Tuesday, May 28, 2019

BE HERBAL Organic Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - The Most Potent Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids - Enhanced with Ginger Extract - 120 Veg Capsules

BE HERBAL Organic Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - The Most Potent Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids - Enhanced with Ginger Extract - 120 Veg Capsules
BE HERBAL Organic Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - The Most Potent Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids - Enhanced with Ginger Extract - 120 Veg Capsules

Turmeric useful properties. The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes.

What is turmeric, and what is it like?

What is a turmeric? In fact, it is a plant that can be classified as a spice because it belongs to the Ginger family. Both in appearance, and on taste qualities the plant resembles a saffron – therefore one time it was even called "Indian Saffron". The fact is that the trees of turmeric are in south-east India-and when a few centuries ago the seasoning first came to Europe, the merchants gave it such a name to attract the attention of buyers.

In the "Wild" form of turmeric is a tree capable of reaching two meters in height. It can be found on oval long leaves of green color and very beautiful purple flowers. However, its main value lies in the roots-it is the tubers of the plant are subjected to special treatment, which results in a spice.

However, turmeric is not only a spice, but also a dye, and quite strong. The powder from tubers of a plant possesses not only the expressed pleasant aroma, but also saturated red-orange colour. That is why turmeric plays a dual role in cooking – it gives the dish a spicy spicy taste and can simultaneously tint it, providing the product with an unusual appearance.

At the moment, turmeric is not a culinary rarity-the plant is grown in many countries of the world, not only in India, but also in South America, the Philippines, Taiwan. So the spice is quite inexpensive.

It is possible to find turmeric in shops and on the markets in two kinds — it is sold as its one-piece root, and already crushed powder. What is the best choice? It depends on your goals, preferences and culinary abilities-if you intend to use the seasoning in cooking.

However, if you decide to buy the root turmeric, then make sure that it is fresh enough. It is useless to look at this color-pronounced yellow-orange shade of a tuber of a plant does not change practically under any circumstances. About the quality of the root will tell its density-fresh tuber must be firm, rigid and without any external defects.

It is better to use the bought root as soon as possible-while it still retains freshness. But the finished powder is kept for quite a long time-a specific period is indicated on the package, and it is to look at it when buying a ground tool. But usually the shelf life is not less than two years.

That during all this time the ground seasoning remained as it is possible tastier and sated, it is recommended to store it not in a store packing, and in a separate bank under a lid-so the smell of seasoning will not be weathered and will not mix with other aromas.

Useful properties and areas of application

Of course, its popularity seasoning owes not only to the original spicy taste. It is also very useful – therefore it is actively used in cosmetology and medical purposes.

The composition of turmeric includes the most necessary for human health vitamins and trace elements. It is iron and calcium, phosphorus and iodine, vitamins B and C-and also quite rare vitamin K. Regular use of this spice improves the complexion, beneficially affects the intestines, restores the normal balance of sugar in the blood. Like many other spices, seasoning has a "warming" effect on the body-improves blood circulation and accelerates metabolism.

What diseases should be included in the permanent diet?

First of all, it is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that the seasoning affects the body quite carefully-its use does not lead to the fact that in place of one cured disease immediately occur several others.
Turmeric is a antiholesterinovoe and dietary remedy. It can and should be used in diabetes and overweight problems, metabolic disorders. Seasoning helps to establish a quick withdrawal of toxins and slags from the body.
Seasoning is recommended for use with a variety of colds and viruses. It relieves inflammatory processes and fights against temperature, effectively strengthening immunity.
Anti-inflammatory properties of seasoning help to significantly alleviate the condition of arthritis and arthrosis. In addition, a very useful plant will also be for those who suffer from gum disease-it strengthens tissues, eliminates bleeding, does not allow to develop infections.

Doctors recognize that turmeric and its extracts provide effective assistance in the treatment of oncological diseases. Of course, the root of turmeric alone is incapable of coping with cancer — but it has a noticeable positive effect on the overall condition of the body, prevents the spread of the affected cells, facilitates and activates the rehabilitation process after Chemotherapy procedures.

Contraindications to the use of spices

Like any other means, turmeric has certain contraindications. Let's list the main ones.

