Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tricks to Clean the Tile and Tile Joints

Tricks to Clean the Tile and Tile Joints

The tiles and tile joints are of those details that we usually overlook when we clean. Normally we consider that they are clean when we pass a mop or a cloth by the surface of the tile; But being made of porous material, grout tends to accumulate moisture and dirt.

Grout Cleaner Product

Surely you've ever appreciated that the tile joints in your bathroom start to turn black; This is because mold grows easily. Mold can be dangerous to your health if we expose you to your spores for prolonged periods of time; It is also unsightly and gives an image of carelessness and lack of hygiene.

How to clean tile joints in the bathroom?

To keep your color white and our bathroom always look like a clean and hygienic space you can follow the following tips. Keep in mind that in the bathroom tiles normally the problem will be moisture, so the appearance of mold is normal; Here are some methods to remove the mold from your bathroom tiles.

Sodium bicarbonate

Making a paste with bicarbonate and water is a very effective way to clean and whiten the tiles ' joints. You just have to make a thick paste with the bicarbonate and hot water and rub it through the joints with a brush. Let the mixture act for a few minutes before removing it with a cloth and hot water. The best of bicarbonate is its whitening effect, leaving the joints perfectly white and mildew-free. You can also mix it with a little white vinegar to get a foam that cleans in depth both the joints and the tiles themselves.

Oxygenated Water

Thanks to its great disinfectant power; Oxygenated water is ideal for removing mold from bath gaskets. You just have to rub oxygenated water insistently with a brush and go eliminating stains and mildew.

Commercial Products

Special products exist in the market to clean the joints of the tiles; They are usually made of lye and give very good results. They come in pencil-shaped containers and are very easy to use. Even if your tile joints are worn or cracked you can find grout to easily fill the joints and make them look new.

How to clean the tile joints in the kitchen?

Since in the kitchen the biggest problem with the joints of the tiles and tiles is that it accumulates fat in them; It is best to treat them with special products to remove this fat and the dirt that remains attached to it. To remove grease and dirt from the kitchen tile joints You can use the following products:


Ammonia is a strong degreaser; It is advisable to dilute it in hot water and apply it with a spray by all the joints. After this we can rub the joints with a brush to remove the traces of grease and dirt. It is also a good time to apply the product throughout the tiled surface and the floor to leave the tiles perfectly clean and shiny. Do not forget to wear a mask when using this chemical.

Lemon juice

The lemon juice diluted in a little water is also an ideal solution to remove the fat from the joints of the kitchen tiles. We will apply it in the same way as the ammonia and rub until we appreciate the clean joints. The best thing about this natural method to clean the joints is that it will leave a pleasant aroma in our kitchen.

Dishwasher Soap

The dishwasher soap acts as a degreaser and makes a foam that causes the grease to peel off the surfaces. A good pass to the joints with a scouring pad and soap dish will leave the joints and tiles well clean.

By following these tips you will always be perfectly clean the joints of the bathrooms and kitchen tiles. It is true that it is meticulous work that takes time; But you won't have to do it more than once a year normally. To prevent the appearance of mold on the joints of the bath we recommend that you clean with bleach or products that prevent this fungus from reproducing easily. For your part in a kitchen you can clean with a commercial fat-removing or lemon juice; So you prevent the accumulation of fat in the joints and minimize having to clean them more often.

Tips for Cleaning Tile Floors

Tips for Cleaning Tile Floors

The floors are available in a myriad of options, but the tile remains an attractive option among the owners. Unlike hardwood floors, tile floors are durable, waterproof, easy to install and available in a variety of styles. Most importantly, they don't require as much maintenance as the carpets. However, if you want your floor to look like new for years, you must learn to clean it properly. Here are the best options when it comes to cleaning your tile floors, whether it's ceramic, vinyl or stone.

Grout Cleaner Product

Clean your floors regularly

Do not wait until your floors become dirty, as you may want to avoid the use of strong chemicals that will degrade your tiles in the long term. Besides, who wants to spend hours kneeling on the floor just to clean up the tough spots? To avoid these problems, you should give your floors some maintenance on a regular basis. Cleaning floors routinely or even everyday may seem tiring but, it's not as hard as you think. Just follow these simple steps.

1. Bar your tile floors every day with a soft broom or vacuum cleaner to remove loose dust and dirt. Remember, you should never use a straw broom because it scratches the tile.

2. Believe it or not, clean the floor with warm water once a week will keep your tiles clean and shiny.

3. Dry the floor immediately when cleaning with a wet mop to prevent new dirt from being small in humid areas and becoming hard to remove fats.

4. Clean up spills, including water, immediately using absorbent cloths. However, for dirtier spills such as pet accidents or raw meat, you have to clean with a cleaner or disinfectant. Since strong chemicals can ruin your tiles, try spraying only the area where you have spills.

