Saturday, January 12, 2019

The bidet

The bidet

In a splendid article, the professor of the University of Barcelona and economist by more signs, Antonio Manduiña, has come to the conclusion that the drastic regulations issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of the USA against oral sex and misguided penetrations obey the objective truth that most: of bathrooms in the United States lack bidet.

Bidet Bottle Portable Bidet Sprayer Hand held with Travel Bag 450ml
Bidet Bottle Portable Bidet Sprayer Hand held with Travel Bag 450ml

It seems incredible but it is true. A hyper-consumer country almost disconcerts the bidet and let's not talk about that playful and orientalizing wonder that is the bidet with a fountain. Professor Menduiña thinks that if Americans now incorporate the bidet into their homes and motels, not only will the objective and subjective conditions necessary so that the mistrust of oral sex and misguided penetrations disappear, but also the construction industry will be activated and new jobs created. It is also possible that the elderly judges, amazed at the pleasures of using the bidet, even change their own theory and practice about sexuality, given how difficult it is to comply with the academic rules of horizontal sexuality. And face to face from ages when, as Shakespeare said, "... the desire survives the pot-ncia".

I share the thesis of Professor Manduiña that the lack of bidet is a source of hygienic disturbances and consequent intellectual turmoil. But I disagree on the moral will of the system to solve the conflict by incorporating the bidet into the construction industry. It's more. The intention of the philosophy, Reganian aims at the repression like cause of an ideology of the overproduction and the reproduction, combined with the maintenance of a high index of unemployment. Plainly but academically, you have to fuck reproductively so that they do not invade the Nicaraguans, you have to increase productivity without evasive erotic licenses such as getting off the pylon or throwing yourself into the Bartolo and you have to keep unemployment as a factor of cheapening the labor market and like a flamboyant sword that watches over social peace. And as for the bidet, it will be painted in oil the "movida" New York.