Sunday, January 27, 2019

Glucosamine 1500 and Chondroitin 1200 240 Capsules

Glucosamine - The natural remedy for joint pain

Arthrosis occurs when the cartilage of the joint is damaged. The function of the cartilage is to act as a buffer between the joints, but when this is impaired one bone rubs against another producing discomfort, inflammation and difficulty of movement. That's where glucosamine comes in.

Until now, the only pain relief was a treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Brufen, Orudis) or the injection of steroids (such as cortisone). But this only camouflages the symptoms and temporarily relieves the pain, although the deterioration of connective tissue continues to occur.

Glucosamine 1500 and Chondroitin 1200 240 Capsules
Glucosamine 1500 and Chondroitin 1200 240 Capsules

In addition, the dose of the drug should be increased at the same rate that the discomfort increases, leading to a spiral with no exit. This causes more problems since the drugs have harmful side effects. In addition to that they can cause a faster progress of osteoarthritis.

Throughout the years the only solution lies in implanting, through an operation, an artificial joint. But even this does not solve the problem, since they have a limited life and, over time, need to be replaced again.
What is glucosamine?

  •     Glucosamine is an amino-sugar that is produced in our own body . The substances needed to produce it are taken by the body through the food we eat.
  •     This amino-sugar can be found in synovial fluid, connective tissue and cartilage.
  •     It is very important for joint joints to move without pain.
  •     It also regulates the structure of cartilage in combination with chondroitin.

How does glucosamine work?

For the cartilaginous tissue to be healthy, three requirements must be met

  • Sufficient water for hydration and conservation
  • Proteoglycans, to link them with water
  • Collagen , to keep the proteoglycans in the correct position

Proteoglycans act like a rope that wraps collagen. They are very important because they can store several times their own weight in water, lubricating the collagen.

If the cartilage is damaged the filaments of the cord weaken and cause "leaks" to the outside. This causes the collagen to lose its strength and the proteoglycans to float and stop being subject, so the cartilaginous tissue can not cushion the blows and cracks completely.

Glucosamine is an important component of proteoglycans, which love water. In addition to its function to favor the synthesis of proteoglycans, its mere presence is an important stimulus for the cells that produce proteoglycans. In fact, glucosamine is a key factor in determining the amount of proteoglycans that cells produce.

It has been shown that glucosamine accelerates the production of proteoglycans and collagen and normalizes the metabolism of cartilage tissue, preventing it from deteriorating.

Due to the effects of glucosamine on cartilage, it can help the body repair damaged cartilage damage and strengthen natural healing mechanisms.

Glucosamine in addition to stimulating the generation of cartilage also helps reduce discomfort and inflammation .

Cases in which glucosamine is recommended

  •     When sports activities are carried out regularly
  •     Preventive against osteoarthritis
  •     When you have low back or chronic back pain
  •     When you have persistent discomfort in your joints
  •     Preventive in cases of incipient or advanced osteoarthrosis

Sources of glucosamine
Currently there are very few foods that contain glucosamine . The few cases in which the human body can obtain natural glucosamine is eating lobsters, shrimp, crabs or clams, but in most cases the substance is not in the crustacean itself, but in its outer layer. For this reason, taking a glucosamine dietary supplement is the best alternative.
Allergy to seafood

Since most of the glucosamine comes from seafood (some manufacturers offer glucosamine corn), you should consult your doctor before starting the glucosamine treatment. If glucosamine comes from pure shellfish, it is theoretically possible that people who are allergic to shellfish can not take glucosamine.

People with shellfish allergies react to the proteins contained in this type of food. Glucosamine is obtained from chitin , a carbohydrate of seafood, so it is recommended to supervise a doctor before taking glucosamine in those people with shellfish allergy.
The official recommendation is, however, that people who are allergic to shellfish should avoid glucosamine.
Vegetable Glucosamine suitable for vegans and vegetarians

We have already seen how the natural sources of glucosamine are very scarce and mostly come from bones or exoskeleton of crustaceans. However, food supplements of vegetable glucosamine have been developed, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Vegetable glucosamine contains a high concentration of glucosamine hydrochloride. This resulting substance is differentiated from others by the high amount of purity that contains its glucosamine and that contributes to the organism.

This vegetable product comes from or part of the corn, an element that the process converts into dextrose. This is fermented as a step prior to the extraction phase. The result is a hydrolysis process that gives rise to the vegetable glucosamine, which, as we have seen previously, reaches 98% purity.

Glucosamine for osteoarthritis

In principle in conventional medicine there were very few medications for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Then came the NSAIDs or NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . These new components became widely used and are currently among the most popular drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.

  •     Although they work very well to treat the pain of osteoarthritis they present, nevertheless, some very serious side effects if they are taken for a period of time longer than necessary.
  •     Among these side effects can occur from bleeding from the stomach, collapse of the lower digestive tract or liver failure.
  •     At that time it was not known that osteoarthritis could be worsened by the administration of NSAIDs or NSAIDS. NSAIDs acted as the first generation of drugs against COX-2, by blocking an enzyme called COX-1.
  •     This was the reason, in part, why the painkiller was used to slow pain receptors like COX-1. But unfortunately, COX-1 is a non-specific molecule.
  •     On the other hand, it also affects other body systems, such as blood clotting and digestion. Therefore, those who take aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen daily are more likely to suffer stomach discomfort, or suffer contusions, due to the diluted degree of blood as the body is being attacked in these aspects, (along with the discomfort or the inflammation).