5. Place a doormat on both the outside and inside of your home to remove the tracking mud or water on your tile floors. This step is especially important during the rainy and snowy seasons.

Apply deep cleaning solutions from time to time

Do you see your dirty tile floors no matter how often you clean it? Try a stronger cleaning solution. These deep cleaning solutions will eliminate greasy residues and stains without damaging your tiles.

1. Clean the floor with a mixture of ½ cup white vinegar and a gallon of warm water. The acidity in vinegar can function as a natural degreaser, especially useful for the kitchens. You can also use ½ cup of alcohol as a substitute for vinegar.

2. Clean stains with a mixture of equal parts of scorching powder and warm water. Spread the mixture on a stain with a clean cloth and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then rub the area with a soft brush and rinse thoroughly with warm water and a cloth. Repeat the process until the stain is removed.

3. Mix fresh water with dish detergent to remove stubborn grease stains. Make sure you get all the soap out as you can create a layer on the floor that makes the situation worse.

Be aware that acids such as vinegar and other cleaning products erode natural stone tiles. Therefore, only use special neutral pH cleaners to safely clean stone tile floors. Mild dishwashing detergent, oxygenated water, cornstarch and baking soda are good natural cleaning options.

Do not forget to clean the grout

Never overlook the importance of grout, as shiny grout (e) will make your tile floors look bigger and newer. Before using commercial cleaners, try cleaning your grout with a simple mixture of baking soda and water:

1. Saturate the grout with the pasta.

2. Let the dough stand for a while or even at night, depending on how dirty it is.

3. Rub the grout with an old toothbrush.

4. Rinse pasta with warm water.

If your grout does not look as bright as you would like, you may use a non-toxic cleanser such as oxygenated bleach. Add water to the bleach powder based on the product instructions and rub the solution over the grout with the edge of a sponge. Repeat if necessary. Finally, rinse the floor with lukewarm water to remove the residue.

Whether you choose to use baking soda or oxygenated bleach, you must apply a grout protector after you finish cleaning, avoiding dirt in the future.

Like other areas of the house, the best maintenance is always the precaution. If you follow these steps and clean your tile floors regularly, you will look the same again in the coming years.

How to clean the joints and tiles to make them impeccable

How to clean the joints and tiles to make them impeccable

There are all kinds of natural products and professional systems thanks to which you can easily get the tiles always clean and easily whiten the joints.

Grout Cleaner Product

The bathroom is one of the rooms where the tiles should always be kept clean for reasons of hygiene. Photo by Serveis I products Catalunya.
Always maintain impeccable bathrooms and kitchen tiles require some effort, especially when not being cleaned frequently. However, the most headaches of the head causes is to prevent the joints blackened and, above all, to get whitening when the dirt has been installed in them. Fortunately, you can always go to simple homemade tricks that facilitate this task:

  •     To effectively clean All types of tiles and prevent them from deteriorating over time or using abrasive products, the best system is to degrease them with a soft cloth soaked in white vinegar. If you want to get more disinfection you can mix it with liquid soap and a few drops of lemon.
  •     If the gaskets are blackened but have not lost the grout, it will suffice to pass a cloth with water and bleach, ammonia or hydrochloric acid – strong water-slightly diluted.
  •     You can also use detergents specially designed for the toughest dirt they sell in specialty stores and department stores. In this case, the best way to apply it is to use gloves – they are usually somewhat aggressive soaps-and a thin brush of hard bristles. Once it is clean, it must be rinsed with abundant water so that there are no remains.
  •     After removing dirt, you can also apply some commercial product that is recommended to whiten the gasket – they function as a kind of paint that even, in some cases, protects them and keeps them clean for longer.
  •     Water vapour Cleaning is another system that can be used for both tiles and gaskets. Special machines are usually used – generally managed by cleaning professionals-with direct applicators.
  •     If the seal gap is noticed because the grout has been lost there are two options: use a gasket repair OR, directly perform the procedure followed to prime the gaskets.
  •     This consists in acquiring white cement in a specialized store or large surface, dissolving it in water following the instructions of the package – must be a semi-liquid texture solution-and spread it through all the joints with the help of a brush. After approximately 15 to 20 minutes after the solution has dried, residues of excess cement may be cleaned with a spatula or a soft-fiber scouring pad that does not scratch the tiles.

4 ways to clean tile joints 100% effectively tested

4 ways to clean tile joints 100% effectively tested.

Today we bring some helpful home cleaning tips . Well, it's actually four ways or ways to clean tile jointson the floor. Each form is checked and works effectively. So no more, let's go see them. But first, we would like to explain why the tile joints on the floor are stained.

Grout Cleaner Product

Why and what are tile joints stained?

