" have a towel in a ring next to the "bidet". It's for drying your genitals or your hands, but sometimes it's used to clean splashes around the rim of the cup after you rinse.
  6. 7 Rinse the "bidet". Once you are out of the "bidet", use the "jets" at low pressure for a few seconds to rinse the sink, and so the "bidet" stays clean and fresh. Wash your hands with soap and water, as you would after to use the toilet or "WC".

There are many styles of "bidets" like the one with toilet style. The features that it offers is that it includes: an adjustment in the water pressure, control of the direction and temperature control. You can also buy a "bidet" to install it in your own bathroom. Some of these require electricity, but others do not. Some countries are known especially for the use of "bidets", such as: South Korea, Japan, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil , Uruguay, Venezuela.

The steps to use a modern "bidet" built in the toilet, are the same as those described above, except to remind you that you must remain seated in the toilet before using the bidet. These can be controlled electronically, or they can have controls arranged next to the user. Some of these include two nozzles, a short one to wash the anus, and a longer one that women can use to wash their genitals, while others have a mouthpiece with two adjustments. Some of the additional benefits of using a "bidet" are :

The use of it, by elderly people with limited movements, such as the elderly or disabled. You can misuse a "bidet" when you use it when bathing, and it is uncomfortable and dangerous. They are very useful for people with hemorrhoids, since they reduce the amount of repetitive cleanings. The use of a "bidet" can help women during the menstruation and prevent or minimize the occurrence of fungal infections or vaginitis.You can use the "bidet" to quickly wash your feet. Ad

Dry clean at least once after defecation and before using the "bidet". The excess of stool remains can obstruct the drainage of the bidet. This could be horrible for someone who uses it after you. If you are in an area with a doubtful water sanitation, do not use the "bidet" on your irritated skin.

Your skin is a barrier against infection when it is intact. Some people use "bidets" to bathe babies. This should not be done unless you give only that use to the "bidet", if this is the case, better ask your doctor.

Do not over tighten the bidet accessories, otherwise the washing machine may be damaged. It is recommended to drink water from a "bidet".

The current could bounce off a dirty surface and become contaminated. Be very careful when adjusting the temperature and pressure of the "bidet". This way you will avoid burns and irritations on your skin.

How to clean the anus properly after evacuation?

How to clean the anus properly after evacuation?

Intimate hygiene is one of the most important duties for the human being, if he does not do it, he would be harmed in many aspects that can influence his day-to-day. That is why the cleaning of the anus after the respective evacuation is significant, and then we give you a series of recommendations of great help for the realization of this.

On the Go Bidet

Although it is an information that could be trivial or already known by all. There are many cases of children and adolescents with whom sharing this article can save you uncomfortable conversations. It can also be helpful when it comes to attending children or people of senile age.

What do you need to clean the anus after evacuating

  •     Toilet paper
  •     Wet wipes

Step by Step

  1. The first step is to grab a bit of toilet paper, it is not necessary to spend the entire roll on a cleaning.
  2. The second step comes after completely evacuate, you will use the portion of toilet paper that you consider appropriate and you will start cleaning the anus. Remember that the best way to clean the anus is by sitting, standing will be a bit difficult.
  3. The third step is the most important, because it is the part when the cleaning begins. It is advisable to do it from front to back with gentle movements, so you will not hurt yourself.
  4. In the fourth step verify that you have already done all the cleaning, without leaving any trace of the evacuation.
  5. In the fifth and last step you can use the wet wipes to finish cleaning the anus, thus avoiding uncomfortable irritation that can harm you in your walk.
  6. recommendations

  •     You can buy a toilet paper made of soft material
  •     You can also finish the cleaning by bathing or washing your anus with plenty of soap and water in a bidet or in the shower.
  •     Friction with paper can cause scratches or small wounds. In that case extreme cleaning measures and apply some healing cream.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Pauline's Bidet, A Story that Comes to Our Days

Pauline's Bidet, A Story that Comes to Our Days

Cubans and tourists travel through three of the busiest avenues in Havana that are intercepted at the roundabout of the Sports City. Decorated with gardens and the coming and going of the passers-by the roundabout of the Sports City gives us a historical relic, the fountain that is in its center.

