Sunday, April 21, 2019

Duke Cannon"Big Ass Brick of Soap" Smells Like Victory Bar Soap for Men, 10 Ounces (Pack of 2)

Why do you clean the soap?

Washing only with water does not work, we have it more than proven. But what makes the soap leave the dishes like a paten or our clothes untouched?

Duke Cannon"Big Ass Brick of Soap" Smells Like Victory Bar Soap for Men, 10 Ounces (Pack of 2)
Duke Cannon Big Ass Brick of Soap Smells Like Victory Bar Soap for Men, 10 Ounces (Pack of 2)

The method of making soap, used since the Babylonians, is called saponification , a chemical process by which a fatty body, together with an alkali and water, results in soap, a product used for cleaning. How did they do it ?: heating fats with the ashes of alkaline plants (plants that grow in soils with a pH level of 7 or more are called alkaline, or tolerant to alkalinity).

What gives the soap its peculiar ability to clean, for example clothes, is that its molecules have "two faces": one extreme hates water and is attracted to substances that are not soluble in water-it is hydrophobic-so it tends to Join the fat, while the other is hydrophilic, loves water. The hydrophobic part of the molecule is usually formed by a chain of hydrocarbons, which is similar in structure to oil and many fats. Obviously the pull effect of the hydrophilic side must be greater to be able to remove the dirt from the clothes, which we help when we rub it . In the end there is a tiny drop of dirt surrounded by a soap wrap, forming a structure called micelle. allowing the soap to reduce the surface tension of the water (increasing the humidification) and to adhere and make soluble in water substances that normally are not. This process is favored in hot water.

Now, the soap is reduced its effectiveness as the water increases its concentration in mineral salts -of calcium and magnesium mainly-, which is better known as hard water. This is because the salts react with the soap forming an insoluble precipitate that gives the clothes a touch as if it had been starched. Hence, we use softener.

We must bear in mind that when we talk about detergents we are referring to a product mixture of many substances among which is its active component, very similar to that of a soap since its molecule also has a long hydrophobic chain and a hydrophilic termination, what happens is that it is usually a synthetic product. What has made detergents have displaced soaps in the market is that they behave better in hard water.

Making homemade soaps is becoming more fashionable. It is a simple process but in which one must be very careful since it is necessary to use caustic soda which is very corrosive and also during the soap making process the chemical reactions that occur cause the mixture to reach high temperatures and very high vapors. toxic, so you have to do it in very well ventilated places and always with protection: glasses, gloves, use stainless steel materials ... but you can take the used oil from your homes to make soap of very good quality and recycle this oil that pollutes the environment

Organic Coconut Oil Soap Bar (Lavender, 3.5 oz x 4-pack)

Discover the 5 Main Functions of Zote Soap

Yes. Zote soap is that soap that you only use to wash clothes. With it, you remove stains and spend a while cleaning each piece of your wardrobe. But, to a greater surprise, this soap from Mexico, can not only be used for laundry. But its functions reach an important level, since it can become a soap: Medicinal.

Organic Coconut Oil Soap Bar (Lavender, 3.5 oz x 4-pack)
Organic Coconut Oil Soap Bar (Lavender, 3.5 oz x 4-pack)

Zote soap has 5 essential functions:

1) This soap is designed to function as an important piece of dermatology. It is perfect and the one indicated to repair damage to the skin of the face. Like acne and accumulated fat on the forehead, cheeks and nose. It is advisable to wash your face with this soap when you come from the street, or when we go to bed. At night, he acts in a better way.

Note: It is a neutral ecological soap. That's why it works better than ordinary bath soaps, which contain many chemical additives to please in aroma and color.

2) Beyond the medicinal function, the zote soap can be used for cleaning pipes. You make a mop of sugar soap with sugar, and with this paste you can clean the pipes and remove dirty excesses that do not allow water to go through wiring.

3) In gardening, Zote soap is also used. If you have plants with fungi and bacteria, or the insects product of it, they want to devour their leaves, you just have to boil some Zote soap and this whitish water, sprinkle it with an atomizer or with a hand shower on the affected plants. The soap chemical, disappear bacteria that affect your garden.

4) As a flavoring, it is ideal. For closed spaces, it is unique. Just cover a piece of soap with a fabric and put it in the drawer of the clothes or in the closet, the clothes will always smell freshly washed. It can also be used for office or kitchen drawers.