The tile joints are filled with a paste (usually glued together). This, being a kind of mortar, has pores, and over time and with the wear and tear of the floor and walls, each time it is having more pores. When the joints get black, great guilt have fungi and bacteria that grow in these pores, plus you have to add the obvious wear of the passage of time, wear by cleaning (when we pass the mop, etc.), dust and other substances that make Gaskets get dirty. But for the most part, all the dirt we see, are fungi and bacteria that grow in the pores of the mortar that fills the joints. That said, let's see how to clean the tile joints effectively.

Clean tile joints with etching and a toothbrush.

First we wet well with abundant water all the tile. Then we pour etching on the joints and see how it makes a kind of foam, that's because it's acting. We let it act for 5 minutes and then with a toothbrush we rub vigorously together. Once clean, rinse with abundant water several times to completely remove etching.

To clean the joints of the tiles in this way, it is necessary to protect with gloves, mask and eye glasses, since the most recommended etching Is the hydrochloric acid and it is a very strong acid that can cause us damage if we do not We protect well.

Important Note: Over time, the hydrochloric acid will eat the mortar, leaving the tile joints without pasta. It is an effective remedy but for occasional use.

Clean tile joints with a sponge and bicarbonate.

We wet the surface to clean with abundant water. In a basin with hot water we add bicarbonate and with a flower-shaped sponge we clean the joints of the tiles. We will immediately see how white is going. If there is any area that is not left white enough we can use a toothbrush and vinegar and rub vigorously. Once clean, all the joints rinse with plenty of water and ready, we will have the tile joints completely clean and white.

Clean tile joints with a specific cleaner.

The previous tips were based on using homemade products, but if you trust them or want to go straight to the point, there is a cleaner quite effective in the market. It is of the green Forest brand, they sell it in Mercadona and its price is around €2. Or also any of these that we can buy at Amazon.

To apply this product, first clean the tile or floor thoroughly. Once the tiling is clean and dry, we can apply the product.

This gasket cleaner comes with a sponge on top, from that sponge comes out the bleach. To use it, we pass the sponge through the joints by gently squeezing the pot to leave the bleach.

We pass the cleaner through all the joints, let dry and then, with a clean cloth and water, remove the bleach that has been left on the edges of tiles. If we have applied the cleaner to the floor, we'll clean it later with a mop.

It doesn't really clean the joints, let's say it bleaches them, like it's some kind of paint. But it leaves them very white.

Clean tile joints with grout.

This option is certainly the most effective, but also the most drastic. It's about giving them a coat of mortar together for all the joints. This will re-whiten or re-acquire its original color and renew completely. To know how to apply this form of cleaning click here .

What do you think of these ways of cleaning the black joints? How do you clean them? I read you in the comments.
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How to clean ceramic joints for very little money

How to clean ceramic joints for very little money

The ceramic floors of kitchens, bathrooms and tiles deteriorate considerably with the passage of time. Above all, the tiles ' joints darken and give a pretty bad and dirty picture of the stay still being clean.

The specific products to treat these ceramic joints are exorbitantly priced, dondan the 4-5 euros 100 ml boats, we have several very simple home solutions to carry out their cleaning or repair.

Grout Cleaner Product

If these joints are only dirty and blackened, simply pass the mop or cloth through the joints using strong water (or dilute hydrochloric acid that is the same) without any detergent. The result is unbeatable.

However, if the grout has been lost and the hole in the gasket is noticed, instead of using any gasket repair or the like, it is better that we do the same procedure that is done to prime those joints.

We buy four or five kilos of white cement in any building materials store or large area that has this product.

Dissolve in about three litres of water the white cement stirring at the same time until a paste solution remains, but liquid enough to obtain it. The amount of water is indicative.

Let it rest a little until it has a semi-liquid texture. Before spreading the solution on the floor, we thoroughly scrub the floor or the wall.

We extend the solution with a brush for all the joints. If we want to give it color, just add dye for clothes, the same color as the tiles or tiles.

We wait about fifteen – twenty minutes until the solution has dried. A light layer of white cement is formed by all the areas we have impregnated.

To remove the cement residue, use a large-fiber scouring pad or spatula. It comes out very easily and the results are the same as the first day. After these treatments, your bathroom or kitchen will be as new for very little money.




