Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Blueberry Beauty Collagen (Marine) - with Acai Extract, CoQ10 and Pre-Biotic's - Supplement Powder

Properties of Antioxidants and Benefits for Health

Antioxidants are substances capable of protecting cells from the effects of free radicals (molecules produced when the body degrades food or by environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and radiation). Free radicals can damage cells and increase the risk of some diseases (heart, cancer, etc.).

Antioxidant Action Mechanism

Oxidation is a chemical reaction of electron transfer from a substance to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions usually produce free radicals that initiate chain reactions that damage cells. Antioxidants slow down such reactions as they are reducing agents. Such is the case of thiols and polyphenols.

Blueberry Beauty Collagen (Marine) - with Acai Extract, CoQ10 and Pre-Biotic's - Supplement Powder
Blueberry Beauty Collagen (Marine) - with Acai Extract, CoQ10 and Pre-Biotic's - Supplement Powder

Where are Antioxidants Found?

Antioxidants are found in breast milk and also in other forms:

  •     Natural antioxidants such as beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) are present in: carrots, mango, tomatoes, melon, peach and spinach
  •     Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables such as: avocado, sweet potato, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, blackberries and carrots.
  •     The sources of foods that contain vitamin C (of greater to smaller amount) are: gooseberries, green pepper, kiwi, lemon, strawberries, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, orange, tomatoes, turnip and melon
  •     The food sources that contain selenium are: meat, fish, whole grains and dairy products. The properties of the vegetables also depend on the land in which they were grown
  •     Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds found in fruits, vegetables, green tea and wine. It is excellent antioxidants
  •     Natural supplements like Antioxiblend-Pro

Benefits of Antioxidants

Several scientific studies have shown that antioxidants reduce the risk of suffering:

  •     Cancer
  •     Arterial hypertension
  •     Cardiovascular diseases
  •     Diabetes
  •     They delay premature aging
  •     Degenerative diseases
  •     Strengthen the immune system

The body fights against free radicals all day. The problem occurs when the body has to withstand an excess of free radicals for years, which are mostly caused by external pollutants such as cigarette smoke. The consumption of hydrogenated vegetable oils (margarine) and TRANS fatty acids (fats of meat and milk) also contributes to the increase of free radicals.


  •     People allergic to citrus fruits should take precautions
  •     People with gastritis should avoid the consumption of antioxidants of citrus origin
  •     In cases of diverticulitis it is recommended to avoid the consumption of fruits with seeds (or you can strain the seeds)
  •     Diabetics should monitor the amount of sugar provided by fruits