5) As a decoration for the home or office. As an ornament to give as a gift. You take advantage of the fresh zote soap and can sculpt it with the shape and shape you want. Then, let it harden in the sun and ready: It has an ornament or a soap sculpture Zote.

Soothing Vanilla Oatmeal (10.5 oz) - Pure & Natural Coconut Oil Hand, Face & Body Soap. Handmade, Vegan, Moisturizing, with Colloidal Gluten-Free Oats and Antioxidant-Rich Cocoa.

6 cleaning myths

When there is an opportunity to improve our beauty routine, we go for it, right? However, there are so many beauty tips promising a clean and radiant skin that it becomes difficult to identify the truly useful. Further. Some myths have been circulating for so long, that they have become true. For this reason, we have proposed to select and distinguish the false from the true, to unmask the myths disguised as useful advice. Discover them below.

Soothing Vanilla Oatmeal (10.5 oz) - Pure & Natural Coconut Oil Hand, Face & Body Soap. Handmade, Vegan, Moisturizing, with Colloidal Gluten-Free Oats and Antioxidant-Rich Cocoa.
Soothing Vanilla Oatmeal (10.5 oz) - Pure & Natural Coconut Oil Hand, Face & Body Soap. Handmade, Vegan, Moisturizing, with Colloidal Gluten-Free Oats and Antioxidant-Rich Cocoa.

The cleaners dehydrate.
'Cleaners dry the skin'. In fact, even normal soaps dry your skin. Try a beauty bar for a more moisturizing sensation, like Dove Original Soap. Although it may look like a common soap bar, the Dove beauty bar is different. Made with a 1/4 moisturizing cream, cleanses while nourishing and helps maintain the natural moisture of the skin

Excess washing damages.
Excess washing harms the skin. ' Some people believe that cleaning excess skin strips it of its natural oils, which forces it to produce more. This can be true if you use an aggressive product for your skin. Instead, use a mild cleanser, such as Dove Deep Nutrition liquid soap.
The hot water is better.
Hot water is more effective. ' Say goodbye to those long, steam-filled showers: hot water can actually be bad for your skin. Excess temperature can leave your skin without its natural moisturizing oils, leaving it dry and sensitive. So, if you've been feeling your skin dry, use warm water in your shower and see if your skin starts to feel more hydrated ...
Exfoliate is effective.
"Exfoliating the skin makes it shine." Exfoliation is an important part of your cleaning routine, but it's also important not to overdo it.Aggressive products and vegetable sponges can do more harm than good to your skin, so it's best that Be gentle and gentle with her using Dove liquid exfoliation soap
The tight skin is normal.
It is normal to feel tight skin after washing it. If your skin feels tight after washing, you are using the wrong shower products. Try the Dove Deep Nutrition liquid soap, which gives you 10 times more natural nutrition and leaves your skin smoother and smoother after just a shower

Do not moisten oily skin.
If you have oily skin, you do not need a moisturizing cleanser. This is a very wrong idea. No matter what type of skin you have, you will always need hydration to feel and look healthy. All Dove body soaps contain our nutritional formula, which will help you keep all your skin silky soft.

Graela Bar Soap 5oz/142g - all-natural and made from a premium blend of olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil, mango butter, avocado oil, and scented with essential oils and natural fragrances

Perfect skin: the step by step to clean your face

Serums, scrubs, bar soaps, foam, sponges, supersonic brushes, towels, astringents ... Choosing the right products to cleanse your face can seem like an odyssey. For that reason, once and for all we decided to clarify your doubts with the dermatologist and plastic surgeon Dr. Francisco Pérez Penilla , who explained the ideal cleaning routine according to each type of skin. Take note!

Graela Bar Soap 5oz/142g - all-natural and made from a premium blend of olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil, mango butter, avocado oil, and scented with essential oils and natural fragrances
Graela Bar Soap 5oz/142g - all-natural and made from a premium blend of olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil, mango butter, avocado oil, and scented with essential oils and natural fragrances

10 secrets for radiating skin: healthy inside and out!


We do not want to sound like your mother scolding you after dawn with the eyes of a raccoon, but the reality, according to Dr. Pérez is that "during the day there is a production of fat on the skin of the face that favors the accumulation of particles in this. If they stay there, the pores become clogged and produce acne breakouts or blackheads " Eye: this applies to both men and women. In the specific case of women, the risk of particles remaining on your face increases thanks to makeup. So there's no excuse for not washing your face!