Individual allergy. If previously you did not have to try turmeric, do not hurry to generously add it to the prepared dish-first take a very small portion and check that your body will not react to the seasoning negatively.
Gastrointestinal diseases are chronic and in a state of exacerbation. Gastritis, gastritis, ulcers of duodenum and stomach, pancreatitis — all these illnesses are characterized by hypersensitivity of the organism to irritating substances. And the spicy seasoning, certainly, belongs to such category. Kurkumu is better to use in poorly expressed disorders and short-term ailments.
Problems with bile and gallstones. Seasoning is a fairly potent bile agent. Such its property will be useful for a healthy person — but in a chronic patient the use of seasoning can lead to the movement of stones, blockage of biliary canals and strong pain.
Tachycardia. Since turmeric "accelerates" circulation, the presence of this spice in food can cause increased heartbeat.

In addition, turmeric in any case is not recommended to eat in the evening-most likely, spicy and spicy dinner will prevent you to sleep quietly. It should also be remembered that turmeric is better not to "mix" with drugs-with one of them it can enter into conflict, and the action of others will multiply, which does not benefit the body. If you, taking medications, would like to include in your diet turmeric, it will be very good to consult with your doctor.

How to use the seasoning in cooking?

So we found out that regular use of turmeric in food brings undoubted benefits to the body. But how exactly is the plant used in cooking?

A very important point must be stressed immediately. Turmeric is not an independent dish-it always acts as a seasoning, spice, spices. It should be added to food in the most minimal quantities-literally a pinch of ground powder per serving, calculated for the whole family.

Unlike some other plants from the family of ginger, this seasoning is used as an additive to the first and second dishes-to baking and desserts do not add it. But vegetables, meat and soups with turmeric acquire piquant taste, appetizing smell and pleasant golden color.

Especially often turmeric serves as a seasoning for tender and juicy chicken meat. Golden Shade looks especially nice on white chicken breasts and fillet-turmeric in some or other quantities contains almost any ready seasoning for chicken, sold in stores. But by acquiring ground turmeric, you can only use this spice in cooking-and do not interrupt its taste and aroma with other spices.
Kurkumu is used in the preparation of vegetable dishes and complex garnars. The additive will give a juicy golden color to the baked potato, would be appropriate in dishes with boiled or stewed cabbage, legumes and lentils. Kurkumu can be added to pilaf-it will color yellow as rice, and pieces of meat.
Finally, a small amount of turmeric can be put in the soup. Probably, each mistress dreams to learn to prepare soups with a pleasant golden shade of broth-one sight on such dish already awakens appetite. Seasoning will give the soup the desired color-as well as juicy aroma and interesting taste.

Speaking about the use of turmeric in cookery, it is necessary to mention its dietary qualities. What are they?

Of course, there is no "diet on turmeric" in nature. But regular addition of spices in the usual dishes really promotes weight loss, and here is why:

First, this spice reduces appetite-and consequently, from the observance of the diet you do not distract the constant feeling of hunger;
Secondly, it significantly accelerates the metabolism-therefore, the body quickly removed slag and more efficiently split fats;
and thirdly, it simply makes the most delicious boring dietary dishes — therefore, the strict regime of food ceases to be perceived as torment, and the risk of so-called "breakdowns" from the diet disappears.

How is turmeric used in cosmetology?

We have examined, in what illnesses the plant can have useful influence-and also have learnt, where and how it apply in cookery. It remains to touch another area of use of this seasoning-cosmetology.

Turmeric is actively used in masks for the face-moisturizing, cleansing, rejuvenating. Useful substances that are part of the root of this plant, have a wonderful effect on the skin, not only in the internal use of turmeric, but also in the external application of it on the face.

However, it is necessary to remember that seasoning remains quite strong dye. Therefore, its content in any mask should be minimal-and the remedy is always combined with other natural drugs.

What masks of turmeric are most popular?

Turmeric with tea tree oil. This mask will help to cope with acne rash on the face. A pinch of powder is mixed with 8 – 10 drops of essential oil, stirred to a homogeneous condition and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.
Turmeric with curd and sandalwood powder. This mask also has a cleansing and antiseptic effect, helping to fight acne and acne. Half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder mixed with a pinch of seasoning, the mixture is added two large spoons of low-fat curd-and the mixed agent is applied to the face, also no more than 15 minutes.
Turmeric with dry milk and water. This mask will be useful for excessively dry skin. The ingredients are taken in the proportion of teaspoon to the tablespoon, diluted with liquid to viscous condition.
Turmeric with lemon juice and egg yolk. A pinch of powder seasoning is blended with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a raw yolk and stirred to a homogeneous condition. This mask refreshes the skin of the face, softens it and makes it firmer.

