Monday, May 6, 2019

How to clean the floor joints without effort

How to clean the floor joints without effort

Blanching the joints of the floor is not always easy, although there are different methods to restore the pavement's splendor
The bathroom or the kitchen are rooms where cleanliness is, more than a recommendation, an obligation. Keeping both rooms in perfect state of review means that each of the elements that are part of the composition look unpolluted. In this sense, whitening the joints of the floor is an indispensable task to achieve that harmony of the whole, something that, in any case, you can move to any other room in the house. It is not enough just to clean the tiles with soap and water, a task that, on the other hand, should be done frequently to minimize the possible wear of the joints. In practice, paying attention to the joints of each piece is essential to achieve that feeling of neatness.

Grout Cleaner Product

But how to clean the joints of the floor? Issues such as the material or the degree of deterioration of the same can give you an idea of ​​what is the best alternative but, in general, the most common is having to face the task in soil stoneware or porcelain floor. Resorting to professional cleaning services is the best guarantee of success in the task. However, you can always start by putting into practice certain recommendations that will help you maintain the floors of your kitchen or bathroom as the first day.

How to clean the joints of the floor with chemical products
Household tasks involve, in many cases, the need to use chemical solutions capable of recovering the properties of the surfaces on which they act. In the market, there are different products that can help you whiten the joints of the kitchen or bathroom floor without too much effort. Before deciding on one or the other, you should consult an expert and it is that applying an inappropriate product can have catastrophic effects on your tiles.

In any case, once the product in question has been chosen, the first step is to prepare the surface by sweeping and scrubbing with water and bleach to eliminate surface dirt. Let it dry completely before undertaking the task of bleaching the joints of the floor, a task for which, only, you will have to follow the instructions of the manufacturer applying the product following the line of the joints and leaving it to act.

After the recommended time (usually 20 or 25 minutes), scrub the surface again with hot water. This way you will be able to soften the remains of the product and completely clean the surface of the tiles of your stoneware or porcelain floor.

Homemade tricks to whiten the joints of the floor
Who said that popular wisdom could not answer the question of how to clean the joints of the floor? Home remedies are great allies in housework although you have to be careful, especially depending on the materials. In general, the traditional recipes suitable for most surfaces are:

- Baking soda:

The same unclog pipes, serves to whiten the joints of the floor and is that, the bicarbonate is a perfect ingredient for cleaning the home. In the case of kitchen and bathroom, more specifically, of the joints of the floor, its application is as simple as preparing a basin of hot water and getting a can of baking soda.

Moisten the surface and then sprinkle the baking soda. As in the case of chemical whiteners, you have to let it work, at least ten minutes and then remove the mixture with a mop or cloth. The results are immediate. Some people also bet on the use of vinegar or the combination of both, for tastes, colors.

- Bleach or ammonia:
They are not natural remedies, although they are traditional. Both bleach and ammonia (always separately!) Can help you clean the floor joints effectively. Once you have chosen the least aggressive product for your stoneware or porcelain floor, it will be enough to apply it on the joints, let it act for fifteen minutes, scrub it with a brush and remove it with hot water.

The value of professional work
While it is true that whitewashing the joints of the floor can be a task to undertake without effort, it is also true that, sometimes, it is titanic. The ravages caused by the use or the passage of time can make the appearance of your tiles and their joints in something difficult to recover and resort to professional cleaning services will save you time, effort and, probably, even money.

There are even times when it is difficult to bleach the joints of the floor and the solution, in these cases, goes directly to replace them. Apply a new tile grout, that is, renew the joints of your tiles, requires certain knowledge and attention so, entrust the task to an expert is not too much. In any case, if you are determined to test your nature of 'hands' at home, you will have to remove the previous grout with care to avoid damaging the tiles, clean the surface, apply the mixture and, once dry, return to clean to achieve the desired finishes.

How to remove dry grout

How to remove dry grout

 How to remove dry grout in tiles. We've tried everything from vinegar to tile cleaner, but nothing works.

Any suggestions?


Steve Jackson

Your options at this point are to scrape it or dissolve it. My first suggestion would be to contact the tile manufacturer. They Would have the best idea of what their tile can handle in terms of physical or acid abuse.

