Sunday, January 27, 2019

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Alternative treatments for arthritis: What works and what does not

According to the latest estimates , more than 91 million adults in the United States may suffer from arthritis, mainly osteoarthritis, which can cause pain and damage the joints. If you are one of them, you may have considered alternative treatments for arthritis.

Liquid Health K9 Vegetarian Glucosamine MSM Vitamin C Grape Seed 8 32 oz
Liquid Health K9 Vegetarian Glucosamine MSM Vitamin C Grape Seed 8 32 oz

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) almost 40% of those suffering from arthritis have tried an alternative or complementary therapy such as acupuncture or yoga.

"When conventional medicine fails to relieve pain, many seek alternative methods," says Marvin M. Lipman, MD, chief medical consultant for Consumer Reports. "But not only is there very little evidence to support many of these treatments, some are not even regulated."

Do any of them work? "These really do not cause a radical change," says Richard Panush, MD, a professor at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. "For some people, at best, these alternatives may have a slight effect under certain circumstances."

Below you will find what the investigations showed.

4 Alternative treatments for arthritis that can help you

Massage. A review of studies published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings journal indicates that massage therapy can help relieve the pain and stiffness of knee osteoarthritis. In one study, the researchers recommended a 60-minute session per week with an accredited massage therapist. (Find one in American Massage Therapy Association ).

Tai Chi. A review of 215 out of 54 studies indicated that this Chinese exercise , which is slow and with rhythmic movements, slightly decreases the pain caused by arthritis. But, it was less effective than aerobic and strength exercise (For more information visit the American Tai Chi and Qigong Association ).

Yoga. A review of 17 studies published in the Musculoskeletal Care journal indicated that yoga decreases the pain of osteoarthritis. But our experts recommend avoiding Bikram (hot yoga) if you have joint problems. The heat can make you feel that you can stretch more than you should, which could cause damage later in the joints.

Acupuncture. Research suggests that for some people, this traditional Chinese therapy that involves inserting fine needles into certain points of the body, decreases the discomfort of osteoarthritis . One theory is that it can trigger the release of hormones called endorphins that inhibit pain. Or it can simply cause a placebo effect, making you feel better without any medical reason. If testing, be sure to be treated by an accredited professional. (Find one in the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ).

3 therapies you should avoid

Chiropractic manipulation. Some research suggests that the "realignment" of the spine by a chiropractor can improve some neck and back pain . But, in a 2012 review published in the journal Rheumatology we found no evidence that the therapy effectively decreases the pain of osteoarthritis.

Dietary supplements. Some people take supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin (often together) or fish oil for joint pain. So far, studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin are not more effective than a placebo. Some research suggests that high doses of fish oil can help improve the joint pain of rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition. But the effects on osteoarthritis are not very clear. In addition, fish oil supplements can cause side effects, such as diarrhea and stomach pain. And dietary supplements are not well regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so you can not be sure if what you take is what the label says. (See our report " Supplements can make you sick ").

Homeopathy. The underlying principle of homeopathy is that certain very dilute substances can cure diseases. For example, rhus toxicodendron, made from poison ivy, is marketed as a treatment against osteoarthritis. But Lipman says there is no evidence to support the use of homeopathic remedies for arthritis or any other condition.

3 Smart strategies

Before taking any alternative treatment for arthritis, Lipman recommends that you try to combat the known factors that contribute to the pain and aches of the musculoskeletal system.

Lose weight if you need it. Excess weight adds pressure on the ankles, hips and knees, which increases the intensity and pain of arthritis.

Do the right kind of exercise. The activities that strengthen the muscles and improve your range of movement and stimulate your cardiovascular activity can help you. In addition to taichi and possibly yoga, consider walking regularly or a swimming program. To learn more about the exercises that help with arthritis, click here .

Check with your doctor. If you decide to try an alternative therapy, tell your doctor before you start. You can refer to a reliable professional. Your doctor can also tell you about the potential dangers or if the therapy can interact with your usual medications.