Monday, January 28, 2019

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Electromagnetic fields for the treatment of osteoarthritis

A review of the effect of electromagnetic fields on osteoarthritis was performed. We found nine studies with 636 patients.

Background: What is osteoarthritis and what are electromagnetic fields?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and can affect the hands, hips, shoulders and knees. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage that protects the end of the bones is broken, causing pain and inflammation.

An electromagnetic field is the invisible force that attracts things to magnets. This invisible attraction can be created by an electrical current that can affect the cartilage around the joints. In osteoarthritis, electromagnetic fields are a kind of treatment that uses electric currents to apply to the skin around the joints. Small machines or pads can be used to apply electromagnetic fields to the entire body or to certain joints. The treatment can be done by a doctor or a physiotherapist and some machines can be used at home.

Swanson N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine (N-A-G) 750 Milligrams 60 Veg Capsules
Swanson N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine (N-A-G) 750 Milligrams 60 Veg Capsules

Characteristics of the studies

After searching all relevant studies until October 2013, we found nine studies that examined the effect of treatment with electromagnetic fields compared to a sham or false treatment in 636 adults with osteoarthritis for four to 26 weeks.

Key results

Pain (on a scale of 0 to 100, higher scores mean worse or more intense pain)

  • - Electromagnetic fields probably relieve pain in osteoarthritis.
  • - Patients who received treatment with electromagnetic fields experienced pain relief of 15 points more compared to patients who received sham treatment (15% improvement).
  • - Patients who received treatment with electromagnetic fields rated pain as 26 points lower on a scale of 0 to 100.
  • - Patients who received sham treatment rated pain as 11 points lower on a scale of 0 to 100.

Physical function

  • - Electromagnetic fields can improve physical function, but this finding may have happened by chance.

Health and general welfare

  • - Electromagnetic fields probably do not achieve changes in health and general well-being.

Side effects

  • - Electromagnetic fields probably do not change as to whether patients have side effects or interrupt treatment due to side effects, but this finding may have happened by chance.

There is no accurate information about side effects and complications. The above is particularly true for infrequent but serious side effects. Possible side effects may include rash and aggravation of pain.

Changes in x-rays

There was no information available about whether electromagnetic fields cause some improvement in the joint with osteoarthritis on an x-ray.

Quality of the evidence

  • - Electromagnetic fields probably improve pain and do not achieve changes in general health and well-being or side effects. These results may change with additional research studies.
  • - Electromagnetic fields can improve physical function. The above is very likely to change with additional research studies.