3 Pack - Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet - Pink Color: pink Model:
3 Pack - Hygienna Solo Portable Bidet - Pink Color: pink Model:

The Luminous Fountain, which was its original name, is of utmost importance for the city dwellers and for those who visit Havana, as it distinguishes with its design the roundabout of the Sports City and serves as a point of reference for many to know, where They connect Avenue 26, Rancho Boyeros and Vía Blanca.

Accompany the luminous fountain the illustrious coliseum of the Sports City, one of the most notable works of Cuban engineering. Located both buildings one in front of the other mark the passage to those who circulate there and walk around.

The Luminous Fountain was built thanks to the program of urban works in the 20th century under the mandate of the Authentic Government, in the period of 1944 - 1948, in which the president of Cuba was Ramón Grau San Martín. This ornamental hydraulic work is currently located in the charismatic municipality El Cerro in Havana and was part of the public works that were built at that time Aldecoa.

This work of ornamental type brought a response from the Cuban people who became discouraged with this Government. The fountain was baptized as the Bidet of Paulina by the Havana populace, Paulina Alsina was the widow of Grau's brother and sometimes served as first lady since the president was single.

In a jocular, burlesque and charismatic way, the Havana people named this fountain as it was known that Mrs. Paulina was one of its main promoters for its joint creation with the cousin of President José San Martín, who held the position of Secretary of Public Works and he was the architect and engineer who built it in 1945.

The design of this fountain is made up of stonework structures that resemble a glass. The cups go from major to minor and form 4 levels. The source water reaches the end, bounces off each section of the source and ends in a circular pond contained by a wall. To beautify the fountain each level is decorated with a set of lights of different colors. At dusk and dawn this fountain enhances its beauty with the fascinating magic of nature between two lights.

Pauline's Bidet and its transcendence

This fountain is of utmost importance for Havana residents and tourists, as it shows the roundabout of the Sports City and serves as a point of reference for many to know where three main avenues meet. In addition, its history reflects the Cuban charism, which baptized it as the Bidet de Paulina, criticizing in a mocking way the government of Grau and Paulina Alsina. The Luminous Fountain or the Bidet de Paulina is already half a century old and today is a symbol of pride of the roundabout of the Sports City because of its ingenious location and what it represents for the people of Havana.

The advantages of the toilet with bidet

The advantages of the toilet with bidet

Water for cleaning, for body care and hygiene, but not after using the bathroom, when dry toilet paper is normally used. Can we improve our hygiene at that time? Now we can get it through the toilet with bidet thanks to its new technology that facilitates hygiene and cleanliness of the most intimate areas.

Bidet4me PB-200 Handheld Travel Electric Portable Bidet, Standard, White/Gray
Bidet4me PB-200 Handheld Travel Electric Portable Bidet, Standard, White/Gray

The use of water for cleaning intimate areas is widespread in Asia, thanks in large part to the use of the toilet with bidet. On the other hand, the European user has always opted to use toilet paper or wet wipes for hygiene, without knowing in many cases, that they are harmful long-term practices for our body.

With ViClean-L, Villeroy & Boch has developed a toilet with bidet that is revolutionizing the traditional toilet culture, as well as the vision of hygiene within the bathroom. The main reason to get a toilet with a bidet is that it guarantees a greater sense of well-being, contributes to improving our health and also is not incompatible with decoration since its design is ideal for modern bathrooms .
The main advantages of a toilet with bidet

inodoro con bidet

1. Does not irritate or inflame the skin

In contrast to toilet paper, the stream of soft water does not lead to irritation. The intimate areas of the body are cleaned with warm water after each use of the toilet with a bidet, and the user experiences a pleasant sensation of freshness and cleanliness.

2. Independence and freedom of movement

For users with limited mobility, and / or handicapped , the toilet with bidet offers more independence, providing a comfortable alternative. The position of the nozzle can be adjusted individually for the user, which facilitates and greatly improves personal hygiene.

5. Improves circulation and relief of symptoms

The slightly oscillating fresh water pressure stimulates circulation, providing relief for ailments such as constipation, etc. The jet of water performs the function of washing the rear genital area, providing a pleasant sensation of well-being, and the frontal jet for the female genital area, offers a new sensation of freshness and maximum intimate hygiene.

