Saturday, May 4, 2019

How to clean tile grout with muriatic acid

How to clean tile grout with muriatic acid

The durability and aesthetic appeal of the tiles make them ideal for outdoor patios. The tiles are fixed on wet grout, which is hardened to seal together and provide stability. Since grout is porous, it constantly absorbs dirt, dirt and bacteria. Exposure to these contaminants makes the grout open-air to stain and discolor. Cleaning dirty grout with muriatic acid eliminates stubborn accumulations and stains that many other cleaning products cannot. Since muriatic acid is an extremely dangerous chemical, use it only as a last resort.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 He put on a long-sleeved shirt, vinyl-coated robes, acid-resistant gloves, mask equipped with an acid grade filter, goggles and rubber boots. Use all of these safety equipment throughout the process.

2 set a fan near the tile area to provide more air circulation. Provide outdoor ventilation if possible.

3 Fill a 3-gallon plastic pail with 10 cups of water. Slowly add 1 cup of muriatic acid to the water. Avoid splashing and splashing solution.

4 moisten a hard bristle brush in the muriatic acid solution. Rub the dirty grout with the brush. Allow the acid solution to penetrate into the grout for a few minutes.

5 Fill a plastic container with one gallon of water. Pour 1 cup of ammonia into the container to create a neutralizing solution. Keep this solution in the vicinity.

6 Scrub grout with brush to remove remaining dirt and debris. Rinse the nozzle with the garden hose. When rinsing, the ammonia solution is poured through the grout to neutralize the acid.

7 Mix one gallon of water with 4 cups of garden lime in a 5 gallon plastic bucket. The solution is stirred with a disposable wood stirrer to completely dissolve the lime.

8 pour any remaining muriatic acid solution into the lime solution to neutralize it. Keep your head turned as you pour the acid. The acid and lime are stirred together with the wood agitator.

9 Discard neutralized acid once effervescence stops. Pour the neutralized acid through the sink drain.

Tips and warnings

  •     You can substitute the sodium bicarbonate for the garden lime.
  •     Never use muriatic acid on the inside; Heavy and corrosive fumes can be the result of air circulation.
  •     Do not add water to muriatic acid; Violent exothermic reactions may occur.
  •     Never pour muriatic acid into an empty container: acid may splash and cause damage.
  •     Never mix muriatic acid with any chemical; This makes the acid to vomit all over.
  •     Never get rid of muriatic acid and without neutralizing it; Damage to pipelines, septic systems, and the environment may occur.

How to clean tile grout with common household ingredients

How to clean tile grout with common household ingredients

If you have tiles in your home, you may have noticed that grouting between the tiles tends to attract dirt and dust over time. The use of cleaners purchased in the store may be expensive, and some of these products contain chemicals that can irritate the skin and airway. You can make your own soft grout cleaner from common household ingredients, low cost. This cleaner will remove dirt, soap scum, dust and dirt from cosmetic products.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 Place a funnel in a clean, empty spray bottle.

2 Pour the white vinegar, ammonia and baking soda into the bottle through the funnel.

Add 3 7 cups of water.

4 Replace the spray nozzle and shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.

5 Spray the mixture directly onto the grout and allow to rest for five minutes before cleaning with a clean sponge.

Tips and warnings

  •     Do not use acidic cleansers such as vinegar around natural stone tiles. Use a grout cleaner that is specifically designed for your stone surface.

How to clean tile grout with natural homemade products

How to clean tile grout with natural homemade products

There is no need to run to the store and buy grout cleaner that probably contain aggressive chemicals. If your grout is in need of refreshment, use common household products to create a safe, natural cleaner for tile grout cleaning.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 Mix 3 cups of baking soda with 1 cup of water to form a paste.

2 Use a toothbrush or grout brush to hand out the dough and rub into the grout lines. Let stand for 20 to 30 minutes.

3 rinse with warm water and dry with a clean cloth.

4 Use a remaining paste to clean the toilet by pouring the contents into the toilet bowl, rubbing with a bath brush and flush.

How to clean tile grout with lye

How to clean tile grout with lye

Cleaning grout can be a difficult task when you are not using the proper cleaning products. Many cleaning products contain chemicals that either discolor or eat in grout and tile surrounds. When it is necessary to clean the grout surfaces in your home, do not use a chemically based chlorine bleach, but instead of using a natural oxygen whitener that quickly raises any build-up of dirt from the mortar or tile.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 Mix 2 gallons of hot water with 2 cups of oxygen bleach. Wear gloves to protect your hands.

2 Immerse an all-purpose scrub cleaning brush in the lye/water mixture and use it to scrub your tile grout.

3 Scrub until there is no remaining residue or buildup signal, but keep the area moist with a cleaning solution until all grout is cleaned.

