Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How to replace a starter rope in a lawn mower

How to replace a starter rope in a lawn mower

Do not allow a broken starter cord to mow your garden on a sunny summer day. When the lawn mower cord snaps, it will break right in the middle of the first pull. Instead of hiring an expensive maintenance staff to fix it, or taking the time out of your day to take it to a repair shop, replace the starter cord yourself and save time and money.

1 Inspect the lawn mower's cord housing. You will need a plug or screwdriver to loosen the bolts or screws that hold the rope in place.

2 Observe the metal wheel. The other half of the rope wraps around this wheel, which acts like a pulley for the lawn mower. With a wrench, loosen the screw that holds the wheel in place. When the wheel is removed, the coiled spring, which winds the rope automatically will come out with it.

How to repair a lawn mower

3 Pull the old rope out. Cut the rope from using a knife as it will be more likely to be a knot. Remember, it forms the rope wraps around the pulley; You're going to install the new cable in the same way.

4 Attach the new cable to the wheel. Then wrap the rope around the wheel. Place mower rear wheel, bolt in place and tighten. To make sure it is working properly before reinstalling the box, pull the rope gently to make sure it is pulled slowly and then let the wind up.

5 Take the end of the rope and pull it through the hole in the box where the original rope was. If the new cable does not include a new shooter, take the old one and tie it to the end of the rope. Sometimes the new string will be longer than the old wire; It can be cut to fit into this scenario.

6 Place the bobbin housing back and screw in place.
Tips and warnings

  •     Remember to turn the lawnmower before attempting to replace the starter cord.