Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

10 foods that contain magnesium and collagen are in your diet?

Eating is an indispensable action for life. But, sometimes, the intense rhythms of day to day make us forget how much it is important not only to eat, but to nourish ourselves. Vitamins , minerals , proteins and all the nutrients present in food are essential for health.

In this post we focus on foods that contain magnesium and collagen. Take note and add them to your diet for a better quality of life!

Why is it important to take foods that contain magnesium and collagen?

Collagen is an indispensable protein for life . It is the most abundant in our body and responsible for the elasticity of the skin , the resistance of the bones, the health of the joints, nails, hair, teeth, cornea and connective tissue.

For this reason it is considered an important nutrient for human health and well-being.

Magnesium is also essential to stay fit and healthy. In this case it is an essential macromineral that is found mostly in the bones and in lesser amount in soft tissues, blood and body fluids.

Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3
Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides(21oz) - Best Value?Non-GMO, Grass-Fed, Gluten-Free, Pasture Raised Cattle?Unflavored and Easy to Mix - 100% Pure Ultimate Collagen Powder Type 1&3

Foods with collagen and magnesium are highly recommended because of the synergy that exists between these two nutrients.

Magnesium is essential in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in our body, among which is the production of collagen.

So eating foods rich in collagen and magnesium is twice healthy, because they are a natural source of this protein and at the same time stimulate its production.

In addition, they represent a source of indispensable nutrients for those who practice sports .

foods that contain magnesium and collagen
10 foods that contain magnesium and collagen

The foods that contain collagen are especially those that contain protein: meats, fish and nuts. It is important to introduce them into the diet to maintain good levels of this protein in the body .

On many occasions, the same foods rich in collagen also contain magnesium. These are some examples:

  •     Seeds: especially pumpkin seeds.
  •     Nuts: nuts and cashews among others.
  •     Cow meat.
  •     Broth of bones .
  •     Salmon and blue fish in general represent a good source of collagen.
  •     Eggs
  •     Mussels
  •     Peanuts
  •     Jelly.
  •     Legumes, rich in glycine, the most abundant amino acid in the chains that make up collagen.

Remember that other foods such as oranges, kiwi, strawberries and citrus, thanks to its high contribution in magnesium and vitamin C promote the production of collagen. So you can combine them with those ingredients rich in collagen to increase their benefits for the skin and your health.

foods that contain magnesium and collagen

If on a daily basis it is difficult for you to add foods with magnesium and collagen in your dishes, do not worry. The smoothies and juices with seasonal ingredients are perfect to guarantee your daily intake of these nutrients. You can choose a mix of fruits and vegetables rich in mineral salts, vitamins and fiber and mix a dose of hydrolyzed collagen for a rich and nutritious breakfast .

Magnesium and collagen are foods that are the basis of a balanced diet. A balanced diet is synonymous with health and well-being.

Colvitae supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen enriched with magnesium, vitamin C, calcium and hyaluronic acid help keep you in shape. Even when the rhythms of life make it more complicated to take care of your diet.