Subsequently, COX-2 inhibitors appeared, the drugs that they supposedly considered "more selective". These are generally drugs that need a prescription (and cost much more than NSAIDs, over-the-counter). Brands such as Vioxx and Celebrex quickly reached "fame" among the most prescribed medications.

However, this has now changed due to the potentially dangerous side effects of COX-2, its high price and the inability to produce other effects than those of masking the pain of arthrosis, without further ado. For this reason, for more than twenty years in the United States and a large part of Europe (Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain) research is continuing on glucosamine and its effectiveness in the fight against osteoarthritis in humans and animals.


Glucosamine regenerates the cartilaginous tissue, tendons and other connective tissues of the body and acts as a block building these materials and inhibiting enzymes that destroy cartilage, in particular acts against osteoarthritis. When the body is not adequately supplied with glucosamine it can develop osteoarthritis. This degenerative disease that affects millions of people around the world, is characterized by a collapse of "shock" in the joints, especially those where the body weight rests: hip or knee.

It works naturally, preventing the destruction of the cartilage tissue and calming the discomfort of the joints, swelling and loss of mobility. On the other hand, glucosamine has no harmful side effects, such as those produced by NSAIDs or COX-2 drugs. And all this, not to mention the fact that glucosamine is much cheaper (about a dollar per day), and that it has a totally natural origin.

Glucosamine can not cure your osteoarthritis, but it can soothe pain in a very positive way. The effects of glucosamine act from the inside, moisturizing and protecting the joints in a warm way and curing them, instead of camouflaging the discomfort, as occurs with NSAIDs and COX-2, so although the effects of glucosaminesean slower ones are much more effective and positive than those of medications.

On the other hand, in addition to relieving the discomfort, it also protects the joints from further damage, preventing injuries from occurring in the future. It has been proven that many NSAID drugs can actually damage the joints and cause a worsening of osteoarthritis due to the degeneration of the joints, contrary to what happens with glucosamine, which acts by protecting them.
If you need immediate pain relief, you can take glucosamine can along with traditional NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) With this the pain temporarily calms down. But glucosamine in addition to reducing discomfort, also strengthens cartilage. Keep in mind that 1000mg of glucosamine per day is sufficient, as has been proven in most clinical trials.

Many people also find that chondroitin and MSM have good effects against the discomfort of arthritis .

When you are ready to use a product, carefully compare its ingredients, to see its actual composition and the percentage of glucosamine used.

Combination of glucosamine and chondroitin

Natural dietary supplements have given excellent results in recent years. To the extent that, in many cases, they can prevent deterioration caused by osteoarthrosis. And even favor a cartilaginous reconstruction .

These natural supplements include a combination of glucosamine with chondroitin sulfate. They are substances that are formed in small amounts naturally in our body through the food we eat .

It is one of the basic constituents of the tendons, cartilages and ligaments, and also guarantees its regeneration and restoration.

In addition, glucosamine regulates the synovial fluid that the body needs so that joint joints move without any limitation. This is why it is especially important for athletes , in whom the tension of the joints is particularly high.

With age the glucosamine production of our body decreases , so it is necessary to take an additional glucosamine supplement to keep the joints healthy.

Recommended dose of glucosamine and administration of the intake

The recommended daily dose of glucosamine is approximately 1000mg.

This dose is achieved by taking a dietary supplement. It can be administered in one shot or in three shots throughout the day. It should be taken before meals with plenty of water.

If glucosamine has been administered for therapeutic purposes you should take it for six months.

If you take a glucosamine supplement for the first time on a daily basis, you may notice its positive effects after one to three months.

Side effects of glucosamine

Glucosamine is a dietary supplement that has no side effects and in which the harmful effects caused by COX-2 and NSAID medications, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, do not occur. What else should you know? Do you have other side effects that you should know about?

Is glucosamine completely safe?

In general, glucosamine is a very safe substance . It has been studied clinically since the 80s, so people take it with full security for more than twenty years. If you are taking glucosamine you should have some information in mind.

Glucosamine and diabetes

The levels of insulin can fluctuate with glucosamine (hydrochloric acid or sulfate), especially in the case of diabetics. Glucosamine is technically a carbohydrate (a sugar), but the body can not convert glucosamine to glucose . Therefore, glucosamine does not provide any additional direct source of glucose.

In diabetic patients there are many factors that can lead to a change in the blood values ​​and, therefore, it is very important to consult the doctor before starting the glucosamine treatment. You must be very careful in monitoring your blood glucose levels while you are taking glucosamine. Try to read the latest information about glucosamine for diabetics.

