Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Nature Made CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q 10) Softgels, 80 count

We tell you ALL you need to know about antioxidants

They help us to delay aging and prevent diseases. From the hand of our expert, Meritxell Marti, you will discover what they are, what their function is and where you can find them.

Surely, you've heard about antioxidants on countless occasions, especially because they have always been associated with their anti-aging action. However, beyond this characteristic, the fact is that researchers have also associated their consumption with an important source of health. To know more about them, our expert, Meritxell Marti Pharmaceuticals , tells us, in detail, everything we need to know about these important substances. Take note!

Nature Made CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q 10) Softgels, 80 count
Nature Made CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q 10) Softgels, 80 count

What are antioxidants? What do they do ?

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent the oxidation of cells and can come from natural extracts, foods with high composition in active or chemical products.
Cellular oxidation destroys cells, and this occurs as a result of the action of so-called free radicals. The most powerful and aggressive is the reactive oxygen radical.

Free radicals are atoms that have an unpaired electron in their composition, which makes them enormously unstable and reactive. And is that to try to get stability, steal electrons to other atoms that happen to become free radicals. This chain reaction causes the destruction of the cells, so that they are the cause of aging and the appearance of degenerative diseases.

Those responsible for neutralizing free radicals are antioxidants, basically, some assets among which enzymes, vitamins, active substances of food and natural products can be found. They are responsible for trapping free radicals so that they do not circulate through our body and prevent their harmful effect on our health.

Certain substances, life habits, and even some drugs promote the formation of free radicals and, as a consequence, the premature deterioration of our organism; Among the best known are: tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, little sleep, pollution, stress, excessive sun or an unbalanced diet ... For this reason, it is advisable to incorporate antioxidants into our diet because, in reality, the Most of us can not escape the action of free radicals.

Which are the best known? Which one is the best?

It is not about knowing which is the best or the worst, but to know which is the most appropriate and if it is taken in the appropriate dose. Among the best known, we could highlight: vitamin C and all foods that contain it, resveratrol, omega 3, super oxide dismutase, vitamin E, selenium, pycnogenol, cocoa, astaxanthin.

Which is the most appropriate for each person?

To smokers , my advice is undoubtedly vitamin C , at least one gram daily. However, resveratrol is also a great scavenger of free radicals, but at a dose of from 150 mg / day, to much higher concentrations, which can reach up to 500 mg / day.

The omega 3 I advise to all the people who have tendency to high levels of cholesterol, and from about 40 years to prevent inflammation and protect the joints. Of course, it should not be consumed by people who are taking anticoagulants or have a scheduled operation, the appropriate dose should not be less than 1 gram / day

The SOD: is an extract of the Cantaloup melon, of great antioxidant power, which is also ideal in people with joint and stress problems, the most common is to find it in the pharmacy as Glisodin, whose most appropriate dose is 250 mg.

Vitamin E : is an important antioxidant, in fact it is one of the antioxidants that is also used as a preservative in many foods and cosmetics, especially oils; I advise women who especially have dry skin and during menopause, as it is also a precursor of estrogen. Like omega 3, it should not be taken by people who are taking anticoagulants or who are waiting for a surgical operation.

Selenium: this mineral is present in almost all metabolic cycles, and I advise it as a supplement to other antioxidants or nutrients. We usually find it in supplements with vitamin E and a dose of 200 mcg / day is recommended

Picnogenol: this complex is an extract of pine, perhaps the most expensive of all. It is a powerful antioxidant. The recommended dose is 100 mg / day.

Cocoa: I mean the seeds or berries of the cacao plant, and not the chocolate. These seeds are very rich in flavonoids and exert an important action against free radicals. They protect cardiovascular health very especially. The doses of the whole plant in capsules is usually about 800 mg / day.

Astaxanthin: is another flavonoid that, in addition to antioxidant action, will provide energy. The doses are very varied because they can go from 4 mg a day to 12 mg / day, depending on the supplement.

Which ones should not be mixed and which ones should?

It is very common to buy complexes containing several antioxidants, however, if we are going to take several, my advice is to combine those that protect from the oxidation of fats, specifically omega 3 or vitamin E with others such as resveratrol. Although it is not harmful to health, it is preferable not to combine two similar products, such as resveratrol and pycnogenol.

If we want a perfect combination, this would be one of the group of omega or vitamin E and another such as resveratrol or cocoa. Of course, you have to take into account the doses; For example, if the doses are low for each of the products, you can combine several that act in a similar way.

From what age?

There really is not a specific age from which we should start taking antioxidants. It depends on the degree of aging and the amount of oxidants to which we are exposed. For example, if you are a smoker, you can start once you are 20 years old. Although, in general, almost everyone from 35 should take a supplement.

Older people or those who are medicated should not take antioxidants without prior knowledge of the doctor, as they may be incompatible with any of the drugs.

How long should we take them and when should we change?

There is no time limit to take antioxidants, if they are part of the diet, in fact, it is as if we want to take an orange juice every morning or eat an apple every day and we do not consider a break of these foods.

However, as can happen with food, we can get tired, for this reason I prefer to advise the change of products, especially if they are buying commercial brands that carry different combinations. For example, if you are taking resveratrol, after six months you can opt for cocoa and, after six months, switch to another. Or, if it's Omega 3, it can be exchanged for vitamin E or Krill.

But, in general, it is not necessary to make a stop of antioxidant supplements unless, for some special circumstance, it is required. For example, to make an analytical, an operation, for pregnancy or for a disease in which the doctor expressly indicates.

Do foods high in antioxidants do the same action as pharmaceutical extracts in capsules or other forms?

Some foods also have antioxidant capacity and, following a healthy and high diet in these foods, we could replace the supplements; However, food does not usually provide enough nutrients to be effective. For example, to get a good amount of antioxidant cocoa we should drink up to 4 glasses of cocoa powder.

The so-called superfoods contain the highest levels of antioxidants. Some of them are red berries, turmeric, nuts or green leafy vegetables.