4. Perfect hygiene for users with pain sensitive conditions

The toilet with bidet offers greater comfort for users with pain-sensitive conditions, such as hemorrhoids, using hot water instead of dry paper. And thanks to the adjustable water and temperature pressure levels, they can be perfectly adapted to meet the user's individual needs and desires.

control inodoro con bidet

5. Ideal for allergic people

Water is a cleaner especially suitable for people who are allergic to being hypoallergenic. This is not only interesting for all those who can not use wet wipes, but also for the elderly and children with sensitive skin, so that the toilet with bidet is the safest and most reliable option for allergic people.
The keys of the toilet with bidet

The ViClean bidet toilet by Villeroy & Boch brings the modern lifestyle to the bathroom, and is not only attractive for its functions, but also for its contemporary and contemporary design. It is a toilet with bidet made in the best materials, available in white and that is presented as a very complete option if we look for suspended toilets .

The bidet

The bidet

In a splendid article, the professor of the University of Barcelona and economist by more signs, Antonio Manduiña, has come to the conclusion that the drastic regulations issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of the USA against oral sex and misguided penetrations obey the objective truth that most: of bathrooms in the United States lack bidet.

Bidet Bottle Portable Bidet Sprayer Hand held with Travel Bag 450ml
Bidet Bottle Portable Bidet Sprayer Hand held with Travel Bag 450ml

It seems incredible but it is true. A hyper-consumer country almost disconcerts the bidet and let's not talk about that playful and orientalizing wonder that is the bidet with a fountain. Professor Menduiña thinks that if Americans now incorporate the bidet into their homes and motels, not only will the objective and subjective conditions necessary so that the mistrust of oral sex and misguided penetrations disappear, but also the construction industry will be activated and new jobs created. It is also possible that the elderly judges, amazed at the pleasures of using the bidet, even change their own theory and practice about sexuality, given how difficult it is to comply with the academic rules of horizontal sexuality. And face to face from ages when, as Shakespeare said, "... the desire survives the pot-ncia".

I share the thesis of Professor Manduiña that the lack of bidet is a source of hygienic disturbances and consequent intellectual turmoil. But I disagree on the moral will of the system to solve the conflict by incorporating the bidet into the construction industry. It's more. The intention of the philosophy, Reganian aims at the repression like cause of an ideology of the overproduction and the reproduction, combined with the maintenance of a high index of unemployment. Plainly but academically, you have to fuck reproductively so that they do not invade the Nicaraguans, you have to increase productivity without evasive erotic licenses such as getting off the pylon or throwing yourself into the Bartolo and you have to keep unemployment as a factor of cheapening the labor market and like a flamboyant sword that watches over social peace. And as for the bidet, it will be painted in oil the "movida" New York.

New in the Building Code: it will no longer be mandatory to install a bidet in homes

New in the Building Code: it will no longer be mandatory to install a bidet in homes

It has just sanctioned the Buenos Aires Legislature. Hotels will not have to meet that requirement either. The placement of bathtubs will also be optional.

Portable Non Toxic PVC Bidet Trevel Kit Handy water Cleaner Pocket Toilet
Portable Non Toxic PVC Bidet Trevel Kit Handy water Cleaner Pocket Toilet

The bidet, for a long time, was a matter of Argentine national culture, almost like a classic, since in almost no country of the world it has it, not even the hotels. Less luxury ones. And now, it will no longer be mandatory in Buenos Aires that both homes and hotels that are built in the City have a bidet.

This was defined in the new Building Code, which sanctioned the Buenos Aires Legislature. Although the norm must still go through a public hearing and a second reading, the ruling party has the votes to approve it before the end of the year.

Although it sounds strange to many, until now private homes should include the bidet by law. This was confirmed in the Urban Planning Commission of the Legislature. And this is what is required, for example, when a developer presents the plans to build a building, since there is talk of a complete bathroom: lavatory, toilet, bathtub and bidet. As of the modification of the Code, the installation of the device will be optional.

This may have more relevance in the case of future hotels. And it goes in line with what happens in other countries, where it is rare to find bidets, even in the 5-star category. In some, they are replaced by elements similar to a shower, or by implements that are placed in the toilet.

The bidet was born in Europe in the eighteenth century, and originally installed in the bedrooms. Interestingly, today in many European countries it is considered "unhygienic", or a luxury item.

The change, in addition, facilitates the possibility that the future houses are smaller, because the bathrooms may have less space. In fact, the minimum surface area of ​​a single studio was lowered from 29.30 to 21 square meters. The idea of ​​allowing smaller buildings is one of the guidelines of the new Building Code.

