Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count by Cascade

Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count by Cascade 
  •     Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78
  •     Powers away stuck-on messes - no pre-wash needed
  •     ActionPacs with the grease-fighting power of Dawn
  •     Rinse aid action rinses away residues and leaves dishes with a brilliant shine finish
  •     #1 Recommended Brand in North AmericaMore dishwasher brands in North America recommend Cascade vs. any other automatic dishwashing detergent brand, recommendations as part of co-marketing agreement

Cascade Complete ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent, Fresh Scent, 78 Count by Cascade

Product description
Size:78 Count
Cascade Complete ActionPacs power away stuck-on messes, which means you can skip the prewash and still get a complete clean. That’s because every pac is formulated with the grease-fighting power of Dawn. Trust your dishes to Cascade Complete ActionPacs dishwasher detergent - your new shortcut in the kitchen. Powers away tea stains.

Product details
Size: 78 Count

  •     Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 6.8 x 7.2 inches ; 3.3 pounds
  •     Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds

The reason the dishwasher can be detrimental to your health (and your family's)

The dishwasher is an appliance that lightens one of the most tedious household chores, but may be causing a major health problem in which it is difficult to repair

Doctors and microbiologists are becoming increasingly clear that in developed countries we have developed exaggerated hygiene habits, which far from protecting our health endanger them.

There is no doubt that certain hygienic customs, which became popular in the second half of the NINETEENTH century – when Luis Pasteur discovered the origin of infectious diseases – are essential to enjoy good health, but the excess of cleanliness it ends up being counterproductive. This phenomenon – increasingly backed by scientific evidence – is known as the ' hygiene hypothesis '. This defends, broadly, that living in a too clean environment, in which most microbes are eliminated, our immune systems are accustomed to not having enemies and eventually become ultra-sensitive. This makes our body consider a threat to things that are not, and that is why, nowadays, more and more people suffer from allergies.

Various research has shown that children living in the rural environment or with animals have a significantly lower risk of allergies. Now A new study, published in The Journal Pediatrics, puts the accent on one of our favorite appliances: the Lavavajllas.

According to Dr. Bill Hesselmarof the Queen Silvia Children's Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, "If you are exposed to microbes, especially in the early years of life, your immune system is stimulated in many ways and becomes tolerant. We thought that maybe washing the dishes by hand was important, but we didn't know it, so we tried to answer the question. "

Our friends bacteria

The Hesselmar team interviewed parents and guardians of 1,029 Swedish children ages 7 to 8 and analyzed their health status. As scientists expected, children from families who washed dishes at hand instead of using the dishwasher had fewer allergies. Only 23% of children whose parents had hand-washing had ever had eczema – a dermatological condition that usually occurs as a reaction to an allergy – compared with 38% of children in whose households the dishwasher was always used. Researchers also found that in households where fermented products were consumed and food purchased directly on farms, the percentage of children who developed allergies was even lower.

Although it is only an epidemiological investigation, which does not study the relationship cause effect, Hesselmar and his team have some idea of why this happens. First of all, it should be pointed out that it is not the children who wash the dishes by hand who have fewer allergic reactions, but those who live in households where there is no dishwasher (or not used).

The dishwasher makes children less exposed to bacteria, their immune system settles and becomes ultrasensitive

The difference is not in the act of washing dishes (most children are too young to carry out this task) but in the dishes themselves. An earlier study, cited in this new research, showed that hand-washed dishes have more bacteria than those passing through the dishwasher, which completely eliminates any microbes. And this, which seems an advantage of the popular appliance, makes children less exposed to bacteria and viruses, their immune system settles and becomes ultrasensitive, which ends up causing allergies.

Researchers also believe that families who wash dishes by hand have a lifestyle that is less prone to allergy. As the study points out, several variables that often have negative consequences in terms of health, such as overcrowding, low socioeconomic status or immigration, are positive when it comes to allergies.

Scientists plan to continue investigating the issue to find out why the way they wash dishes does not seem to be related to other allergies (such as asthma) and because the direct contact with detergent – needed to wash dishes by hand – does not It has a negative effect on our defenses.

Hesselmar has been studying childhood allergies for a long time and it is clear that many of them are the result of excessive hygiene. In 2013 he discovered something surprising: children whose parents suck their pacifiers before offer have three less times the chance of developing an allergy. Perhaps the time has come to go back on certain hygienic issues.

Mistakes you make when washing dishes (both by hand and in the dishwasher)

From using the wrong detergent to use too much water. READ carefully and you will see that you are wrong in many respects in terms of washing your dishes

That you wash the dishes by hand or that you put the dishwasher does not make you an intelligent or hygienic. In fact, it's more than likely you 're doing it wrong. Do not punish yourself: so far no one had warned you of your mistakes, so you had no way of knowing. Now you have no excuse. READ carefully and you will see that you are wrong in many respects when washing your dishes.

1. You pour too much detergent

It doesn't have much science: if your sink turns into a bubble bath and bubbles when you're washing the dishes, you're using too much detergent. The expert advice? Put a small amount and try to foam. If it doesn't come out enough, add a little more, and so on. The best thing is to be guided by the manufacturer's recommendation, which is usually printed on the back of the container.

Despite what they say in the ads, it doesn't serve any soap. You should avoid those containing bleach, triclosan or other strong antiseptics

Eye, this does not tell you just to save: If you put a lot of detergent may be that your dishes are left with waste and therefore be dale that you hit with the scourer has not served anything.

2. Do not choose the correct detergent

Despite what they have in the advertisements it does not serve any cutlery soap . You should avoid those containing bleach, triclosan or other strong antiseptics, as they promote the proliferation of drug-resistant superbacterias. A simple soap and hot water is enough to disinfect the dishes, especially in the dishwasher.

Also, you should avoid liquid detergent for the machine, as it can clog the ducts or cover them, and make them remain residue. To avoid this, better use a powdered soap.

3. Waste water

You have to be aware of the water you use when washing dishes. By hand, you use up to 102 liters, while in a dishwasher you use 11, detailed in ' Prevention '. The difference is abysmal. If you use the dishwasher, make sure it is sufficiently full. If you wash them by hand, install a low-flow faucet and turn while rubbing. You should also fill a small container to rinse the crockery instead of rinsing each item separately under the faucet.

4. Prewash Dishes

One of the most widespread errors among people who use the dishwasher is to pre-wash dishes before putting them into the appliance. There are even that use scourer and detergent. This is an absurd operation that only serves to spend twice as much water. It is true that the appliance is not a shredder, and it is advisable to empty the dishes well before putting them, but it makes no sense to wash them before, even if we are going to use a short cycle. If your dishwasher is not finishing properly with the dirt on the dishes it may have a flaw, but this is your job and there is no reason to provided.

5. Use a sponge

You probably have a germ pump in your sink. Yes, we're talking about the sponges. They can contain thousands of bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella per centimeter. In fact, the folds of sponges that work so well to remove jammed debris become also a precious home for germs.

Throw your plastic sponge and opt for a natural fiber cloth. It should be noted that the cloths can house as many bacteria as the sponges, but with the proper use and cleanliness is a much more hygienic alternative. The best thing is to let the cloth dry away from the sink

6. You have the sink or dishwasher dirty

Can't you imagine washing your dishes in the toilet? Well, if you clean your dishes in a dirty sink or dishwasher, it's like you do. The kitchen sink, in fact, contains 100,000 times more germs than the bathroom or toilet, according to the British National Health Service. Desinféctalo daily with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda or vinegar and salt.

You should never put wood utensils in the dishwasher. Moisture and extreme heat can cause wood to swell and crack

7. Sticks Wooden Utensils

You should never put wood utensils in the dishwasher. No spoons, no chopping boards, no bowls. The moisture and extreme heat of the appliance can make the wood swell and crack. Therefore, you must wash them by hand in place and avoid soaking them with water, so you will keep them sharp and avoid damaging them. Do not put in the dishwasher or non-stick or copper pans.

8. You fill it too

If we want the dishwasher to help us save water We must always put it full, but within the established limits. If you overlap the pots it is very likely that the water will not reach all the dishes and therefore not be properly cleaned. Make sure that the surface of the plates and cutlery is exposed to the action of the water and the detergent. If, for example, there is a bowl that covers dessert dishes, they will not be washed properly.

9. Misuse the dishwasher tablets

Again, just read the appliance manual or the detergent box, but a lot of people still do it wrong. Wash pads should not be placed inside the dishwasher but in the detergent pack. This is used to release the soap at the correct time of the wash cycle. If you put it out the pill will dissolve in the pre-wash.

10. Misplace Utensils

The plastic accessories are washed great in the dishwasher, but you have to be careful not to be damaged. It is best to place these utensils in the upper part of the appliance as far away from the resistance as possible.

You also have to be careful when tipping the cutlery. Most dishwashers have a basket destined to place them and we throw these as they come from the table. However, we must follow an order if we want the washing to be more effective. The ideal is to place the knives with the handle up, the forks with the handle down and the spoons face up and others face down, and if possible separate so that they do not cover the rest of cutlery.

If your cutlery is of different materials (such as silver and stainless steel), empty in separate places to avoid touching them. The silver cutlery You must remove before the dishwasher starts the drying process.

Automatic dishwasher Soap Intoxication

It refers to the disease that occurs when you eat soap used in automatic dishwashers or when soap comes in contact with the face.

This article is only informative. Do not use to treat or handle an actual exposure to a poison. If you or someone you are with has an exposure, call the local emergency number (911 in the United States), or you can contact the local Poisoning center directly by calling the national toll-free help number. 1-800-222-1222) from any part of the United States.

Toxic element
Automatic dishwasher products contain various soaps. Potassium carbonate and sodium carbonate are the most common.

Household standard liquid detergents and soaps rarely cause serious injury if swallowed accidentally. However, packages of single use detergents for laundry or dishwashing, or "capsules " are more concentrated. Therefore, they are more likely to cause damage to the esophagus.

Where it is
Toxic elements are found in automatic dishwasher soaps.

Symptoms of automatic dishwasher soap intoxication may affect various parts of the body.


Severe sore throat
Severe pain or burning in the nose, eyes, ears, lips, or tongue
Loss of Vision
Swelling in the throat (which can also cause breathing difficulty)


Low blood pressure--presents itself quickly
Significant change in blood acidity levels that can lead to organ damage

Breathing difficulty (from inhaling the poison)

Necrosis (tissue death) in the skin or underlying tissues (deeper)


Severe abdominal pain
Vomiting, can be with blood
Burns in the esophagus (digestive tract)
Blood in the feces
Home Care
Seek immediate medical assistance. Do not cause vomiting in the person.

If there is soap in your eyes, rinse with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.

If the soap was ingested, have the person drink water or milk immediately.

Before you call 911
Determine the following information:

Age, weight and state of the person
Name of the product (with its ingredients and concentration, if known)
Time of ingestion
Quantity ingested
Toxicology Center
You can contact the local toxicology center by calling the national Toll Free Poison Help (1-800-222-1222) from any part of the United States. This free national hotline will allow you to talk to intoxication experts who will give you additional instructions.

