Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CoQ-10 q10 co-enzyme, anti-aging 400mg - 300 Capsules

Antioxidants, what are they and how do they influence our health?

A lot is talked about antioxidants, free radicals, etc. But what are they really?
Antioxidants, free radicals, and other cellular phenomena are elements related to degeneration or cell death, being the cause of all the phenomenon associated with aging not only aesthetic, but also organic, giving rise to pathological phenomena of various kinds and consideration.

Therefore, antioxidants are important to alleviate as much as possible this molecular and cellular oxidation by preventing the action of free radicals.

CoQ-10 q10 co-enzyme, anti-aging 400mg - 300 Capsules
CoQ-10 q10 co-enzyme, anti-aging 400mg - 300 Capsules

Free radicals according to the experts are very reactive and unstable molecules, which are originated among other reasons by the consumption of tobacco, pollution, poor diet, etc ..., the most normal thing is that the body produces itself through the metabolism of various substances that we consume, inhale or ingest.

Increase the dose of Vitamins E, A and C is another factor to take into account when defending the body from oxidation. Vitamin E can be found mainly in seeds, nuts and vegetable oils; Vitamin C is present in strawberries, oranges, lemons, kiwis, tomatoes or peppers; while vitamin A is found in fish, chicken or turkey.

"These tips will help to diminish the oxidative processes of the cells, which will favor the conservation of physical youth and will increase, in this way, the life expectancy", explained Martín Guinea.

Another way to deal with cellular oxidation is the regular practice of moderate physical exercise; as well as generate healthy habits and avoid tobacco and harmful substances that contribute to the formation of free radicals. It is also important to reduce the consumption of fats and avoid copious meals that force the body to strive in their metabolic processes.

To increase the dose of antioxidants there are also supplements such as lipoic acid, polyphenols or coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) or ubiquinol, one of the most effective in the process of cell energy production. Ubiquinol favors the fight against aging, improves cardiovascular health, increases the daily energetic contribution and sports performance. These antioxidant supplements can be presented in several pharmaceutical forms , among them, in soft gelatin capsule, a modality that increases the effectiveness of them and is easy to ingest, since it has no taste or smell.

As antioxidants, not organism

Oxygenium is an indispensable element for life, in certain situations, leading to negative effects on human body. The two most harmful effects of oxygenation are due to the formation of several chemical compounds, known as the repective oxygen species (ROS) that include oxygen and several non-radical oxidizing agents, such as HClO (hypochlorous acid), hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc. . Oxidative damage is caused by reactive species, which can be accelerated, carcinogenic, neurodegeneration and atherosclerosis in other pathologies (KUMAR, 2011).

Antioxidants are substitutes that can prevent or repair oxidative damage caused by retinal specimens of oxygens in lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, or antioxidants, with the ability to reactivate as well as to prevent harmful semen from the body (COUTO, CANNIATTI-BRAZACA, 2010 , VASCONCELOS et al., 2014). Among the antioxidants, there are vitamins C and E, carotenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, glutathione, coenzyme Q, lipoic acid, organosulfur compounds and antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidase.

Antioxidants may exert their effects also indirectly to or influence the regulation of genes involved in mechanisms of DNA defense or repair. This demonstrates greater influence of two antioxidants in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis or cell integrities (BERGER et al, 2012).

The food of vegetable origin present bioactive compounds (phytochemicals) biological health promoters activities, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic activities. Among these we can mention catechins of green chili and wine, anthocyanins of red fruits, flavonoids of leaves, chlorogenic acids of coffee and Isoflavones (BARBOSA et al., 2006).

Antioxidants are considered to be the main responsive hairs of beneficial effects of daily and diversified consumption of vegetables. A variety of phytochemicals present in fruits, vegetables and vegetables provide health protective effects, mainly for antioxidant additive or synergistic effects (LIU, 2006, JOSEPH et al, 2009).

Among the physiological processes, motor and cognitive have their capacities diminished with or aging, thus the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection, demanding greater care emmos of antioxidants for the elderly population (JOSEPH et al, 2009).

An example gives relevancy of adequate antioxidant consumption by oxidants or study by GALÁN et al. Comparing the practice of physical activity to foods that would make a juice-based drink of antioxidant-rich fruits and foods, they work as individuals who do not drink this beverage, Galán et al noted that most benefits are due to consumption of antioxidant-rich beverages. .

There was an improvement in the lipid profile due to the practice of physical exercises, the increase of HDL-C and decreases in the ratios of total cholesterol / HDL-C and LDL-C / HDL-C. A practical physical activity or consumption of antioxidants, was responsible for increased oxidative stress, measured through oxidative damage to proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA. In this paper, we present the results of the present study. In this paper, we present the results of a study of the biodegradability of oxidative stress and its effect on physical activity.