Before choosing any type of product it is important that a specialist tell you what kind of skin you have.

  • - Dry : your skin has a hard time staying hydrated, so you are prone to dryness, wrinkles and irritation.
  • - Fat : your skin looks shiny and it is prone to outbreaks of acne all over the face.
  • - Mixed : sebum production is concentrated in the T zone (forehead, nose and chin) and the rest is a little drier (usually concentrated in the cheeks and under the eyes).

Micellar waters: everything you need to know about this beauty product


If you have oily skin always choose a make-up remover based on water and if you have it dry, choose an oil-based make-up remover . The dermatologist says that the important thing is not to cover the pores with the products . Because it is such a sensitive area, your eyes should ALWAYS be cleansed with products that have a water base . Even when you die of fatigue you should definitely remove any trace of makeup in this area: "The eyes have very sensitive glands that are easily covered, causing the appearance of what is known as ' doggies '," he says.


You already removed the makeup, now you have to clean the pores because it is likely that there are still very small accumulated particles. You can use neutral soap (for all skin types), soaps in foam or gel (oily skin) or an oily base soap (dry skin). Apply the product on your face and massage circular with your fingers, from the center to the outside. Rinse with plenty of cold water to close the pores.

Rejuvenate your skin with a detox of beauty


A fundamental part to maintain a radiant face ! Dry skin works best with products that contain hyaluronic acid, whose function is to maintain skin hydration. If your skin is rather oily or mixed, choose solutions in spray with electrolytes.


Regarding the serums, astringent lotions, etc. You must be evaluated by a specialist to recommend the appropriate products that also have more specific functions for each skin type.


The idea is that this cleaning routine will keep you free of pimples , but if there is still an invader on your face, the most advisable thing according to Dr. Pérez is DO NOT TOUCH IT! : "If you touch it exacerbates the problem. It lasts longer and is likely to infect the area around the outbreak . " Yes, we know you're dying to squeeze it, but the best solution is to cover it with makeup during the day and at night, remove it perfectly and apply on it a solution with acetylsalicylic acid.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Clinique Facial Soap Mild with Dish, 5.2 Ounce

King soap, an ally to clean your home of negative energies

The soap king has been considered for years as the ideal ally of mothers, thanks to its powers to clean not only the house but for its many benefits.

Clinique Facial Soap Mild with Dish, 5.2 Ounce
Clinique Facial Soap Mild with Dish, 5.2 Ounce

During the Christmas season the energies tend to move more, since during this time a higher energy environment vibrates than the rest of the year, and for this reason it is important to do some rituals to attract good energies and to move away those that do not. they let us move forward.

For the people who believe in rituals, the king soap is an ideal product to ward off bad energies and attract prosperity. To achieve the end of the year and start a full of good energy you should only have the following ingredients. Take note!

  • - King soap.
  • - Water.
  • - A clean towel.

Before starting the ritual, you should sweep your home inside out and clean all the corners. Then fill a bucket with water and let the king soap melt completely.

With the clean towel you can wash the floor of your home very well in the same way that you did when sweeping, from inside to outside, ideally it is done on Tuesdays or Fridays at noon.

To make energy flow not only in your home but in you, you can split the king soap in four and bathe to purify yourself.

100% Coconut Oil Soap Bar | All Natural Organic Pure Cold-Pressed | Softens & Nourishes Dry Skin | 3oz per bar (3 Pack)

Why does soap clean?

"The water does not clean, it cleans the soap".

100% Coconut Oil Soap Bar | All Natural Organic Pure Cold-Pressed | Softens & Nourishes Dry Skin | 3oz per bar (3 Pack)
100% Coconut Oil Soap Bar | All Natural Organic Pure Cold-Pressed | Softens & Nourishes Dry Skin | 3oz per bar (3 Pack)