  •     Grout Cleaner
  •     Grout Sealant


  •     Grout Cleaning Brush
  •     Sealant Brush or applicator
  •     Chemical-resistant Gloves
  •     Splash-resistant goggles

What you should know before buying products to clean the grout

  •     Make sure the grout has no cracks or loose fragments. For tips on how to repair grouts and tiles, look for the link to the tile replacement article.
  •     Some cleaners and sealants may be powerful enough to require special precautions. If you don't have protective equipment, invest in buying splash-proof goggles, chemical-resistant waterproof gloves and a respiratory filter (not enough with a paper mask).
  •     This job does not require special skills, but it does require patience, so upload new songs to your MP3 player, buy a pair of knee pads to work on the tile floor and spend the time needed for this work.
  •     If your grout is new and has had several days to harden, ignore the cleaning step — or clean only where necessary — and go straight to the section on sealing the grout.
  •     Allows enough ventilation for odors to come out of the cleaner and sealant.
  •     Some commercial cleaners and bleach mixes can damage fabrics, so don't use your best pants for this project.

Grout Cleaner Product

Cleans Dirty grout

Step 1

Clean the entire floor normally and collect any loose dirt and dust. If the grout has an old, worn coat of grout sealant that still allows water to accumulate, use a floor finish stripper to remove the sealant from the surface. Rinse the floor with clean water and let it dry.

Step 2

Apply a commercial-grade grout cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions and start scrubbing with a nylon bristled brush or old toothbrush. Work in small areas and rinse the cleaner thoroughly from the floor before proceeding to another section.

    It's good to know: You need to remove the mold before you work on the stains that left the mold. Wear your gloves and eye protection and apply a mixture of ¾ cup of bleach to a gallon of water on the mold patches. Let the mixture work for half an hour before rinsing with clean water.

Step 3

To review the result, compare the sections you have cleaned with grout in low-traffic or protected areas. Stains often come from different sources, so not all stains react the same to a cleaner. If you have tried a method that did not work well, try another, like rubbing with concentrated white vinegar. Let the vinegar solution penetrate into the grout for about 15 minutes and then rinse with plenty of cold water to neutralize the vinegar acid.

    It's good to know: Grout Cleaning can be a frustrating experience when it is not completely clean after the first try, but you must resist the temptation to use super-powerful cleaners. Muriatic acid, for example, can remove stains but will also damage grout.

Step 4

When you are satisfied with the cleaning result, flush the floor once more with clean water buckets to remove or neutralize any cleaner residue.

We all like to finish soon, but if you hurry to finish the cleaning phase during this project and begin to seal the grout ahead of time, you can turn a problem that has solution in a permanent problem because, in addition to sealing the grout , you'll also seal the stains.

Seal grout

Step 1

The trick to applying sealant is to cover only the grout, so use the broader brush or applicator that covers the grout without the sealant falling on the adjacent tiles. When the tiles are completely dry after cleaning, test the sealant on a few lines of grout in a partially hidden area until you feel comfortable applying it.

Step 2

Follow the manufacturer's instructions and plan your work to avoid walking on the grout sealer before it is dry. Do not skimp, apply all the sealant that the grout can absorb, but do not allow it to accumulate on the surface. Once the first application dries, apply a second coat if necessary.

    It is good to know: Now, if you were never able to color without leaving the lines and you have left sealer on the tiles. Do not worry. If the sealant is still wet, clean it immediately with a clean, soft cloth. If it has already dried, clean only the stained area with a damp cloth and remove the residue with a nonabrasive nylon cleaning pad or sponge.

Step 3

Follow the manufacturer's instructions and prevent people from walking on the work area for several hours while the sealant heals. After the last application dries, test the grout with a few drops of water on it in different places. The ideal is to see that a small puddle forms on the surface.

    It's good to know: The sealant helps prevent dirt and spills from entering the grout, but it is not a miraculous product either. You still need to clean the floor regularly and clean the spills immediately before they seep deep into the grout.

How to clean grout with natural ingredients

How to clean grout with natural ingredients

There are a variety of grout cleaning options. From using bleach to scrubbing simply with warm water and much in between, the opinions on how best to clean the tile grout are varied, to say the least. This tutorial will show you how to clean grout using only basic and natural ingredients: baking soda and diluted white vinegar. For me, this method was easy and provided a slightly cleaner result after an application, although regular or frequent use of vinegar in the grout is argued as a long-term abrasive.

Grout Cleaner Product

Materials needed:

  •     Sodium bicarbonate
  •     White vinegar + water in a spray bottle
  •     Small disposable Packaging
  •     Toothbrush Cleaning
  •     Clean rags
  •     Rubber Gloves (optional)

Start by pouring some baking soda into your disposable container. You're going to create a sodium bicarbonate paste with water.

Pour some water into the baking soda until you have added enough to create a paste consistency. I found that a ratio of sodium bicarbonate to water 3:1 is more or less correct, but do not hesitate to play with this. A little water long ago.

  • Use the end of the toothbrush handle to remove the pasta.
  • When you have a moist but not liquid consistency, you're ready to start.
  • Apply the glue to your grout with the toothbrush bristles.
  • Let the pasta rest there for a minute while you prepare your vinegar + water solution.
  • Mix vinegar and water in a proportion of 1:1 in your spray bottle.