Glucosamine in pregnant and lactating women

Glucosamine overdose

Extremely high amounts of glucosamine (a multiple of the daily dose) can cause digestive problems that result in loose stools, diarrhea or nausea. Glucosamine should not be taken with food , however it is convenient to mix it with a drink .

Glucosamine, a success story

With the exception of the previous warnings, glucosamine has a long history and is considered very safe, unlike what happens with NSAIDs or COX-2 drugs, which have a long history of long-term toxicity, known to researchers.

You should keep in mind that each aspirin leaflet contains a warning that it only provides temporary (not permanent) relief of osteoarthritis pain. Also, COX-2 inhibitors, such as Celebrex, Vioxx, NSAIDs and COX-2 have harmful side effects and only disguise the damage. On the contrary, glucosamine is not a foreign substance to the organism, but totally natural and as such it is found in the joints.

When you stop taking NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors, the pain returns quickly. The explanation is that the discomfort has always been there, but your brain does not perceive it because of the effects of the medication.

In contrast, glucosamine provides persistent effects. Even if you stop taking it, you will remain protected for a certain period of time. Taking a daily dose of glucosamine is the best way to reduce, as much as possible, joint problems and keep them protected. Glucosamine is much more effective if you take it continuously for a long period of time.

Be sure to read the glucosamine product guide, where you can find a review of the glucosamine products available in the market, divided into 9 different categories regarding their price, quality and format. You can see which are the best available products and how each one is classified.

Clinical research on glucosamine

The results of the most recent clinical trials have concluded that glucosamine and chondroitin are better than analgesics.

There is growing interest in finding out how to overcome the limitations caused by living with osteoarthritis, especially as two of the most important medications prescribed for treatment (Vioxx and Bextra) were withdrawn from the market. Two important clinical studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are more effective than conventional analgesics.

Expert opinion on glucosamine

1. Glucosamine relieves the pain of osteoarthritis

Researchers at the University of Creighton, Nebraska, used glucosamine to calm symptoms in osteoarthritis. In their studies they also found that glucosamine has an inhibitory effect on the development of this disease.

2. Glucosamine stops cartilage destruction

A long-term study by Belgian professor Jean-Yves Regnister confirmed that consumption of glucosamine blocks the damage of cartilage cells. At the same time, the study verified the effects it has on the regeneration of new cartilage.

3. Glucosamine inhibits inflammation

Laut Sven-David Mueller Nortmann proved that one of the effects of glucosamine is that it acts to prevent the release of enzymes that destroy cartilage, it also calms joint inflammation.

4. Remedy for joint pain and back

Other studies have shown that glucosamine has a calming effect on joint pain and back pain. This amino-sugar was found especially useful as prevention in athletes or in overweight people to avoid increasing the tension of their joints.

Glucosamine data

  •     It has been used alone or in combination with chondroitin for the treatment of osteoarthrosis. Osteoarthrosis is the leading cause of disability among the elderly. Osteoarthrosis is associated with joint cartilage disease, which causes a change in the structure of the joints.
  •     It is an amino acid, which is derived from glucose and glutamine and is produced in the body naturally.
  •     It is one of the main components of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans. This is essential for the formation of cartilaginous tissue.
  •     Dietary supplement used for the treatment of osteoarthrosis, back and joint discomfort and glaucoma. Most studies on glucosamine have been performed on patients with osteoarthrosis of the knee.
  •     Fish and seafood are the main source of glucosamine, although elaborated glucosamine is also available.

Benefits of taking glucosamine

 Joint Care
Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Collagen and Vitamin B12. Liquid format, easy to take. With concentrated fruit juices!


  •     It is used for the synthesis of glycoproteins, glycolipids and glycosaminoglycans (also called mucopolysaccharides.) These compounds, which contain carbohydrates, are found in tendons, ligaments, cartilage, synovial fluid, mucous membranes; as well as in the structures of the eye, blood vessels and heart valves.
  •     It can reduce catabolic activity by inhibiting the synthesis of proteolytic enzymes and other substances that contribute to damaging the interior of cartilage tissue.
  •     Inhibits collagenase enzymes that destroy cartilage. It can have a positive effect on the cartilage cells. It can prevent the degradation of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue
  •     Glucosamine also has slightly anti-inflammatory effects.

Contraindications of glucosamine?

  •     It is very well tolerated. In a study conducted over three years with a daily intake of 1000 mg of glucosamine, no serious side effects were observed.
  •     Glucosamine hydrochloride was used safely in studies conducted for 24 weeks, in which the most common side effect were mild digestive problems.
  •     People with allergies to shellfish should avoid taking glucosamine supplements derived from seafood, and instead should take vegetarian supplements of glucosamine.
  •     There was concern about the effect on insulin levels and blood sugar levels. The tests that were carried out in healthy people, obese with type 2 diabetes, showed that there was no effect on the levels of hemoglobin A1C or glucose after taking nutritional supplements of glucosamine for 3 months.
  •     There was concern that glucosamine could increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure. However, no adverse effect on cholesterol levels or blood pressure has been detected in those who have been taking glucosamine dietary supplements for three years.