  • I heard this phrase thousands of times to my grandfather, who taught me very hard to wash my hands properly, especially every time I went home after having been playing for hours in the square of my neighborhood.
  • To understand why a compound has certain properties you must first know what it is made of.
  • Here comes the Chemistry part, but do not be scared, you can happily skip the italics:
  • How do we know what is soluble in what, what dissolves what, and therefore, what is clean to what?
  • We go to the popular chemical saying: "Like dissolves like" And when one substance is similar to another? With this phrase we refer to the polarity : the polar substances are only soluble in the polar, and the apolar in the apolar. For example, oil, as you know, can not be mixed in water, and this is because water is polar and oil is apolar. This is the reason why water can not clean fatty residues, because they are not soluble in it, so you can not "drag" them.
  • The great thing about soap is that it has a polar part ( hydrophilic , with an affinity for water) and another apolar ( hydrophobic ) which makes it soluble in water as well as in a fat or oil.
  • Without using organic formulas, we can draw the soap molecule in the following way, where the circle represents the hydrophilic part (akin to water), and the tail represents the hydrophobic part (akin to fat).
  • When we use soap, it has its hydrophobic part towards the fat, and its hydrophilic part towards the water, so that the soap molecules "encapsulate" the fat, and the part outside of that "capsule" is related to water, so it can "drag" and clean!
  • When you wash your hands, remember that the grandparents are always right: "The water does not clean, it cleans the soap," and now you know why.
  • If you want to synthesize soap you can download the script of the laboratory practice in " El rincón del alumno ".

TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleansing Bar with Soap Dish 5 oz / 141 g

I did not use soap (or gel) for two weeks. This is what happened

Numerous studies ensure that the skin adapts to the environment and its changes. That is, if we do not wash, our body gets used to it.

TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleansing Bar with Soap Dish 5 oz / 141 g
TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleansing Bar with Soap Dish 5 oz / 141 g

We are exposed to millions of bacteria every day. Many of them reach us through the skin. Therefore, washing daily becomes very necessary. Rinsing your hands before eating with soap or giving yourself (minimum) a daily shower protects us from germs. None of us, at this point, it would occur to us to do without this cleaning that we understand essential. And all this despite the fact that numerous scientific studies have proven that the epidermis adapts to the environment and its changes. That is, if we do not wash, our body will get used to it, and so will we.

An editor of 'Men's Health' has decided to check it. The young Concetta Smith narrates in the web, in first person, her peculiar experiment: to completely do without the soap (and of all corporal cleanser) during no less than two weeks. He has done it now, right in summer, when the scorching heat makes it necessary for a couple of showers a day for most mortals.

It was particularly difficult not to use the gel when I got home after exercising, soaked in sweat

"When I told my friends what I was going to do, they were amazed, maybe summer is not the best time not to wash with soap, heat and humidity make one a breeding ground for infections. I wondered if water would be enough, "says Smith, who refers to the statements of a leading New York dermatologist:" Water alone will remove impurities from the skin. "

So, wanting to test the water, this young woman spent two weeks taking a shower without using any body cleanser. Next, we explain how he did it, what happened and what he learned with experience. Do not lose detail, just give you some idea.

1) I took very hot showers
During the first few days, he tried hard to remember that he should not use gel. It's something we do unconsciously, automatically. "This was particularly difficult when I came home after exercising, soaked in sweat and cream, I wanted to take a cold shower, but instead I set it to the maximum temperature, since hot water was my only option to fight The dirt".

After a few days doing this routine of hot showers in the middle of summer, Smith began to like: "Soon I delighted in the kind of sauna in which my room was converted". It is clear that the one who does not console himself is because he does not want to.

2) I felt the healthiest skin
After a week washing with hot water and without gel or soap, the protagonist began to experience changes in her skin. "Before, it had a kind of dry layer, and now it was shiny, it is known that soaps dehydrate the dermis, because they remove the oils from the skin." Instead, says the young woman, showering only with water not only balances skin oils, but it becomes smoother, and all "for not using the chemicals present in most bath gels."

3) I saved time and money
"I stopped using additional cleaning products like moisturizers and exfoliants, I did not need them, since I was not getting rid of natural oils with irritating soaps, my skin did not require so much attention," she says.

You could do something good for your skin and give it a deserved soap vacation from time to time. I recommend it

4) It did not smell (so) bad

The young woman complied with the plan without major problems. It only crossed his mind to fulfill what he had promised when he went to a job interview, because he was afraid of smelling bad and, therefore, giving a bad impression. But it turned out that it was not like that, it did not give off a scent of roses, but it did not smell like a sweaty sock either.