It is a free and confidential service. All local toxicology centers in the United States use this number. You should call if you have any concerns about poisoning or how to prevent them. It does not necessarily have to be an emergency; You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If possible, take the container of the substance to the hospital.

What you can expect in the emergency room
The health care provider shall measure and monitor the person's vital signs, including temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure. Blood and urine tests will be done. Symptoms will be treated as necessary. The person may receive:

Activated charcoal so that the remaining toxic is not absorbed into the stomach or digestive tract.
Support for breathing and airway, including oxygen. In extreme cases, a tube can be inserted through the mouth into the lungs to prevent suctioning. Then an artificial respirator (ventilator) would be needed.
Blood transfusions if severe hemorrhage has occurred.
Chest X-ray.
ECG (electrocardiogram or cardiac tracing)
Intravenous fluids (IV).
Endoscopy--Placing a camera through the throat to visualize burns in the esophagus and stomach.
Medications (laxatives) for the poison to pass quickly through the body.
Tube through the mouth to the stomach to empty it (gastric lavage). This is rare.
Medications to treat symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, or symptoms of an allergic reaction such as swelling of the face or mouth, or wheezing (diphenhydramine, epinephrine, or steroids)
Expectations (prognosis)
The person's prognosis depends on the amount of poison ingested and how quickly the treatment has been received. The faster the person receives medical care, the greater the probability of recovery.

Ingestion of toxics can have serious effects on many parts of the body. The damage may continue to occur in the esophagus and stomach for several weeks after ingestion of the product. Death can occur until one month after intoxication.

However, most cases of ingesting dishwashing soap are not as damaging. Over-the-counter home products are designed to be safe for people and the environment.

The most common mistakes when putting the dishwasher

The dishwasher is almost an essential Electrodómestico in the kitchens of half the world, and also in the Spanish households. Today, who doesn't have a dishwasher? The years 70 were decisive for these devices to be extended by households. However, the dishwasher had already become popular in bars and restaurants. A change of design to be more attractive, better energy efficiency or the great offer of detergents have been key to go leaving behind the traditional scrubbing of dishes. Ejemplares en PDF de MiBolsilloThe dishwasher is one of the best allies of household chores. Numerous studies say that it is not only comfortable, but also effective in saving.

The use of the dishwasher is a major water saving. Energy saving is also evident. A study of the Canal of ISABEL II evaluates that the improvement in the use of the energy is coded at 1.06 kilowatts per hour daily, due to the reduction in the volume of hot water employed. However, what most value those who use this appliance is the time saver. If we choose the full dishwasher we will use the time on other tasks and we won't realize it is on because some barely make noise.

Increased use of the fashionable appliance also raises questions. By not being used to it, we commit multiple errors when we give the power button. One of the main is the program that we put. In this sense, there are short and long programs. While longer programs have lower water and energy consumption, fast programs consume more and are less efficient. Choosing a dishwasher suitable for our kitchen is not easy. The automatic OCU shows how efficient the different Lavaplatosdel market is and helps us choose one by the characteristics we demand.

Greater or lesser capacity, more or less large... The best fit for the daily savings of our pocket. One of the basic elements when it comes to putting our utensils to be washed is the detergents. The type of detergent used makes the difference between a rinse and a clean, shiny crockery. In the market we find SOAP tablets and liquid detergents, which we will always choose according to the features of the dishwasher.

Other minor issues, but no less interesting are the interiors of the apparatus. If you can, buy a dishwasher with a balanced door to avoid accidents (opening it stays at the desired height, without falling completely or re-close). TAlso it is important that you have a safety lock during the operation of the appliance in case you have children at home. If you're worried about the environment , be aware of the dishwasher's energy efficiency. The classification of each device is made from the letter A + + + to D.

Avoid short programs

Use Salt and rinse aid: It is important to use these two elements because they eliminate much of the lime, besides weighing the acidity of the water.

Do not open it to the end: it should only be opened after the program has been selected.

We Must not take any cover to the end because we squander energy.

Fit properly: cutlery should be placed in the basket and down.

The plates and pans, at the bottom: cups, cups and mugs in the top tray without blocking the propellers.

Monthly Wash: Once a month it is advisable to wash with the dishwasher empty and to the maximum time and temperature of the water to eliminate any rest. Use appropriate soap: avoid products containing bleach.

Do not use liquid soap and less the normal dishwashing.

The latter leaves residue and can clog it. Check the filters: If we remove the filters and we see them very dirty, the appliance must be unclogged.

They are located at the bottom of the appliance and open through the hatch.

Clean the dishes well: it is good to pass a brush through all the cutlery to remove the solid remains of food.

They can stay in the filter and clog it. Fewer short programs: short and low temperature programs are in case we have a few cutlery or dishes to wash. If we use it a lot, we can cause seals.

The best detergent type for your dishwasher

Are you happy with your dishwasher? If the answer is negative, the detergent you use may be mediocre. If you are not convinced, change for another that gives you better results. The market is full of possibilities, there are in soluble tablets, in gel capsules, standard, all in 1... Which one do you stay with?

There is so much offer to buy dishwasher detergents that you may not know which one to decant.
If that's the case, we'll help you make the best decision through our caller.
Come in and we will tell you which is the best results achieved in our analyses.

Detergents, did you know that...?

Everything you should know about dishwasher detergents and you didn't know.
Here's a batch of good principles for you to never fail again.

    Differences between Standard and all-in-one detergents.
    The standard only contains ingredients that clean the crockery (detergent), while the whole in 1, which are majority in our market, also provide doses of lime and polish.

    All in 1 don't dry quite well.
  •     If you want a perfect drying, keep the shine and avoid completely that ugly speckled glass, adds brightener in each wash cycle.
  •     The All-in-1 usually come, according to our essays, with insufficient amount to completely avoid these problems.

    Vinegar does not replace the rinse aid.
  •     This is one of the false myths that circulate on dishwasher.
  •     In fact vinegar is an acid that causes it to damage the dishwasher and dishes in the long run.
  •     Its action is not comparable to that of the rinse aid.

    Where is the detergent placed?
  •     The dishwasher has a small box, usually located on the inside door of the dishwasher where the detergent is deposited in any of its formats: in pill, capsule, powder or gel.
  •     Once you put it on, make sure that the box is closed properly.
  •     If not fit because it is too large, because the box is small or broken you can put it on the floor of the dishwasher or even in the basket of cutlery.

    Detergent wrappers.
  •     It depends on the format of the detergent you will have to develop or not.
  •     Those that are presented in a format together either in capsules or in soluble tablets have a transparent individual wrapping adjusted to the content that should not be removed before putting it in the box.
  •     Instead, you do have to unwrap the traditional pills.

    Always Use the correct dosage of detergent.

  •     No more, no less.
  •     The option recommended by the manufacturer is usually the best option.
  •     An insufficient amount will not completely remove the dirt from the crockery, while an excessive amount does not increase the efficiency of washing and is a waste of product and a contribution of unnecessary chemicals to the environment.

    Wait till you open the dishwasher.
  •     Wait between 15-30 minutes to open the dishwasher once the wash cycle is finished.
  •     If not, the crockery will not finish drying itself and stains or fences are formed on the crockery very visible especially in the glass.

    Detergents to clean your dishwasher.
  •     Liquids or gels that are sold to clean the inside of your appliance (blades, walls, filters) are not necessary if you regularly clean them and add dishwasher salt (especially important if the housing water is hard).
  •     But if you haven't cleaned the filters for a long time or you don't start the dishwasher, it can be an interesting option.
  •     To do this you should start the dishwasher empty with these concrete gels, following the manufacturer's instructions for product labelling.

    Bad smells.
  •     Don't leave the dirty crockery accumulated for days.
  •     If you notice that the dishwasher emits bad smells even when empty, make sure it is dry before closing it the next time you unload it after you finish the wash.

    Air fresheners against bad smell.
  •     Industrial air fresheners are not necessary.
  •     If you use the dishwasher regularly avoid adding it as you would be providing the air with unnecessary synthetic chemicals and sometimes allergens.

    Store detergent in a cool, dry place.
  •     If they are soluble plastic capsules, watch out for moisture because they can stick together or even get rid of.

Banned phosphates

Since the use of phosphates in detergents was banned , manufacturers have put on batteries and changed their references to conform to new requirements.
It seems that detergents tend to be more environmentally friendly, although there is still a long way to go.
Unfortunately, there are manufacturers that allow their products to produce too many chemicals polluting the wastewater and generate more packaging than is necessary, which means extra consumption of finite resources and more waste than .

Dishwasher, how to take care of it so that it lasts longer

The way to care for our dishwasher will influence not only the final result, but the quality of the washing and the times we have to call the technical service especially if it is a good brand that, in principle, lasts many years.

1. It is best to remove all food residues from dishes as well as from sources or from any other container.
Help yourself with a fork or spoon already dirty or even better than a soft rubber spatula that you have used to bathe duarnte the cooking.
You can even take a piece of absorbent paper from the kitchen.
If your trash can is mobile, acercároslo to the dishwasher so that this operation is easier for you and if it is recessed or fixed, approach as much as possible to him carefully not to "squirt" or stain on the route.

2. If retiráis all these residues, the filter (s) will last for a long time.
Watch them anyway from time to time in case you had to remove something.

3. If the children help in the chores of the household, and in my opinion it is a great practice, it is preferable to entrust them some other task, because this although it seems very easy requires certain care.
You can empty it if you are old enough not to do Estropicios.

4. There is no need to clarify the dishes manually as I have sometimes seen with my own eyes.
It would work twice as much and spend a lot more water.

5. If you only llenáis it halfway, make a pre-wash immediately so that the remains are not too dry until the time of a complete wash.
Different tests have been done and it has come to the conclusion that a pre-washing machine consumes less water than by hand, and is much more comfortable!

6. go putting all the utensils in the best possible way, thinking about it a little.
Always place the dirtiest or greasy ones at the bottom.
If a tupper or glass is covered by another container, if only in part, neither will be clean.

7. Place cutlery on its special tray, if it is carried, or in its basket always with the handle down, and do not put too many together so that they are not excessively tight. Since this bucket has several compartments spread between them all.

8. do not put in the dishwasher or good knives to cut meat or cut ham. The latter if rubbed at the end of use with absorbent paper kitchen are great, and the other large if not let dry, also are easily scrubbed by hand.

9. As a detergent use the current tablets that already carry the built-in rinse aid as they facilitate the work. The brand is all good, the white Mark I have not tried, but may also be.

10. For all utensils that have grease, plates, fountains, tuppers, cutlery use a program with hot water, 55 º or 65 º which is one of the best "degreasing".