Grout Cleaner Product


The scraping is attractive as a primary option because it can go slowly and start in a small and little visible area to see if it damages the tile. There Is no perfect tool for this for what I know. It Would start with an abrasive sponge (might be lucky), steel wool (good for stripes) and then attack the groups with a razor, a painter's tool or a small sharp chisel. To limit the damage to the tile, you want the tool to be as horizontal as you can and still work safely with it. You should quickly determine how much abuse your tile can handle and if some scratches ruin your floor. It is likely to be a slow and painful process.


Sulfuric acid will work if the grout is not too thick, the main concern is what to do with the tile underneath. Again, find a small place to try first. The engraving is usually caused because the tile absorbs the acid. To limit this, I would first wet the tile pretty well with clean water. Gloves, mask and good ventilation are essential when working with acid. If the grout is thick enough, it may loosen it sufficiently so you can clean it with a scraping method. Follow the instructions and don't let it rest long enough to pass through the top layer of tiles.


I wouldn't overlook the replacement as a possibility, depending on how many tesserae are a problem. It is totally possible to damage the tile when trying to remove the grout anyway. I guess he did the work of the tiles (or I should call the contractor to fix this problem), so he should be able to replace a tile, just smash it, scrape the surrounding grout and install a new one. If it's an old job (and you can find the matching tiles), it may be worth making some calls to find what a tile mechanic could charge for a small job.


Are glazed tiles or something like Spanish tiles without enamelling? If they are glazed, they will test a razor blade scraper or a wallpaper scraper. Try to moisten it first. I've heard about people who use acid, but I see some forums where people never say to use it because they can record the tile. If only a couple of days have passed, it should be detached from the glazed tiles. You Can also post a photo. Good luck,

Bob Arnold

My wife dropped a bottle full of balsamic vinegar on the kitchen floor. He immediately attacked the white tile grout and, when the mess was cleaned, most of the tile grout had disappeared. Balsamic vinegar was blackish in color and white tiles were not affected at all.
-1 great story, Bro... Can you adjust your answer to more specifically address the question?

How to clean ceramic wall tiles

How to clean ceramic wall tiles

How to clean ceramic wall tiles ceramic tiles are used in many other types of surfaces, as well as on the floor. Ceramic tiles are often installed on walls and on many other vertical surfaces. The most common area for ceramic tile to be installed is in a shower or bathtub enclosure. Ceramic tiles are also installed in many bathrooms and offer a somewhat hygienic surface that does not stain or absorb smells like the normal wall can. Cleaning ceramic tiles is harder than cleaning common tiles for a simple reason. Cleaning chemicals will not settle and inhabit the surface as easily as they will when applied to floors.

Grout Cleaner Product

Cleaners should be allowed to react with dirt, stains and contaminants so that dirt and contaminants can be removed from the surface of the tile and grout. When cleaning any vertical surface, all the delicate surfaces below and beside the vertical surface to be cleaned must be protected from the cleaning chemicals that will be used. The floors of wood, carpets, laminate flooring, delicate and many other objects surrounding them can be damaged by chemical cleaning products. Sometimes, acid cleaners will work to make the grout cleaner than when using ordinary chemicals for cleaning alkaline tiles. You can spray an acid cleaner directly onto the ceramic tile and shake it on the grout with a toothbrush to scrub. Then a brush scrubbing steeped in hot water to rinse the excess acid cleaner of tiles and Grout can be used.

Spray the acid cleaner on the ceramic tiles of the wall in this way will prevent any excess of acid cleaning chemicals to flow downward vertical tiles and damage underlying surfaces. The use of acid cleaning products requires great care because they can stain carpets and can also record any stainless steel surface that come into contact.

Canvases work well to protect the underlying surface and also to absorb small amounts of cleaning chemicals so they don't seep into the bottom surfaces. Difficult to clean ceramic tiles is how the cleaning chemicals in dirty and Grout ceramic tiles to keep cleaning products to do their job. To clean the tiles of ceramic wall, a sponge for scrubbing soft works best to apply the cleaning chemicals. The sponge will contain a large volume of cleaning chemicals and can use the side of sponge scouring scrubbing to shake the tiles and Grout from ceramic. You should only clean small areas of ceramic tiles at the same time for cleaning chemicals stay in constant contact with area that is cleaned. In general, it will take more time and energy scrubbing the grout for grout as clean as possible.

After a section of the ceramic tile and Grout Cleaning, thoroughly rinse the area of tile and Grout cleaned so there are no remains of cleaner in the tile and grout. Ceramic tiles are extremely dense and hard tile and you can not damage them with most types of acidic and alkaline cleaners.