4 Rinse the bucket and fill it again with hot water.

5 buches with a rag in the water, and pass over the grout and tile to remove the oxygen bleach as well as the raised dirt from your tile grout. Let the tile and the dry air grout.

Friday, May 3, 2019

How to clean tile grout with Oxiclean

How to clean tile grout with Oxiclean

If your tile grout is dirty or stained and needs thorough cleaning, consider using Oxiclean. Unlike chlorine bleach that may discolor the grout, Oxiclean will clean, disinfect and remove stains without damaging the grout. On the other hand, Oxiclean is the environment unlike the hardest products commonly used to clean the grout. Using Oxiclean to clean your tile grout will leave it shiny and clean, without compromising the grout itself.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 bar grout and tile surface with a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt, dirt and dust.

2 Mix the Oxiclean with water in a bucket. Use 2 to 4 tablespoons. Oxiclean for every 2 cups of warm water.

3 Apply the Oxiclean of the grout with a sponge. Soak the grout thoroughly with the solution. Start at the back of the room and work your way to the door.

4 Let the Oxiclean sit in the grout for 15 to 20 minutes. Rub the dirty grout with a toothbrush. Rinse the toothbrush frequently to avoid re-applying the soil to the grout.

5 Clean grout liquid and surrounding tile with dry rags. Rinse the grout with a damp cloth, then dry with clean rags.

How to clean tile grout with peroxide and baking soda

How to clean tile grout with peroxide and baking soda

The consistency of the tile grout and the fact that its surface is lowered by the edges of the tiles are two factors that make it a magnet for dirt. Colorless grout is not only unsightly, but can also be unhealthy, especially if any of the discoloration is caused by mildew. Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide are two common household elements that can be combined to make an effective cleanser. Although baking soda acts as an abrasive and deodorizer, it lubricates peroxide and disinfects, and the combination is safe and easy to use.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 pour some baking soda into a bowl and mix in a small amount of 3 percent peroxide. This low peroxide concentration is available at any pharmacy. Stir the mixture with an old toothbrush to make a paste.

2 Apply the colored tile putty paste with the toothbrush and rub it into the well. Allow the dough to rest for one to several hours, depending on the condition of the grout.

3 Rub the grout again with the toothbrush, spraying a little water from an aerosol bottle to moisten the paste and provide lubrication.

4 Clean the grout paste with a rag. Spread more pasta and scrub again if the grout is not completely clean.

5 Wash the grout with a damp cloth to remove any debris.

Tips and warnings

  •     After cleaning the grout, closing hermetically to keep it clean.
  •     If you have 35 percent of food grade peroxide, dilute it to 3 percent splicing to distilled water before using it. Higher peroxide concentrations are dangerously caustic and dangerous if ingested.

How to clean the grout with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide

How to clean the grout with nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide

Surface of the tiles provide the luxury of being easy to clean. This is true of the same tiles, but it is not always the case of grout. Grouting in high traffic areas of a tile surface will be susceptible to stains as soon as the sealant has worn off. A damp cloth normally cleans the colored grout. But for difficult stains you should use something a little more potent. A mixture of nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide and water will clean up almost any stain on the grout, leaving a surface of the tile that looks like it did when it was installed.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 Fill an empty 5 gallon bucket with 3 litres of water. Slowly pour 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide into the water. Gently add 1 cup of nitric acid to the peroxide/water mixture.

2 Remove the lid from a spray bottle. Set the bottle firmly on a flat surface. Slide the small end of a plastic funnel into the bottle. Pour the cleaning mixture into the large end of the funnel to fill the bottle. Be careful not to overfill the bottle and pour the chemicals.

3 Spray the mixture of chemicals in the grout lines between the tiles. Scrub the grout with a brush of nylon bristles. Slide the brush back and forth along the length of each grout line to remove the stain. Immediately clean each grout line with a cloth soaked in clean water.

4 Inspect grout lines for remaining stains. Repeat the process as needed until all the stains are gone and the grout is all of the same color. Clean grout and tiles with a damp cloth to remove any debris. Allow grout to dry thoroughly before proceeding.

5 Squirt grout sealant on each grout line. Let it dry during the night chemical sealing before touching the tile or grout.

Tips and warnings

  •     Always wear rubber gloves, safety goggles and a dust mask when working with chemicals.
  •     Hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid are the two hazardous chemicals, especially when mixed in an inadequate manner. Always pour water, peroxide and nitric acid then in that order. Mixing chemical products out of service can create an unstable mixture.
  •     Never use a mixture containing more than 30 percent hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid. If you do, it will make the mixture extremely dangerous.