  •     DIY Natural Grout/Tile Cleaner
  •     Natural ways to clean the bathroom and get green
  •     How to clean a bathtub naturally

Spray vinegar + water directly into your glued sodium bicarbonate grout. Be generous with vinegar solution; You will want to clarify in your baking soda paste to react on the surface of the grout. Espumeará a little, which is fun to watch. (And/or will make you realize you need to get more).

Let the vinegar solution settle in the baking soda for a few minutes while frothing. This is actually the power of cleaning and lifting this method of natural ingredients for grout cleaning.

Rinse your toothbrush, and use it to rub the vinegar solution and paste into your grout. Celebrate when you see that the pasta becomes a little gloomy; This is just the cleaner doing his job!

Wet and then drain a rag with wet water, then start cleaning The cleaner when you have finished scrubbing.

You probably need to rinse and clean several times to remove all the glue and vinegar from your grout. (Bonus: This method quickly becomes tile cleaning and grouting, not just grout cleaning, when performing this step).

Let the grout dry to see how well it was cleaned.

As you can see from my results, the grout is cleaner, but not so dramatically. (Actually, it seems more apparent in real life than in these photos).

Some stains were lightened, but still apparent. I like the idea of using natural ingredients that I have handy for cleaning, and this was actually a fun way to clean the grout, especially with all the foam and bubbles and everything else. What is your favorite tip on how to clean the grout?

The best methods to clean tile grout 2019

The best methods to clean tile grout 2019

Whether it's tiles or tiles and it's dirty with grease, soap scum, mold or just dirt, cleaning the grout requires two things: a grout brush and a suitable cleaner. A grout brush is a small brush with hard bristles, available in hand sizes and long handle. You can replace a toothbrush in a pinch, but your bristles are too soft to do much good. As for the cleaner, many formulas work, so you can try different options to find the best interpreter for your mosaic.

Grout Cleaner Product

Chlorine bleach

A traditional way to clean grout lines is to use household chlorine bleach. For a full force application, simply dip the brush in a small container with bleach, rub the grout thoroughly, then rinse with water. Chlorine bleach is somewhat strong, and grout brushes tend to splash, so be sure to wear safety glasses and old clothes. Also open the windows so that the area is well ventilated. Bleach is toxic, releases noxious fumes and can change the shade of colored grout lines over time. Given these drawbacks, chlorine bleach is better as a last resort solution for localized stains, rather than a daily cleaning product.

Bleach with oxygen

Unlike chlorine bleach, oxygen bleach is non-toxic and safe for the environment, and does not have a strong chemical odor. It also does not stain the colored grout lines. Hydrogen peroxide is a form of oxygen bleach; however, it is usually sold in diluted solutions, making it a relatively ineffective cleaner.

Oxygen bleach is sold as a powder that can be mixed with water to create a paste that applies directly to the grout. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes, then rub with a grout brush. Rinse with water and wipe the floor with a cloth.

Alkaline cleaners

The Tile Council of America (TCA) recommends alkaline cleaners to remove stains from the grout.

Alkaline cleaners include Spic n 'Span, Super Washing Soda and Mr. Clean, among many others. These cleaners are particularly good for cleaning dirty and greasy grout joints in the kitchen. Rinse the solution thoroughly and remove it with a rag, mop or shopping vacuum to remove the white cleaner from the grout.

Why not vinegar or baking soda?

Alkaline cleaners are recommended because the grout contains cement and can be dissolved with acidic cleaners, including vinegar. Do not use vinegar or commercial cleaners based on acid in grout, period. Vinegar and other acids are also a no-no for stone tile because the acid can burn the stone. Another widely praised household cleaner, baking soda, is alkaline (not acidic), but has very little effect as a cleaner on dirty grout. That said, there is no harm in using baking soda if it seems to work for you.

Sealing grout lines

Cleaning grout lines can be a difficult and physical process. Once the grout appears clean and free of stains, sealing the grout will create a protective surface on it that helps prevent staining and makes the grout much easier to keep clean. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when applying the grout sealer. The tile should be clean and completely dry, and you should let the sealer cure completely before using the tiled area.

Maintaining Mosaics

Maintaining Mosaics

Keeping the Tiles

Once you have put your time, energy and financial resources into installing or designing your home, restaurant or establishment with quality concrete tiles, there is nothing worse than not making them look. Always put your best effort to keep your cement tiles looking at the best with the following maintenance tips. Take into consideration the spaces between tiles (or grout) when installing cement tiles is tempting not to leave spaces between them, as many people think that tiles without spaces between themselves look better. Although that is a personal preference and design, the truth is that there must be at least a small space (1/16 ") between the tiles to be able to apply the grout. Fortunately, 1/16 "is a very small space, which makes the hole imperceptible to the eye. Our recommendation is to use nozzle or grout without sand to reduce tile spacing.