11. Test in your modern dishwasher if a hot but short program will fit all containers.

12. If you live in a zone of hard water always usethe special salt to fight the lime, otherwise it is not necessary.
It is advisable to ajustéis the softener of the machine To the hardness of your water.
If you don't know her ask To the technical service of the area or to the central water supply.

13. Make sure that nothing dull the movement of the propellers, or the bottom that is under the "mobile cart", or the upper that is something much easier.
If something collides with the propeller or water disperser, it can be lifted, and unless you have a "handyman" at home, you will have to call the technician.

14. If your dishwasher cannot be removed from the last dryingstep, although most of them are already carrying it today, be aware of when you finish washing and clarifying, to open it immediately, also if you have Removed.
If the last rinseis opened completely, the inside of the appliance and its contents are very hot so that they will dry better and faster.
This operation represents a significant energy saving.

15. Perform an empty general cleaning with a specific product, a "Universal Machine Cleaner". The manufacturers of these products recommend that every 30 washes are done, but if the dishes are put without residue, I think it is not necessary so often.
Although in the past it was recommended to wash with the vacuum cleaner and add 1 litre of vinegar, the current special products are much better and clean and degrease all the dishwasher's internal conduits to the drain itself.

16. I am not in favour of permanently putting a dishwasher deodorant.
Although it is true that they provide a very nice smell, those I have tried have not lasted anything and were not particularly cheap. But this is at the consumer's liking.

17. If you want to keep the inside lid of the dishwasher also shiny and without any work consult the post.

The best detergents for dishwashers

Dishwasher Detergent - Buying Guide, Reviews and Analysis

We inevitably eat every day and this has as a consequence that having clean dishes is also a necessity that must be covered daily. If you have a dishwasher, a supplement that is important to be efficient in your task of leaving all the dishes as we want is the detergent. In this regard, we look for the one that provides us with more clean plates for an adequate cost. If you are still wondering what could be the best detergent to deal with this daily task in the best way, you may be interested in knowing our recommendations. Our first option is the Fairy All in One model that, in addition to an efficient formula to eliminate the remains of food from your kitchen utensils, also takes care that this dirt does not remain in your pipes. Another good option could be the Claro Classic XXL model, an efficient detergent that also does not contain phosphates, which can help to take care of the environment.

What is the best dishwasher detergent on the market?

It is natural that as the demand for dishwasher machines increases, the supply of detergents for them will also be greater. This situation makes it difficult to make a comparison of detergents for dishwashers, because all of them seem to us to be equally efficient. To help you identify what might be best for you we have made this guide to buy the best dishwashing detergent, highlighting some important points, which establish differences between each product and can help you determine which could be better.

Shopping guide

Cost of the product

Of course, knowing how much a detergent costs is a point that we can not go unnoticed, we all look for everyday products to be cheap because they represent a constant expense that will come out of our pocket.

But do not let it be the only aspect that allows you to decide, since it is more expensive to have to wash your dishes twice because the dishwasher does not keep the cleaning you expected. So the best thing is to find a balance between its cost and its effectiveness to be able to define a detergent model as really economic. For this we must move on to the next important feature.


To be considered efficient in cleaning, each brand has a specific and often patented formulation. But many detergents let you know if they meet the standards specified by official regulations and mention on their labels the degree of commitment they have to environmental care.

These are factors that help you to know the specific functions that the detergent can perform at the time of washing, such as its degreasing capacity and whether or not it has polish for your glass and metal parts.


One feature that might interest you in the event that you frequently have the need to wash the dishes quickly is the type of solution that the detergent offers.

Some dishwasher detergent detergent models can be very efficient for normal cycles, but they are not recommended for short cycles, so it is best to read the manufacturer's recommendations in this regard. So you do not have to finish by hand to eliminate food remains from your dishes to have them ready faster.

Care of the pipe system

One of the main concerns when choosing your dishwashing powder for dishwasher or any other presentation is that it gets the dirt properly removed by the waste pipe.

This is due to the fact that if they remain in this place, they can cause plugs that are very difficult to remove and that can represent a high maintenance cost. So it is very convenient that you choose in your comparison preferably those models that prevent the accumulation of fats, helping to reduce the chances of that dirt is stagnant.


Another characteristic that is important especially in repetitive tasks is practicality. So that you can wash your dishes without complications, it is recommended that the detergent provide mechanisms that make it easy to use.

This is related to your type of dosage or its design that provides a compatible form with the compartment of your dishwasher. Likewise, it is desirable that it does not run off or cause stains when emptying it.

You can find a wide variety of products among which stand out those that have a capsule that disintegrates in contact with water, or, they are presented in the form of tablets with good compression, so they do not disintegrate in your hands while transport them to the dishwasher and place them.


In your machine to wash the dishes you will surely place objects of different materials, that is why it is convenient that the detergent be able to leave them shiny and without soap residues or other chemicals that may interfere with their appearance, which is more important when washing pieces of glass or metal where the waste can be more evident.

Similarly, while cleaning, a good detergent must be respectful with the parts and components of the dishwasher, this will prevent premature deterioration helping you to have it in condition for longer.


We can not overlook the fact that the same number of dishes are not washed in every household. Perhaps, even your needs are much greater if you have a business like a cafe or a restaurant.

This is why you should analyze the amount of product that the manufacturer offers in each model, so that you decide if it will be enough when using it as often as you need it and you do not have to face the problem of running out of detergent. You may even find a better price when purchasing a presentation with a greater number of pills or product weight.

  • Fairy All in One
  • See more photos!
  • Main advantage:

This product comes in a presentation of 100 capsules, allowing you to perform a good number of washing cycles without having to spend too much money constantly.

Main disadvantage:

Sometimes, according to the comments of the users, this detergent can have little efficiency, leaving residues glued to the utensils, because they have become difficult to start.

Verdict: 9.8 / 10

Counting on an attractive presentation, this product is a convenient option so that you can perform your washing cycles without worrying about buying additional detergent in a certain period of time.


Dissolution and uses

When it comes to a dishwashing detergent in capsules you must take into account different aspects, including the quality of dissolution within the cycle, so you can perform the job in the most effective way possible and without taking away so much time. This particular product maintains a short dissolution period, which allows you to perform cycles of different durations, achieving its correct functioning within short cycles.

Also, this detergent is manufactured in order to help you improve the cleaning of your kitchen utensils, so you can use it repeatedly without it being harmful to your food items. That is why its components do not contain toxic elements or that they can affect the different materials of your cutlery or dishes, being recommendable its use with any type of utensil suitable for the dishwasher.

Duration and comfort

It is common with this type of products to have to make regular purchases, generating money expenses as well as the inconvenience of not having more replacement detergent. This is why the presentation of this product includes enough pills so you can perform many washing cycles, allowing you to save money and time because you will not have to be aware of it in your weekly shopping lists.

In addition, a feature that will get your attention on this product is that it has a relevant plus, since you can place it inside the dishwasher compartment without removing the wrapper that protects the capsule, because its PVA film dissolves easily with water, so you do not have to fill your hands with detergent every time you start your dishwasher. This is a fundamental point so that you do not have to worry about the odors of the detergent or to wash your hands after handling the product.

Watch out

When you have a dishwasher, it is common to see problems such as the accumulation of grease, both in the pipes and filters and other components of your appliance. This, with the passage of time, makes it necessary to hire a professional to help you solve the problem, which costs you money. However, as a way to help you, this detergent has a formula specially designed for this problem.

To begin, its ingredients promote the elimination of fat accumulation in your drain, preventing them from clogging and causing problems. Also, it favors that the filters and other parts of the dishwasher remain free of dirt and grease, making your equipment extend its useful life and have a better performance. This is how these qualities allow you to avoid expenses on the maintenance of your dishwasher and drainage.

Claro Classic XXL

If you're wondering which is the best dishwasher detergent for its commitment to the environment, then the Claro Classic model could be the answer. In the first place, it does not contain phosphates, so its polluting effect is considerably reduced compared to other formulas.

At the same time, it has a very acceptable cleaning efficiency, which due to its concentration of bleach can properly remove even tea and coffee stains even if you do not use too hot water.

In addition, it has a presentation of 100 pills, so if you use three daily on average, you can have enough for a month of washing your dishes, which can be very convenient.

As regards its use, it is very comfortable and clean; This is due to its surface film that dissolves to avoid getting stained when you pick up the pill.

To achieve the best dishwashing detergent of the moment, you must take into account details of its composition, or even the ease it offers you at the time of use.

Phosphate free:

According to its composition, this dishwashing detergent is free of phosphate, that is, it is not polluting compared to other detergents available in the market.
Bleach concentration:

Thanks to the presence of a large concentration of bleaches in this detergent, you can enjoy a considerable efficiency of it with each wash.

As for its presentation, this detergent is available in a total of 100 tablets, ideal to use according to your convenience.


Although the plastic available in each tablet of this detergent is biodegradable, some users recommend from time to time to check the filter of the dishwasher since sometimes some plastics remain without dissolving.

Ecover Classic

Another model that may well be one of the best dishwasher detergents of 2019 is the one that Ecover brings us. Among its main characteristics we can highlight that its ingredients are of vegetable and mineral origin, so they are friendly to the environment and biodegradable.

This also brings with it the advantage that its use does not represent a risk when you have a septic tank mounted in your home. On the other hand, thanks to its degreasing properties it prevents the accumulation of fats in your pipes, which is very convenient.

It should also be noted that you can rinse your utensils and dishes efficiently so you will not leave any remains, which eliminates the drawbacks of flavors or aromas as can occur with other products.

Being able to know what dishwashing detergent to buy would be a very easy task, as long as you consider some ideal details to corroborate their practicality before each use, as well as the facility that offers you to leave everything clean and gleaming.


This detergent is made with ingredients of vegetable and mineral origin. In this sense, you could enjoy a process of environmentally friendly cleaning.
Degreasing property:

Includes degreasing properties, ideal to avoid the accumulation of fats in the pipes.
Free of flavors and aromas:

This detergent offers you an adequate cleaning of your utensils so you should not worry about certain smells and flavors in them.

Some users comment not being satisfied with the final result after each use. In addition, the fact of having to add shine and salt to the dishwasher makes it clear that it is not an all-in-one detergent.

Somat all in 1

Providing the most essential functions in a single product is what the Somat brand proposes with this detergent model. With its formula it can offer an appropriate washing of all your dishes and utensils without having to worry about including other compounds so that they are as you wish.

Among these available functions we can highlight that of brightener, which will take care of giving an appropriate finish to both your metal and glass items. On the other hand, it also includes anti-scale ingredients, which are highly recommended because they will prevent these residues from accumulating in your dishwasher.

In addition, its price is among the cheapest with a presentation of 30 pills, which would allow you to wash multiple times before purchasing another package, for this reason many users may prefer it.

Somat offers you the best dishwasher detergent for 10 euros. This being one of the cheapest detergents available in the market.

Rinse aid:

One of the functions available in this detergent is about the polish, capable of offering a considerable finish in each of your kitchen utensils, whether metal or glass.