"It turns out that bathing with just water is enough to get rid of bad smells." With perfumes and deodorants, I discovered that the soap does not really deodorize, it simply adds a soft top layer of fragrance, which evaporates within a few hours.

After fifteen days, Smith recommends everyone to try it: leave the gel and soap. "I've been very surprised by the benefits I've had in leaving these products, you could do something good for you and give you a well-deserved soap vacation from time to time."

Shea Moisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Soap, 8 Ounce (Pack of 2)

Soap : How to give you the perfect shower

To begin with, doing it every day, something that is not always advisable; to continue, spending much more water than necessary. This is the best

Shea Moisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Soap, 8 Ounce (Pack of 2)
Shea Moisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Soap, 8 Ounce (Pack of 2)

Most of us shower daily, putting the autopilot and without thinking how we are cleaning our body. And of course we do not consider that we can be doing it wrong. How can one shower badly? To begin with, doing it every day, something that is not always advisable; to continue, spending much more water than necessary.

In a complete article in The Week, the anthropologist Leslie Turnbull has seen fit to collect all the known tips to improve our ablutions.

These are the 10 steps you must follow to experience the perfect shower:

1. Decide how much you have to shower
It seems that not every day is a dirty shower, but there is nothing true in this statement. The daily shower is a good habit if we live in a particularly warm and humid area, do sports every day or perform physical work. But there is no reason to shower every winter day if we work in an office and do not give up a drop of sweat.

Water and bath gels cause damage to our skin and scalp, drying them and preventing the generation of naturally secreted substances to protect us from infections. It is good to shower every other day, but a higher frequency is unnecessary.

2. Regulates the temperature
Especially in winter it is very tempting to shower with hot water, but it is not a good idea for our body. Too hot water removes the natural fat from our skin, leaving it dry and vulnerable. The ideal is to shower with warm water. And how warm is it? Between 35 and 37 degrees Celsius. This will also allow you to save energy, so it's good for you and your pocket.

3. Wash your face
The shower is the perfect place to wash your face, especially if you use some kind of special cleaner. The warm water will open your pores and facilitate cleaning. Yes, apply your cleanser with dry hands before going in the shower. Once inside, let the product act a minute or two before clarifying.

4. Start from top to bottom
According to Turnbull, it is best to start by washing our heads and cleaning the rest of our body parts from top to bottom. Now, it is not necessary (or convenient) to wash your hair daily. Ideally, unless for any reason you have dirtied especially, is to wash it every three days.

Be careful when applying your shampoo. There is no need to rub your hair too much, because if it is delicate you can damage it. Use the fingertips, not the nails, to apply the shampoo, massaging the scalp to promote circulation. Then, clarify gently. Do not forget to take advantage of the shampoo to wash your ears too.

5. Soaps your body
Once you have finished with your head it is time to clean the rest of your body with the help of a sponge. Turnbull recommends using Salux, a type of elongated sponge well known in Japan, but the process is the same with any tool.

Rub your entire body with a soapy sponge (there's no reason to put a ton of gel), from neck to ankles, through all areas, except your genitals. After this, clarify.

6. Wash your private parts
The external genitalia, both of men and women, must also be cleaned, but we must be more careful. The ideal, says Turnbull, is that we wash our private parts by hand and, believe it or not, unless you have sweated a lot, it is better to avoid soap. Why? Urologists and gynecologists warn that it can be dangerous for soap to penetrate the inside of the urethra or vagina, so it is best to avoid it as much as possible.

7. Shave
The shower is a perfect place to shave or shave. If you do it almost at the end of your shower the hair will be wet and your pores will be open, and the process will be easier and more hurried. Remember to dry your blade after each use. And consider installing a mirror in the shower, so that your shaving is easier and, above all, safer.

8. If you want to urinate, do it
A lot of people are disgusted, others find it a great idea that can not be missed in a good shower. What do doctors say about this? The truth is that there is no hygienic reason not to piss in the shower. The urine is eliminated as well as in the toilet and much less water is spent. Also, unless you have an infection, the urine is sterile. And, put to get fussy, your toilet is usually much dirtier and tends to have many more bacteria.

9. The feet
Since we go up and down do not forget to wash your feet (especially if you have pissed). Many people believe that the soapy water that passes through the shower tray is enough to clean them, but it is not true. The feet require a rub like the rest of your body, to remove all dirt, bacteria and dead skin.