In the same way, it will not be obligatory to install bathtubs either. But in this case the explanation comes on the one hand very worthy: accessibility. For the disabled or the elderly, bathtubs can be a problem, especially in hotels. In fact, in many establishments in other countries there are only showers.

The new Code also comes to regulate situations that have been commonplace for years but were not contemplated in the regulations. For example, it authorizes dry coatings and other construction materials and technologies. In some cases, they are not in the law because they did not even exist: the current Code was sanctioned in 1943.

This entrepreneur gives the bidet up to date

This entrepreneur gives the bidet up to date

This summer, the evening edition invites you to meet women who are shaking up society. Today, heading to the United States, to discover Miki Agrawal. This "serial entrepreneur" born in Canada, wants to democratize the bidet for the good of the planet and the rear of the Americans.

Portable Bidet Sprayer and Travel Bidet with Hand Held Bidet Bottle for Personal Cleansing Use - Include Extended Nozzle - Personal Hygiene Care Toilet Bidet Shower/Bathroom Bidet Spray -14.8oz(420ml)
Portable Bidet Sprayer and Travel Bidet with Hand Held Bidet Bottle for Personal Cleansing Use - Include Extended Nozzle - Personal Hygiene Care Toilet Bidet Shower/Bathroom Bidet Spray -14.8oz(420ml)

In Western countries, the golden age of the bidet is over. Invented in the eighteenth century, this piece of bathroom designed to clean the intimate parts after a visit to the toilet has fallen into oblivion, driven by toilet paper. On the other side of the Atlantic, Miki Agrawal set out on a cheeky challenge: to democratize the bidet in American homes.

Since 2016, his company Tushy sells a modern, discreet bidet that installs under the toilet bowl and sends a jet of water on the intimate parts with a button located on the side. In a word, it is much less invasive than the bidet of our ancestors, which was a piece of furniture in its own right, and just as practical as toilet paper.

Eco-friendly, hygienic and less expensive

Unlike the majority of her fellow citizens, this Canadian living in New York always knew what a bidet looked like and served. "My mother is Japanese and my Indian father is part of their respective culture," she says on the phone. But the idea of ​​marketing it really came in 2012, thanks to a gift ... to say the least original. "For our first Valentine's Day, my fiance gave me a bidet ... I was so happy! She recalls.

Its modernized version of the bidet costs between $ 69 and $ 84, and the 39-year-old entrepreneur claims to have already sold "several thousand". "More and more Americans, especially young people, are sensitive to environmental issues and realize that we can not continue to destroy the planet as well," she says.

The advocates of the bidet - Miki Agrawal first - highlight the disastrous consequences of the generalization of toilet paper. About 270,000 trees would be destroyed and turned into PQ every day according to World Watch magazine. According to The World Counts, we have used more than 6,816,000,000 kilometers of toilet paper since the beginning of the year, and we are only in July.

In addition to branding the ecological argument, the entrepreneur recalls that the toilet paper is not at all hygienic and promotes the appearance of urinary tract infections or hemorrhoids. Third reason to adopt the bidet: the cost. "It pays in three months," she says, while Americans put between $ 40 and $ 70 each year in the PQ rolls.

"Serial entrepreneur"

Described as a "serial entrepreneur", Miki Agrawal is not her first bold innovation. Employed in an investment bank after graduation, she dropped finance after the attacks of September 11, 2001 and at the age of 25, she launched the Gluten-Free Pizzeria Wild, at a time when this alternative was not not yet fashionable.

Then, his "menstrual panties" called Thinx, which avoids leaks during menstruation, has earned him a certain notoriety in the world of entrepreneurship. Accused of sexual harassment by a former employee, she resigned from her business - while denying the facts - to devote herself to Tushy. She also created Icon, a line of underwear designed to contain the small urine leaks that many women experience, especially after pregnancy.

While these initiatives are "inherently feminist," Miki Agrawal's focus is on tackling day-to-day issues such as going to the bathroom, which in 2018 "still makes people feel uncomfortable when they talk about it."

Free from taboos

In parallel with his business creations, Miki Agrawal has released a first book Do Cool Sh * t, which could be translated as "Do what you love", built as a guide for young entrepreneurs. She is currently working on a second book, Disrupt Her (play on words with "disrupter", "disrupter" and "her", "her"), planned for January 2019, in which she speaks about "injunctions that society imposes upon us and what to do to get rid of it.

