Wednesday, January 30, 2019

CoEnzyme Q-10 100 mg 60 Capsules

Antioxidants help you lose weight

 Antioxidants are substances that have the ability to protect your cells from the effects of free radicals ( molecules produced when the body degrades food or from environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and radiation) and inhibit other oxidation reactions, oxidizing them themselves.

Free radicals can damage cells and can play an important role in the aging process and in some heart disease , cancer and other diseases.

CoEnzyme Q-10 100 mg 60 Capsules
CoEnzyme Q-10 100 mg 60 Capsules

By facilitating digestion and working as a detoxifier, antioxidants help you lose weight and, therefore, to see you and feel good.

Antioxidant substances include:

  •     Betacarotenes
  •     Lutein
  •     Lycopene
  •     Selenium
  •     Vitamin A
  •     Vitamin C
  •     Vitamin E

You can find antioxidants in various foods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains and some meats, poultry and fish.

Among the fruits that contain antioxidant properties are kiwi, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, pear, cherry, blueberry and citrus, among others.

Here's a drink that, besides being rich and refreshing , will help you lose weight :

Juice of red fruits and tangerine

Ingredients :

  • 100 grams of strawberry
  • 100 grams of raspberry
  • 100 grams of blackberry
  • The juice of 8 mandarins


Use the juice extractor and process the red fruits and mix with the mandarin juice. Serve in a glass and decorate to your liking.

Take advantage of the antioxidant and diuretic effects of these delicious fruits in a healthy and balanced diet , but do not forget that medical advice is very important if you want to lose weight .

If you are interested in receiving more information on this subject, do not hesitate to register with us.

Melatonin is an excellent antioxidant

Melatonin is an important antioxidant that purifies both ROS and RNS. The antioxidant properties of melatonin depend on its ability to purify HO¯, H2O2, NO, ONOO¯, and possibly O2 ● ~. Melatonin regulates the expression and activity of most antioxidant enzymes such as GPx, GRd, SOD, G6PDH and iNOS. Unlike vitamins C and E, melatonin does not deplete the cell of its main reducing agent, GSH, but even increases its levels by stimulating γ-glutamylcysteine ​​synthase. Melatonin prevents LPO and maintains the permeability of the cell membrane by increasing its fluidity.

The importance of melatonin as an antioxidant depends on several characteristics: it is lipophilic and hydrophilic, crossing the biological compartments, being therefore available for all cells and tissues. It is distributed throughout all intracellular compartments, being especially high in the nucleus and mitochondria. Many organs can produce melatonin, which makes them independent of their circulating levels and, therefore, gives them an important advantage by not depending on the circulating levels of the hormone. All these properties make melatonin itself increase the effectiveness of other drugs.

Melatonin also protects against oxidative damage induced by a wide variety of free radical producing agents such as safrole carcinogen, Fenton reaction inducers, carbon tetrachloride, ionizing radiations and environmental toxics such as paraquat and rotenone herbicides. Melatonin protects nuclear DNA, membrane lipids and cytosolic proteins from oxidative damage, and increases membrane fluidity. The neuroprotective properties of melatonin have also been studied in various aging models, including the partial deficit of melatonin and in diseases related to aging such as cancer and cataracts. The decrease in melatonin levels with age seems to contribute significantly to aging.