Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 150 Softgels

How to reduce forehead wrinkles : Anti-Age Creams

Tips to prevent wrinkles on the forehead
That we can not avoid fulfilling years does not mean that we can not combat the effects of age. Discover how to reduce forehead wrinkles and maintain a younger looking skin - and for longer - with our Anti-aging care tips.

Why do wrinkles appear on the forehead?
After doing a study on why wrinkles appear on our forehead, we tell you the keys to take care of your skin and keep it young.

Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 150 Softgels
Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 150 Softgels

 Why do wrinkles appear on the forehead?

One question that most women ask themselves when they turn thirty is: how can I prevent wrinkles?

Prevention is better than cure and, therefore, the best way to avoid its appearance is to know the causes that cause it.

One of the agents that accelerate the aging of the skin is the sun. It is very important that you learn to protect yourself from it, because as we get older, our skin tends to dehydrate naturally and needs extra care and protection.

The solar radiation affects the collagen of the skin, reducing it and causing it to become less elastic and smooth.

Remember that there are certain habits of your day to day that also greatly influence the appearance of wrinkles, such as sleeping less than 8 hours a day, stress, smoking or not following a healthy diet (rich in vegetables and proteins).

 The impact of stress and facial expressions

Our genes mark at what age the signs of aging appear on our skin, but not only depends on them; There are certain facial expressions that make wrinkles appear earlier. The reason is that the muscles have memory and, repeating certain movements, causes the lines of expression to end up being marked.

 Exposure to UVA and wrinkles

Solar exposure helps us in the natural production of vitamin D. However, solar radiation, without protection, can be harmful because it alters the collagen in our skin; that's why it's important to protect it with a cream with FPS like NIVEA Q10Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Care PF30 .

How to prevent forehead wrinkles
Discover how to visibly reduce wrinkles on the forehead with these Anti-aging care creams, nourishing sunscreens and a few simple changes in your routine.

When does your skin start to change and when should you start with your anti-aging routine?
At twenty, you may still feel that your skin is still oily and has cracks in your adolescence, such as pimples or pores. But as you approach thirty, your skin begins to dry.

Although you no longer have to deal with pimples, although it is true that it may be the beginning of the appearance of wrinkles.

The first signs of aging occur when the production of antioxidants decreases. What does this mean? Basically, antioxidants are responsible for neutralizing the free radicals of UV rays, protecting our skin from sun attacks and wrinkles.

That's why, at thirty you can start using an anti-wrinkle cream NIVEA Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Care FP30 , which contains Coenzyme Q10 and Creatine plus sun protection factor 30, which will help you to anticipate the first signs of aging . If you want to complement your facial care routine you can apply before your moisturizer a facial serum such as: NIVEA Q10Plus Anti-Wrinkles Serum Pearls .

Be responsible with your skin and use sunscreen
NIVEA SUN Anti-aging and anti-age UV facial protection contains UVA and UVB filters that protect the skin from burns and prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, its formula enriched with Coenzyme Q10 combats the appearance of lines, wrinkles and spots of pigmentation by the sun.

 Anti-aging cream that works
NIVEA Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Serum Pearls is the ideal complement to nourish your skin in depth thanks to its high concentration of Coenzyme Q10 and Hyaluronic Acid. Remember to apply it before your facial moisturizer and get a younger looking skin with a highly effective formula that works in harmony with your skin.