Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Mental Refreshment: Pure CoQ10 200Mg 200 Capsules (1 Bottle)

Natural antioxidants to be younger

On numerous occasions we have talked about the risks that free radicals entail for the organism and the importance of protecting our cells with natural antioxidants . It is important that we know which are the ones that can help us when it comes to protecting our cells.

A good and correct diet can bring us a very good health. It is important that we keep this in mind and load our diet with food that will help us along the way to protect our cells. Many people rely on antioxidants and artificial vitamins, when it is not necessary as long as we obtain them through food. For this reason it is important that we know what nutrients will help us.

Mental Refreshment: Pure CoQ10 200Mg 200 Capsules (1 Bottle)
Mental Refreshment: Pure CoQ10 200Mg 200 Capsules (1 Bottle)

Vitamins are one of the best known antioxidants, specifically the vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables such as citrus, papaya, strawberries, kiwi ... Vitamin E is another important antioxidant present in wheat germ, oil olive, soy, green leafy vegetables, nuts ... On the other hand, it is worth mentioning the vitamin A or beta carotene, present in vegetables and green leafy vegetables and in those that have an orange or yellow color.

On the side of minerals there are several that will help us protect our cells from the attacks of the passage of time. A clear example is zinc, which is attributed regenerative effects of cells. We find it in foods such as meat, fish, whole grains, eggs ... Selenium also has many antioxidant qualities since its consumption is linked to the prevention of certain types of cancer. It is contained in foods such as meat, fish, shellfish, eggs ... Copper is important to take into account because it is an important cellular regenerator and stimulator of the nervous system. It is found in foods such as liver, fish, whole grains, green leafy vegetables ...

On the side of amino acids we highlight one that has an important purifying function of the organism. It is about cysteine, which is responsible for removing any remaining chemicals and heavy metals from the body. We find it in meats, eggs, fish and dairy, and helps mitigate the effects of substances that age the body.

There are other natural substances such as flavonoids that have an important protective function of the cells. We can find them in green leafy vegetables, cabbages, red fruits, citrus ... The isoflavones that are obtained from soy are another powerful antioxidant that will help our body to stay young for longer.

What are antioxidants and what are their benefits

The passage of time produces physiological and structural alterations in almost all organs and systems. The aging of individuals is influenced to a large extent by genetic factors, diet, social aspects and the appearance of diseases related to age and lifestyle. In addition, the alterations induced by aging in the cells are an important component of the aging of the organism.
To deal with this natural process, antioxidants are very important, which are substances that stop cell aging, preventing, for example, cardiovascular, tumor and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as signs of skin aging.

There are natural antioxidants in food, which is a resource that we must take advantage of to help preserve our health in general.

The foods that have the most antioxidants are:

Cranberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries:
rich in anthocyanins, in addition to preventing cardiovascular diseases, these red fruits are highly antioxidant.

Tomato: Contains lycopene, which is a vegetable pigment that gives it its characteristic red color. It is the antioxidant of this food. It also contains a lot of vitamin C, antioxidant essential for the formation of collagen, essential to treat skin flaccidity and delay aging.

Green tea and yerba mate extract (mate mate or mate): they contain catechin as an antioxidant, its consumption is recommended two to three times a day, taking care of the sugar added.

Nuts, almonds and hazelnuts: rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and vitamin E, which acts on cell regeneration and prevents oxidation.

Olive oil, canola, sunflower, soybean, grape: all vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E. It is recommended to consume it raw, that is, as a condiment for salads or added at the end of cooking.

Carrot, pumpkin, squash. The orange vegetables are rich in carotenes, precursors of vitamin A, essential for the health of the skin and the prevention of cell damage.

Spinach: also contains beta-carotenes, like the orange vegetables.

Avocado: rich in omega 3 and 9, as well as vitamin E.

Bitter chocolate: black and bitter chocolate is rich in flavonoids, substance with antioxidant function, fights free radicals, prevents heart disease and helps reduce the risk of stroke, provided it is consumed in small portions, approximately 30g .