How to clean glazed tiles

How to clean glazed tiles

In the market we can find two kinds of tiles: glazed and without unglazed. The glazes are harder, but they scratch easily. On the other hand, the surface tiles without unglazed absorb the cleaning products. The white cement used in the joints is porous and retains moisture and mildew.

Grout Cleaner Product

For periodic cleaning of glazed tiles, the most common in kitchens and bathrooms, use a non-abrasive spray cleaner. The glass cleaner produces a good finish, but it avoids the intense colors because they can dye the porous joints.

Heavily soiled glazed tile

Heavily soiled tiles require larger caliber weapons: cream cleaner or scouring powders. If it is a countertop or shower wall, apply a thin layer of cleanser containing whitening agent and water and wait 15 minutes to several hours before rinsing. Rinse with plenty of water and dry with a rag.

Clean the tiles in a fast and efficient way

First, start by removing dust from the walls with a soft cloth. Then, fill a bucket with warm water and add a drizzle of neutral cleanser in one of them. If the walls are very dirty you can forget about the cube and opt for a product in degreasing spray.

Action time: Moisten a cloth in the soapy water cube and rub the wall. With a soft cloth moistened with water rinse. You can use a soft toothbrush to remove dirt from the union of the tiles, but do not pass or remove the white cement grout too! Finally, dry the tiles with a clean cloth.

And the tiles without unglazed?

Clean tile without unglazed with a natural sponge just moistened in a water solution and non-soapy detergent or commercial cleaner. Avoid acidic cleansers, such as vinegar, on glazed surfaces. The acid attacks the joints and undos them. Forget the metal scourer as it scratches the tile surface.

Cleaning of marble, ceramic and slate floors

Cleaning of marble, ceramic and slate floors

Proper care of your soil prevents damage, prolongs its useful life and keeps it looking new for years. How is the soil properly cared for?

If you like to walk barefoot or even if you don't, leave your shoes at the door. Why are you taking off your shoes? If you have a rough board that needs to be straightened, use a sandpaper to do so. Guess what's on the sole of your shoes? Sand and dirt wear the surface of your soil causing premature death.

Grout Cleaner Product

A closer look on the soles of those shoes and you will find oil, dirt and even scraps of dog poo. No wonder his soils refuse to be clean. Wear slippers or socks inside the house. The fat in the soles of the feet also soil the surface.

  •     Always vacuum or clean the floor surfaces before scrubbing.

Marble Floors

Use only warm water on marble floors. Mild vinegar acid damages marblesurfaces. Once again, drain all excess moisture from a towel or wet mop. Immediately afterwards, with a dry towel. They always dry the marble floors, they are easily stained.

Ceramic tile

Clean tiles or ceramic tiles with lukewarm water only.
Prevention becomes essential with these soil surfaces.
Regularly apply a sealant found in ceramic tile and tile stores for slate, tile, and especially grout.
Clean spills immediately.

How to clean the joints of the floor and skirting boards? 5 infallible tricks

How to clean the joints of the floor and skirting boards? 5 infallible tricks

Cleaning the joints on the floor is one of the tasks that headaches can create. Dirt from the street or dust that accumulates in the houses makes the joints of the floors usually lose their whiteness easily. Thus, for example in the cleaning of ceramic floors, pay close attention to the materials and techniques used to remove dirt from the joints or plinths without damaging the properties of the ceramics.

Grout Cleaner Product

When we regularly clean the soil joints using the best products and techniques we will be able to keep our tiles in perfect condition for longer. Therefore, there will be no need for frequent repairs or replacements that are a big outlay of money.

If you want to know how you can clean the joints of the ground or plinths to obtain a perfect result in a short time, pay close attention to the 5 tricks that we propose below in this article.

1. Whitening soil joints with chemicals

The passage of time and the continued use, especially of the bathrooms and the kitchens, make the joints of the ground become dirty at a high speed.

We often consider how we can return whiteness to the tile joints to make the floors look like new again.

One of the answers to that question is through the use of products destined to it as the Green forest gasket bleach or the Baldosinín.

These products are very easy to use and provide great results in a few minutes.
How to whiten joints step by step?