How to clean the grout with peroxide and baking soda

How to clean the grout with peroxide and baking soda

Cleaning grout is a necessary task. While there are many cleaning products available on the market you presume to be able to clean the grout and anything else, the price may be a bit much. All you really need is a couple of low cost items that you probably already have in the house.

Grout Cleaner Product


Cleaning the Grout

1 moisten the area with a soft, clean, moist towel.

2 Sprinkle baking soda through the moistened grout. The moisture will help it to stick.

3 Let the baking soda to sit in the grout for 10 to 15 minutes.

4 Immerse a toothbrush in the hydrogen peroxide and scrub the grout with it. Sodium bicarbonate acts as a mild abrasive and helps to help clean up the rebel areas.

5 Rinse the area with clean water to remove all dirt, debris, and baking soda.

Tips and warnings

  •     You can also make a paste by mixing hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and using it with the toothbrush to handle particularly difficult areas to clean.

How to clean the grout with hydrogen peroxide

How to clean the grout with hydrogen peroxide

Grout is found in floors and walls, which is used as a finishing element that is placed between the tiles to provide even a look. When running a mop through the tile, do not always clean the grout, as the grout is often embedded and is slightly below the surface of the tile. This requires that you can occasionally clean the grout yourself using a stronger cleaning solution. By mixing a hydrogen peroxide-based cleanser, you will clean the grout and keep it looking fresh.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 pour the 1/4 hydrogen peroxide Cup, 1 cup Salt and 1 cup baking soda into a bucket. Use the 3 percent peroxide that comes with first aid items in the supermarket.

2 Immerse a cement grout brush into the mixture, and rub the mixture into the mortar.

3 Repeat until your work way through the whole grout, and rinse the bucket and grout brush with hot water.

4 Fill the cleaning bucket with hot water.

5 Immerse a mop in the water bucket, squeeze the mop lightly to release excess water, and clean the tile and grout to remove the cleaning solution.

How to clean the grout with peroxide and water

How to clean the grout with peroxide and water

Grout is a sand material used to seal the tile. Porous texture of the material can trap dirt and stains. When exposed to water, grout provides an ideal environment for growing mold growth. Regular washing is not always sufficient to remove stains or mildew. Hydrogen peroxide can kill mold and mildew, and can whiten grout without emitting noxious fumes. There is No need for heavy washing, so you can improve the appearance of your grout with little effort.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 fill a bottle of spray with oxygenated water.

2 Spray enough grout to evenly saturate peroxide. Allow the liquid to rest for a maximum of 30 minutes. If the peroxide dries before that time, spray the area again to keep it saturated.

3 Lightly rub the grout with a brush or old toothbrush. Wear rubber gloves to protect hands during cleaning.

4 Fill a bucket with warm water and immerse a cloth or towel in the water. Squeeze, clean or clean the grout to remove any peroxide. If you are going to clean shower tiles, fill a glass with water and pour it around the sides to rinse the peroxide.

5 make sure the grout is air-dried.

Tips and warnings

  •     Grout will appear darker until completely dry.
  •     Do not use oxygenated water to clean dark or colored grout. Hydrogen peroxide can fade color.

How to clean grout without sealing floor

How to clean grout without sealing floor

Unsealed floor grout is porous and stain-free. For grout Cleaning effectively, it is necessary to use a product that will infiltrate the material and lift dirt and stains. Once cleaned, a sealant can be applied to reduce porosity and prevent staining.

Grout Cleaner Product


1 Vacuum the entire floor thoroughly. Use a dry nylon brush on grout lines to loosen lint and other debris. Of emptiness again.

2 Sprinkle baking soda into the grout and then pour the smooth white vinegar over the powder. The mixture fizzles and impregnates the grout. Let the frothing mix for one minute then wipe with a damp sponge. Rinse and dry again. If grout is still stained, use a stronger cleaning agent such as oxygen bleach.

3 Mix oxygen bleach with water according to the label instructions. The use of rubber gloves, apply the mixture to the grout. Let the mixture rest in the grout for 30 to 60 minutes. Sponge the area with more solution if it starts to dry. Rinse several times. Allow grout to dry for several hours; Grout must be completely dry before cleaning can be determined. If stains are still evident, consider using chlorine.

4 diluted use of chlorine bleach in a proportion of one part chlorine to four parts water. They scrub the solution over the grout, making sure there is good ventilation. Do not allow this mixture over carpets or clothing, and do not use in colored grout. Let the mixture stand in place for ten minutes and then rinse several times.

Tips and warnings

  •     Call a professional steam cleaner if none of the above solutions bring your grout back to life. These companies use commercial quality equipment in steam and remove the dirt from their grout. They usually offer services such as clean sealing well. After, seal the grout. This is the best way to prevent future stains and keep your grout cleaner.
  •     Do not use a wire brush to clean the grout.