Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Natural CoQ10 (High Absorption 60 mg) Supplement - 400 capsules

Antioxidants, what they are and health properties

Studies have not confirmed that the consumption of antioxidants has the supernatural effects that were presupposed on cancer or aging, but that does not mean that they are not recommended.

What are antioxidants

The advance of scientific studies is showing more and more clearly the relationship between the health and food binomial. Until recently, the main studies focused on the effects of nutrients, that is, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, foods are characterized as complex mixtures, not only of nutrients, but also of other components that are included in a heterogeneous group called 'no nutrients' that are being studied today, like many phytochemicals with supposed antioxidant action.

Natural CoQ10 (High Absorption 60 mg) Supplement - 400 capsules
Natural CoQ10 (High Absorption 60 mg) Supplement - 400 capsules

The term antioxidant refers to the activity that numerous vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals have on substances considered harmful, called free radicals. Free radicals can chemically react with other components of cells (oxidizing them) altering their stability and functionality.

What are the properties of antioxidants

There is a considerable amount of scientific studies at the chemical level, cell cultures and animals that indicate that antioxidants can slow or possibly prevent the development of some diseases , such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases , and other degenerative diseases , such as Alzheimer's or own aging. However, the information from recent clinical trials conducted on people is much less clear. For example, studies on antioxidants and cancer , made in populations in the 1990s, reached divergent conclusions depending on the type of population studied. Many studies were made with antioxidant supplements, at doses much higher than those present in a varied and balanced diet, showing inconsistent results that were not extrapolated to a varied and balanced diet.

A few months ago, the EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) published its opinion on the current scientific evidence that links antioxidant action with health benefits and its conclusion is that there is not enough evidence to make such a relationship. Evidently this has caused a stir in the international scientific community. However, that the cause-effect relationship between the consumption of antioxidants and the benefit related to antioxidant activity or its properties is not fully clarified, does not mean that a diet rich in antioxidants is not recommended. On the contrary, it is.

Top 10 Antioxidant Rich Foods

Nowadays, who has not heard of antioxidants? Or free radicals? In molecular terms, they are substances that produce a series of reactions within our body, producing various effects, being one of the most relevant, influencing the physical aspect, namely, the skin.

Caring for food and maintaining an adequate supply of foods that are rich in antioxidants is a way to reduce the symptoms of aging

In case there are still doubts, we will quickly explain a number of important concepts to understand why it is necessary in our day to day nutritional support from sources with high concentration in such antioxidants.

What are Free Radicals?

To understand these substances, we have to go back to our time in school, the kind of chemistry ... and specifically what the cells that make up our body are formed.

There are different types of cells, constituted by different types of molecules, and which are formed by one or several atoms, linked together by chemical bonds. Within the atomic structure is: the nucleus, the protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge) among others. These last two establish the electric balance of the atom (same amount of protons and electrons). Electrons are responsible for interacting or bonding with other atoms.

Electrons are located around the nucleus, in different orbits or energy levels. Each of these orbits are filled by a number of electrons (the first energy level is occupied by two electrons) successively. The last orbit determines the electrical behavior of the atom . If it is found complete of electrons it is said that the substance or atom does not present electrical behavior or "reacciona". However, the atom seeks to obtain stability and will attempt to complete the quota of electrons that fit in the last orbit. This process is carried out by "gaining" or "losing" electrons, or by sharing with other atoms (in this case they will be "united" and will allow maximum stability of the molecule).

    If the bonds are weak and eventually break, they cause the molecule to remain with an unpaired electron, and that molecule becomes a new substance, called a free radical .

Free radicals are very unstable , trying to obtain from other components the electron they lack to gain stability. In this way, they "attack" the nearest molecules, "stealing" their electron. Thus, this molecule that has just been attacked, loses atomic stability, becomes a new free radical. This process causes a whole chain reaction , which tends to alter the functioning of the cell, and even produce "cell death".
Our body, in certain situations, produces free radicals , such as the immune system, to neutralize viruses and bacteria. But it is a cushioned process

Types of Free Radicals and Factors that generate them

  •     Endogenous oxidants are the result of physiological and biochemical processes that take place inside the body, such as digestion, breathing ... The immune system is also responsible for producing cells of this type, to eliminate infectious agents.
  •     Exogenous free radicals , are due to external factors, such as: pollution, radiation, tobacco smoke, toxic (alcohol ...), etc.