Grout Cleaner Product

How to polish and seal your cement tiles?

After installing your cement tiles, make sure to clean them carefully and thoroughly for the best visual results. The following points are key to showcase the new floor of your space: maintain your good physical appearance, receive a number of compliments and help you last for decades and more.

Follow the steps below to polish your cement tiles:

  •     Use a fine sandpaper (600 grit) disc to lightly sand the tile surface
  •     Protect with a good quality penetrating sealer
  •     Buff with a white pad

Sealing your cement tile floor is also an important part of the installation process, as the cement tiles are porous and can absorb unwanted dirt and stains. It has two main options for sealing its cement tiles: penetrating or topical sealants.

Penetrating cement tile sealants are absorbed directly into the cement and make it very difficult for stains to adhere to the tile. On the other hand, topical sealants are deposited on the surface and do not allow stains to pass through. In our experience, we recommend avoiding topical sealants, as the sun can wear them much faster, plus they can make your tiles turn very slippery.

In Granada Tile we recommend Dry-Treat sealants and enhancers, which are specially designed to penetrate much deeper into the tiles and resist more stains. The molecules of the Dry-Treat products are 400 times smaller than those of competitors, allowing the compound to adhere to the tile permanently and provide a more comprehensive protection.

How to clean the cement tiles regularly?

Always avoid using acidic substances or chlorine of any kind to clean your tiles. This is extremely important, as any too acidic substance can wear the sealants faster. Instead, use a neutral pH cleaner and water to clean your tiles.

How to clean stains on cement tiles

One of the first things that comes to mind when it comes to cleaning and maintaining cement tiles, are the spots you will face over the lifespan of these. The first step is to understand what type of stain you are dealing with, to know the best way to remove it and restore the tile to its glorious original state. The types of spots that can be found are biological, organic, inorganic, oil or ink.

  •     Mildew, fungi, algae; These biological stains appear as a result of the contact of your tile with living substances.
  •     Coffee, tea, tobacco, cosmetics or blood; These organic spots come mainly from food and beverage sources.
  •     Iron, bronze or rust (rust); These inorganic stains come from raw materials (unprocessed).
  •     Oil, fat, body oil, different foods; Sealants typically prevent this type of staining.
  •     Inks These stains are typically caused by markers and pens.

Our recommended cleaning method for all of these stains is to use the Dry-Treat Rejuvenate Active, Rejuvenate Spray, Oxy-Klenza or EFF-Erayza products. These products can be used for mopping and cleaning floors regularly, as well as for deep cleanings and stain removal. These products are also perfect for cleaning the mouthpiece or grout.

Monday, May 6, 2019

How to clean ceramic tiles and grout

How to clean ceramic tiles and grout

If you have tile floors in your home and they are made of ceramic, you should be very careful when cleaning them. Using the wrong chemicals and detergents can and will eventually change the quality of your tiles. It would be a shame to lose that beautiful shine you received when the tiles were new. If you are looking for a way to keep your chips as new, do not clean them until you fully understand what is needed.

Grout Cleaner Product

There are some methods you can use to clean them without damage. You can rent an electric floor cleaner or go to your local hardware store and buy a tile cleaning solution. People with large houses will often opt for the electric floor washer because it is much more convenient and gives better results. The results are much better, especially if you rent the polishing machine after washing. All you have to do is mix some chlorine with water and some liquid dish soap. Some have said it is safe to use ammonia instead of bleach. Both forms work well to clean, disinfect and preserve ceramic tiles. This is the best way to get your chips to shine everywhere. This machine will not damage or damage your floor in any way.

You can even buy your own machine for regular use. If you can not bring a heavy-duty machine to your home just to clean the kitchen, then the method you can follow is to use the perfect ceramic tile solution. Most people with smaller homes do it this way. They find it easier, cheaper and less complicated than using the floor washing machine. This is especially true for those with only a small number of ceramic tiles in the house. You must take special care not to buy the wrong solution for the type of ceramic you have, otherwise the tiles will become boring over time. For those who need a quick fix and can not go out and buy something special, there is a way to clean your tiles with soaps that you have at home.

Any of these methods will be safe, everything depends on your budget and what you prefer. You can make your own solution for maintenance; It can be conservative and only use a special tile cleaner once a month and rent the electric floor washer with wax on special occasions.

How to Clean after a Work: Complete Manual

How to Clean after a Work: Complete Manual

Did you just do a one-floor renovation and it's all upside down? Have you bought a new apartment and had to install plugs or throw walls? Do not worry more about the cleaning of the work because in this post you will find the solution to all your problems. Continue reading and discover how to clean up after a work to leave your home or premises impeccable.