Among its ingredients you can find the antical, ideal to prevent lime from accumulating inappropriately in your dishwasher, managing to maintain proper functioning at all times of the same.

The practicality that this detergent offers is ideal to wash the different kitchen utensils that you need, because thanks to its formula you can enjoy a proper washing.

Unlike the other detergents available in our list of recommendations, this results in a much smaller number of capsules, so you should make your purchase frequently.

Finish Calgonit

Finish dishwasher detergent also has several features that can be highlighted. One of them is its practicality to choose the dose you need for each dish washing, which can be very practical; thus avoiding the waste of the product if what you are going to wash is not too dirty, with what you can get a cost in relation to the needs.

In addition, because the presentation of this detergent powder for dishwashers is 2 kg, it can be suitable for washing dishes that average dirty a family without having to worry about a product replacement in the short term.

For all this it can be considered as the best dishwasher detergent of quality price ratio, so it can be a good option to have clean dishes without spending more money.

Certainly, Finish could be the best detergent brand for dishwashers, since it offers a level of unconditional washing to leave the utensils impeccable.


This detergent is available in powder, having at your disposal a total of two kilos to use as you see fit before each wash.
Washing dose:

Thanks to the fact that this detergent results in dust, you will have the possibility to choose the dose you prefer to wash the utensils at home, depending on the degree of dirt available in them.
Eliminates fat:

Being able to eliminate grease will be easier than you expected, thanks to the degreasing power included in this detergent, ideal to leave the utensils at home gleaming.

The existence of some components in this detergent make the kitchen utensils go white, and this causes some discontent in the users.

Fairy All in One

The formulation of this detergent for dishwashing is very convenient in the first place for its ingredients, which help prevent the accumulation of fat in your drain, but also manages to eliminate it from filters and other parts.

This feature can prevent you from having to pay for pipe maintenance or your dishwasher after the time, which may be very appropriate. In addition, due to its rapid dissolution, it can be suitable for short cycles.

Also, its presentation is very easy to use, since you do not have to remove any wrapping and your PVA film dissolves with the water so that the remains of detergent do not remain on your hands when you have to place it in the compartment.

On the other hand, due to its presentation of 100 capsules, it offers a cost per wash of the lowest in the market. That's why we could give the model of this brand the qualification of the best dishwashing detergent.

At the time of carrying out the washing of the different kitchen utensils, you must have a good detergent capable of guaranteeing an adequate cleaning of the same, where removing the excess of fat is not a problem for you.



This detergent comes in an easy and convenient to use presentation since you will not have to remove any wrapping at the time of its use. Also, his film is from PVA.

Rapid dissolution:

During each use the detergent offers a quick dissolution. In this sense, it is suitable for short washing cycles.


On the other hand, you can count on a total of 100 capsules so that you can carry out a wide variety of washing cycles comfortably, also avoiding constant expenses for your pocket.


Users have commented that this disinfectant has sometimes left some covered with remains of food that apparently has been difficult to start.

How to use dishwasher detergent

Dishwasher detergent can become our ally on more than one occasion. Not only will it serve us to keep our dishes clean properly, but we can give it another kind of use, benefiting us in different ways. That is why you should not worry if you bought too much dishwasher detergent, since it is so versatile that you can solve some inconvenience of extra dirt inside your home.

Read the instructions

Before placing the detergent in the dishwasher it is important to take into account the recommended proportion of use given by the manufacturer. This is a fundamental measure, since otherwise you can waste your detergent and even cause problems with the operation of the dishwasher.

If you have purchased a product in capsules you should check if it is necessary to remove the wrapper and if it is powder, you should know what quantity you need according to the washing cycle. Therefore, we insist on the importance of reading the manufacturer's instructions on the use of the product.

Place of the pill

If you bought detergent in capsules for the dishwasher and do not know where to put it, its place is the box designed for it, which is inside the door of the appliance. But, if it is broken or the tablet does not fit you can place it on the inside floor of the dishwasher or, at the suggestion of some users, you can also place it in the cutlery compartment.

Emergency detergent

While you buy this detergent for a specific use, it is also true that you can pay for some emergencies. Such is the case of absence of detergent for washing machine.

If you have the inconvenience of not having clean clothes and notice that you lack the detergent to wash it, you can use the dishwasher detergent in a similar proportion to the one you normally use. This will help you keep clothes clean without problems.

Remove spots

Dishwasher detergent is convenient for removing red wine stains from any fabric. You only have to add a small spoonful of detergent in a container with a little bit of hydrogen peroxide, stir well and, with the help of a sponge, rub the garment. Let me act for a few minutes and then rinse with cold water.

You can also use it in case of grease stains. You just have to place a couple of drops on the stain and rub it with a toothbrush without being too rustic. Take into account that after you must wash the garment with hot water and ready.

Flexible ice bags

Not all of us have a gel compress specially designed for kinks or bumps at home. So we must resort to other mechanisms. Dishwasher detergent freezes very well, being very flexible in that state.

That is why you can use it to make a homemade cold compress. Just put a little detergent with water in a zip-lock bag and leave it in the freezer. You can use this improvised compress as many times as you want.

Exterminate poison ivy

If in your garden you have the presence of poison ivy and wish to exterminate it, you should do no more than spread a little of this soap through the plant. You must be careful and use gloves to avoid touching it. This remedy will cause the plant to wither in a few days, leaving your garden safe from the poisonous plant.

Experiment — make your own household dishwasher detergent

I haven't been sharing my experiments in a while.

Taking advantage of the winter and all the citrus and its skins that we eat, I wanted to find a recipe that incorporated citrus skins to give them another use and avoid throwing them.

Hint: Read the entire article before you buy/prepare the ingredients!

I was very happy when I found a recipe that crossed my simple personal requirements:

  •     Use citrus skins
  •     That the rest of the ingredients are "natural" (ie, for me, that could be eaten, in the sense that they are harmless, I do not want to eat the detergent for the dishwasher 😉)

I was very proud to be able to use the skins of the lemons I use, or in morning juice mixed with water, or in the water kefir (one of the next posts).

I inspired the recipe of the French blog Sortez de vos conapts :


    -3 lemons (not treated, i.e. without chemical treatment, etc.) with skin

    -200 g coarse salt

    -25 ml + 375 ml of water

    -100 ml white vinegar

    -10 drops of lemon essential oil (optional)


    -Cut the 3 lemons into thin slices including the skins, but removing the pips.

    -Crush the slices in the blender.

    -Add 200 g of coarse salt and 25 ml of water (add a touch of vinegar if normal tap water is used) and grind more.

    -Empty the mixture in a saucepan and add the other 375 ml of water (with a touch of vinegar if it is tap water) and 100 ml of white vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it cook for 10 minutes.

    -Re-grind the mixture in the blender for 2 to 3 minutes until a homogeneous dough is obtained. It is at this time that you can add 10 drops of lemon essential oil if you want.

Now, I am unable to follow a recipe to the letter, for anything. But, eye that when we talk about cleaning products, we must be careful that we do not pass the doses and do not react to the ingredients.

Here are my little variations on the recipe and preparation above:

  •     Use half of lemons that you have already squeezed the juice.
  •     Little trick: so that they do not rot the skins of lemons before getting to get the right amount, the freeze up to a couple of hours before using them.
  •     As I used lemons without the juice, I added a little more water when trituré the lemons for the first time.
  •     I didn't add vinegar to the tap water. Use tap water as is. The water in my building already passes through a filtering process and does not contain so much lime.
  •     I added No lemon essential oil because it smelt very strong lemon and use essential oil from the good in a cleaning product seemed inadequate. If it is not essential I prefer to dedicate the properties of essential oils to cosmetic products, and even more to aromatherapy, than to cleaning products.

The preparation, as well as the application (2 tablespoons in the detergent container of the dishwasher or to the indicated line) and the conservation are very easy.

This recipe I found in several blogs and many of them commented (the same authors or readers) that, after a couple of uses, and stopped washing the dishes well. And as I really like to experience myself, I didn't believe it, and I thought, Bah, I'm going to try it myself, sure, I get it right. 😁 Some piece was not well washed at all, but I forgave him because it is a very soft product and I was not a problem washing m Anus A couple of pieces if in return could use a detergent super harmless to the environment.

Well, there was no exception with my own experience! How most people commented, everything well until the third or fourth Wash. After a while, the drama started, haha! More and more badly laundered parts and the dishwasher itself was greasy on the walls. I did a vacuum wash to wash the dishwasher (with the same detergent) at a temperature slightly higher than usual to enhance the cleaning of the machine. The next wash was better but the consecutive washings were again disastrous. There was No other to give up and accept what many commented on the blogs I had read. They were right and as much as they have patience, this recipe did not fit with the dishwasher.

For this reason I looked for another recipe, the easiest possible, for the best use of my time and for the environment.

I found the following recipe on the Belgian blog Zero Carabistouille:


    -200 g of concentrated sodium carbonate (chemical formula: Na2CO3). Eye! It is different from caustic soda (chemical formula: NaOH).

    -150 g of sodium percarbonate (chemical formula: 2NA2CO3 · 3H2O2)

    -200 g citric acid (chemical formula: C6H8O7)

Ingredients in the order of the list above.


    -Measure each ingredient.

    -Mix well in a pot of 500 ml so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed in the pot and voilà!

Final result! (Deep down, sneak peak of the Christmas Carquinyolis I gave my family)

Here we do play in the small chemical field as I like to say. You have to be careful with the ingredients and the quantities. If you notice a chemical reaction, with foam for example, it means that one or more of the ingredients are not correct. Carefully check chemical formulas to make sure they are the ingredients they touch. Don't hesitate to ask the shop clerks, they're the experts and they'll be able to help.

This recipe is very easy to prepare and easy to apply (2 tablespoons powder in the dishwasher detergent container or fill to the indicated line).

I've been using this recipe for a month and it hasn't failed me. I have to say that I am still using a higher temperature than when I used the dishwashing detergent that I bought in bulk (65 º C vs 50 º C). I will try again with the lowest temperature to see if it keeps washing well. Another minor drawback is that the mixture of powdered ingredients has solidified over time, even if stored in a glass jar with metal lid. I don't know if it's for the environment a tad wet under the pile where I keep the cleaning products, but now I have to dig the detergent powder every time I want to start the dishwasher.

1. Trust the comments and do not hesitate to ask those who tried.
2. Find another way to use winter citrus skins. I'm on it (another household cleaning detergent) and I'll write about it when the recipe is checked. 😁

Bulk Purchase:
All the ingredients quoted in the two recipes can be found in bulk easily in Barcelona, except the concentrated sodium carbonate that you buy in paper bag. I found them all in the store el Safareig, in the Gràcia district. But I am convinced that the ingredients can be found in the other drugstores in the city because they are very normal and ordinary ingredients.

Bonus: For the bravest who would like to try another recipe yet, I share this proposing to use hot water, black soap, white vinegar, and concentrated sodium carbonate. I understand that this recipe is for hand dishwashing detergent. I have to try. So far I used a hand-washing detergent bought in bulk and then I switched to Marseille soap. The dishes were clean, perhaps with a lack of luster, but the pile accumulated all the grease that had been removed from the dishes and jammed the pipe. When you try it and find the right recipe I'll share it here too.

How to choose dishwasher detergent

The dishwasher is considered by some as an indispensable help in the home and think of being able to transfer pots, pans, plates, cutlery and that more has put directly from the table to the appliance and this directly on the shelf, today is no longer science Fiction. However, both the dishwasher and the dishes should be cared for. This is why it is important to choose the detergent, salt and rinse aid.

In fact, if a single product is enough to wash the dishes by hand, so that the things of the dishwasher are complicate a bit, you need a product that eliminates the dirt, that knows how to eliminate the smells, that keeps the plates, cutlery, pots and pans shiny And at the same time it's not too corrosive.

The bars on the market are often 3 in 1 or even 5 in 1, concentrating different agents in a single product but the result is not always as satisfying: first because these products are more expensive than others and then because they do not seem to guarantee the results Promised. This is for the wrong time. Let me explain: the appliance causes different types of detergent to come into action at different times while the pads are dissolved at the same time.

So the best option would be to buy separately the liquid gel and rinse agent by remembering perhaps adding to each wash a slice of lemon that helps to degrease well even the most encrusted surfaces. The doses are also very important and each package should indicate on the label the recommended doses depending on the type of soil and the type of washing you are doing.

Also remember that washing means a total of 12 cutlery, so to avoid waste and damage to the environment we recommend starting the entire cycle only when the dishwasher is fully filled. If you really want to respect the environment, you will also find in the market completely natural and biodegradable detergents that guarantee excellent results, although at slightly higher than average prices. Always remember that you should be chosen with care, because buying a poor quality is likely to irreparably damage dishes, glasses and cutlery.
Types of detergents

Since washing in the dishwasher does not require a human touch, more aggressive detergents are used:

  •     30% phosphate, which releases calcium and magnesium ions to avoid calcareous deposits;
  •     Oxygen-based whitening agents for better rooting and whitening;
  •     Enzymes, break and dissolve deposits of protein-based foods, but also oil and fat. Enzymes divide the protein molecules into peptic, which are eliminated more easily;
  •     It is an anticorrosive agent, usually sodium silicate that prevents corrosion of dishwasher components;
  •     Antifoaming agents, the latter decrease the effectiveness of the cleaning action;
  •     Additives to avoid damaging the designs and patina of ceramics;
  •     Perfume
  •     Anti-fouling agents (in the form of granular detergent);
  •     Starches (in the form of tablets);
  •     Gelling agents;
  •     Sand (cheap detergents).

Dishwasher detergents usually have an alkaline base. To check if some too-cheap detergents are sand-based, just put some of this powdered detergent to boil with water and then filter it, the sand can be seen immediately. This type of detergent can damage both dishes and dishwasher. In particular, it is very damaging to porcelain.

In addition to these chemical detergents, there are also in the market biodegradable detergents, certainly less aggressive and much more "beneficial" to the environment.

A very important thing is never to use the normal soap for the dishes, because it creates a lot of foam in the dishwasher which then inevitably comes out of the dishwasher.

To remove it you need salt and a vacuum wash to remove all the soap.

Glass objects washed in the dishwasher may develop a surface layer due to detergents listed above.

Sometimes the patina of the glasses can be created even when the salt is finished and "softens" the water.
Precision in washing

Some materials can be irreparably damaged due to hot water and detergent chemicals.

As we have seen, this happens with glass, while aluminum tends to fade.

Some non-stick pots should be hand washed, as chemicals can ruin the outer patina, as well as old objects.

However, heat can oxidize and discolor objects made of pewter and silver (quality).

In addition, the pewter melts at low temperatures, so the dishwasher may become deformed.

As well as plastic and crockery with wooden finishes.

In practice, for space reasons, dishwashers, especially mini-dishwashers, should only be used for dishes, plates, cups, mugs and pots and cutlery for daily use.

The heat inside the dishwasher is used to dry the tools, so plastic objects are not recommended, while glass and ceramics dry quickly and are not damaged by heat.

Some dishwashers are equipped with special drying fans to dry even objects that retain heat better and do not allow good drying.

Despite this useful function, it is recommended to allow the dishes to be dried outdoors outside the dishwasher to save electricity.

In short, a dishwasher (large or small) works like this:

  •     It only takes the necessary water for washing;
  •     Heats the water to the correct temperature;
  •     Frees up the necessary amount of detergent independently;
  •     Spray water with continuous jets;
  •     Eliminates dirty water;
  •     Rinse dishes after washing;
  •     Dries them;
  •     If the function is set and adjusted at the beginning of the cycle, activate a fan for more efficient drying.

In addition, especially the most technological, constantly monitor that everything is done correctly, while the internal computer or timer (in older models) regulates the duration of each cycle.

Some sensors constantly monitor the temperature level to prevent overheating of the machine and damage to the objects inside.

Some models are equipped with special sensors that "measure" the level of water cleanliness, to understand when the dishes are really clean.
The best dishwasher detergent

Our editorial team has visited the main online shops and dedicated forums, looking for opinions and reviews of their products in the market, these are the best models of quality and price according to the consumers.

    CARREFOUR multifunction all in 1 at the price of 4.20
    Multifunction COOP Pads at the price of 2.80
    ESSELUNGA Pads at the price of €4
    Powerball FINISH All in 1 at the price of €7
    MADEl 4 in 1 gel dishwasher at the price of €5.40
    PRIL all in 1 for the price of €6.2
    All-in-one NIGHT for the price of €5.6
    W5 detergent tablets All in 1 at the price of €4.4
    WINNis Gel for the price of €5.70

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls) by Bounty

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls) by Bounty
  •     Pack contains 16 Family Rolls of Bounty Quick Size paper towels, equal to 40 Regular Rolls
  •     This pack contains 80 more sheets per pack* which means 10 extra week worth of paper** *vs. Bounty Select-A-Size 12 Huge Roll **Estimated based on manufacturer data. Actual usage may vary by household
  •     Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper
  •     2X More Absorbent* *Vs. the Custom-Size-It brand in the U.S
  •     Running low? Just ask, “Alexa, order Bounty paper towels."

Bounty Quick-Size Paper Towels, White, Family Rolls, 16 Count (Equal to 40 Regular Rolls) by Bounty

Product description
Don't let spills and messes get in your way. Lock in confidence with Bounty, the Quicker Picker Upper. This pack contains Bounty Quick Size paper towels that have even shorter sheets for a versatile clean. Shorter sheets also allow you to choose how much you use! vs. Select-A-Size

Product details
Product Dimensions: 24 x 12.4 x 22.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.2 pounds

The use of paper towels, the most hygienic way to dry your hands

The use of paper wipes to dry your hands is related to a lower presence of microbes both in the hands and in the washing environment when compared with the use of hot air dryers or air jets. This is the consensual declaration made by six prominent European microbiologists and hospital hygienists after examining scientific publications and studies financed by the European Tissue Symposium (ETS) ..

During the press conference held at Hygienalia + pulire, Roberto Berardi, president of the European Industrial Tissue Paper Association, presented the objectives and activities of this entity and then exposed the main results of These studies, conducted by Eurofins-Inlab in Germany And the University of Westminster in the United Kingdom.

Main conclusions of the studies

Microbiological count on the hands

    After washing and drying hands with a hot air dryer, the total number of bacteria increased by about 194% in the fingertips and 254% in the palms of the hands.
    When the hands dry with an air-jet dryer, the total number of bacteria increased by about 42% in the fingertips and 15% in the palms of the hands.
    After washing and drying the hands with a washcloth, the amount of bacteria decreased from average to 76% in the fingertips and up to 77% in the palms of the hands.

Microbiological count in hand dryers

    On average, the exposure to microorganisms of the user of air jet dryers can be more than a thousand times higher than that of the user of wipes dispensers.
    On average, the user of air jet dryers may be exposed to a number of staphylococci (potentially harmful bacteria) about 800 times higher than that of the person using wipe dispensers.
    More than half of air-jet dryers were contaminated by coliforms, while no traces of these were found in the dispensers of wipes.

Microbiological soil count

    The contamination found in the soils below air-jet dryers was half-twenty times higher than that found in soils located under dispensers of wipes.

    The amount of estafilocos found in the soils below air jet dryers was about twenty-seven times higher than that found in soils located under wipe dispensers.

    Coliforms (a type of bacteria present in the feces) were detected in 46% of the samples taken in soils under air-jet dryers, while only 10% of the samples taken in soils located under dispensers of wipes They contained coliforms.

    Air-jet dryers, which release air at a speed of 692 km/h, according to manufacturers, are capable of propelling microorganisms from the user's hands and the appliance at distances of up to 2 metres, as well as contaminating the bathroom and other users. In the tests carried out with hot air dryers, the apparatus propagated microorganisms at a distance of 0.25 meters. When using wipes, no significant propagation of microorganisms was observed.

The use of Paper Towels to Dry Hands

Do you know how important it is to use paper towels to dry your hands?

When hygiene occupies a priority place in our lives, you should prefer the use of paper towels to dry your hands... Why?

A recent study in 4 of the most important countries in South America has shown that for citizens, the appearance of public toilets is of great importance, especially when it comes to washing your hands.

Even though knowing that washing hands is very important, 28% of users in public toilets do not find an "appropriate" hand drying system. The issue of hygiene is considered one of the most important factors in finding a "suitable" hand drying system. And on this subject, paper towelling for hand drying provides the best perception for most respondents. (96%).

A matter of taste

Business or restaurant managers usually do not ask their employees or customers what their preferences are with regard to the bathrooms of their facilities. However, the perception of these places are very influenced by the state of their toilets. Intermetra's study shows that a bathroom with an "adequate appearance" is highly appreciated by everyone, and is perceived as an important "business card": It helps to build an adequate perception of the meeting place. When it comes to washing and drying hands, almost all consumers prefer hygienic solutions; They prefer paper hand towels than other system.

It is necessary to conduct a study to determine the efficiency in the removal of bacteria after washing and drying hands. Until now, the only current information was that of the study of the University of Westminster, realized 10 years ago in Europe

Why is it important to eliminate the use of paper towels?

They are so comfortable and useful that we overlook the impact they generate by producing so much waste.

We are so accustomed to disposables — disposable diapers, disposable tissues, disposable paper towels — that we can't think of a world without these amenities. For those who lived the transition these products are a blessing, but what about the planet?

Following the new trend towards waste reduction, the philosophy of Zero Waste, this week in VeoVerde challenge we propose eliminating the use of paper towels.