Most of the occasions where free radicals are produced are as a result of factors such as:

  •     Environmental exposure,
  •     Toxic and Bacterial,
  •     Cigar smoke, alcohol, drugs and / or drugs,
  •     Herbicides and pesticides,
  •     Process of breathing and of the digestive system,
  •     Too much exercise, or high intensity,
  •     Stress.

However, the body is prepared to counteract the action of free radicals. Although it is true, that in the face of a high production of these harmful substances and their accumulation, the body may not be able to solve the situation, especially in cases of older or nutritionally deprived.

Maintaining a correct supply of antioxidants in the diet could be linked to longevity , enjoy good health and reflect a rejuvenated appearance

Effects of Oxidation

The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation , and affects the tissues that make up the body: cellular proteins, DNA, membranes ... On the skin, the most notable symptoms are the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes.
Cellular oxidative damage is also related to other more severe pathologies, such as:

  •     Cognitive decline
  •     Heart problems
  •     Cancer

What are Antioxidants?

Basically, antioxidants neutralize the harmful effect of free radicals

The antioxidant "donates" an electron to the free radical molecule to produce the atomic balance

To achieve this, antioxidants donate one of their electrons to the molecule categorized as radical, and it is back in equilibrium. Despite this, antioxidants do not become free radicals, despite losing the electron, since they have the peculiarity of being stable in any form.
Benefits of Antioxidants

  •     Reduce inflammation
  •     Strengthen the immune system
  •     Fight signs of aging (antiaging effect)
  •     Rejuvenates the appearance of the skin
  •     Decrease cancer risk
  •     Cardiovascular protection
  •     Prevent cognitive problems
  •     System support and ocular tissues

Types of Antioxidants

Naturally we can find mainly 3 types of Antioxidants:

  •     Vitamins
  •     Enzymes
  •     Phytochemicals

The best sources of antioxidants are plants because of prolonged daily exposure to ultraviolet rays: thus, as they will generate a high amount of free radicals as a result of this action, they have been able to establish a mechanism of self-defense, which will protect them from this cell damage.

You can buy antioxidant supplements at the HSN store

Vitamins Antioxidants

As the body is not able to synthesize vitamins it is essential that they be included through the corresponding foods in the diet. Among these elements are the most common and their main functions:

  •     Vitamin A : immune system support, eye health, tissue regeneration, cholesterol regulation
  •     Vitamin C : protection of the skin against UV rays, promote iron absorption, defense against infections, regular blood triglycerides
  •     Vitamin E : health of blood vessels, maintenance of the appearance of the skin, protection of the cell membrane
  •     Coenzyme Q10 : it is a pseudo-vitamin, and although it is synthesized by the body, it decreases with the passage of time. Among its most important functions are contributing to cellular energy production and the reduction of symptoms that appear over time (Antiaging Effect)

Antioxidants Enzymes

These types of molecules come from the food we eat in the diet, especially from animal proteins. To provide the antioxidant effect, these enzymes require cofactors, such as iron, copper, selenium, magnesium, or zinc. The quality of the protein will influence the quality of the antioxidant enzymes. In some cases, as with glutathione, the precursors must be present in sufficient amounts: cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Among these enzymes are:

  •     Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  •     Glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase
  •     Catalasas


This type of antioxidants, are naturally found in plants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, legumes ...), and defend them from the damage of free radicals. They are divided into:

  •     Carotenoids
  •     Anthocyanins
  •     Flavonoids
  •     Polyphenols
  •     Catechins
  •     Lignanos
  •     Allyl sulphides

An entire "antioxidant cocktail"

How is the antioxidant capacity of food measured?

To help neutralize the damage caused by free radicals we can start by including in our diet a greater quantity of foods that contain high concentrations of antioxidants.

National Institute on Aging is an entity dedicated to research on health issues, which has developed a table in which a score is awarded to each food based on its antioxidant power . This compilation is called ORAC ("Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity"). In this way the best foods rich in antioxidants are demonstrated by in vitro experimentation. In this sense, the results may not be entirely extrapolated to the human body, but nonetheless, it is a method for cataloging these foods.

Foods with a high concentration of antioxidants. Incredible health benefits

The following list is a compilation of the best Rich Foods in Antioxidants, and as we have seen, concentrate most of the above with their properties and protective characteristics:


Within this group we can include the subgenera such as: cranberry, currant, acai berry, blackberry, raspberry, strawberry ... These fruits contain important phytochemicals that directly inhibit the DNA binding of certain carcinogens. They are excellent sources of vitamin C, carotenoids, and minerals like zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium .