Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Madina Vitamins CoQ-10 (100 mg), Supports Cardiac Health and Anti Aging (60 Veggie Capsules Daily Supplement) Made in USA - Halal Vitamins

What are Antioxidants and what do they do?

This concept continues to sound on nutrition sites, blogs and specialized magazines and not so much

We talk about certain vitamins and minerals, indispensable for life, that participate in all the physiological and metabolic processes of our body.
Its deficiencies can cause diseases, sometimes as visible as anemia and others more overlapping and difficult to identify.

Madina Vitamins CoQ-10 (100 mg), Supports Cardiac Health and Anti Aging (60 Veggie Capsules Daily Supplement) Made in USA - Halal Vitamins
Madina Vitamins CoQ-10 (100 mg), Supports Cardiac Health and Anti Aging (60 Veggie Capsules Daily Supplement) Made in USA - Halal Vitamins

ANTIOXIDANTS prevent excessive wear and cell aging in situations of high energy demand such as stress, chronic diseases, great physical or mental efforts or simply the passage of time. Who is not subject to one or more of these situations at some point!

Small amounts are needed that vary with age, physical activity, eating habits and health conditions of people but we can estimate that these are covered correctly if we integrate to the daily table Fruits, Vegetables, cereals as much as possible whole and dairy. In an orderly diet that includes these foods permanently, the necessary antioxidants are present to optimize the functioning of our systems.



  • Vitamin C : All fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli.
  • Vitamin A: Eggs, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage.
  • Beta-carotene: Carrots, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage.
  • Vitamin E: All oils, wheat germ.
  • Zinc: Beef, seafood, nuts, cheeses.
  • Selenium: Fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, dairy products.
  • Copper: Liver, seafood, nuts, carrots.

Good quantities of other compounds present in cocoa, coffee, mate, red wine and green tea are also obtained. Delights that consumed in adequate portions are allies of anti-time health.

There are certain cases in which a nutritional supplement may be necessary, which should be recommended by a professional. There are different types and origins, they are presented in daily or weekly doses, of a single nutrient or of several that combined work even better. Whether due to excessive work or intellectual stress, stage of growth, pregnancy or chronic diseases, a good nutritional supplement can be an intelligent strategy. Considering that it is not convenient to superimpose them without having advice and remembering that the "natural" characteristic does not necessarily imply harmlessness or zero effect.

The cold starts and reordering your food and family is as important as accommodating the shelters in the cabinets.

10 Keys on Antioxidants

We have all heard about antioxidants. But do you know what they are? What do they protect us? What are the latest developments in this regard? We tell you everything in 10 simple guidelines, so that you gain health and well-being every day.

1. Diet is key. We all know the close relationship between diet and physical condition: research on the effect of hydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals on the body are extensive. But food is not only characterized by these nutrients. They also encompass other components, known as 'non-nutrients', that exert different actions on health. Among them, some phytochemicals with an antioxidant effect.

2. But what is it about? The term antioxidant refers to the activity that various minerals, vitamins and other phytochemicals (active elements of vegetables that are not essential for life but do benefit health) exert on harmful substances, such as free radicals. And what are these? Very reactive chemical substances that introduce oxygen into the cells, altering their stability and functions and producing their oxidation; that is, its deterioration and aging.

3. Where are the antioxidants? They are present in most plant foods. Among the most common foods, the 10 richest in them are: avocados, fruits of the forest (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries), broccoli, cabbage and cabbages, carrots, citrus fruits, grapes, onions , spinach and tomatoes.

4. Risk factor. So you could talk about free radicals. In our body there are cells in constant renewal (skin, intestines) and others that never renew (neurons, liver). Over the years, free radicals can trigger genetic alterations in cells that do change, increasing the risk of degenerative diseases. And not only that: they can reduce the functionality of the cells that do not renew themselves, causing the deterioration of age.

5. How do free radicals originate? It is the product resulting from cellular oxidation. And oxygen is responsible for it. When breathing we use oxygen and in that process the free radicals are generated, which are necessary, but in uncontrolled quantities they damage health: they are capable of altering the DNA of the cells, damaging their membranes and causing their aging and death.

6. Our life rusts us! Maybe you do not believe it, but it is like this: some of our habits increase the production of free radicals in our body; they oxidize us. For example, to practice intense physical exercise, to consume diets rich in fat, to spend whole hours taking the sun, exposure to environmental pollution, smoking and abusing alcohol. The good news? That some of us can control them.

7. Powerful prosalud shields. This is how antioxidants work, thanks among other things that they are great allies of our immune system (defenses). Several scientific studies have shown that they reduce the risk of premature aging (a complex process that acts at the cellular level and then spreads throughout the body), cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's ... .), diabetes, etc.

8. The last anti-aging? A fruit native to the Amazon. It is camu camu, traditionally used by the natives as a highly nutritious food and, because of its antioxidant properties, it was excellent to care for and give vitality, youth and shine to the skin. Such was its effect that the people of those communities were recognized for their youthful appearance. Today it is known that the camu camu contains more vitamin C than any other fruit and a unique antioxidant content (superior to the resveratrol of the red grape).

9. Vitamin C, an ally ... that we do not produce , Increases defenses, protects against colds ... and have you noticed that many anti- aging cosmetics incorporate it? It is because it participates in the formation of collagen, which is synthesized in the deeper layers of the skin. With age, supporting structures, connective tissue and those layers deteriorate and lose density, skin cells (fibroblasts) descend and collagen is no longer synthesized. The result? Wrinkles, lack of luminosity and smoothness. Well, vitamin C counteracts it. The bad thing is that human beings do not have the capacity to produce vitamin C, so we must ingest it through food. By doing so, we not only protect the skin, but we contribute to the good state of teeth, gums, bones and cartilage and the absorption of iron, the metabolism of fats and the healing of wounds.

10. Age does not matter: they rejuvenate us. It is the great power of antioxidants like camu camu. Over time adds our stressful lifestyle and the negative effect of unbalanced diets (fat, stimulants, refined sugars ...) that end up acidifying the body. And, when there is excess acidity, the body makes up for it by pulling the mineral reserves (bones, brain and kidneys). The result? We lose health and we get old. Well, the camu camu, for its richness in vitamin C, helps to counteract it. It keeps us young: it enhances the elasticity, the smoothness and the luminosity of the skin.