Paper towels are very useful not only in the kitchen. In addition to cleaning up some spills, drying green leaves or absorbing fat from fried food, it is also used to clean glasses and crystals, dry your hands, clean tables and worktops. However its use generates a lot of waste, not to mention the expense of resources for its production.

There are more sustainable alternatives such as cotton or bamboo Towel rolls, which can be washed and reused a certain number of times, yet it still generates waste. Another option, microfiber towels, go to the other end, because they are made with petrochemicals and are not biodegradable — it would be worthwhile to consider them only if they are made with recycled materials.

So, to eliminate the use of paper towels, we have some recommendations:

  •     Use cotton towels for certain kitchen chores. For example, we can use a towel exclusively to absorb the fat, another to dry the green leaves, another for spills in the kitchen.
  •     Cloth and cloth napkins are also useful for drying, wrapping and storing some foods, as is the case with tortillas.
  •     It uses newsprint for the cleaning of glasses and glass. Ideal for glass-protected windows, mirrors and tables.
  •     Reuse old cotton clothes to clean tables and worktops, spills on floor, "accidents" of pets and children, among others.

All these towels and rags will be with us for a long time if we give them the proper care. We can always wash with soap free of toxic agents and, better yet , homemade detergents.

Single-use paper towels, most effective against bacteria

An investigation of the University of Westminster Abbey has revealed that drying hands with single use paper towels is the most effective method to remove bacteria from our organism after washing our hands. The study was conducted by microbiologist Keith Redway of the university's Department of Biomedical Sciences, and the possibility of microbial contamination of different types of hand drying was observed.

In the research, systems such as the hot air dryer, the textile roll towel, a pressurized air dryer and single-use paper towels were compared. After the analysis, it was concluded that the best system to avoid contamination were paper towels of a single use, since they are the ones that prevent the propagation of the pollutants to the organism.

The study was commissioned by the European Tissue Symposium (ETS) and also analyzed the height at which microbes propagate in air dryers. The largest dispersion found was between 0.6 and 0.9 meters from the ground, which equals the height of the face of the little ones while their parents are drying their hands in the bathroom.

    The results of the investigations reveal several important conclusions regarding the topic of microbial contamination in estancias such as in public baths. Single-use paper towels propagate microbes and bacteria to a lesser extent, if we compare against other hand drying systems, a data that can serve as a starting point to avoid cases of cross contamination in Areas such as schools, hospitals or sports pavilions.

In order to illustrate and give more visibility to the data that can be extracted from the conclusions of this study, ETS experts have produced a video that shows the different scenarios and different situations that occur when We dry our hands through the analyzed systems.

The results of this study should be taken into account by the different companies and organizations, when implanting one or another hand drying system, in order to avoid as far as possible cases of contamination and propagation of microbes and bacteria.

Precisely, Papelmatic 's single-use towel dispenser turns 50 years. Its origins date back to the decade of the 60, when it emerged the need to find a type of dispensing system that could supply paper towels to dry hands that were single use, pleasing to the touch and at the same time could optimize their consumption Mo.

Benefits of wiping your hands with paper towels

Washing your hands before cooking is a fundamental prevention measure to prevent the transmission of germs and bacteria through food. We do not wash in any way, but following certain recommendations for effective cleaning: We use plenty of soap and water, we rub between 40 and 60 seconds. And we dry with paper towels! These bring many benefits:

  •     Germs and bacteria. Most important! Using paper towels instead of the cloth towel that others used is the best way to avoid the transmission of diseases by this way. Rubbing the hands with a paper towel also allows to continue releasing the germs that we bring in them.
  •     Efficiency. The absorbent power of paper towels makes them an ideal choice for eliminating water from the hands, something that is uncomfortable when it comes to handling food. To duplicate the absorption we only have to use them folded.
  •     Comfort. The soft texture of the towels provides a pleasant feel.

Of course, we also get our hands on other occasions, either at home or in public places. And there is another great benefit of paper towels: mobility. You can load them in your bag and take them everywhere to count on them at the moment when you need them, especially when you are in a public bath, to avoid the dryers, because the air that these cast on our hands can be contaminated by the environment .

Why are paper towels cut more hygienically?

Cut paper towels are presented in individual services that avoid contact with the rest of the product and thus avoid the cross contamination, becoming a more hygienic product than the cellulose coils.

 The dispensing of cellulose in coils often implies a savings given its sale in industrial quantities. But is this system really hygienic?

In other posts, we talked about the importance of using large capacity dispensers to dispense these coils because, thus, we avoid cross-contamination.

Even so, as the paper is not covered, the risk of this phenomenon remains. That's why, in the most critical environments, we recommend using cut paper towels instead.

What are the advantages of paper towels cut off from industrial coils?

  •      Allow for a safer dispensation. They are completely covered by the dispenser and we only touch the unit that is going to be used at that time. 
  •     Optimize consumption. When they come previously cut, they avoid possible abuses in the consumption. 
  •     They offer a more elegant look and care, thus transmitting to the users a greater concern for the hygiene. 
As we can see, one of the main advantages is that the risks of cross-contamination are considerably reduced.

We only have to take into account the area where the cut towel dispenser is to be placed and the use that is going to be given because, for example, in a production plant, the repositions would be very little spaced between them, complicating the work of the operators.

Glass Cleaning: Why paper towels are convenient

Keeping a clean and tidy house is a constant task that becomes simpler when we get used to doing small actions every day. One of the most complex tasks is the cleaning of the glass and mirrors, as it is often difficult to get a good result in the first pass. Therefore, it is advisable to do a review at least once a week, to keep them shiny, instead of having to clean them in depth once in a while.

You can achieve a good result using a homemade product such as white vinegar (in a container you dissolve a part of vinegar in five parts of water), or simply a cleaner specifically developed for this cleaning. The next and super important is the cloth: make sure you use one that does not leave hairs or any kind of small particles, discarding rags or fabrics, and opting for paper towels. These also prevent the transfer of germs or bacteria from one place to another of the house, that although we are not in the kitchen is very important, and of course not scratch or damage your glasses.

If you always have a spray container on hand with your chosen product and paper towels for quick cleaning, forget about the dirty glass in your home!

11 things you should not clean with paper towels

If you stop to think, you can realize that most things can be cleaned with a sponge or a reusable cloth. Here are some things you should not clean with paper towels.

1. Cutting Boards

When cleaning stains such as meat juice on a wood surface such as a chopping board, do not use a paper towel, as it won't completely absorb all of the liquid. Instead, use a reusable cloth.

2. Hands while cooking

It is easy to simply remove a sheet of the roll to dry your greasy and sticky fingers, but try to resist. Wearing an apron instead, you will not only save paper while you cook, but also protect your clothes in the process. Simply clean your hands in the apron after washing and continue with the next step in your cooking process. Then you can just throw your apron in your washer when you're done.

2. Food Dishes

Cleaning dishes and kitchen glasses with paper towels is a bad idea. That would be anything but friendly with nature, not to mention that small particles could adhere to the dishes and then end up in your digestive system. Use a cloth or damp cloth instead of cleaning those dishes or cups.

3. Mirrors and Windows

When you clean windows and mirrors, use microfiber cloths, a favorite of professional cleaners, instead of paper towels. Microfiber cloths work just as well and are reusable. If you don't have fabric, it will also work a newspaper or even a paper bag and the best of all is that none of them leaves lint.

4. Grout

Use a spare toothbrush in place! Paper towels may not penetrate the grout groves. In addition, they cannot withstand the severe cleaning needed to clean the grout. Something stronger, like a toothbrush or scrubbing brush, would work a lot better.

5. Carpets and Rugs

Did you accidentally spill soda on the rug? Don't touch the paper towel. Cleaning spills or wiping stains with a paper towel will leave paper residue on carpets and does not do a complete cleaning job. Instead, use a clean, dry cloth to soak up spills, let it dry and then vacuum.

6. Electronic Screens

Keep paper towels away from the screen of your TV, laptop and cell phone. Fibers can cause permanent etching of the screen. Instead, it uses a product and a microfiber cloth designed specifically for these surfaces. It is also important not to apply too much pressure when cleaning these screens, as you can damage the crystals inside an LCD screen.

7. The bathtub

Think twice before reaching the paper towel to remove that disgusting residue from your sink, shower or bathtub. The best way to remove soap residue from your bathroom is to use a vinegar mix with Dawn soap to cut off the dirt and then dry it with a clean cloth.

8. The toilet

Paper towels are not effective for cleaning toilets. Instead, use the Lysol toilet cleaner or the chlorine toilet cleaner and a toilet brush.

9. Lenses

Rough paper can be hard enough to clean the lenses and leave lint. Instead, it always uses microfiber cloths, because it cuts off the oils that cause stains and removes them.

10. Car Interiors

Avoid using paper towels when cleaning the car. Again, the microfiber is ideal as it eliminates dust instead of moving it. It seems that a dry paper towel never removes dust completely and the application of a cleaning product leaves a sticky residue that attracts more dust.

11. Most Things

Most expert cleaners have changed paper towels by microfiber cloths to clean almost everything. It is an essential product in its arsenal of cleaning products. The fabric works perfectly with a multi-purpose product. Microfiber is better than paper towels, which leave scratches and generate waste.

How to replace Eco alternatives for paper towels

Some things are hard to get without. Perhaps, in a move towards green life, you have advanced paper cloth napkins, but you simply seem unable to reduce your use of paper towels. These are some of the alternatives that will not obstruct the landfill and may be useful instead of those convenient paper towels.
How to replace Eco alternatives for paper towels

1 Use the EcoTowl, made in GERMANY (OK, not so far echo, but good) and distributed by Pacific Dry goods in This can be available at your local integral food store, too. Advertised as remarkable and reusable, this 100 percent viscose natural fabric towel can be used over and over again. Just wash it in the washing machine or hand wash it. A dishwasher or microwave also does the work. Viscose absorbs 10 times its weight in liquid, so it can clean any spill. These work on the table, counter and floor.

2 Try using newsprint sheets to clean windows. A bucket of water with a splash of white vinegar and a bunch of newspapers is all you need for a clean shine, inside and out.

3 conforming with a regular sponge or washcloth-type terry towel available in the kitchen section of your home store. If you hesitate to clean the floor with it, you have two separate sponges or towels marked for use on the counter and floor.

4 sweep the floor with a simple brush and dustpan. These are definitely reusable. Investing in a quality set.

5 slip a clean rag or even a new diaper of fresh cloth (very thick and absorbent!) About the biggest messes instead of using half a roll of paper towels or a big wad of paper towels. Rinse rags if they get too dirty, and hang to dry. Then, when they accumulate, just wash them all together in the washing machine, dry and load to be ready for the next time you need a valuable rag.

The story of the Bounty paper towels

In 1957, Procter & Gamble acquired Charmin® The Wisconsin-based Green Bay paper tissue manufacturer company, as its first consumer paper products business. A particular product, Charmin towels, was a one-sheet towel designed with the conventional paper manufacturing process.

