Monday, January 28, 2019

Schiff Glucosamine 2000mg with Vitamin D3 and Hyaluronic Acid, 150 tablets - Joint Supplement (Pack of 2)

Treatment with pain medications for osteoarthritis

Treatment with medications for pain due to osteoarthritis

It is appropriate if:

■ A doctor told you that you have osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis
is different from other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis
or psoriatic.
■ The doctor recommended one of the following medications for
the pain from osteoarthritis and you want to know what the research about the medication.

Schiff Glucosamine 2000mg with Vitamin D3 and Hyaluronic Acid, 150 tablets - Joint Supplement (Pack of 2)
Schiff Glucosamine 2000mg with Vitamin D3 and Hyaluronic Acid, 150 tablets - Joint Supplement (Pack of 2)

Is this summary appropriate for me?
□ Acetaminophen (Tylenol®)
□ Ibuprofen (Motrin®,Advil®)
□ Diclofenac (Cambia®,Cataflam®, Voltaren®,Voltarol®, Zipsor®)
□ Naproxen (Aleve®,Naprosyn®)
□ Celecoxib (Celebrex®)
□ Etodolaco (Lodine®)
□ Meloxicam (Mobic®)
□ Nabumetone (Relafen®)
□ Aspirin
■ You are considering taking food supplements glucosamine or chondroitin, for your pain from osteoarthritis.

It is not appropriate if:
■ A doctor has not told you that you have osteoarthritis.
■ You are under 18 years of age. The information of this

* In this summary, the word "doctor" refers to health care professionals who can treat you, including your doctor, rheumatologist, nurse or assistant doctor.

What does this summary cover?

This summary explains how to treat pain from osteoarthritis using a group of medicines called "analgesics." He also talks about the investigations about different types of analgesics. Explain it ability of each medication to relieve pain and risks of causing serious side effects. also can Help you talk with your doctor about pain treatment for osteoarthritis. The summary does not include other ways to control the pain from osteoarthritis, such as surgery, narcotic medications or the steroids.

Where does the information come from?
A group of researchers funded by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (Agency for Research and Quality of Medical Care, AHRQ for its acronym in English), an agency of the federal government, updated a review of the research on the use of analgesics for osteoarthritis. The updated review included 273 research studies published between January 2005 and January 2011. The report was reviewed by clinicians, researchers, experts and the public.

What is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that occurs when joints become inflamed and become rigid.
■ Cartilage is the soft tissue that is between the bones that is join in a joint. It acts as a shock absorber and allows that connecting bones can move easily and without rub.
■ In people with osteoarthritis, the cartilage that separates bones begins to degrade and the bones begin to rub each.
■ Osteoarthritis causes damage, pain and inflammation in the joint.

How common is osteoarthritis?
■ Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.
■ It affects about 27 million people in the United States.
■ It is the main cause of disability.
■ Osteoarthritis is more common in older people, Overweight or who have injured a joint.

Why is the pain of osteoarthritis treated?
■ Osteoarthritis can be very painful and may get worse with the weather.
■ Osteoarthritis can cause difficulty moving, working or Enjoy the activities.

What does it mean to control pain?
Osteoarthritis has no cure. However, your doctor may suggest one or more of the following actions to help you control the pain:
■ Take medications called pain relievers to relieve pain and inflammation.
■ Maintain your weight at a healthy level to decrease the Impact on your joints.
■ Exercise to reduce pain and facilitate daily tasks.

What are analgesics?
Analgesics are a type of medication that helps relieve pain and inflammation. Analgesics are presented in different shapes:
■ Acetaminophen: Most people know about this medicine by the trade name Tylenol®.
■ Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (also called NSAID, by its acronym in English): you may know some of the commercial names of these medications, such as Advil®, Motrin®, Aleve® and Celebrex®.
■ Skin creams: some common brand names are: BenGay®, Aspercreme® or Theragen®.
■ Supplements: some people use supplements food glucosamine and chondroitin to reduce pain for osteoarthritis.

Analgesics for pain due to osteoarthritis

What are the names? The generic name of this medication is acetaminophen.

The commercial name is Tylenol®.

Yes, this medication can be purchased without a prescription.

How much does it alleviate
■ Research indicates that this medicine does not pain and inflammation reduces pain as much as NSAIDs.

■ This medicine does not reduce inflammation.

What side effects
■ This medicine can damage the liver if taken in can cause this excessive amount or if used together with alcoholic beverages.

What are the names. These medications have many generic names

■ Ibuprofen
• Motrin®
• Advil®
■ Diclofenac
• Change®
• Cataflam®
• Voltaren®
• Voltarol®
• Zipsor®
■ Naproxen
• Aleve®
• Naprosyn®
■ Celecoxib
• Celebrex®
■ Etodolaco
• Lodine®
■ Meloxicam
• Mobic®
Some of these
Ibuprofen and naproxen can be bought without a prescription.
medications can buy without a prescription?

How much do they relieve pain?

All these medications are practically the same as and the inflammation these effective in relieving pain and inflammation.

■ Research indicates that all these medications they reduce pain better than acetaminophen.
■ Diclofenac in skin cream works just as well than the NSAID pills.

What side effects
■ All of these medications can cause problems can cause these serious stomach, such as bleeding or ulcers. Greater medicines?
Number of people have had those problems with the following NSAIDs:
• Naproxen
• Ibuprofen
• Diclofenac
■ Bleeding from the stomach was more frequent in the people who took naproxen than in those who took ibuprofen
■ All NSAIDs, except naproxen, may increase the probability of having heart problems.

Creams for skin

Wich are the names generic and commercial?
• Diclofenac
• Ibuprofen
■ Capsaicin
• Theragen®
• Zostrix®
• Capsagel®
• Salonpas-Hot®
■ Salicylate
• Aspercreme®
• BenGay®
• Sportscreme®
Some of these
Capsaicin and salicylate creams can
Medications can be purchased without a prescription.
buy without a prescription?

How much they relieve pain
■ Reduced the risk of having serious stomach problems and the inflammation these in people who used a cream NSAID instead of medicines?
pills, but increased the dryness of the skin, irritation and itching.
■ Diclofenac in skin cream works just as well than the NSAID pills.
■ Some research indicates that capsaicin may relieve pain with the same efficacy as NSAIDs, and that the same thing happens with the salicylate, but there is not enough investigation to be able to affirm it.
What are the effects
■ NSAIDs in cream can cause dry skin, secondary that can irritation and itching.
■ Capsaicin may cause a mild burning sensation.

What are the names? The generic names of these supplements are glucosamine generic and chondroitin.
These supplements are sold under many names commercial?
Commercial and sometimes they are sold combined in a single pill.
These supplements
Yes, they are sold without a prescription and can be found in can be bought without supermarkets, pharmacies and health food stores.

How much do these help?
It's possible that they alleviate the pain as well as the pills supplements to reduce the of NSAID, but there is not enough research to be able pain and inflammation?

What side effects?
There is not enough research to know if these can cause these supplements cause side effects.

■ Supplements sold in the United States are not available regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (United States Food and Drug Administration United, FDA by its acronym in English).
That means that the quality of glucosamine and chondroitin can vary and that the content may be different from the one indicated on the package.
The supplements that have been studied have been formulas with a purity of 99%, without added ingredients, which are not available in the United States.
That means that supplements that you buy may not be the same than those that were investigated.

More information about the serious side effects that can cause an NSAID Stomach problems: the researchers found that:
■ The appearance of ulcers (open sores) in the stomach was more frequent in people taking naproxen, ibuprofen or diclofenac than in those taking celecoxib, meloxicam or etodolaco.
■ More people taking naproxen had serious problems of the stomach, such as bleeding and ulcers, than those that took ibuprofen
■ In people who have taken an NSAID and have had stomach bleeding before an NSAID is more likely to cause bleeding from the stomach, which in people who had not had this problem in the past.
■ People who take blood thinners (such as Coumadin® or warfarin) or other medications that prevent coagulation (such as aspirin), when they are also taking naproxen, ibuprofen or diclofenac, have a probability of 3 to 6 times greater than having stomach bleeding, compared with the people who only take the blood thinners.
■ People who take a small dose (amount) of aspirin when you are also taking celecoxib, naproxen, ibuprofen or diclofenac, increase your risk of ulcer approximately 6 percent.
■ People who take high doses of naproxen, ibuprofen or diclofenac are more likely to have stomach bleeding than who take low doses.
■ The risk of stomach problems from the use of a NSAID increases with age.
■ Adding celecoxib to an acid-reducing medication stomach (called a proton pump inhibitor, or PPI,by its acronym in English) could reduce the risk of occurrence Ulcers and their complications, including bleeding.

Heart problems: the researchers found that:
■ The use of celecoxib, ibuprofen or diclofenac increases the possibility of having heart problems.
■ Naproxen does not increase the risk of heart attack.
■ In people who take high doses of celecoxib, the risk of suffer a heart attack is greater than in those taking doses low.
■ The risk of heart problems from the use of NSAIDs increases with age.
■ All NSAIDs can worsen blood pressure, function of the heart and the function of the kidney. However, there is no clear differences between naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, etodolaco, meloxicam or nabumetone, in terms of the risk of having high blood pressure, heart failure or poor function of the kidney.

What should I think about when making my decision?
Each pain medication has a different set of benefits and risks, and each has advantages and disadvantages. I talked with your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks and to decide what medication is best for you. Talk to your doctor about of:
■ How much pain and inflammation you feel and how often you feel them.
■ The effectiveness of each medication to relieve pain and inflammation.
■ How much you and your doctor are concerned about the risks of have serious side effects
■ Your age or other health problems that may influence your choice of pain medication.
■ The convenience and cost of having medications with or without recipe.

Take a decision

What is the cost of analgesics?
The cost of painkillers for you depends on:
■ The type of health insurance you have.
■ The dose (amount) you need.
■ If the medication exists in generic form or if it is sold without recipe. Some NSAIDs can be bought without a prescription, but it is Your insurance may not cover the cost if you buy them from this shape.
The cost of painkillers without a prescription depends on the pharmacy, the name of the medication and the amount purchased in the moment. When looking for where to get the lowest cost, take also consider the quality of the product.