Wednesday, January 30, 2019

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What are antioxidants and what are they?

Old age is a process of cellular oxidation, natural and progressive, a process that must be understood by those who want to preserve physical youth as much as possible through supplements, creams and various beverages, rich in antioxidants, which slow cellular oxidation and, With this, they mitigate the ravages of old age and prolong life expectancy.

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that the human body uses to eliminate free radicals, which are very reactive chemical substances that introduce oxygen into cells and produce oxidation of its different parts, alterations in DNA and various changes that accelerate the aging of the body. This is because oxygen, although essential for life, is also a very reactive chemical element. The body generates free radicals for its own use (control of muscles, elimination of bacteria, regulation of the activity of organs, etc.), but at the same time it generates antioxidants to eliminate excess free radicals, since these substances are very aggressive .

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To understand what an antioxidant is, we must first know what cellular oxidation is. In a very general way, this occurs when an unstable atom loses an electron (particle with a negative charge), which allows it to form a new compound with another element, causing an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the capacity of a system biological to clean the body of harmful substances. The oxygen we use to breathe is one of the main responsible for cellular oxidation and serves to produce energy throughout the body, but small portions of this element produce free radicals, which are formed normally in the body to metabolize.

In the organism there is a balance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defense systems. When this balance is altered or decompensated in favor of those, the so-called oxidative stress occurs, which means that stress can be triggered by solar radiation, inflammatory and immune responses, alcoholism, smoking, vitamin deficiency and other factors.

Natural antioxidant defense system

As mentioned before, the body has antioxidant systems that counteract the effect of free radicals. This first line of defense has been divided into non-enzymatic antioxidants - such as vitamins A, C and E, which are acquired through diet - and enzymatic antioxidants

Non-enzymatic antioxidants

Non-enzymatic antioxidants refer mainly to vitamins A, C and E. In general, vitamins and some other molecules are found in lycopene (tomato, watermelon and some fruits) and flavonoids (Ginkgo biloba).
This vitamin is used for the repair of body tissues and the maintenance of the skin; It serves to take care of the condition of the bones, the hair, the nails and the teeth and helps to improve the vision. We can find it in dairy products.

Vitamin C. Involved in the formation of collagen, which strengthens and holds together the tissues of the body; For this reason, it also helps our bones, teeth and tissues to be strong and healthy. We can find it in citrus fruits such as orange and lemon.

Vitamin E. Also called tocopherol, protects the body from toxic agents, prevents the abnormal destruction of red blood cells and eye disorders, anemia and heart attacks. We can find it in egg yolks, vegetable oils and cereals

Ginkgo biloba From the leaves of ginkgo an extract is obtained that has flavonoids that, when ingested, increase the central and peripheral blood circulation, which makes the irrigation of the organic tissues more efficient. This benefits people of mature and senile age, since their bodies lose the capacity to carry out that function (especially in the brain, which causes loss of memory, fatigue, confusion, depression and anxiety). The consumption of ginkgo reduces these symptoms and also makes the irrigation of the heart and extremities more efficient.

Enzymatic antioxidants

Enzymatic antioxidants are those that the same organism produces and that counteract the effects of free radicals to a certain degree. A clear example of them is glutathione, which is found inside the cell (cytosol).

Therefore, the use of antioxidants is an excellent option for all people, from young to old, because they protect our body in an integral way.

Thanks to the beneficial characteristics that have been found in them, nowadays there is a great variety of products that contain them; such as food supplements, cosmetics and beverages, among many others. That is why it is recommended that people eat daily foods containing antioxidants to avoid a large number of diseases and to maintain a healthy and healthy physical appearance.