  •     Before using any of the two products above it is important to freguemos the soil well with water and a little bleach.
  •     In this way we will be able to remove the dirt more superficial and disinfect to clean the joints of the ground perfectly.
  •     It is important that we let the floor dry completely so that there is no moisture or bleach residue.
  •     Afterwards, the specific product must be applied to whiten the ground joints with the sponges or brushes that they include.
  •     The best way to apply these products is to shake them and give them on the joints forming lines.
  •     These bleaches should then be allowed to dry approximately 20 minutes to make them truly effective.
  •     These products usually have very strong active components, so it is necessary that the tiles are scrubbed with clean and very hot water.
  •     Thus, we will be able to soften the product that has been distributed on the platelets and remove it easily.
  •     These products are used to clean the joints of the kitchen tile, bathroom or other rooms, as well as the plinths.

2. Cleaning of floor gaskets with sponge and bicarbonate

One of the most common ways to clean the joints of the floor is through bicarbonate applied with a sponge.

In this case, the first thing you need to do is to wet the surface that we want to clean with abundant water.

How to clean the gaskets with bicarbonate?

  •     We must use a basin with hot water in which we add bicarbonate that we will apply on the ground with a sponge.
  •     It is very likely that after a few minutes we see how they start to stay whiter.
  •     If we want to deepen the cleaning we can use a bristle brush or small teeth and rub vigorously on the joints of the ground.
  •     Remove any dirt that appears or the remaining product with a cloth, which will serve to dry any moisture that may cause mildew or attract insects.
  •     When using products containing bicarbonate or chemicals it is advisable to always wear gloves to protect your hands.
  •     Also avoid direct contact with the eyes. If on occasion we forget this step we can have irritations.

3. Whitening Grout Joints

This option is the most effective, but also the most drastic of all and requires a little more time than the previous two. It is basically to give a layer of grout to all the joints again. With this we will get them to whiten again and acquire their original color.
How to apply grout to soil joints?

The best way to apply a new grout is through the following steps:

  •     Gently remove the old grout with a small chisel. When we do this action it is very important that we pay attention and care so as not to damage the floor tiles and that we have to repair or replace any part of it.
  •     Clean the debris that appears and the dust: After removing the old grout there will be a lot of debris and dust that we have to clean as soon as possible. Before starting to pour a new grout the surface must be absolutely perfect.
  •     Prepare the product following each and every one of the manufacturer's instructions.
  •     Apply the product on the joints with a spatula.
  •     Use a damp sponge to finish the cleaning process.
  •     Use a sealant or grout protector to protect moisture seals that usually appear in bathrooms and kitchens.

4. Clean floor gaskets with brush and etching

Bleaching of the ground joints can also be done with a brush and etching. The first thing to do is to use all the tiles with water preferably hot. Then we have to pour the etching on the joints and wait several minutes to see how a foam forms.

After passing between 5-10 minutes we have to rub each of the joints with a toothbrush energetically, and then rinse them with water until the etching is completely eliminated.

When we do this type of cleaning it is necessary to protect itself with gloves, mask and eye glasses, since the most recommended etching is the hydrochloric acid that can cause us serious damage if we do not protect ourselves well.

However, with the passage of time and when using it repeatedly, the hydrochloric acid deteriorates the grout. Therefore, it is recommended that you use etching to clean the soil joints sporadically.

5. Hires the services of companies specializing in cleaning soil joints

Cleaning the ground joints requires specific knowledge and time to be able to carry it out. Daily duties make our time unlimited the vast majority of times, and therefore the best solution is to hire cleaning companies.

The main advantages of having the help of this type of companies are:

  •     Practicality
  •     Time Savings
  •     Saving money
  •     Tranquility

What should we know when hiring a floor cleaning company?

  •     It is important that we always choose companies that have several years of experience and good reviews.
  •     One of the most useful ways to find reliable companies is by asking our acquaintances.
  •     In addition, we can search the Internet for cleaning and maintenance service companies.
  •     When you have drawn up a list of two or three service companies ask for free budgets to compare.
  •     Choose the one that best suits your needs.
  •     Doubt those companies that do not offer you detailed budget with materials and techniques, as well as those that offer very low budgets.
  •     In the Dimasplus Cleaning Company We know how to clean floor gaskets to get the best results.

At Dimasplus we are able to provide cleaning and maintenance services in any type of space.

All our workers are formed in order to be able to develop their work in the best possible way in the shortest time.

The main services offered by Dimasplus are:

  •     Floor Cleaning
  •       Office Cleaning in Madrid
  •     Deep Cleaning of premises , household cleaning
  •     Clean Crystals
  •     Cleaning up Neighborhood Communities.