10. The final touch
Once you have finished, do not forget to rinse your sponge, drain it and leave it to dry. Otherwise it will accumulate dirt and bacteria. Use a towel to dry, but do not rub excessively: treat your skin gently. If you have dry skin this is the time to give yourself a body lotion or a cream, because the pores are still open and there is no longer dead skin.

SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Bar Soap| 8 oz.

King soap to cleanse bad energies

In the quest to make housewives feel comfortable, bright minds provide their knowledge and creativity. So, the creation of different soaps for washing clothes. That is why innovation in the soap market king to cleanse bad energies. Where the main objective is to captivate men or women with the composition of soap, aroma, colors, shapes and of course the quality when washing.

SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Bar Soap| 8 oz.
SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Shea Butter Bar Soap| 8 oz.

Indispensable for home

In this sense, soap king became one of the essential items in the shopping list of the home. At first, it was at the top of the essential household soaps. Although it became a product with enough acquisition, its aroma or shape were not of great difference compared to other products. In fact, the utility of it was not only based on washing clothes, also to cleanse bad energies.

Currently, the demand for soap king has declined by the advance of new products in this area. However, the creators of the soap king have not stopped engineering and changing the process and ingredients in it. In addition, it is still sought by the spiritual community and believer of purification, due to considerations regarding the king soap to cleanse bad energies.

History of the king soap to clean bad energies

About the matter, it arises approximately 50 years ago and is recognized as king, by preference in housewives. According to the story, everything starts in Bogotá-Colombia, where a company called "Dersa" influences the soap market. Specifically in the year 1964, "Dersa" begins to distribute the famous product as bars to wash. Unlike other slogans, looking to market a product effectively and excite the customer. The publicity of this, if it met the characteristics presented. While it is true, the company provided it as; a product capable of deep cleaning and emit several washings.

In this sense, the process of the soap king to cleanse bad energies is adopted by people who believe in rituals. More often, at times of the year where positive events occur and energy is at the surface. Just like the atmosphere we experience at Christmas , explosive ! With a vibe full of happiness. In other words, capture all that energy, which will flow in the next year with prosperity.

Rituals to cleanse bad energies

Below is a ritual with the king soap, with the aim of helping to increase the vibrations. First you will have to look for the following ingredients:
Start of list.

  •     King soap to cleanse bad energies
  •     Water
  •     A clean towel
  •     List close
    First, sweep your house to the corners or basements, do not look anywhere. Keep in mind that negative energies can be scattered throughout the house. Next, look for a tobo and add the soap king with a certain amount of water and wait for it to dissolve. Then look for a clean towel and wash the entire floor of the home. In order to attract positive energy, it is not advisable to use the mop or household chop.

In any case, if the time is not enough , do not worry! Dedicate yourself to a bath on Tuesdays and Fridays. It is suggested, spread the soap king throughout the body and then rinse. At the same time, you will be cleaning all the bad vibes retained in the day.

In any case, try to perform the two rituals per week and share the process with family or friends who live with you. In this way, the energy received in the course of this process will surround the beings that are by your side.

Everest Soap 25 pack,15 grams(.53oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Guests Toiletries, Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil (cocos nucifera oil)

He spent two weeks without using soap: the striking changes he experienced

Journalist Concetta Smith stopped using soap to clean herself for fourteen days. He tried to show that the skin adapts to the environment and gets used to the changes. The amazing modifications he perceived.

Everest Soap 25 pack,15 grams(.53oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Guests Toiletries, Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil (cocos nucifera oil)
Everest Soap 25 pack,15 grams(.53oz) Individually Wrapped Travel Soap Bar Amenities for Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Guests Toiletries, Bulk Discount Price Made of Coconut Oil (cocos nucifera oil)

During the day, the skin accumulates bacteria and oil, which are usually stripped from the body with the help of soaps. Soap, precisely, is an ally to protect against germs and to keep the body surface clean and fresh. That is why the daily norms indicate taking a bath daily or washing your hands permanently using this cleaning element. However, this was called into question.

For Men's Health journalist Concetta Smith , the habit of washing with soap "creates an imbalance in the skin, which causes the exterior to feel tight and dry after bathing." Ensures that this interrupts the process of adaptation of the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) to the environment, something scientifically studied for a long time.