P&G recognized the growing demand for paper towels and began a decade of research, experiments and, finally, innovation.

At that time, most paper towel brands were promoting their "resilience" or "softness." Through research, mostly interviews, P&G discovered that what really mattered to customers was "absorption."

With this information, and other aspects, Bounty replaced the Charmin towels in the fall of 1965, and presented a new 2-leaf towel that was thicker, softer, and more absorbent than any other on the market.

Say no to the use of paper towels

Paper towels are so comfortable that people forget the impact they generate by having high levels of waste. These products really make everyday life easier, but their affects the environment, so it would be a good idea to think about stopping using them.

It may sound useless to eliminate their use, as they are very helpful in different activities like: their use in the kitchen, to absorb the fat of the fried food, to dry their hands, to clean objects, among many other activities.

The good news is that paper towels are not the only ones that can cover these stocks. Here are some different options that serve the same way and are more ecological:

  • Cotton towels. This type of towels are specific for cooking activities, such as absorbing fat from fried foods.
  • Cloth napkins. They can dry, wrap and store food.
  • Newsprint. It can be used to clean glass objects and crystals, such as windows or mirrors.
  • Reuse of cotton clothes. If at home there are cotton clothing that is no longer used, it can be used instead of paper towels.
  • Paper towels are used for a minute and then discarded, the above options have a longer life and their impact to the environment is less.

A paper towel is more than enough

Given that more than one study has demonstrated the questionable effectiveness of dryers, it may seem logical to use paper towels to dry their hands. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), paper is one of the items that occupies the most space in municipal waste in the United States.

Although many are made of recyclable paper pulp, these products do not degrade easily in landfills. In this brief TedTalk, Joe Smith shows how we can reduce the use of paper and still get out of a public bath with clean hands.

About 5 million tons of paper towels are used in the United States every year. 13 This is equivalent to more than 45 lbs (20 kg) per person/year. If each person reduced their use to one towel per day, the waste could be reduced to 259,000 tonnes per year. In other words, the small changes you make in your home and community will have a big impact on our environment.

By conducting various surveys to users, 62%14 prefers to use paper towels to dry their hands instead of hot air dryers. Although paper towels can reduce the amount of bacteria in the hands, ineffective use gives rise to waste of resources.

In a study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,15 Researchers compared 7 of the most common drying methods in public restrooms and concluded that paper towels and air dryers Hot had the greatest environmental impact of the systems evaluated.

However, everything indicates that by using the system that Smith describes in his TEDTalk, we can reduce the amount of paper towels we use daily, both in public places and at home.

The crucial factor for this method involves 2 phases. The first is shaking hands 10 to 12 times in order to eliminate as much free water as possible. For the second, Smith explains how to fold the towel in half increases the absorbance by increasing the interstitial spaces where water can be absorbed.

Saving paper protects the environment

In the United States alone, paper towels represent a market of US $6 billion, which uses 17 trees and 20 000 gallons of water (75 708 liters) to produce 1 ton of paper towels. 16

We would need 51 000 trees per day to replace the amount of paper towels that are thrown in the trash every day. If each household were to reduce its use to one roll per year, 544 000 trees could be saved, and if 3 rolls were used less per year, 120 000 tons of waste could be saved. This would also eliminate US $4.1 million in fees for using landfills.

The paper was invented in China around the year 105 D. C. And for many years its existence was a secret. At present, almost 3 000 chemicals can be used in the manufacture of the product. In practice and depending on the product, about 200 individual chemicals are usually used. Some of the commonly used chemicals are caustic soda, chlorine dioxide, sodium dithionite, and sodium silicate. 17

This process is exhaustive both in the search of virgin fiber that favors the massive deforestation, as in the addition of toxic chemicals that release dioxins and furans carcinogenic in the environment. 18

The manufacture of paper towels is similar to that of other commercial papers. The bark is removed from the tree and then broken into small pieces, then added chemical additives to dissolve the fibrosidades and create the wood pulp. 19 This mixture is then modified, cleaned and bleached with chlorine.

Although paper towels can make your hands cleaner, reducing the amount you use every day in both public and home places can help you and your family become less exposed to toxic chemicals. Therefore, the next time you look for a towel to dry your hands, consider using only a single paper towel, and say no to the hand-to-pressure dryers.

Types of paper towels

Paper towels are an accessory in many homes and businesses. With the ability to act as a disposable cloth, paper towels are extremely versatile. You can use them to clean spills, wash sticky hands and clean glazed surfaces without leaving scratches. Just as they have many different uses, paper towels also come in different types, including commercial folded, commercial roll and styles for domestic use. Each of these can be divided into more different types, including bleached, semi-bleached, unbleached, recycled and padded.

Commercial paper Towels

Commercial paper towels are single use towels that are folded and stacked in a dispenser instead of in rolls and come in three types: single-fold, fold-C and multi-fold. That only fold paper towels consist of a crease that separates the towel into uneven parts. Fold-C paper towels have two folds and three segments that are all the same size. Multi-fold paper towels have two folds and three equal sections. Commercial paper towels come in white bleached, semi-blanched whitish color, or a less expensive natural brown color. Recycled folded paper towels are available and are cheaper than other options. According to Monster cleaning, the average person spends between 3 and 4 folded paper towels to dry their hands.

Commercial paper Towel Roll

Towels of commercial paper rolls are normally used in public restrooms. They come in two colors, brown or white, in different lengths, ranging from 200 to 800 feet and 8 inches wide. Because they are less expensive, roller towels are cheaper than folded paper towels, and people generally use less to dry their hands so they are better for the environment. According to Conservatree, changing folded to roll paper towels, can reduce waste by 25 to 35 percent. In addition, commercial paper towel dispensers have more paper and do not need to be changed so often, a clear advantage of longer rolls. Like folded paper towels, commercial paper roll towels also come in a recycled version at a reduced cost.

Standard home Paper Towels

Paper towels for household use are manufactured by many different companies. The standard size is 11 by 11 inches wide and a roll contains 60 sheets. Thick paper towel is known as a layer. Standard of the house are paper towels, one sheet and usually come in white. Even though they are cheaper than paper towels for top quality home use, they are thinner and therefore less absorbent, so you will need to use more to achieve the same results. Although they are commonly found in the kitchen to clean up spills, they can also be used to clean mirrors, windows and hard surfaces throughout the house, as well as provide an effective alternative to napkins.

Top quality home Paper towels

Premium paper towels for household use come in different sizes to make the roll last longer. Select-to-size rolls allow you to choose small sheets for small jobs and large sheets for heavy jobs. Premium paper towels for domestic use have a larger number of layers than standard paper towels, thus providing greater absorption capacity to handle difficult spills, and may contain a padded pattern for greater smoothness. While some top quality paper towels are white, many brands come with striking printed designs. To offer consumers a green option, some manufacturers offer recycled paper towels that are hypo-allergenic and dye-free. Premium paper towels provide faster results with less paper waste.

Different types of paper towels

Paper towels are used for a number of different purposes in households and in commercial environments. The different brands of paper towels compete with each other mainly in terms of the amount of moisture they can absorb. Paper thickness and towel size both play a role in their ability to do the jobs that are intended for the manufacturers to advertise.


Arthur Scott, head of the Scott Paper Company, invented paper towels as we know them today from mistakes in the manufacturing process of toilet paper. A whole shipment of rolls had become too coarse and so could not be used as toilet paper. Scott perforated The thick paper on small sheets and sold them as disposable paper towels, for a teacher. This teacher gave every student who had a small piece of cold paper to use for the kids not to contaminate the towel roll in the bathrooms. The product was subsequently sold as Sani-towels for hotels, restaurants and railway stations for use in public restrooms. The first paper towels for use in the kitchen were introduced by Scott in 1931.


Paper towels are used for a variety of purposes in homes, restaurants, schools and hospitals. It is mainly used to clean spills, paper towels can also absorb excess fat from cooked foods, especially fried foods. Paper towels in public restrooms are offered as single-use towels that are folded and stacked in a dispenser rather than in rolls. When cleaning, paper towels can be used to clean windows, mirrors and furniture, as well as kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Some people use paper towels as napkins.

Sizes and thickness

In the United States, the standard size for paper towels is 11 by 11 inches, and a standard size roll has 60 sheets. Some brands, however, offer different size sheets and rolls. The thickness of a paper towel is known as a layer. The number of layers determines how well the paper towel can absorb spills, as well as its softness. The thicker the layer, the more you can absorb and the softer it will be. Some brands have padded sheets that are even softer than regular coat towels.


Popular brands of Bounty paper towels include, Scott, muscular, Viva, So-Dri, Spark and 7th generation. Most paper towels are white, but some brands manufacture paper towels with print designs. Generic, paper towel shop brand are also available and, although less expensive, they are usually less absorbent.

Towels paper towels fabric vs.

The main advantage of paper towels on a cloth towel is that paper towels are disposable. Unlike cloth towels, paper towels can be used once and then discarded. Despite the paper towels and cloth towels and other respond to similar purposes, cloth towels should be cleaned after each use, and this adds to the amount of clothing. Some people, however, prefer cloth towels over paper towels for environmental reasons, due to the trees that should be cut for the manufacture of paper towels.

How to replace a starter rope in a lawn mower

How to replace a starter rope in a lawn mower

Do not allow a broken starter cord to mow your garden on a sunny summer day. When the lawn mower cord snaps, it will break right in the middle of the first pull. Instead of hiring an expensive maintenance staff to fix it, or taking the time out of your day to take it to a repair shop, replace the starter cord yourself and save time and money.

1 Inspect the lawn mower's cord housing. You will need a plug or screwdriver to loosen the bolts or screws that hold the rope in place.

2 Observe the metal wheel. The other half of the rope wraps around this wheel, which acts like a pulley for the lawn mower. With a wrench, loosen the screw that holds the wheel in place. When the wheel is removed, the coiled spring, which winds the rope automatically will come out with it.

How to repair a lawn mower

3 Pull the old rope out. Cut the rope from using a knife as it will be more likely to be a knot. Remember, it forms the rope wraps around the pulley; You're going to install the new cable in the same way.

4 Attach the new cable to the wheel. Then wrap the rope around the wheel. Place mower rear wheel, bolt in place and tighten. To make sure it is working properly before reinstalling the box, pull the rope gently to make sure it is pulled slowly and then let the wind up.

5 Take the end of the rope and pull it through the hole in the box where the original rope was. If the new cable does not include a new shooter, take the old one and tie it to the end of the rope. Sometimes the new string will be longer than the old wire; It can be cut to fit into this scenario.

6 Place the bobbin housing back and screw in place.
Tips and warnings

  •     Remember to turn the lawnmower before attempting to replace the starter cord.

