Monday, January 28, 2019

Lindberg Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate - Premium Joint Support (240 Capsules)

Glucosamine - Uses and properties

Glucosamine is a substance that is found naturally in the body can be found in the fluid that surrounds and protects the joints. It can be found in the form of Glucosamine Sulfate in nutritional supplements that aim to improve the joints together with other components such as type II collagen or hyaluronic acid .

Lindberg Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate - Premium Joint Support (240 Capsules)
Lindberg Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate - Premium Joint Support (240 Capsules)

Although glucosamine can be found in seafood shells, its presentation in sulphate format is produced in pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as other variations such as its hydrochloride or acetylated form.

It is also found in some of the everyday foods, for example in dishes that include healthy cartilage of animals such as sausages which contain ear or pork snout.

In addition to improving the functioning of the joints, glucosamine sulfate is present in remedies to treat osteoarthritis , arthritis and osteoarthritis, and can be found in capsules or creams.

Glucosamine - Remedy for osteoarthritis

Degenerative joint injuries caused by advancing age or poorly performed exercises compromising movement, are factors by which the joints may be fragile and susceptible to pain, so it is important to protect them to delay the degenerative process.

In order to relieve pain and slow down the degradation of joint fluid, glucosamine sulfate is often used to fight osteoarthritis, especially if the affected area is the knee. Its effect is not immediate, but in the same way, its benefits extend over time.

We can find it combined with chondroitin, a very poluar formula that we can find in different compositions since its benefits have direct improvement on the liquid that surrounds the joints.

  • Glucosamine and chondroitin are two substances in the joints whose function is to nourish and maintain healthy joints.
  • How glucosamine works
  • Glucosamine sulfate

Glucosamine is produced in the human body and is essential for the synthesis of collagen regeneration of the same avoiding the degradation of cartilage , hence its importance in the joints.

When there is damage to the cartilaginous area that protects the joints, collagen ceases to be as effective, which can lead to greater problems of elasticity or sharp pains in everyday movements such as flexing the knees or lifting the arm.

This is where when glucosamine sulfate works by stimulating the production of the cells responsible for creating and regenerating the cartilage, thus preventing its wear through a natural process.

Some studies show that it may have an effect in reducing pain and increasing joint mobility in cases of previously diagnosed osteoarthritis .

Properties of Glucosamine Sulfate

  •     Its action and functionality allows to keep the joints healthy and healthy , so it is recommended for people who exercise.
  •     It also allows to prevent joint injuries or aggravation of them contributing to the reduction of pain in cases of arthritis or osteoarthritis.
  •     Stimulates the formation and repair of articular cartilage : glucosamine sulfate is essential to maintain the cartilage of your knees, hands and ankles in good condition.
  •     It provides elasticity to the cartilage and, therefore, prevents the wear of the joints.
  •     It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used for arthritis and for osteoarthritis. It is therefore effective against joint pain.
  •     Glucosamine is especially interesting for cases of steoarthritis in the knees and elbows.
  •     It also helps by acting on the inflammation of the varicose veins in the legs.

For whom is glucosamine recommended?

  •     For people whose wear due to age is high. They do not necessarily have to suffer a pain diagnosed as osteoarthritis or arthritis.
  •     For athletes whose physical activity involves the joints during prolonged sessions of time, such as runners in the background, speed athletes, marathoners, soccer, cycling, lifting weights, etc.