Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Live Well Ultra Turmeric Hyaluronic Acid Glucosamine MSM for Your Back, Knees, Hands and More - Natural & Non-GMO

Osteoarthritis of the thumb: the most effective remedies

Osteoarthritis is a very common ailment and, although it can affect people of all ages, it appears very often starting in the fifties, as the joints and bones age.

It starts being a slight discomfort that is felt in the knuckles or in the phalanges of the fingers. Over time, it is becoming more constant and it is likely that one finger will extend to the rest of the hand. In this article, I'm going to give you some remedies for osteoarthritis of the thumb and hands , both in its early stages and when you're already getting used to living with inflammation.

Live Well Ultra Turmeric Hyaluronic Acid Glucosamine MSM for Your Back, Knees, Hands and More - Natural & Non-GMO
Live Well Ultra Turmeric Hyaluronic Acid Glucosamine MSM for Your Back, Knees, Hands and More - Natural & Non-GMO

Osteoarthritis of the thumb is inflammation of the joints of the bones . It is degenerative so it is important to diagnose it as soon as possible to start treating it with remedies and palliative exercises.

Although in this blog article about people living with pain I'm going to focus on giving you remedies for hand arthritis, there are other types of arthritis that affect joints such as the knee and shoulders , among others.

Osteoarthritis of the thumb and other types

The term arthritis is so generic that with it I can refer to up to 100 different types of ailments related to inflammation of the joints. However, in everyday life, when we talk about arthritis, we are generally referring to two fundamental types: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis .

Another fairly common type of arthritis is known as gout , a disease known for centuries that did not discriminate between kings and servants. The best known case may be that of Felipe II, who retired to the Monastery of El Escorial to rest afflicted with this ailment.

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are similar in all affected areas: inflammation and pain in the joint, possible deformation (in the case of fingers is where you notice most), morning stiffness, nodules or excessively dry skin.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilage and, unlike other types of arthritis, it does not affect the internal organs, only the joints. Generally, it manifests as pain in the joints and limitation of movement. It is more common after the age of 60 although you can suffer at any age as a result of some joint injury.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a presumably autoimmune inflammatory disease whose cause or causes are still unknown although it is considered that it can have a large genetic load.

Women are three times more likely than men to develop this disease and, unlike in the case of osteoarthritis, which usually occurs in the elderly , rheumatoid arthritis affects mostly the hairpin between the ages of 20 and 40. 40 years old
Pain and swelling of the fingers

If it hurts to shrink your fingers or when temperatures are low or you are in contact with cold water, it is likely that you are living the first stages of arthritis of the hands. You may also notice a certain deformity in the thumb, in the swan neck of the fingers (joint closest to the nails) or in the metacarpophalangeal joint (the continuation of the knuckles).

Arthritis of the hands is painful but it is one of the types of arthritis that best respond to both exercises and simple natural remedies.

Remedies for arthritis of hands

In general, foods, oils and spices with anti-inflammatory properties are recommended to try to alleviate the inflammation and pain of joints affected by arthritis. Sometimes, topical use is made of them (direct application on the fingers and hands); in others, intake is recommended.

Castor oil and olive oil

A couple of times a day, you will be grateful to give you some scrubs or soft massages with castor oil . This oil has an active ingredient called ricinoleic acid that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Olive oil can also be used to massage the affected area and, of course, is a great ally against arthritis in your daily diet.


Turmeric is a widely used spice in oriental cuisine. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. There are many recipes with turmeric (curry takes this spice, for example).

It is advisable to consume turmeric along with other foods since, by itself (in capsules, for example) the body absorbs it badly. The ideal is to mix it with extra virgin olive oil or linen and a pinch of black pepper . It also increases its effectiveness if taken together with soy, citrus juice or green tea.

Honey and cinnamon

A teaspoon of both, mixed, give your body defenses to fight inflammation because they have properties similar to turmeric: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidants.

Sales of Epsom

Put hot water in a large bowl, add two cups of Epsom salts , let stand a little and put your hands for about 20 minutes in the liquid. You can repeat this treatment a couple of times a week. These salts will get the affected joints of your fingers to relax, providing relief from joint swelling and stiffness.

To prevent arthritis , a diet rich in blue fish, citrus fruits and olive oil is recommended.
Exercises to relieve arthritis of hands

Three very simple exercises will help you improve the mobility of your fingers and keep arthritis at bay.

Move the thumb by drawing a large circle . First to the side, slowly, about eight times; then, in the opposite direction.

Again with the thumb, you have to touch each one of the yolks of the rest of fingers of the hand . You will see what forms an "o". Do not do it quickly because you will only make the inflamed joint hurt more. When you finish the round of fingers, open your hand, stretch your fingers and recreate "oes". Repeat the exercise eight times.

Open and close the hand flexing , little by little, each of the joints . The fingers shrink as if you wanted to grab something until the fist is closed. Slowly open your fist and stretch your fingers. Again, 8 or 10 times with each hand (if both are affected).

You will tell me how these natural remedies and simple exercises have gone. If you know someone else, do not hesitate to share it through the comments, you can help other people who, like you, want to alleviate the pain!