Grout Cleaner Product

Adapting to the new environment will be very easy after an urgent cleaning. In any case, if you see that it will be a lot of work, having the services of a cleaning company can be very useful for you to feel your new space like the one of a lifetime.

How to prevent stains during a workProtect the windowscreensRemove doorknobs and door handlesHow to approach the cleaning of the perfect workDo not suffice with one pass to clean everythingPerform the cleanliness of the work ourselvesChoose the specialized productsHelp us from the technologyRelicate the cleaning machinesCurchasing cleaning professionals of worksAdvantages of hiring a cleaning companyThe budget of cleaning workThe cleaning process of a work

How to prevent stains during a work
How to prevent is always better than cure, a good way to save work in the cleaning of work is to take certain preventive measures. After the reform we will have to clean up in any case, but if we organize ourselves well, we can do it efficiently.

Protects windows from windows
Before beginning the renovation, you can place masking tape on the fences, so that the paint does not reach the glass. In addition, you can apply a layer of hot vinegar to prevent it from sticking. This will greatly facilitate the final cleaning after the work.

Remove knobs and door handles
The cleaning of homes will be easier if we remove the knobs before starting the work, since, being metallic, the cleaning of the paint can be complicated. If we keep them, we avoid staining them and we help the doors to be painted better. Remember to place them next to their corresponding screws and pieces.

How to tackle the cleanliness of the perfect work

On many occasions the cleaning of the work is a big challenge because the new materials and, above all, the recent construction, also require different treatments of the dice until now. It is an important investment not only of time but of money.

Cleaning the dust that remains after an integral reform can be very annoying, we can even think that it will never disappear. Despite the care and precautions that workers take to try to stain as little as possible, the soil is usually the most dirty area during a work, so carry out a cleaning of the floor will be one of the priority tasks during cleaning working.

Stains of paint, varnish, cement or plaster are the most frequent and, to treat them, each of them requires the use of a product with certain properties.

One pass will not suffice to clean everything

We must get used to the idea from the beginning that with a single floor cleaning session we will leave our home in conditions, since it requires several.

To resort to a specialized company that offers a cleaning service can be the definitive option for a perfect finish. A contract will save us a lot of time because it has machinery and professional tools. In this case, with a day of cleaning the work if we can finish all the dirt in a deep and uncomplicated way, having some finishes that in some occasions only specific machinery of cleaning work can achieve.

Perform the cleaning of the work ourselves
This is, without a doubt, the most economical option but also the most laborious one. We will need several weeks to clean the building and leave our house in perfect condition. In addition, we will need to rent specific utensils that allow us to eliminate dust, soil stains, glass paint and impurities from plugs and radiators. The most important thing is to choose the right product for each spot and surface, and be very careful following the instructions for each one.

One of the most important tricks is to avoid the accumulation of dirt. If we are going to stay in our home during the work, we should remove as much as possible of dirt after each day. If, on the contrary, we are going to be out, it is advisable to do it on weekends, since the workers will not find themselves working and it will be easier for us to carry out the cleaning of the work.

Choose specialized products
We must know that for each surface and material there are specific products to perform efficiently the cleaning of work, and we must use with special care when the material or object covered with dirt is to be released.

To remove complicated remains such as cement or plaster, we can find products indicated only for this purpose, such as removers.

With paint, which is usually the most common element to clean, you can use generic acetone, but not to eliminate it completely can damage the surface. Therefore, we must resort to solvents that respect the materials.

To remove stains of cement, plaster, calcareous residues or rust from surfaces such as floors, bricks or tiles, which are resistant to the most aggressive products, there are several suitable chemicals. Acid strippers, removers, antiscale or descalers are ideal products for this task.

How to clean stoneware floors or the concern to clean porcelain floors after a work, may be other questions that arise us usually. You have to act in a similar way depending on the material (parquet, tiles, marble ...): the first thing is to detect the type of soil and then apply the specific cleaner for each one only where we find spots, not in a generalized way during cleaning. work.

Help us with technology
When it is not enough that we apply the corresponding chemical products and use the machines that we have at our disposal at home, the rental option is presented as an adequate alternative. These machines are industrial power vacuum cleaners, floor polishers or high pressure cleaners. With them we will achieve a professional result after cleaning the work, although it is advisable to have adequate prior knowledge of its management. We must resort to them when the dirt or stain is very impregnated or because there is a lot of surface to clean.

As in the case of the products explained above, in this case we must also take into account the type of dirt and the surface where we want to eliminate it.

If what we want is to eliminate the dust of floors with a rough surface or large outdoor areas, automatic brooms are a good ally, but if it is smooth floors is enough with a normal vacuum cleaner. If, on the other hand, it is waste whose size is larger than dust, such as small stones, papers or even remains of nails or cables, it is best to use a high pressure cleaner (a machine for cleaning surfaces with a high pressure water jet) or a semi-professional broom.