An in-depth cleaning is always vital to achieve order and balance in our homes.

Because of this, the hiring of cleaning and maintenance services is becoming more common.

Polluting factors generate large amounts of dirt that create discomfort and disorganization in households or businesses.

Training on how to clean grout

Training on how to clean grout

Grout is a fine mortar that you put between tiles for paving and counterwork to keep in place. This glue-like padding is often found in bathrooms and kitchens. Whether on the shower walls or on the kitchen floor, grout may be discolored over time as dirt accumulates in it or mildew grows. Discoloration of grout may be unsightly. Fortunately, you can clean the grout using various methods.

Grout Cleaner Product

Cleaning steam

• Place water in the steam cleaning unit.

• Turn the steam on and let the water heat up.

• Use steamer grout attachment. Usually these look like long wands. Press the attachment against the grout line and move down the line, the steam trigger as you go. This will release the stains on the grout.

• Use an old rag to clean excess moisture and dirt that releases steam from grout.

Oxygen Whitener

• Mix together one part oxygen bleaching with two parts warm water. You want to dissolve the oxygen bleach in the water to create the cleaning solution. You can find oxygen-whitening products at your local grocery store.

• Apply your oxygen-whitening solution directly to the mouthpiece. You want enough so that the grout is completely soaked. If the grout absorbs the solution, add more until there is a permanent puddle of the VAC.

• Leave the VAC to soak for 30 minutes at one hour.

• Use an old brush or toothbrush to rub the mixture into the mouthpiece after the time has passed.

• Use a mop to wipe away the oxygen bleach solution. Rinse the area with clean water if necessary and allow your grout to dry clean.

Sodium bicarbonate

• Place 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar, 1/3 cup ammonia and 7 cups tap water temperature in a large container, sealable. Mix well to combine and dissolve sodium bicarbonate.

Radius of the baking soda mixture into a spray bottle. The remaining cleaner can be stored in the sealable container for future cleaning.

• Spray your grout with the baking soda mixture to completely saturate the area.

• Allow mixture for 15 minutes. Then clean the grout using a damp cloth or sponge.

Tips and warnings

  •     If all else fails, you can buy a grout dye from your local home improvement store. Using the stain stain the grout a deeper color. This hides the discoloration of the stained grout.
  •     Never mix chemicals, especially ammonia and bleach.
  •     When using any cleaning product, make sure the room is well ventilated to prevent respiratory irritation.

The best way to clean grout in ceramic tiles

The best way to clean grout in ceramic tiles

Cleaning the ceramic tile is quite easy, but you can still get the grout dirty. The sandy, porous nature of grout makes cleaning a little more difficult. Your ceramic tile grout is simply dirty or serious stains, it is important to clean it to prevent the entire surface from ceramic tiles well. The best way to clean ceramic tile grout is an environmentally friendly product that will remove stains without damaging the surrounding tiles.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Sweep the entire surface with a broom or vacuum cleaner hose to remove dust, debris, and loose soil.

• Fill a clean, empty bucket with an oxygen and warm water bleach solution. The ratio of oxygen-to-water bleach can vary between products depending on the concentration of percarbonate, but in general we will use 4 to 8 ounces of bleach per gallon of water with oxygen.

• DIP a mop or rag into the oxygen Bleach solution cube. Apply solution abundantly to grout. Let the cleaning mix stand for about 30 minutes in the grout of the ceramic tile.

• Scrub Grout lines with an old toothbrush or brush nozzle. If the oxygen bleach mixture has completely soaked in the grout and dries after 30 minutes, apply more of the solution before scrubbing.

• Soak the dirty cleaning solution with a clean mop or rags. Rinse the entire surface of the tiles with a mop or cloth and clean water, then let the air on the surface dry.

How to clean rusty grout

How to clean rusty grout

Rusty Grout is not pretty. In fact, dirty, dirty and mouldy-looking grout detracts from the beauty of a room. The more you go without properly cleaning the grout, the abrasive plus the cleaning needed to do the job. This results in the grout, or cracks of the tiles, each becoming an expensive expense to repair or replace. While cleaning the grout can never be the most enjoyable pastime in your list of tasks, there are some ways to clean properly oxidized grout the first time without too abrasive cleaners.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Mix 1/2 Cup of oxygen-bleach with 1 gallon of hot water. The solution combines better if we put the oxygen bleach in the bucket and then let the hot water run over. Agitate the solution to homogenize, using a brush.

