Thursday, May 23, 2019

SkinnyFit Super Youth: 5 Types of Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Powder Supplement for Joint & Bone Support, Glowing Skin, Strong Hair & Nails (58 Servings), Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Cage Free

SkinnyFit Super Youth: 5 Types of Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Powder Supplement for Joint & Bone Support, Glowing Skin, Strong Hair & Nails (58 Servings), Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Cage Free

When is it recommended to take collagen?

We have already spoken here on other occasions about sports and dietary supplements and, you know, I am not in favor of supplying ourselves without proper professional advice. My premise is that, before consuming any product of this type, we must study well if we really need it or if it could harm us rather than benefit; since, it is not necessary to forget that, in certain cases, it can be contraindicated for our organism. In this article I want you to understand what collagen is and in what cases its consumption can be really beneficial or, on the contrary, contraindicated.

SkinnyFit Super Youth: 5 Types of Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Powder Supplement for Joint & Bone Support, Glowing Skin, Strong Hair & Nails (58 Servings), Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Cage Free
SkinnyFit Super Youth: 5 Types of Collagen Peptides, Hydrolyzed Powder Supplement for Joint & Bone Support, Glowing Skin, Strong Hair & Nails (58 Servings), Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, Cage Free

What is collagen?

It is a protein of the body that is part of the connective tissue, being part of resistant and flexible fibers of the joints, bones, skin, muscles, tendons and that provides elasticity to our skin preventing sagging and wrinkles.

- Lee: Do you know how to take care of your joints?

How can we get collagen?

Actually, this protein is generated by our organism, only that, as we age, its synthesis gradually decreases, making it more necessary for it to be supplemented if it is more than 60 years old. It is very important to also take into account that to produce collagen, we need the supply of vitamins such as A and C, which can be found mainly in vegetables and fruits - citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, spinach ...-. Therefore, if supplemented with collagen, to achieve better results and a greater effect of the supplement, it is very important that it is accompanied by a balanced, varied and healthy diet.

Who should or should not take collagen?

The collagen supplement has few contraindications and should not affect health, vice versa; but we must be careful and be cautious and always ask a specialist before consuming it. In general, its consumption is advisable in professional athletes or people who train many hours a day. The reason is that physical activity causes a wear at the cartilaginous level that involves the joints, which can cause injuries such as chondromalacia, osteoarthritis, tendinitis ... And collagen could help in prevention. I would also recommend its consumption in elderly people (taking into account the precautions I explain in the next section) or suffering from diseases such as osteoarthritis; since it is proven that it improves joint function and can reduce pain. And, finally, in people who decide to take a vegan diet or low in proteins of animal origin.
Watch out!

  •     In the case of the elderly, it would be the ideal type of population for this supplement due to age, but they should always be careful in case of having some type of treatment with medication; since collagen can harm.
  •     Care also in diabetics.
  •     If we suffer gastric problems, we must observe their tolerance.
  •     Do not supplement for a long time; Rest every 2-3 months a minimum of one month and do not exceed the recommended dose of 10 grams a day. Do not consume in case of: phenylketonuria, hyperuricemia, renal or hepatic insufficiency.