How to fix a starter rope in a lawn mower

How to fix a starter rope in a lawn mower

The chain-called one-pull starter-that connects to the engine starter of your lawn mower is subjected to a considerable amount of stress every time you mow the lawn. At some point in the life of your lawn mower, the starter pull will break. You could take the lawnmower to your nearest workshop, but fixing a starter pull is a pretty straightforward process. And it's a skill that can be useful again.

1 The access to the point at which the starting hitch is fixed to the pulley. Remove the top cover from the lawnmower. In most models, this can be done by removing a series of bolts. For specific instructions on your machine, refer to the owner's manual. Some models have pulley covers as well. Again, these can often be removed by removing the screws, but check your model to be sure.

2 Look at the knot used to fix the rope of starter broken to the pulley. Also note the number of times the starter pull cable wraps around the pulley. You will be imitating this configuration later in the repair process. Untie the broken starter rope from the starter pulley and discard it.

How to repair a lawn mower

3 cut a new length of the spool starter cable. Use your old boot pull as a guide for length.

4 Place the new pull-starter rope. Tie one end of the rope into the hole through which the old rope was tied to the pulley. Make sure you use a sturdy knot as to keep the pull starter cable slipping through the hole.

5 Place the starter hitch around the starter pulley the same number of times as the old starter hitch was wrapped around (twice around most machines).

6 Replace covers. Pass the other end of the rope through the hole in the top of the pulley starter cover (if present). Then replace the pulley cover. Pass the end of the string through the hole in the top of your lawn mower cover. Replace the cover.

7 starting force test and pulley. Keep the thread on the handle of the lawnmower where the engine is usually started. Pull the cable to start the motor to ensure the pulley recoils correctly. If the engine does not start, remove the covers again and try to wrap the starter hitch around the starter pulley once more.

8 One end of cable to pulley handle. First of all, observe how the broken end of the starter pulley is attached to the handle. Then untie or cut the trash to remove it. Replace the starter pull on the handle by imitating the fashion by attaching the previous pull.

How to repair a starter rope in a lawn mower

How to repair a starter rope in a lawn mower

Surprisingly, the starter rope for most gas-powered lawn mowers is not the element that most often needs repairs. It is fairly protected from damage by plastic or metal plate covering the top of the motor. It is possible, however, for the rope to free itself from the pulley, or even fray and lace. In both cases, replacement for a new, pristine rope is better than trying to reconnect or splice together from an existing one.

1 Remove the top cover. For most mowers, the deck has a clip-based release mechanism or a series of screws that must be removed to reach the pulley and starter rope. To mount the Bolt, a set of tubes is the fastest way to remove them.

2 Rewind the pulley and the spring force to extend completely. Use a clamp to hold it in place and gain access to the pulley where it aligns with the hole.

How to repair a lawn mower

3 Remove the old cable if it is still connected, and clean the feed area of the pulley and line. If the old cable is reusable, it may reconnect; Otherwise, use a new traction cable. Connect one end of the string to the inside of the pulley and a knot to hold it in place, then roll the rest of the cable around the power base.

4 Push the other end of the new rope through the hole in the cover plate using a thin screwdriver. Lubricate the steering wheel and any other areas you may need while the lid is open. Remove the clamp and let the spring relax. Hold the end of the rope and allow it to retract slowly in the feeding area.

5 Replace the top cover and reconnect the fastening screws or clamps. Pull the cable at once to make sure there is no slack in the line. Inserting the end of the line into the traction handle is supplied with the new cable. Tie a knot in the handle, and let go of the line to make sure the winds back and stop at the handle.

6 Pull the cable a couple of times, slowly so that the motor does not start. This will work no lubrication on the components and also check that the cable is working well. Trim any excess cable near the handle, and when satisfied, start the engine with the new cable.
Tips and warnings

  •     If the existing cable has loosened but is still in good condition, still consider replacing it with a new one, as long as it is going to work inside the casing. This will help safeguard against a second subsequent repair.
  •     Before working on the lawnmower, place a block of wood between the blade and the frame, and disconnect the spark plug ignition wire for safety.
  •     Be careful not to let the starter rope snap back into the mower when the spring is released. This could damage the rope.

Electric starter breaks in a lawn mower

Electric starter breaks in a lawn mower

An electric start switch has become the standard equipment on all new lawn mowers and many push cutting machines as well. Just turn a key or push a button is more convenient than spending your time and YanKing effort of a rope. The problem is that, like anything mechanical, it sometimes breaks the electric starter of your lawn mower and the engine does not start. If you are a bit skillful with the tools, there is a good chance that you can solve the problem by yourself and even replace the drive if necessary.


If the electrical start mechanism is not working, there are three areas of potential problems you should investigate. The first is when nothing happens when the switch is turned on. The second is that if you run the starter but it does not fit the engine. The last scenario occurs when the starter is coupled but cannot turn the mower motor on. By analyzing exactly what happens when the switch is turned on, you can quickly isolate the possible problem.

How to repair a lawn mower


Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing going on when you turn on the electric starter, which usually means there are problems somewhere in the electrical system that range from a dead battery to broken or burned connections or components. Testing the circuits and battery lets you know when the system has failed. A considerable amount of electricity is required to operate the solenoid and starter motor. During the summer season, especially, the cutting battery may need frequent loading to remain complete.

Dirt and corrosion

Dirt or corrosion can prevent proper connection from occurring on your electric starter, resulting in a starter that is coupled but a mower motor that does not. The fact that the starter is spinning is a good sign that the battery is strong. At this point, a simple dissimulation of the electric starter unit and a thorough cleaning of all that could be enough to make it work again. If you're not sure you have the mechanical capabilities to accomplish this, the local small engine repair specialist will probably be delighted to help you out.


The main noises of the electric starter are not a good sign, especially if it doesn't work the next time you try to shoot up. There is a good chance that something serious has gone wrong and it is not necessary to invest the time or effort to repair it. Electric starter units are not expensive or difficult to install. Often, repairing an old switch costs more than buying the whole product. In that case, you should put it out and go ahead with the business of making your patio look stunning. If you are not sure of the magnitude of the damage, make your small motor specialist take a look at it.

How to repair an electric clutch lawn mower

How to repair an electric clutch lawn mower

An electrical clutch is located inside a lawn mower. The work of the clutch is to allow the blades of the lawn mower to participate. Although this form of clutch is built for wear and tear, it may sometimes be necessary to repair or replace the electrical clutch to continuously use your mower. Repairs usually consist of re-establishing the clutch. However, a clutch should not be completely replaced.

1 put on your safety gloves.

2 Observe the clutch to see if it needs to be replaced or if something is obstructing its correct operation. When using the clutch, to hear loud noises or to see if the clutch is slipping. If any of these happen, you will need to replace your clutch completely.

3 Turn off the driving lawn mower and allow the engine to cool before locating the electrical clutch. Allow up to 2 hours for the lawnmower motor to cool completely to avoid serious injury.

How to repair a lawn mower

4 Park The mower on a flat surface, and remove the motor cover. Use a wrench to remove the negative wire from the lawn mower battery.

5 Place a cat under the lawn mower and use it to raise the mower. Position is located below the mower. Then lower the lawn mower down into the grandstand.

6 Locate the wire harness and remove the clutch connection. Loosen the belt tension bolt, and disconnect the drive belt from the pulley.

7 use of compressed air or a hair dryer, directed to the area where the clutch is going, to ensure that it is free of debris.

8 Place the new clutch in place of the old clutch and tighten the screw to secure it to the crankshaft. Replace the wiring, then lift the lawnmower and remove the jack supports.

9 Lower the lawnmower, and replace the battery wire and cap.

Troubleshooting an electrical clutch in a mower with a seat

Troubleshooting an electrical clutch in a mower with a seat

The electric clutch on a lawnmower controls the mower blade coupling so you can mow the lawn. The clutch may fail and the mower blades may become unusable. It can locate and resolve the electric clutch of the tractor mower to itself, avoiding costly repair professional.

1 turn off the driving lawn mower and allow the motor to cool for several minutes.

2 Open the front motor cover on the tractor mower.

3 Locate the handwheel on the lawnmower motor. The flywheel is a large circular part on the rear of the motor that is covered with an iron cover is fixed with screws. Remove these screws with a socket wrench.

How to repair a lawn mower

4 Remove the flywheel cover now that the lid has loosened from the bolt removal.

5 Check that the fins on the outside of the flywheel. These cover the upper part of the electric clutch shaft. If there is any burr that has formed on the fins, present it to the trash using a hand file.

6 Adjust the flywheel cover in place and re-insert your bolts with your socket wrench.

7 Try to run the lawn mower and engage your shovels. If the blades are not yet involved, remove the wheel cover as you did before.

8 Place a flywheel pulley on the flywheel. Place the pulley on the tractor wheel and lower the pulley arms on the outside sides of the flywheel.

9 Use your socket wrench to tighten the center pin of the pulley until the tractor's steering wheel is completely free of the engine due to pressure.

10 Find the oil sump at the bottom of the motor and remove the screws that hold it. Set the oil sump aside. This reveals the lower part of the electric clutch shaft of the lawnmower.

11 Remove all screws on the clutch shaft using the socket wrench. Save screws for later.

12 Use a rubber mallet to hit the center of the motor at the point where the flywheel was removed. This will cause the clutch shaft to appear.

13 Place a new clutch shaft in the position left vacant by the old one on the Mower tractor motor. Replace the screws on the shaft with the help of your wrench.

14 Follow the oil sump and the flywheel disassembly steps in reverse order to rebuild the engine.

As an electrical wiring test in a lawn mower

As an electrical wiring test in a lawn mower

An electric lawn mower uses electricity to drive the motor that spins the blades to cut grass. You can test the current flowing through the lawn mower by hooking a multimeter to it. Multimeters are available in a hobby shop or electronics store. The lawn mower's power switch needs to be partially disassembled to run this test.

1 Disconnect the power cord from the electric lawn mower from the AC outlet. Place the cable at your side so that it cannot be accidentally plugged in again.

2 Loosen the two screws on the power switch on the lawn mower handle-use a Phillips jewel screwdriver or Torx driver to do this, depending on the machine manufacturer. Pull the handle switch.

How to repair a lawn mower

3 Turn the knob on the multimeter to be against the "ohm" labeled text. Place one of the two probes connected to the multimeter against one of the two screws on the switch that has electrical wires wrapped around it. Place the other probe of the multimeter against the other screw.

4 An assistant plug the Lawn mower power plug into the outlet and activate the power switch on.

5 See the needle on the back and forth multimeter Swing on the panel. Let the needle settle so that the tip can be read against the numbers printed on the scale on the panel. If a reading of approximately "0" (zero) is being read by the needle, the current is passed through the electrical wires; If the reading is not more or less "0" (zero), then there is a problem with the electrical cables and you have to fix the mower to discover the origin of the problem.

6 make the wizard turn off the switch. Remove the probes from the switch. Disconnect the power cord from the lawn mower from the outlet. Replace the switch on the handle.
Tips and warnings

  •     Never touch the contacts of a switch with your fingers.