Holding that the body will get used to not washing with cleansers, Smith decided to start a test: he dispensed with the soap completely for two weeks to then count the changes he experienced. "I wanted to see for myself how my skin would adjust when I changed my routine and stop using soap," she argued.

And to give more sustenance to the experiment, Smith also referred to the words of the New York dermatologist Dina Anderson, who explained that unlike soap, water itself will not join the oils and impurities that accumulate in the skin and eliminate them. completely.

"When I mentioned the idea to my friends, they were surprised, maybe summer is not the best time not to wash with soap, heat and humidity make one a perfect breeding ground for dirt. if only with water would be enough, "he said. The challenge became more incognito due to the high daily temperatures.

What happened finally? After fourteen days of showering without using any body cleanser, Smith highlighted four conclusions. First, the ability to adapt to hot water baths, even in spite of the summer season . He said that at the beginning the most difficult thing was to constantly remember that he should not look for soap when he returned home "soaked in a sticky mass of sweat and sunscreen."

"I wanted a cold shower, but instead I turned on the heat, since hot water was my only option to fight dirt." After a few days of following this routine, I began to wait for my showers full of steam. It delighted with the sauna atmosphere that my bathroom had developed, "he said.

The second difference she perceived was to feel the healthiest skin : "One week later, my skin changed from a dry layer to one with a soft, creamy glow." Quoting specialist Anderson, he explained that soaps dehydrate the dermis by removing oils from the skin, which does not occur when bathing only with water. He said his skin was healthier "without the use of harsh chemicals typically found in cleaning products."

Another derivation - much more logical - was that it saved more time and money by abandoning additional toiletries, such as moisturizers, lotions and exfoliants. "I did not need them, since I was not getting rid of natural oils with irritating solvents, my skin did not require so much attention, " he said.

Finally, he referred to the issue of the smell that emanated from his body. Except for the insecurity that was presented before going to a job interview, he took the two weeks without major problems. "It turns out that bathing with water is enough to eliminate odors, and with all the fragrances and perfumes of the cleaners, I discovered that the soap does not really deodorize, it simply adds a soft top layer of fragrance, which evaporates in a few hours, of all modes, "he said.

"I did not expect any change in my habits or in the quality of the skin, but I was pleasantly surprised by how many benefits it gave me, it could be a good thing for your skin to give you a soap vacation from time to time," he said in conclusion.

0.5 ounce Jade Facial Soap (Bar), Individually Wrapped, 1000 Bars Per Case

Why body soap is not good for the face

You might think that washing your face with water is enough. After all, it feels clean, right? However, to make sure that your skin is really clean, you need a facial cleanser.

0.5 ounce Jade Facial Soap (Bar), Individually Wrapped, 1000 Bars Per Case
0.5 ounce Jade Facial Soap (Bar), Individually Wrapped, 1000 Bars Per Case

The first step to solve your skin problems is cleanliness.

Why clean your skin?

Cleaning your skin is the first step to solve your skin problems because it helps to prepare it to absorb treatments and facilitates the natural processes of the skin - cell renewal, retention of hydration and pH balance. When you cleanse your skin, you remove the grease that is produced daily, the impurities and the makeup. These elements clog your pores and cause the natural process of cell regeneration to be slower, which causes acne, darkening of the skin and premature aging.

By cleaning your skin you remove the fats that are produced daily, impurities and makeup

Can I clean my face with soap?

Of course you can, as long as the soaps you use are specifically formulated to care for the skin of the face. But can I use the same soap I use for the rest of my body? Of course not!

Why can not I use body soap on my face?
The reason has to do with the pH levels. Most body bar soaps have a high pH and are very alkaline compared to the pH of the skin, which is slightly acidic (pH 4 to 6). This difference in pH can be very aggressive for the skin of the face.

Cleaning your face with body soap can be very aggressive for your skin and unbalance the balance of your skin

Why is it better to use a facial cleanser than a body soap?

Facial cleansers do not dry out your skin and when you choose the specific cleanser for your skin type, you get the benefits of the special ingredients it contains. For example, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, you can use - Pond's Acne Solution and have the benefits of salicylic acid and our active ingredient Thymo - T.-

Using a specific cleanser for your skin type provides the benefits of the special ingredients it contains.

Read more of the solutions that can help you fight oily skin and learn all about the natural processes of skin renewal.