Miki Agrawal will release a second book in January 2019. (Photo: Daniel Johnson)
Moving the lines is the common point of all Miki Agrawal projects. After breaking the rules taboo, the entrepreneur hopes to change the mentality of Americans, "indoctrinated" according to her, accustomed to roll out PQ rolls for decades. And if the revolution started in the corner?

The bathroom bidet: what use?

The bathroom bidet: what use?

The bathroom bidet seems to have lost the interest of French consumers. It is however advisable to own one. Indeed, the intimate toilet is much more effective with this type of device that comes in addition to the use of toilet paper.

Mini Boss Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer with 180?Adjustable Nozzle, Handheld Personal Bidet for Disability, Traveling, Outdoors, Postoperative,White
Mini Boss Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer with 180?Adjustable Nozzle, Handheld Personal Bidet for Disability, Traveling, Outdoors, Postoperative,White

What is a bathroom bidet?
The bidet is a sanitary bowl of oblong shape that is used as part of the toilet of the private parts. Mainly used in European countries, it allows a complementary and daily personal hygiene precaution.

Current bidet models are usually made of materials such as porcelain, ceramic and white enamel. They are equipped with a mixer tap that allows to direct the water jet in the desired direction.

Simply sit facing or back to the faucet, like on a toilet, in order to use the bidet. Note that it is however easier to settle in front of the taps to control the temperature of the water.

The benefits of the bidet, useful object still today
Almost gone, the bidet has some advantages that still justify its presence in our bathrooms.

Cleaner than toilets, it is also more economical in water than a bathtub.
After a visit to the toilet, it is particularly useful to complete the use of toilet paper.
It can also be used to wash other parts of the body (feet, hair) or even its pet.
The modern counterpart of the bidet is without doubt the Japanese WC. More and more popular, this type of toilet works on the same principle as the bidet since it allows a similar use for the intimate toilet.

Installation of the bathroom bidet
A bidet can be installed in different ways:

Attached to the floor or placed on a stand. This type of bidet is accessible from 80 euros.
The bidet can be suspended. It is then fixed to the wall and saves space. It will be possible to find from 200 euros.
The bidet can also be removable. It is then equipped with a foot without fixing or is placed directly on the toilet bowl. The price of this type of bidet is about 50 euros.
There are even electric bidets to fight against intimate inconveniences (hemorrhoids, etc.)

The present, the past and the future of the bidet

The present, the past and the future of the bidet

Do you bidet and use it? You are an old man Young people no longer see it useful. If they have it, they use it to store magazines or dirty socks, wash underwear or submerge your feet in a hot bath (uncomfortable unless you have tiny feet). It is logical that manufacturers are concerned. Apparently, the only place where bidets are still bought is Argentina. In the rest of the world, sales have fallen more than 60%.

GLOGLOW Electric Bidets Personal Handheld Bidets Sprayer Portable USB Charge Bathroom Sprayer Convenient Travel Bidet(Blue)
GLOGLOW Electric Bidets Personal Handheld Bidets Sprayer Portable USB Charge Bathroom Sprayer Convenient Travel Bidet(Blue)

I met the first bidet of my life more than forty years ago. It seemed to me a trick of the most sophisticated: you operated a lever and a ray came in the middle of the cup. They call it 'inverted shower'. This vertical beam was conceived as a means of effective contraception in the 18th century and even well into the nineteenth century. Women of childbearing age demanded that they always have a bidet with a sunblock on hand. Although for others, of course, all that was just an attack on morale. In a hotel in Paris hundreds of bidets were destroyed because of this controversy. The management of the establishment did not want to risk going against the good customs.

Baths of seat
The truth is that the bidet was born as a useless tool for half of humanity. Half the male, of course, that there has always been a bad placement, unless you have morons and need what was previously called "seat baths." The logic, in short, would be to disappear at once. But it is not so easy.

and announced a rebirth. There are famous designers thinking about it. The tendency is to unify the toilet and bidet, as the Japanese did long ago. There are now toilets with soft seats and heaters, hot and cold water rays and a hairdryer (all adjustable so that it is direct where you need to go), music, strident noise in case you need to cover your own noises and all this digitally controllable from one seat control.

In short, the usual one. We get so crazy about the news as clinging to the whole of life. The bidet was, it is and it will be a sample of how useless can be both.