If it is about stains that are not embedded in the ground, we can obtain very good results if we pass a rotating machine. To the narrow places to which we could not access with the previous ones, we can get well with a water aspirator.

When we persecute to clean the ground, although it is the natural impulse, we should not sweep it. Why? Because we will only transfer dust or debris from one place to another, as well as stay in the air. Instead, we will use a vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency filter. This type of vacuum cleaner allows us to carry out the cleaning of the work efficiently, as they have a great absorption capacity, which is optimal for the dust that remains stuck to the surfaces. We should clean the filter every ten passes, approximately.

You can also use this wireless rechargeable electric floor and carpet brush with numerous features to help with daily cleaning thanks to its versatility.

Rent cleaning machines
If we want to have a more professional result but without resorting to cleaning companies, we can choose to rent these specialized cleaning devices temporarily, as their purchase is not worth it due to its high cost and timely use.

Rental prices vary, especially depending on the type of machine we need and the days we want to hire them. Some of these companies offer discounts the more days they rent. A painter, for example, can be rented for around 5.50 euros a day; a floor polish is achieved between eight 8 and 18 euros; a pressure washer costs about 8 euros; a pipe plunger, 9 euros and a solid vacuum cleaner and water, about 12.50 euros. But much less accessible is to rent a professional sweeper, since the manual style costs 1,000 euros and the driver (battery or gasoline engine) 3,500 euros.

Use professionals in the cleaning of works

Being a work a long process and that ends up exhausting both physically and mentally, what we seek is to be able to enjoy the reform as soon as possible. Therefore, the last thing we need many times is to get ourselves to clean the dirt that has been produced.

That is when we have to seriously consider the possibility of hiring a cleaning company specializing in the cleaning of work, which will guarantee a professional finish.

It is often unknown that office cleaning or industrial cleaning companies offer this service, but it has ended up being the most common.

According to data from the Multisectorial Association of Companies, it is the Community of Madrid that concentrates the largest number of cleaning companies (17%) followed by Catalonia (15%) and Andalusia (14%). And while most of its customers are large companies that require the cleaning of their work centers, more and more individuals are turning to them after a reform at home to clean the work. Therefore, cleaning companies and their prices can be very competitive in cities with so much supply. Hiring a cleaning of floors in Madrid after finishing a work can be very simple with Clean Sil.

Advantages of hiring a cleaning company

The main factor that leads us to rule out a cleaning company too soon is the economic one. But we do not take into account that, in order to carry out this hard work ourselves, in addition to the physical and mental effort, we will need an economic one to use or rent suitable products.

These companies, on the other hand, offer us not only to have these products for their use, (machinery and chemical products) but also labor and extensive experience in the field, which ensures quality and good results in a very short time.

The budget of the cleaning of work
As always in this type of service, the cost is associated with a budget that many times is without commitment. This budget can be calculated even on the website of the companies. The criteria are usually the meters to be cleaned, if it is a single-family house or a flat, if it is a cleaning of newly renovated commercial premises, the amount of dirt accumulated after a work, the days that estimate that they will take to apply the manual of cleaning…

To obtain a budget as reliable as possible, the company and the client agree to a visit so that company technicians come to the place, thus obtaining a personalized cost. In addition, criteria such as the number of windows, the cleaning or not of blinds, the type of painting (to use some products or others, with varying costs), external elements such as viewpoint windows or balconies are taken into account ... For example, If we want to remove dust from a wall with a gotelé, the cost is higher than if it were a smooth wall. The same goes for roofs. It is not the same to carry out a technical roof cleaning than a normal one, of those usually found in homes.

Hiring a company to clean the work of a house of 100 square meters can range between 300 and 500 euros. In return, a team of professionals can clean our house in a single day of eight hours without the need for more passes, something that is considered unthinkable if we were to do it ourselves.

The process of cleaning a work
During the process, companies often allow customers to be present, thus justifying the hours of work employed, also creating a relationship of trust between the client and the company. It is also useful if we want to specify that more emphasis be placed on one area or another. It also helps us indicate which areas we consider particularly sensitive, although the company's experience will not make it necessary.

In any case, it will be necessary for the client to verify that it has been cleaned correctly and not superficially, since the objective of investing in this contract is, precisely, cleaning in depth in a few hours.

In short, if we want that the cleaning of our house does not involve an extension of the tedious reform, our best solution is to take advantage of the professionals who assure us a good service and with guarantees, since this way we will not have done one more expense but an investment in health and time.

And you, you know how to perform a cleaning of work? If you have any questions leave us a comment or contact us and we will help you in everything you need with in-depth cleaning after a reform.