• Insert the mixture directly onto the tile and grout. Let stand for at least 30 minutes to break rust. However, do not soak the mixture for more than 30 minutes, as the solution already sits, the more difficult the grout becomes to clean, and the more potential exists for the soaking solution in the grout pores, causing damage.

• Scrub the mixture in the nozzle with the brush. Use gloves to protect your hands. The amount of cleaning time is based on the level of oxidation in the grout. In other words, the dirtier the grout, the longer you scrub. Be prepared to scrub for a long time, regardless of the degree of soiling the grout is. Depending on the oxidation in the mouthpiece, you may need to repeat this step several times.

• Wipe away any excess oxygen chlorine mixture with a towel once you have finished scrubbing. Mop the floor with clean water and allow it to air dry. When dry, there should be no residue from the oxygen bleach solution. If there is, mop the floor again using water and soap detergent dish or on the floor.

The best way to clean grout on floors

The best way to clean grout on floors

The grout fills the spaces between tiles where apparently all the dirt in the world wants to collect. Cleaning the grout is perhaps one of the worst chores in the household. The problem is if you don't, it's very noticeable. If you stay at the top and clean regularly, however it can at least be a quick task.

Grout Cleaner Product

Useful tips

Old toothbrushes are perhaps the most useful tools to clean the grout. They are small and soft and cost nothing. Avoid using wire brushes or anything too coarse; It can damage the grout and create water and bacteria holes.

Gloves when cleaning the grout. Depending on what you are using as a cleaner, open the windows to ventilate too. Many cleaners may not be good for your skin and not all of them smell nice.

If the grout is so dirty it does not work, look in your phone book a sheet and professional cleaning the grout.

Ways to clean grout

Vinegar is an effective and safe cleaner. Mix vinegar and water evenly and spray nozzle with it. After you have soaked five to 10 minutes, rub the area with a toothbrush and rinse thoroughly with water. For stubborn stains, heat undiluted white vinegar, apply with a clean cloth or sponge and leave to soak. Rub the area with a medium soft bristle brush and rinse with water.

Oxygen bleach is great, especially if there is mold. It does not discolor your tiles or grout and does not have harmful fumes. Oxygen bleach is usually sold in the form of powder; Follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and always be sure to wear gloves. Apply to grout and allow to soak for 30 to 60 minutes before cleaning with a clean, damp cloth or mop.

Steam is a very simple and effective tool for cleaning the grout if it happens to a steam cleaner. Hold the accessory against the nozzle for 10 to 15 seconds and dirt and debris should easily climb with a toothbrush. Rinse area thoroughly.

How to clean grout with steam vapor system

How to clean grout with steam vapor system

It can clean grout quickly and effectively with a steam steam system. Steam Steam systems pressurize hot water vapor above the natural evaporation temperature. Superheated steam penetrates the surface of the porous grout where dirt tends to hide. Nozzle cleaned with a steam steam system often returns to its original color. Restore the appearance of a floor, wall or board with a powerful jet of water vapor directed directly to the dirty grout.

Grout Cleaner Product


• Sweep or vacuum the grout thoroughly. Surface debris can deflect the steam jet and restrict penetration.

• Fill the reserve in the steam steam system with distilled water. Stop adding water when the fill line is reached. Carefully seal the tank.

• Cover your hands with thick rubber gloves. The steam superheated steam system is able to burn the skin in contact.

• Fit the grout brush to the steam steam system. More Brush Accessories slide or rotate over the end of the steam nozzle. Set the steam vapour system to the medium steam outlet, if it has adjustable positions.

• Plug in the steam steam system. Energy in steam Steam unit. Squeeze the trigger every 30 seconds until the steam comes out.

• Press the grout brush into the grout. The brush runs back and forth along the grout line while the trigger is depressed in the steam steam system.

• Release the trigger. Lift the nozzle brush. Clean the nozzle and around tile with a soft cloth.

• Clean all grout with steam vapor and a soft cloth. Return to areas that are still dirty for secondary cleaning. Turn off and empty steam vapor system when finished.

Tips and warnings

  •     Spray stained grout with a bleach-based, multi-purpose cleanser. Wait for the cleaner to dry. Spray grout with hot water and clean. Repeat the process until the stain color is clear enough.