Friday, May 24, 2019

Root Vitality Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides, Grass Fed, Premium Quality Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Easily Dissolves, Keto & Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO, 300 Grams

Root Vitality Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides, Grass Fed, Premium Quality Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Easily Dissolves, Keto & Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO, 300 Grams

7 benefits of taking daily collagen

Although we can take it in the form of supplements, the best way to consume collagen and obtain all its benefits is through foods that include it naturally

Every day, especially in ads for cosmetic products, we hear that taking collagen is very beneficial. We can also find it in foods naturally.

But do you really know what it is and what does it help you? Here we will tell you, so keep reading and then include it in your diet.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a substance that influences the formation of bones, cartilage and skin, giving them strength and endurance. It is vital both for development and for maintaining health. However with the passage of time its production is reduced.

So, it is normal that, as you get older, your collagen levels decrease causing bone problems, wrinkles in the skin and clicks in the joints.

Root Vitality Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides, Grass Fed, Premium Quality Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Easily Dissolves, Keto & Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO, 300 Grams
Root Vitality Collagen Powder, Collagen Peptides, Grass Fed, Premium Quality Collagen Protein, Pasture Raised, Easily Dissolves, Keto & Paleo Friendly, Non-GMO, 300 Grams

1. Helps exercise be better utilized by the body

The first benefit of taking daily collagen is that, being present in the correct amount, it facilitates the formation of muscle.

This means that:

  •     You will need to exercise less to improve your muscle tone and burn fat.
  •     Your body will recover more easily after intense workouts.
  •     You will be less likely to suffer injuries because your muscles will be stronger and more resistant.

But for these benefits to be complete you need a balanced diet, especially to consume proteins obtained from lean meats and fish.

On the other hand, you should not stop exercising just because you consume collagen.

2. Prevents the formation of scars

Surely you have noticed that many of the cosmetic products that promise to eliminate scars announce their high content of collagen.

This is because this element favors the healing and creation of new cells without damaging the tissues of the skin.

If you are a person prone to experiencing acne or other types of injuries , you can include collagen and foods rich in it in your daily diet to improve the state of the lesions and reduce scars and stretch marks.
3. Improve joint health
Joint pain

Another reason to take collagen is that it maintains the flexibility and lubrication of the joints. In addition, it maintains the cartilages in optimal conditions.

    When your joints are healthy, you are more elastic and flexible , so you will suffer less injuries.
    In case you notice your joints clicking frequently, you have pain or you fracture frequently, including a supplement on a regular basis can be very beneficial.

In some situations, doctors recommend the injection of new cartilage . If it is your case, support that effort by consuming enough daily collagen.
4. Maintains the elasticity of the skin

The structure of the skin depends to a large extent on collagen. As you age, your skin deteriorates forming wrinkles and imperfections appear.

To contribute an extra of collagen to your skin will serve to prevent its appearance especially because inevitably we expose ourselves to harmful factors such as:

  •     Snuff smoke.
  •     The ultraviolet radiation.
  •     Pollution.

5. It helps you stay satiated

If you are looking to lose weight naturally and without risking your health you should know that collagen powder provides high amounts of protein.

When you combine it with your favorite smoothies or drinks you will notice that it does not change the flavors but it keeps you sated for more hours .

Try the following option as breakfast:

  •     2 tablespoons of collagen powder (30 g)
  •     1 tablespoon oat flakes (15 g)
  •     1 spoonful of cocoa powder (15 g)
  •     ½ cup baby spinach (30 g)
  •     1 cup of almond milk (250 ml)
  •     1 spoonful of honey (25 g)


    Blend all the ingredients and drink immediately.

This smoothie is a good option if you have a hard time dieting because you miss sweet foods .

It is also perfect if your son refuses to eat vegetables and does not want anything other than his chocolate smoothie. In your case, you can decrease the amount of spinach.
6. Avoid cardiovascular diseases

Another benefit of taking daily collagen is that it maintains the elasticity of the valves of the blood and lymphatic vessels that naturally break down over time.

This means that it facilitates the cleaning of the organism and reduces the risks of suffering from increases in blood pressure.

Remember that in addition to including collagen in your diet , you need to monitor what you eat and avoid harmful fats.

7. Taking daily collagen contributes to visual health

Physiology of chromatic vision

When you consume collagen, you favor that your eyes stay in shape and deteriorate more slowly. In addition, the health of the cornea improves considerably.

  Therefore, we recommend it if you need to wear glasses or if your ophthalmologist has detected signs of glaucoma.

Also, remember to eat foods that improve the health of your eyes (such as carrots) and protect your eyes from UV rays and pollution.
How to take daily collagen?

The best option to take collagen will always be through food. Remember that these should be as natural as possible.

Some of them are:

  •     Green vegetables (broccoli, c ol, spinach, lettuce)
  •     Spinach
  •     Sardines
  •     Cucumber
  •     Strawberries
  •     Oysters
  •     Chicken
  •     Fish

Other options are collagen powder, capsules or pills. Although they are not ideal, they are a good option if you know that your diet is deficient or that it has been.

Whenever you suspect that you need to contribute more collagen to your body or that you decide to start taking a supplement you should consult your doctor or nutritionist. It will help you choose the most suitable and the ideal dose for you.