Masks using a small amount of turmeric are suitable for almost all types of skin-normal, dry and oily. The substance well relieves irritation and inflammation, normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, accelerates the process of cell renewal-due to which the face becomes younger and disappear fine wrinkles. The plant powder, mixed with cream, improves the complexion, returning it a healthy hue.

Finally, turmeric is an effective means to whiten teeth at home. Yellow powder of this plant does not darken the teeth, and vice versa-returns them a healthy and natural color. How to use the seasoning for such purposes?

First, you can prepare a special pasta from turmeric. It is usually added to it and coconut oil-also a good natural bleach. Turmeric powder take quite a bit-a quarter of a teaspoon, then add a few drops of oil and stir to the consistency of the paste. Further paste is applied on a brush or directly on a teeth, carefully rubbed-and is left for some minutes. After that the mouth is rinsed with warm water-and according to the reviews, the difference becomes noticeable after the first or second cleansing.
Secondly, it is possible to prepare a mix for rinsing-for this purpose half of a small spoon of a powder turmeric add in a glass, half filled with water. The resulting mixture must rinse the mouth after each brushing teeth.
And thirdly, turmeric can be just chewed. This will require no more powder, and a fresh root-to chew it for a couple of minutes, and then spit out.

Turmeric not only eliminates plaque that gives teeth the gall, but also helps to fight the problem gums. In periodontitis and periodontal rinse the mouth with a solution of turmeric disinfect the mouth cavity, strengthen the gums, eliminate bad breath and relieve pain.

Turmeric useful properties. The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes.

Turmeric useful properties, application, treatment, that's exactly what we will talk about today. Today the useful properties of turmeric are recognized all over the world. Turmeric is a plant. And from its root do here such spicy spice, in fact, turmeric is one of kinds of ginger. The composition of turmeric includes essential oil, tolerant, dye curcumin (soluble in fats and alcohol, not soluble in water), vitamins in, B1, B2, B2, B6, В9, E, C, K, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese. In 100 grams of turmeric contains about 350 kcal.

Turmeric is such a yellow, you can say a solar seasoning, which gives not only the aroma of dishes, but also a unique color. Use this spice in cooking, in cosmetology, in folk medicine. Turmeric is a stimulating, aromatic plant that has a lot of useful properties. Has turmeric anti-inflammatory, ansepticaschimi, disinfectant, antioxidant properties. Perhaps the most important thing is that turmeric is a natural antibiotic, and what are the natural antibiotics and how to apply them, with this information can be found in my article "natural antibiotics and their use." But let's look at useful Properties of turmeric details.

Turmeric Useful properties

Turmeric cleans the blood well.
It is a tonic.
Turmeric supports normal intestinal microflora.
Stimulates digestion processes.
Turmeric protects our vessels from atherosclerosis.
Removes turmeric toxins from the liver.
Turmeric reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood.
Turmeric is useful in constipation.
Turmeric calms the cough.
Will apply turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, sore throat.
Turmeric normalizes blood composition and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.
Turmeric reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
Turmeric can be added to food rich in protein, it improves digestion processes and also prevents the formation of gases.
Kurkumu used in bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors, has an antiseptic and healing properties.
The turmeric with cholocystite is useful, it possesses zhelchegonnym and bile-forming properties.
Turmeric strengthens the heart muscle, is useful for the work of the heart.
Turmeric reduces headaches.
Turmeric strengthens immunity.
Turmeric helps to remove toxins from our body.
Turmeric is a strong antiseptic.
Turmeric helps in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Turmeric stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Turmeric reduces pain and inflammatory processes in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.
Turmeric helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a potent antioxidant.
Turmeric relieves inflammation of gums, strengthens gums, reduces bleeding gums.
Turmeric is a good way to preserve youth and beauty.
Turmeric helps with eye inflammation.
Turmeric promotes good metabolism.
It is indispensable for skin diseases and burns.
Turmeric is rich in iron, so it is not replaceable in case of anemia.
Turmeric is added to food at poisoning, as it removes chemicals from the body.
Turmeric protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs.
Turmeric fever.
Turmeric reduces blood sugar.
Turmeric relieves pain associated with arthritis.
Turmeric helps the body to split fatty foods.
Turmeric increases appetite.

Turmeric as a spice is recommended to include in the diet of the family, the most optimal is 1 teaspoon turmeric per day. But remember, turmeric is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.
